26 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
bypasses the harmonic components
of the drain current to ground without generating harmonic voltages.
When driven into saturation, efficiency is stabilized and the output
voltage locked to supply voltage,
allowing linear high-level amplitude
Classical class C is widely used in
high-power vacuum-tube transmitters. It is, however, little used in
solid-state PAs because it requires
low drain resistances, making implementation of parallel-tuned output
filters difficult. With BJTs, it is also
difficult to set up bias and drive to
produce a true class-C collector-current waveform. The use of a seriestuned output filter results in a
mixed-mode class-C operation that is
more like mistuned class E than true
class C.
Class D
Class-D PAs use two or more transistors as switches to generate a
square drain-voltage waveform. A
series-tuned output filter passes only
the fundamental-frequency component to the load, resulting in power
outputs of (8/π
/R and
/R for the transformer-coupled and complementary configurations, respectively. Current is drawn
only through the transistor that is
on, resulting in a 100-percent efficiency for an ideal PA. The utilization
factor (1/2π = 0.159) is the highest of
any PA (27 percent higher than that
of class A or B). A unique aspect of
class D (with infinitely fast switching) is that efficiency is not degraded
by the presence of reactance in the
Practical class-D PAs suffer from
losses due to saturation, switching
speed, and drain capacitance. Finite
switching speed causes the transistors to be in their active regions while
conducting current. Drain capacitances must be charged and discharged once per RF cycle. The associated power loss is proportional to
/2 [21] and increases directly
with frequency.
Class-D PAs with power outputs
of 100 W to 1 kW are readily implemented at HF, but are seldom used
above lower VHF because of losses
associated with the drain capacitance. Recently, however, experimental class-D PAs have been tested with
frequencies of operation as high as 1
GHz [22].
Class E
Class E employs a single transistor operated as a switch. The drainvoltage waveform is the result of the
sum of the DC and RF currents
charging the drain-shunt capacitance. In optimum class E, the drain
voltage drops to zero and has zero
slope just as the transistor turns on.
The result is an ideal efficiency of 100
percent, elimination of the losses
associated with charging the drain
capacitance in class D, reduction of
switching losses, and good tolerance
of component variation.
Optimum class-E operation
requires a drain shunt susceptance
0.1836/R and a drain series reactance 1.15R and delivers a power output of 0.577V
/R for an ideal PA
[23]. The utilization factor is 0.098.
Variations in load impedance and
shunt susceptance cause the PA to
deviate from optimum operation [24,
25], but the degradations in performance are generally no worse than
those for class A and B.
The capability for efficient operation in the presence of significant
drain capacitance makes class E useful in a number of applications. One
example is high-efficiency HF PAs
with power levels to 1 kW based upon
low-cost MOSFETs intended for
switching rather than RF use [26].
Another example is the switchingmode operation at frequencies as
high as K band [27]. The class-DE PA
[28] similarly uses dead-space
between the times when its two transistors are on to allow the load network to charge/discharge the drain
Class F
Class F boosts both efficiency and
output by using harmonic resonators
in the output network to shape the
drain waveforms. The voltage waveform includes one or more odd harmonics and approximates a square
wave, while the current includes even
harmonics and approximates a half
sine wave. Alternately (“inverse class
F”), the voltage can approximate a
half sine wave and the current a
square wave. As the number of harmonics increases, the efficiency of an
ideal PA increases from the 50 percent (class A) toward unity (class D)
and the utilization factor increases
from 1/8 (class A) toward 1/2π (class
D) [29].
The required harmonics can in
principle be produced by currentsource operation of the transistor.
However, in practice the transistor is
driven into saturation during part of
the RF cycle and the harmonics are
produced by a self-regulating mechanism similar to that of saturating
class C. Use of a harmonic voltage
requires creating a high impedance
(3 to 10 times the load impedance) at
the drain, while use of a harmonic
current requires a low impedance
(1/3 to 1/10 of the load impedance).
While class F requires a more complex output filter than other PAs, the
impedances must be correct at only a
few specific frequencies. Lumped-element traps are used at lower frequencies and transmission lines are
used at microwave frequencies.
Typically, a shorting stub is placed a
quarter or half-wavelength away
from the drain. Since the stubs for
different harmonics interact and the
open or short must be created at a
“virtual drain” ahead of the drain
capacitance and bond-wire inductance, implementation of suitable
networks is a bit of an art.
Nonetheless, class-F PAs are successfully implemented from MF through
Ka band.
A variety of modes of operation inbetween class C, E, and F are possi-