Anritsu HFE0902 Pengelly

26 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
Improving the Linearity and Efficiency of RF Power Amplifiers
Raymond S. Pengelly Cree Microwave
growing number of semiconductor
technologies are being applied to RF power transistor applica­tions. These technologies include Si LDMOS FET, SiGe HBT, InGaP HBT, GaAs MESFET, AlGaAs pHEMT, SiC MESFET
and AlGaN/GaN HEMT. The dependencies of linearity and efficiency of such technologies are often common, such as transconductance derivatives, capacitance variations, break­down effects and parasitic resistances. This article overviews the work that has been achieved to date to maximize linearity and efficiency in the most promising technologies, as related specifically to infrastructure appli­cations. The article also addresses the increas­ing number of device and circuit level tech­niques that are being used to enhance these two important parameters as required for IM3, ACPR and ACLR suppression in 3G sys­tems such as W-CDMA/UMTS.
This article focuses on high power (that is
greater than 10 watt) RF transistor technolo­gies where digital modulation techniques are demanding higher and higher peak-to-average ratios (PARs) and thus higher peak powers. Peak and average DC-to-RF efficiencies have become critical parameters, and much atten­tion is being focused in decreasing multi-carri­er intermodulation distortion, adjacent chan­nel power ratios (ACPRs) and adjacent chan­nel leakage ratios (ACLRs). Unfortunately, improving transistor linearity often leads to decreased efficiency which directly affects overall system efficiency, heat removal, size and cost.
Competing Technologies
The generation of solid state RF power has been in existence since the late 1960s when silicon bipolar transistors were introduced by such companies as TRW and RCA (ref. 1). Today there are a range of technologies avail­able, including silicon bipolar, silicon LDMOS FET, GaAs MESFET, GaAs pHEMT, AlGaAs/InGaAs HFET, GaAs, InP, InGaP and SiGe HBT as well as wide bandgap transistors such as SiC MESFET and AlGaN/GaN
This article describes
improvements in device
technology and design
techniques that will enable
power amplifiers with
higher efficiency and better
linearity performance —
at higher frequencies
Technology Price/Watt Power Supply Linearity Frequency PAE
Density Voltage
Si BJT Low Cost Medium 26 V Poor <2 GHz Low SiGe BJT Low Cost Medium <20 V Good >2 GHz High Si LDMOS Low Cost Low 26 V Very Good <3 GHz Medium GaAs MESFET Competitive Medium 12 V Good >2 GHz Medium GaAs pHEMT Medium Medium 8 V to 12 V Very Good >2 GHz High GaAs HBT Competitive High 8 V to 26 V Good >2 GHz High SiC MESFET Competitive Very High 48 V Good >4 GHz Medium GaN HEMT N/A Very High 48 V Promising >12 GHz High
Table 1 · Overview of competing solid-state RF power transistor technologies.
From September 2002 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2002, Summit Technical Media, LLC
28 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
HEMT. Table 1 presents a brief com­parative overview of some of these technologies. Figure 1 shows the trends in discrete transistor output powers and efficiencies as a function of frequency for HEMTs and HBTs. Single die peak powers for Si LDMOS FETs have reached greater than 60 watts at 2 GHz.
Of particular interest today are wide bandgap transistors such as sil­icon carbide (SiC) MESFETs and gal­lium nitride (GaN) HEMTs. Such transistors exhibit very high RF power densities (watts per mm of gate width) compared to any other technologies (by a factor of 10 over GaAs MESFET for example) (ref. 3 and 4).
Wide band-gap transistors fabri-
cated from 4H-SiC and AlGaN/GaN offer superior RF performance, par­ticularly at elevated temperatures, compared to comparable components fabricated from GaAs or Si. RF out­put powers on the order of 4 to 7 W/mm and 10-12 W/mm are achiev­able from SiC MESFETs and AlGaN/GaN HFETs respectively.
Achievement of higher power den­sities is a priority for RF power tech­nologies as it reduces size, which is important in both fixed and mobile platforms. It also provides higher working impedances, which are important for wider bandwidth oper­ation, simpler circuits and easier manufacture.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the input and output impedances of a
20 mm GaN HEMT delivering greater than 100 watts CW peak power with a commercially available Si LDMOS FET of similar power capability. Clearly, the GaN HEMT has much more convenient impedance levels which can also result in easier packaging whereby no internal pre-matching is needed (Figure 3). The higher gain of the GaN device requires lower drive drive. Initial linearity measurements show similar performance for the two device technologies.
Both SiC MESFETs and GaN HEMTs show promising efficiencies and linearities. For example, Figure 4 shows the peak efficiencies of a GaN HEMT as a function of drain-to­source voltage over a range of 10 to 40 volts. Note that the drain efficien­cy remains almost constant at greater than 60 percent over the complete voltage range which enables efficiencies to be optimized at reasonable back-off powers (e.g. up to 10 dB). Figure 5 shows an example of the promising linearity that can be obtained from such wide bandgap transistors. The figure shows a comparison between a 1.2 mm gate width GaAs pHEMT and a 1 mm gate width AlGaN HEMT. Although these transistors have comparable gate widths the AlGaN HEMT provides >10 dBm more out­put power with improved third order intermodulation distortion.
Figure 1 · Discrete device output powers and efficiencies versus frequen­cy (after Nguyen and Micovic, ref. 2).
Modeled GaN Motorola
20 mm HEMT MRF18090B
100 Watts 100 Watts
25 +j49 2 +j8
3.8 +j0.8 1.3+j2.2
Gain >25 dB >13 dB
• Similar packages assumed—matching capacitor included for GaN input
• No output matching for GaN device
= 35 V GaN, 26 V for LDMOS
Figure 2 · High power GaN HEMT in a cel­lular base station application.
Figure 3 · Example of a packaged 100 watt GaN HEMT (ref. 20). P
is >100 W and peak drain efficiency is 54 percent.
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