Agilent Technologies 54624A, 54621D, 54622A, 54622D, 54621A User Manual

Service Guide
Publication Number 54622-97037 December 2002
For Safety Information, Warranties, and Regulatory information, see the pages at the end of this book.
© Copyright Agilent Technologies 2000, 2002
All Rights Reserved
Agilent 54621A/22A/24A
Agilent 54621D/22D
Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope

The Oscilloscope At a Glance

Choose from a variety of oscilloscopes for capturing long, non-repeating signals
with 200 MSa/s sample rate and 2 MBytes of MegaZoom deep memory per channel.
Agilent 54621A - 2-channel, 60-MHz bandwidth
Agilent 54621D - 2-channel +16 logic channels, 60­MHz bandwidth
Agilent 54622A - 2-channel, 100-MHz bandwidth
Agilent 54622D - 2-channel +16 logic channels, 100-MHz bandwidth
Agilent 54624A - 4-channel, 100-MHz bandwidth
Display shows current input signals
• All analog and digital (54621D/22D) channels displayed in main and delayed mode
• Indicators for channel, time base, digital (54621D/ 22D) channel activity, trigger and acquisition status
• Softkey labels
• Measurement results
Digital channel controls select, position, and label inputs (54621D/22D)
• Turn channels on or off individually or in groups of 8
• Rearrange order of channels to group related signals
• Create and display labels to identify channels
Run control keys begin and end data acquisition
• Run/Stop starts and stops continuous acquisitions
• Single performs one acquisition
• Infinite persistence accumulates and displays the results of multiple acquisitions
Horizontal Controls select sweep speed and delay parameters
• Sweep speeds from 5 ns/div to 50 ns/div
• Delay control moves waveform display to point of interest
• Delayed mod e and delay allow zoom ing in to show a portion of waveform in detail (split screen)
Trigger keys define what data the oscilloscope will trigger on
• Source key allows conventional oscilloscope triggering
• Modes include Edge, Pulse Width, Pattern, CAN, Duration, I triggering
General controls measure, save and restore results, and configure the oscilloscope
• Waveform math including FFT, subtract, multiply, integrate, and differentiate
• Use Quick Meas to make automatic measurements Integrated counter included with Quick Meas.
• Use cursors to make manual measurements
• Save or recall measurement configurations or previous results
• Autoscale performs simple one-button setup of the oscilloscope
Softkeys extend the functionality of command keys
Select measurement types, operating modes, trigger specifications, label data, and more
Digital channel inputs through a flexible probing system (54621D/22D)
• Sixteen channels through a dual 8-channel cable with micro-clips
• Set logic levels as TTL, CMOS, ECL, or to a user­definable voltage
• Dedicated parallel printer port, controller operation, floppy disk storage
Built in Quick Help system
• Press and hold any key front-panel key or softkey to get help in 11 languages.
C, LIN, Sequence, SPI, TV, and USB

In This Book

This book provides the service information for the Agilent 54621A/22A/24A Oscilloscope and the Agilent 54621D/22D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope.
This manual is divided into these chapters:
Chapter 1 provides general information and specifications. Chapter 2 shows you how to prepare the oscilloscope for use. Chapter 3 gives performance tests. Chapter 4 covers calibration and adjustment procedures. Chapter 5 provides troubleshooting information. Chapter 6 gives the procedures and techniques for replacing assemblies and
other parts. Chapter 7 includes a list of replaceable parts, part ordering information, and
shipping information.
At the back of the book you will find Safety information, Warranties, and Regulatory information.


1 General Information
To inspect package contents 1-3 To inspect options and accessories 1-6 Performance Characteristics 1-9
2 Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use
Setting up the Oscilloscope 2-3
To adjust the handle 2-4 To power-on the oscilloscope 2-5 To adjust the display intensity 2-6 To connect the oscilloscope probes 2-7 To compensate your probe 2-7 To use the digital probes (mixed-signal oscilloscope only) 2-8 To connect a printer 2-12 To connect an RS-232 cable 2-12 To verify basic oscilloscope operation 2-13
Getting started using the oscilloscope interface 2-14 Using Quick Help 2-16
Selecting a language for Quick Help when the oscilloscope starts up 2-16 Selecting a language for Quick Help after you have been operating the oscilloscope 2-17 Loading a language from floppy disk 2-18
Cleaning the oscilloscope 2-19
3 Testing Performance
List of Test Equipment 3-3 To construct the test connector 3-4 To test the 54621D/22D Oscilloscope digital channels 3-5 To verify threshold accuracy 3-6 To verify voltage measurement accuracy 3-10 To verify bandwidth 3-13 To verify horizontal Dt and 1/Dt accuracy 3-15 To verify trigger sensitivity 3-17 Agilent 54622A/22D/24A Performance Test Record 3-20 Agilent 54621A/21D Performance Test Record 3-21
4 Calibrating and Adjusting
To adjust the power supply 4-4 To perform User Cal 4-7 To adjust the oscilloscope display 4-8
5 Troubleshooting
Solving General Problems with the Oscilloscopes 5-3
If there is no trace display 5-3 If the trace display is unusual or unexpected 5-4 If you cannot see a channel 5-5
Troubleshooting the Oscilloscope 5-6
To construct your own dummy load 5-7 To check out the oscilloscope 5-8 To check the Low Voltage Power Supply 5-11 To run the internal self-tests 5-13
6 Replacing Assemblies
To remove the cabinet 6-4 To remove the fan 6-5 To remove the floppy drive 6-6 To remove the front panel 6-7 To remove the display 6-8 To remove the system board 6-10 To remove the power supply 6-12 To remove the keyboard assembly 6-15 To remove the handle 6-16
7 Replaceable Parts
To order a replacement part 7-3

