Anritsu HFE0902 EDATools

20 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
How to Get the Most from Today’s Advanced EDA Tools
By Gary Breed Editorial Director
his article covers two aspects of
Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools and how they are used. First, a number of sug­gestions are offered to help you use these tools more efficiently and effec­tively. Then we’ll describe
recent efforts by major EDA companies to make their software easier to use for both novice users and advanced designers.
EDA tools have become essential in the design of all electronic circuits and systems. It is a useful reminder to list the major reasons why they are so important:
EDA tools use the speed and power of com­puters—Of course, this is obvious. But, it is
still worth remembering that developing mathematical descriptions of physical phe­nomena is a serious research task, and cap­turing those increasingly complex mathemat­ics is a challenge for software developers.
They use the organizational power of com­puters—Once a project is underway, comput-
ers are an ideal way to store, track, analyze, print and share the results. Over the past few years, this part of EDA technology has improved dramatically.
They capture valuable knowledge of the technology—First, the results of research are
captured and coded by the EDA development team. Next, the computations are matched to the engineering design process through in­house testing and user feedback. Finally, the successful results of each user become a valu­able part of his or her company’s Intellectual Property (IP) resources.
One rule to remember
In my 30+ years of experience, I have heard the following advice many times, given by the best engineers: Computers don’t design, engineers do.
This statement does not mean that begin­ners should not rely on EDA tools to create new designs, or that we shouldn’t trust the results. After all, the experience of many bril­liant designers is embedded in these tools!
This rule is only meant to remind us of the classic computer problem of “garbage in = garbage out.” Even the best software will sometimes provide unworkable results. The user simply needs to have either the experi­ence or the supervision to confirm that the problems are properly set up and that the results are legitimate.
Here are tutorial-level
recommendations for users
of modern EDA tools, plus
a summary of EDA vendors’
efforts to help new and
experienced users achieve
success with their high
frequency designs
This month’s cover depicts some of the sim­ulations that an EDA user might perform.
From September 2002 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2002, Summit Technical Media, LLC
22 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
EDA usage recommendations
The following series of hints, reminders and suggestions has been developed over many years through the author’s involvement in the RF and microwave engineering profes­sion. These are not necessarily in a priority order:
First, understand the problem on paper—It is hard to perform any
engineering task without an orga­nized approach, and the EDA envi­ronment magnifies errors that arise from a poorly-conceived problem. There is an unconscious tendency to believe what the computer tells you, especially by others in your design team who may not be aware that your work is less well-defined than it should be.
Use your knowledge first, then add the knowledge contained in the soft­ware—This is an extension of the
above concept. The standard circuits available in the EDA tools’ libraries may be perfectly acceptable for por­tions of many designs, but it is impor­tant to understand when they are not. This requires in-depth knowl­edge of the tool and its capabilities. I have heard too many stories about engineers who simply use what’s available from the software because it’s easy, then let someone else fix it.
Keep the documentation current— This needs several exclamation points, according to top engineers. The latest versions of today’s EDA tools have better built-in data man­agement than earlier releases. But, it is too easy to discard previous itera­tions after they have been improved. A disk drive “file trail” is just as important as your engineering note­book’s “paper trail.” Engineers in small companies should beware; the discipline required to maintain good records is a special challenge, but the development of valuable intellectual property requires it.
Use the right tool for the job—This seems obvious, but in the heat of the battle to get a project completed, it may seem convenient to “get close
enough” with a simulation method that is not up to the task. When EDA vendors emphasize the need to aug­ment linear and non-linear circuit theory simulation with electromag­netic analysis, it’s not all sales pitch. This year’s designs are at higher fre­quencies than last year’s, and EM analysis is more important than ever to assure that the effects of physical size, layout and packaging are taken into account.
Tend to the design details—This covers a lot of scenarios, from choos­ing right type of segmentation for an EM analysis problem, to using the component model that has the neces­sary accuracy for your application. A current trend is for full-system simu­lation, where the size of the analysis problem is extremely large. It is essential that each part of the system is executed properly, since it affects the overall signal chain.
Finally, the pet peeve of more than a few engineering managers:
Use the optimizer last, not first— Yes, there has been much research into optimization algorithms that do not have false convergence at a “local minimum.” But, it is still important for an engineer to be close enough to the final answer before optimization to have full confidence that his tools have delivered the right answer.
There is an exception to this rule for the exploration of different topolo­gies. For example, an engineer might want to try out several matching net­works. A small-size problem can be quickly set up and run through the optimizer. The results can be com­pared to see which topology provides the necessary bandwidth, or if a good
match can be obtained using a config­uration with DC continuity for bias­ing. This trial result is then added to the larger circuit and thoroughly analyzed before a final optimization.
These recommendations are fun­damental instructions that we all learned long ago, yet are regularly forgotten or bypassed under the pres­sure to get the current job finished!
Taming Complexity, Connecting With Users
The headline on this issue’s cover refers to the efforts of EDA vendors to make their tools more accessible. The work toward making these increasingly complex tools “easier to use” focuses in these main areas: Helping novice users learn to use the software more quickly; making expe­rienced designers more productive; and helping design teams share results and handle large problems. These issues are at opposite ends of the user spectrum, but they repre­sent the reality of engineering—get­ting as much done as possible while remembering to bring the next gener­ation of designers up to speed.
The first area to note is the on­screen user interface. Placing menus, lists, plots, etc. in logical places on the screen is both an engineering and artistic challenge. That challenge continues with organizing the nested commands that are required to access the more detailed functions. All companies are working on this issue, each with variations in the approach. Users should carefully evaluate how easy it is to navigate around each vendor’s product.
In the area of help for new engi­neers, some EDA companies offer “student version” and “free trial” poli­cies. Ten years ago, this would have been heresy, since many users would simply rely on the limited-perfor­mance free versions. But those free versions, while useful for pieces of the design puzzle, fall far short of han­dling problems of significant size. However, they give students and
...the EDA environment
magnifies errors that
arise from a poorly-
conceived problem.
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