Anritsu HFE0903 RaabPart3

34 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
RF and Microwave Power Amplifier and Transmitter Technologies —
Part 3
he building blocks used in transmit-
ters are not only power amplifiers, but a variety of other circuit elements including oscil­lators, mixers, low-level amplifiers, filters, match­ing networks, combiners, and circulators. The
arrangement of building blocks is known as the architecture of a transmitter. The classic transmitter architecture is based upon linear PAs and power combiners. More recently, transmitters are being based upon a variety of different architectures including stage bypassing, Kahn, envelope tracking, outphas­ing, and Doherty. Many of these are actually fairly old techniques that have been recently made practical by the capabilities of DSP.
The conventional architecture for a linear microwave transmitter consists of a baseband or IF modulator, an up-converter, and a power­amplifier chain (Figure 20). The amplifier chain consists of cascaded gain stages with power gains in the range of 6 to 20 dB. If the transmitter must produce an amplitude-mod­ulated or multi-carrier signal, each stage must have adequate linearity. This generally requires class-A amplifiers with substantial power back-off for all of the driver stages. The final amplifier (output stage) is always the most costly in terms of device size and current consumption, hence it is desirable to operate the output stage in class B. In applications requiring very high linearity, it is necessary to use class A in spite of the lower efficiency.
The outputs of a driver stage must be matched to the input of the following stage much as the final amplifier is matched to the load. The matching tolerance for maintaining power level can be significantly lower than that for gain [60], hence the 1-dB load-pull contours are more tightly packed for power than for gain.
To obtain even modest bandwidths (e.g., above 5 percent), the use of quadrature bal­anced stages is advisable (Figure 21). The main benefit of the quadrature balanced con­figuration is that reflections from the transis­tors are cancelled by the action of the input and output couplers. An individual device can therefore be deliberately mismatched (e.g., to achieve a power match on the output), yet the quadrature-combined system appears to be well-matched. This configuration also acts as an effective power combiner, so that a given power rating can be achieved using a pair of devices having half of the required power per­formance. For moderate-bandwidth designs, the lower-power stages are typically designed using a simple single-ended cascade, which in some cases is available as an RFIC. Designs with bandwidths approaching an octave or
Transmitter architectures is
the subject of this install-
ment of our continuing
series on power amplifiers,
with an emphasis on
designs that can meet
today’s linearity and high
efficiency requirements
Figure 20 · A conventional transmitter.
3-stage PA
From September 2003 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2003 Summit Technical Media, LLC
36 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
more require the use of quadrature­balanced stages throughout the entire chain.
Simple linear-amplifier chains of this kind have high linearity but only modest efficiency. Single-carrier applications usually operate the final amplifier to about the 1-dB compres­sion point on amplitude modulation peaks. A thus-designed chain in which only the output stage exhibits compression can still deliver an ACPR in the range of about –25 dBc with 50-percent efficiency at PEP.
Two practical problems are fre­quently encountered in the design of linear PA chains: stability and low gain. Linear, class-A chains are actu­ally more susceptible to oscillation due to their high gain, and single­path chains are especially prone to unstable behavior. Instability can be subdivided into the two distinct cate­gories: Low-frequency oscillation and in-band instability. In-band instabili­ty is avoided by designing the indi­vidual gain stages to meet the crite­ria for unconditional stability; i.e., the Rollet k factor [61] must be greater than unity for both in-band and out-of-band frequencies. Meeting this criterion usually requires sacri­ficing some gain through the use of absorptive elements. Alternatively, the use of quadrature balanced stages provides much greater isola­tion between individual stages, and the broadband response of the quadrature couplers can eliminate the need to design the transistor
stage itself with k>1. This is another reason for using quadrature coupled stages in the output of the chain.
Large RF power devices typically have very high transconductance, and this can produce low-frequency insta­bility unless great care is taken to terminate both the input and output at low frequencies with impedances for unconditional stability. Because of large separation from the RF band, this is usually a simple matter requir­ing a few resistors and capacitors.
At X band and higher, the power gain of devices in the 10 W and above category can drop well below 10 dB. To maintain linearity, it may be nec­essary to use a similarly size device as a driver. Such an architecture clearly has a major negative impact upon the cost and efficiency of the whole chain. In the more extreme cases, it may be advantageous to con­sider a multi-way power combiner, where 4, 8, or an even greater num­ber of smaller devices are combined. Such an approach also has other advantages, such as soft failure, bet­ter thermal management, and phase linearity. However, it typically con­sumes more board space.
