7705 Service
Aggregation Router
Bringing IP/MPLS Benefits
to the Mobile Radio Access
Network and More…
The Alcatel-Lucent 7705 Service Aggregation Router (SAR) is an edge aggregation platform
providing superior IP/MPLS and pseudowire capabilities. It addresses your need for a cost-effective,
scalable mobile radio access network (RAN) transport solution. The 7705 SAR excels at con-
centrating traffic at cell and hub sites, and adapting it to a normalized IP/MPLS infrastructure
leveraging available media, especially scalable, cost-effective Ethernet. It is also extremely
effective at the transport of legacy traffic such as T1/E1 private line transport over a modern-
ized infrastructure. The 7705 SAR’s quality of service, traffic management, provisioning, trouble-
shooting and billing features make it possible for you to provide consistent, superior services
to your customers. Its flexible, future-proof architecture will enable you to address evolving
aggregation requirements. Built on the same architectural software base as the highly suc-
cessful Alcatel-Lucent Service Router products, the 7705 SAR enables the creation of an end-
to-end solution for supporting and capitalizing on the growing mobile aggregation market.
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Market Requirements
Traffic is steadily increasing on mobile networks, as the volume of mobile data
and video traffic grows alongside voice. Unfortunately, the revenue per bit is
not keeping pace with this growth. To make sure your business remains profitable,
you need to find a new networking approach — one that enables you to reduce
operating overhead and scale services cost-effectively. You need a solution that
allows you to move forward with a next-generation infrastructure, while ensuring
that you retain all the capabilities (and customers!) from your legacy services.
In a highly competitive market, you must be able to meet customers’ expectations
and offer a full range of differentiating services, backed with stringent service
level agreements. Fortunately, by transitioning to an IP/MPLS infrastructure
and an Ethernet-centric RAN, you can reduce costs while expanding services.
The access network presents some unique challenges, as you need to be able
to integrate diverse first mile media, including traditional n x T1/E1 copper,
microwave, DSL and fiber. You can’t limit yourself to a subset of the options:
you need to be able to support whatever access media can be most cost-effectively
deployed in a given geography.
And most importantly, you need a solution that can be readily integrated with
your existing operations support system — a solution that makes that transition
from a TDM-based RAN to a fully packetized model as painless as possible. You’ll
want a partner with the know-how and experience to help you bring all aspects
of your operations up to speed quickly.
Finally, the transition you undertake in the RAN must be in keeping with your
overall, long term evolutionary goal towards a flattened, all-IP mobile transport
network, securely supporting a wide range of services.
7705 SAR: The Newest Star in an All-Star Lineup
The 7705 SAR is an essential component of
a pre-tested, pre-qualified, end-to-end managed
and verified RAN networking and transport
solution. Built on the same foundation as the
Alcatel-Lucent Service Router platforms, the
7705 SAR features include:
• A proven software architecture offering scalable,
industry-leading Ethernet and pseudowire services support.
• Support for a rich range of access and
uplink media.
• Service-aware tools to facilitate operations,
administration, maintenance and provisioning
(OAM&P) tasks.
• Differentiating high availability features.
• End-to-end QoS and traffic management
capabilities to ensure appropriate treatment
of different traffic types.
• Flexibility, to ensure your network can take
advantage of technological innovations and
new service possibilities as they develop.
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