Anritsu HFE0503 Raab

22 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
F and microwave power amplifiers
and transmitters are used in a wide variety of applications including wireless communication, jamming, imaging, radar, and RF heating. This article provides an intro­duction and historical
background for the subject, and begins the technical discussion with material on signals, linearity, efficiency, and RF-power devices. At the end, there is a convenient summary of the acronyms used—this will be provided with all four installments. Author affiliations and con­tact information are also provided at the end of each part.
The generation of significant power at RF and microwave frequencies is required not only in wireless communications, but also in applications such as jamming, imaging, RF heating, and miniature DC/DC converters. Each application has its own unique require­ments for frequency, bandwidth, load, power, efficiency, linearity, and cost. RF power can be generated by a wide variety of techniques using a wide variety of devices. The basic techniques for RF power amplification via classes A, B, C, D, E, and F are reviewed and illustrated by examples from HF through Ka band. Power amplifiers can be combined into transmitters in a similarly wide variety of architectures, including linear, Kahn, enve-
lope tracking, outphasing, and Doherty. Linearity can be improved through techniques such as feedback, feedforward, and predistor­tion. Also discussed are some recent develop­ments that may find use in the near future.
A power amplifier (PA) is a circuit for con­verting DC input power into a significant amount of RF/microwave output power. In most cases, a PA is not just a small-signal amplifier driven into saturation. There exists a great variety of different power amplifiers, and most employ techniques beyond simple linear amplification.
A transmitter contains one or more power amplifiers, as well as ancillary circuits such as signal generators, frequency converters, mod­ulators, signal processors, linearizers, and power supplies. The classic architecture employs progressively larger PAs to boost a low-level signal to the desired output power. However, a wide variety of different architec­tures in essence disassemble and then reassemble the signal to permit amplification with higher efficiency and linearity.
Modern applications are highly varied. Frequencies from VLF through millimeter wave are used for communication, navigation, and broadcasting. Output powers vary from 10 mW in short-range unlicensed wireless sys­tems to 1 MW in long-range broadcast trans­mitters. Almost every conceivable type of mod­ulation is being used in one system or anoth­er. PAs and transmitters also find use in sys­tems such as radar, RF heating, plasmas, laser drivers, magnetic-resonance imaging, and miniature DC/DC converters.
With this issue, we begin a
four-part series of articles
that offer a comprehensive
overview of power amplifier
technologies. Part 1 covers
the key topics of amplifier
linearity, efficiency and
available RF power devices
RF and Microwave Power Amplifier and Transmitter Technologies —
Part 1
By Frederick H. Raab, Peter Asbeck, Steve Cripps, Peter B. Kenington, Zoya B. Popovic, Nick Pothecary, John F. Sevic and Nathan O. Sokal
This series of articles is an expanded version of the paper, “Power Amplifiers and Transmitters for RF and Microwave” by the same authors, which appeared in the the 50th anniversary issue of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, March 2002. © 2002 IEEE. Reprinted with permission.
From May 2003 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2003 Summit Technical Media, LLC
24 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
No single technique for power amplification nor any single trans­mitter architecture is best for all applications. Many of the basic tech­niques that are now coming into use were devised decades ago, but have only recently been made practical because of advances in RF-power devices and supporting circuitry such as digital signal processing (DSP).
The development of RF power amplifiers and transmitters can be divided into four eras:
Spark, Arc, and Alternator
In the early days of wireless com­munication (from 1895 to the mid 1920s), RF power was generated by spark, arc, and alternator techniques. The original RF-power device, the spark gap, charges a capacitor to a high voltage, usually from the AC mains. A discharge (spark) through the gap then rings the capacitor, tun­ing inductor, and antenna, causing radiation of a damped sinusoid. Spark-gap transmitters were rela­tively inexpensive and capable of generating 500 W to 5 kW from LF to MF [1].
The arc transmitter, largely attributed to Poulsen, was a contem­porary of the spark transmitter. The arc exhibits a negative-resistance characteristic which allows it to oper­ate as a CW oscillator (with some fuzziness). The arc is actually extin­guished and reignited once per RF cycle, aided by a magnetic field and hydrogen ions from alcohol dripped into the arc chamber. Arc transmit­ters were capable of generating as much as 1 MW at LF [2].
The alternator is basically an AC generator with a large number of poles. Early RF alternators by Tesla and Fessenden were capable of oper­ation at LF, and a technique devel­oped by Alexanderson extended the operation to LF [3]. The frequency was controlled by adjusting the rota­tion speed and up to 200 kW could be
generated by a single alternator. One such transmitter (SAQ) remains operable at Grimeton, Sweden.
Vacuum Tubes
With the advent of the DeForest audion in 1907, the thermoionic vac­uum tube offered a means of elec­tronically generating and controlling RF signals. Tubes such as the RCA UV-204 (1920) allowed the transmis­sion of pure CW signals and facilitat­ed the transition to higher frequen­cies of operation.
Younger readers may find it con­venient to think of a vacuum tube as a glass-encapsulated high-voltage FET with heater. Many of the con­cepts for modern electronics, includ­ing class-A, -B, and -C power ampli­fiers, originated early in the vacuum­tube era. PAs of this era were charac­terized by operation from high volt­ages into high-impedance loads and by tuned output networks. The basic circuits remained relatively un­changed throughout most of the era.