The need frequently arises to combine the outputs of several indi­vidual PAs to achieve the desired transmitter output. Whether to use a number of smaller PAs vs. a single larger PA is one of the most basic decisions in selection of an architec-
ture [60]. Even when larger devices are available, smaller devices often offer higher gain, a lower matching Q factor (wider bandwidth), better phase linearity, and lower cost. Heat dissipation is more readily accom­plished with a number of small devices, and a soft-failure mode becomes possible. On the other hand, the increase in parts count, assembly time, and physical size are significant disadvantages to the use of multiple, smaller devices.
Direct connection of multiple PAs is generally impractical as the PAs interact, allowing changes in output from one to cause the load impedance seen by the other to vary. A constant load impedance, hence isolation of one PA from the other, is provided by a hybrid combiner. A hybrid combiner causes the difference between the two PA outputs to be routed to and dissipated in a balancing or “dump” resistor. In the event that one PA fails, the other continues to operate normally, with the transmitter out­put reduced to one fourth of nominal.
The most common power combin­er is the quadrature-hybrid combiner. A 90° phase shift is introduced at input of one PA and also at the out­put of the other. The benefits of quadrature combining include con­stant input impedance in spite of variations of input impedances of the individual PAs, cancellation of odd harmonics, and cancellation of back­ward-IMD (IMD resulting from a sig­nal entering the output port). In addition, the effect of load impedance upon the system output is greatly reduced (e.g., to 1.2 dB for a 3:1 SWR). Maintenance of a nearly con­stant output occurs because the load impedance presented to one PA decreases when that presented to the other PA increases. As a result, how­ever, device ratings increase and effi­ciency decreases roughly in propor­tion to the SWR [65]. Because quadrature combiners are inherently two-terminal devices, they are used in a corporate combining architecture
Figure 21 · Amplifier stages with quadrature combiners.
38 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
(Figure 21). Unfortunately, the physical construction of such couplers poses some problems in a PC-board envi­ronment. The very tight coupling between the two quar­ter-wave transmission lines requires either very fine gaps or a three-dimensional structure. This problem is circum­vented by the use of a miniature co-axial cable having a pair of precisely twisted wires to from the coupling sec­tion or ready-made, low-cost surface mount 3-dB couplers.
The Wilkinson or in-phase power combiner [62] is often more easily fabricated than a quadrature combiner. In the two-input form (as in each section in Figure 22), the outputs from two quarter-wavelength lines summed into load R
produce an apparent load impedance of 2R0, which is transformed through the lines into at the load impedances R
seen by the individual PAs. The differ­ence between the two PA outputs is dissipated in a resis­tor connected across the two inputs. Proper choice of the balancing resistor (2R
) produces a hybrid combiner with good isolation between the two PAs. The Wilkinson concept can be extended to include more than two inputs [63].
Greater bandwidth can be obtained by increasing the number of transforming sections in each signal path. A single-section combiner can have a useful bandwidth of about 20 percent, whereas a two-section version can have a bandwidth close to an octave. In practice, escalating cir­cuit losses generally preclude the use of more than two sections.
All power-combining techniques all suffer from circuit losses as well as mismatch losses. The losses in a simple two-way combiner are typically about 0.5 dB or 10 per­cent. For a four-way corporate structure, the intercon­nects typically result in higher losses. Simple open microstrip lines are too lossy for use in combining struc­tures. One technique that offers a good compromise among cost, produceability, and performance, uses sus­pended stripline. The conductors are etched onto double­sided PC board, interconnected by vias, and then sus-
pended in a machined cavity. Structures of this kind allow high-power 8-way combiners with octave bandwidths and of 0.5 dB.
A wide variety of other approaches to power-combin­ing circuits are possible [62, 64]. Microwave power can also be combined during radiation from multiple anten­nas through “quasi-optical” techniques [66].
The power amplifier in a portable transmitter gener­ally operates well below PEP output, as discussed in Section 4 (Part 1). The size of the transistor, quiescent current, and supply voltage are, however, determined by the peak output of the PA. Consequently, a PA with a lower peak output produces low-amplitude signals more efficiently than does a PA with a larger peak output, as illustrated in Figure 23 for class-B PAs with PEP effi­ciencies of 60 percent. Stage-bypassing and gate-switch­ing techniques [67, 68] reduce power consumption and increase efficiency by switching between large and small amplifiers according to signal level. This process is analo­gous to selection of supply voltage in a class-G PA, and the average efficiency can be similarly computed [69].
A typical stage-bypassing architecture is shown in Figure 24. For low-power operation, switches SA and SB route the drive signal around the final amplifier.
Figure 22 · Multi-section Wilkinson combining architecture.
Figure 23 · Power consumption by PAs of different sizes.
Figure 24 · Stage-bypassing architecture.
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