Anritsu HFE0503 Leong

42 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
Broadband VHF/UHF Amplifier Design Using Coaxial Transformers
By C. G. Gentzler and S.K. Leong Polyfet RF Devices
he desire of the armed forces to
maintain instant communications with all forces requires the design of miniature broadband power amplifiers with greater than decade bandwidth (30 to 512 MHz). This bandwidth is
required for all-band transceivers that cover tactical ground and air frequencies in addition to civil telecommunication frequencies and the frequencies of our allies. All-band radios are commonplace in virtually every deployment of new platforms, as well as in the retrofitting of existing communications systems.
This paper will discuss the design of minia­ture coaxial structures and examine the implementation of improved design tech­niques to enable the designer to obtain insight into matching the load line of power MOSFET transistors over decade bandwidths.
This article presents the development of large signal parameters for a typical power MOSFET device and the development of a suitable load line using coaxial transmission line transformers in conjunction with embed­ded lumped structures, enabling an efficient load line match across a decade of bandwidth.
Simulation Methodology.
Linear simulation assumes that a circuit with active devices is operated at such a low power that the simulated measurements are no longer power dependent. This simulation can be achieved by two methods. First the cir­cuit uses a nonlinear model and nonlinear simulator. The quiescent current is set at a
nominal condition and the power level used in the simulation is set to a low level so as not to make the output data power dependent. Another linear simulation method is to use tabular data to describe an active device and simulate with a linear simulator. Usually the data file is in S-parameter format although other formats have been used in the past at lower frequencies (e.g. impedance magnitude and angle). If the nonlinear model and the data file agree, both simulations will yield the same measurement data. In the case of using a non-linear model with a nonlinear simula­tor, the simulation results are generally very close to actual amplifier performance.
Nonlinear simulators provide gain com­pression, power output, efficiency and har­monic power data. With somewhat less accu­racy, intermodulation distortion can be simu­lated, but not with the same accuracy as the single tone measurements. To obtain accurate results, the device model would have to track an actual device transfer curve closer than 5 percent. Five percent accuracy is generally acceptable for gain compression and efficiency measurements, but not for the slight nonlin­earity that causes low to intermediate levels of intermodulation distortion. Modeling tech­nology is slowing improving and it is expected that intermodulation performance may be accurately modeled in the future. Nonlinear simulators generally are more costly, but are really the only choice if large signal perfor­mance simulation is desired, as in the case of this article.
Amplifier Design
First one must determine the optimum load line impedance required by the device.
This article describes the
methods used to design
broadband coaxial trans-
former matching networks
for an LDMOS power ampli-
fier that delivers consistent
performance over more
than a decade bandwidth
From May 2003 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2003 Summit Technical Media, LLC
44 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
Computer load pull or optimization is required since any actual load pull techniques are only generally avail­able for much higher frequencies. The physical structures for generating load impedances at frequencies below 500 MHz are too large to be practical to implement. Additionally, since the band width is multi-octave, broad­band matching structures must be used to determine the load line rather than multiple narrow band measurements. A computer with suit­able software and good device models is the most practical approach. In this article we will use popular soft­ware packages such as Applied Wave Research’s (AWR) Microwave Office and Agilent Technologies’ ADS, used together with Polyfet RF Spice Models to demonstrate broadband matching techniques.
Impedance Behavior of Transistors
At low frequencies, the device’s output impedance is relatively high compared with the calculated load line required to produce the desired power. As the operating frequency is increased, the output capacitance (C
), reverse capacitance (C
) and an increased saturation voltage low­ers the optimum load line to achieve satisfactory performance.
Over a decade of bandwidth, the
optimum impedance can drop by a factor of two. That is to say that if the low frequency load line is 6 ohms, the upper operating frequency could require an impedance of 3 ohms with some amount of inductive or capaci­tive reactance. Figure 1 shows real value of Z
dropping from 11 ohms at low frequencies to 2 ohms at high frequency for the transistor LR401.
There has been considerable experimental and developmental work published on the attributes of coaxial transformers to achieve extremely wide bandwidths. This paper will explore how to combine the coaxial transformer with lumped components to achieve optimal power matching in a MOSFET power ampli­fier over more than a decade of band­width.
Computer simulated load pulling will be utilized to extract the first order magnitude of load line match­ing. This impedance information is only the starting point, since it will be extracted by a narrow band tech­nique. Broadband extraction is an area that will be explored in the future as the results will take into account more realistic harmonic load­ing and allow more accurate broad­band design implementation. In the case of Polyfet transistors, Z
data can be found for each transistor in its respective data sheet.
Once the approximate load line has been determined, let us review the coaxial transformer matching techniques and explore the use of physical length, cable impedance, and lumped components in addition to ferrite loading to achieve optimum performance.
Of all the coaxial transformer designs, one of the most practical for wideband impedance matching is the 4:1 design with a balun transformer to achieve optimum balance. The standard accepted equation for trans­formation is that the Z
of the cable should be the square root of the prod­uct of the input and output impedances. For example, if the input impedance is 12.5 ohms and the out­put impedance is 50 ohms, then the square root of 12.5 × 50 = 25. A 25­ohm impedance cable would give the optimum results across a wide oper­ating bandwidth.
Figure 3 shows a uniform impedance transformation ratio of four across the frequency band. It should be noted for the purpose of load line design, impedance is mea­sured drain to drain. This allows sin­gle ended impedance measurements. Simply divide the impedance data by two to obtain individual device load impedance. At 30 MHz the ratio falls off due to reactive shunt losses, which could be compensated with
Figure 1 · Zinand Z
vs. frequency. Figure 2 · Conventional 4:1 transformer with balun.
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