Rack Power Distribution Unit—AP7551
This booklet provides information on installing and operating the
AP7551, a single-phase Rack Power Distribution Unit (PDU).
20 IEC-320-C13; 4 IEC-320-C19 outlets
IEC 309 plug

Quantity Item
2 Cord retention tray (with 8 flat-head screws
and 24 wire ties)
1 Basic and Metered PDU Utility CD
1 Warranty registration card
Tran sl ation s
Receiving inspection
Please recycle
This manual is available in English on the enclosed CD.
Dieses Handbuch ist in Deutsch auf der beiliegenden CD-ROM
Ce manuel est disponible en français sur le CD-ROM ci-inclus.
Questo manuale è disponibile in italiano nel CD-ROM allegato.
Instrukcja Obslugi w jêzyku polskim jest dostêpna na CD.
Este manual está disponible en español en el CD-ROM adjunto.
This manual is available in Turkish on the enclosed CD.
Inspect the package and contents for shipping damage, and make sure
that all parts were sent. Report any damage immediately to the shipping
agent, and report missing contents, damage, or other problems
immediately to APC or your APC reseller.
The shipping materials are recyclable. Please save them for
later use, or dispose of them appropriately.
InfraStruXure certified
This product is certified for use in InfraStruXure systems. See the
InfraStruXure Manager’s configuration instructions included with your
2 Rack Power Distribution Unit — AP7551

How to Install the PDU
Attach the cord
retention trays
Attach cords to the tray
Attach the cord retention trays to the PDU, using four flat-head screws
(provided) per tray.
Attach a cord to the tray by looping the cord and securing it to the tray,
using a wire tie (provided).
Mounting options
Each cord must be secured to the tray so that you can
unplug it from the
Install the PDU in the rear of the NetShelter VX Enclosure, in the cable
channel directly behind the rear vertical mounting rails. You can install
PDU in one of two ways: using toolless mounting pegs (provided) or
the mounting brackets (sold separately).
You can order a rack-mount bracket kit from APC
PDU without removing the wire tie.
Rack Power Distribution Unit — AP7551 3

How to Install the PDU
Toolless mounting
1. Slide the mounting pegs into the holes located in the channel in the
rear panel of the enclosure.
2. Snap the
PDU into place by pushing it downward until it locks into
You can mount two PDUs on one side of the enclosure by
using the toolless mounting method.
4 Rack Power Distribution Unit — AP7551