Vacuum tube transmitters were dominant from the late 1920s through the mid 1970s. They remain in use today in some high power applications, where they offer a rela­tively inexpensive and rugged means of generating 10 kW or more of RF power.
Discrete Transistors
Discrete solid state RF-power devices began to appear at the end of the 1960s with the introduction of sil­icon bipolar transistors such as the 2N6093 (75 W HF SSB) by RCA. Power MOSFETs for HF and VHF appeared in 1974 with the VMP-4 by Siliconix. GaAs MESFETs introduced in the late 1970s offered solid state power at the lower microwave fre­quencies.
The introduction of solid-state RF-power devices brought the use of lower voltages, higher currents, and relatively low load resistances. Ferrite-loaded transmission line transformers enabled HF and VHF
PAs to operate over two decades of bandwidth without tuning. Because solid-state devices are temperature­sensitive, bias stabilization circuits were developed for linear PAs. It also became possible to implement a vari­ety of feedback and control tech­niques through the variety of op­amps and ICs.
Solid-state RF-power devices were offered in packaged or chip form. A single package might include a number of small devices. Power out­puts as high as 600 W were available from a single packaged push-pull device (MRF157). The designer basi­cally selected the packaged device that best fit the requirements. How the transistors were made was regarded as a bit of sorcery that occurred in the semiconductor houses and was not a great concern to the ordinary circuit designer.
Custom/Integrated Transistors
The late 1980s and 1990s saw a proliferation variety of new solid­state devices including HEMT, pHEMT, HFET, and HBT, using a variety of new materials such as InP, SiC, and GaN, and offering amplifica­tion at frequencies to 100 GHz or more. Many such devices can be oper­ated only from relatively low voltages. However, many current applications need only relatively low power. The combination of digital signal process­ing and microprocessor control allows widespread use of complicated feed­back and predistortion techniques to improve efficiency and linearity.
Many of the newer RF-power devices are available only on a made­to-order basis. Basically, the designer selects a semiconductor process and then specifies the size (e.g., gate periphery). This facilitates tailoring the device to a specific power level, as well as incorporating it into an RFIC or MMIC.
The need for linearity is one of the principal drivers in the design of
26 High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
modern power amplifiers. Linear amplification is required when the signal contains both amplitude and phase modulation. It can be accom­plished either by a chain of linear PAs or a combination of nonlinear PAs. Nonlinearities distort the signal being amplified, resulting in splatter into adjacent channels and errors in detection.
Signals such as CW, FM, classical FSK, and GMSK (used in GSM) have constant envelopes (amplitudes) and therefore do not require linear ampli­fication. Full-carrier amplitude mod­ulation is best produced by high level amplitude modulation of the final RF PA. Classic signals that require lin­ear amplification include single side­band (SSB) and vestigal-sideband (NTSC) television. Modern signals that require linear amplification include shaped-pulse data modula­tion and multiple carriers.
Shaped Data Pulses
Classic FSK and PSK use abrupt frequency or phase transitions, or equivalently rectangular data pulses. The resultant RF signals have con­stant amplitude and can therefore be amplified by nonlinear PAs with good efficiency. However, the resultant sinc-function spectrum spreads sig­nal energy over a fairly wide band­width. This was satisfactory for rela-
tively low data rates and a relatively uncrowded spectrum.
Modern digital signals such as QPSK or QAM are typically generat­ed by modulating both I and Q sub­carriers. The requirements for both high data rates and efficient utiliza­tion of the increasingly crowded spec­trum necessitates the use of shaped data pulses. The most widely used method is based upon a raised-cosine channel spectrum, which has zero intersymbol interference during detection and can be made arbitrari­ly close to rectangular [4]. A raised­cosine channel spectrum is achieved by using a square-root raised-cosine (SRRC) filter in both the transmitter and receiver. The resultant SRRC data pulses (Figure 1) are shaped somewhat like sinc functions which are truncated after several cycles. At any given time, several different data pulses contribute to the I and Q mod­ulation waveforms. The resultant modulated carrier (Figure 2) has simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation with a peak-to-average ratio of 3 to 6 dB.
Multiple Carriers and OFDM
Applications such as cellular base stations, satellite repeaters, and multi-beam “active-phased-array” transmitters require the simultane­ous amplification of multiple signals.
Depending on the application, the signals can have different ampli­tudes, different modulations, and irregular frequency spacing.
In a number of applications including HF modems, digital audio broadcasting, and high-definition television, it is more convenient to use a large number of carriers with low data rates than a single carrier with a high data rate. The motiva­tions include simplification of the modulation/demodulation hardware, equalization, and dealing with multi­path propagation. Such Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) techniques [5] employ carri­ers with the same amplitude and modulation, separated in frequency so that modulation products from one carrier are zero at the frequencies of the other carriers.
Regardless of the characteristics of the individual carriers, the resul­tant composite signal (Figure 2) has simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation. The peak-to-average ratio is typically in the range of 8 to 13 dB.
Nonlinearities cause imperfect reproduction of the amplified signal, resulting in distortion and splatter. Amplitude nonlinearity causes the instantaneous output amplitude or
Figure 1 · SRRC data pulses. Figure 2 · RF waveforms for SRRC and multicarrier signals.
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