General Information

General Information
This chapter lists general information for the Agilent 54620-series Oscilloscopes. It also includes performance characteristics and specifications for the oscilloscopes.
General Information

To inspect package contents

Inspect the shipping container for damage.
If your shipping container appears to be damaged, keep the shipping container or cushioning material until you have inspected the contents of the shipment for completeness and have checked the oscilloscope mechanically and electrically.
Verify that you received the following items and any optional accessories in
the oscilloscope packaging (see figure following).
• 54620-Series Oscilloscope (54621A, 21D, 22A, 22D, or 24A)
• 10074C 10:1 150 MHz passive probes with ID: (2) for 54621A, 21D, 22A, or 22D oscilloscopes (4) for 54624A oscilloscope
• 54620-68701 digital probe kit (for 54621D or 22D)
• Accessory pouch and front-panel cover (standard for 54622A, 22D, and 24A) (optional on 54621A and 21D; order N2726A)
• Power cord (see table 1-3)
• IntuiLink for 54600-series Oscilloscopes software and RS-232 cable (for
54622A, 22D, or 24A). IntuiLink is a Windows application that makes it very easy for you to
download images, waveform data, or oscilloscope setups from the oscilloscope to your pc using either Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel. After installation of IntuiLink, a tool bar in these Microsoft applications will make connection and data transfer from the oscilloscope very simple.
IntuiLink software is available free on the web at: RS-232 cable may be ordered separately, part number 34398A
If anything is missing, contact your nearest Agilent Sales Office. If the shipment was d amaged, contact th e carrier, then cont act the ne arest Agil ent Sale s Office.
General Information
• Agilent IntuiLink Data Capture (for 54622A, 22D, or 24A) IntuiLink Data Capture is a standalone program for downloading waveform
data from the oscilloscopes to your PC via GPIB or RS-232 interface. It provides the capability to transfer deep memory data out of the oscilloscope, allowing up to 4MB (scope channels) and 8MB (logic channels). The IntuiLink for 54600-Series limits the size of acquisition data available to a maximum of 2,000 points regardless of actual number of acquisition points on the screen. With the IntuiLink Data Capture, the amount of points transferred will be the actual number of acquisition points currently displayed or you may select the number of points to download. It provides the following functionality:
• Download waveform data and display the data as a simple chart
• Save the data as binary or text files
• Copy the chart and a selected portion of the data to the clipboard. The
maximum data saved to the clipboard is 50,000 point
• Load saved waveform data back into the application IntuiLink Data Capture software is available free on the web at: RS-232 cable may be ordered separately, part number 34398A
Inspect the oscilloscope
• If there is mechanical damage or a defect, or if the oscilloscope does not operate properly or does not pass the performance tests listed in the Service Guide, notify your Agilent Sales Office.
• If the shipping container is damaged, or the cushioning materials show signs of stress, notify the carrier and your Agilent Sales Office. Keep the shipping materials for the carrier’s inspection. The Agilent Sales Office will arrange for repair or replacement at Agilent’s option, without waiting for claim settlement.
Figure 1-1
General Information
54620-Series Oscilloscope
Accessories pouch and front-panel cover**
Power cord
54620-68701 digital probe kit*
54620-61801 16-channel cable***
IntuiLink for 54600-series software, Data Capture software and serial cable**
5959-9334 2 Probe ground lead (qty 5)
5090-4833 Grabber (qty 20)
10074C Probes
* 54621D /22D only ** 54622A/22D/24A only ** The following additional replacement parts (not included) are available for the digital cable:
5959-9333 replacement probe leads (qty 5) 5959-9335 replacement pod grounds (qty 5) 01650-94309 package of probe labels
Package contents for 54620-Series Oscilloscopes
General Information

To inspect options and accessories

Verify that you received the options and accessories you ordered and that none
were damaged.
If anything is missing, contact your nearest Agilent Sales Office. If the shipment was damaged, or the cushioning materials show signs of stress, notify the carrier and your Agilent Sales Office.
Some of the options and accessories available for the 54620-Series Oscilloscopes are listed in tables 1-1 am 1-2. Contact your Agilent Sales Office for a complete list of options and accessories.
Table 1-1
Options available
Option Description
003 Shielding Option for use in severe environments or with sensitive devices under
test–shields both ways (in and out):
RS-03 magnetic interface shielding added to CRT, and
RE-02 display shield added to CRT to reduce radiated interference. 1CM Rackmount kit (same as Agilent 1186A) A6J ANSI Z540 compliant calibration service
See table 1-3 for power cord options
General Information
Table 1-2
Accessories available
Model Description
01650-61607 16:16 logic cable and terminator (for use with 54621D/22D) 54620-68701 16:2 x 8 logic input probe assembly (shipped standard with 54621D/22D) 1146A 100 kHz current probe, ac/dc 1183A Testmobile scope cart 1185A Carrying case 1186A Rackmount kit 10070C 1:1 passive probe with ID 10072A Fine-pitch probe kit 10073C 10:1 500 MHz probe with ID 10075A 0.5 mm IC clip kit 10076A 100:1, 4 kV 250 MHz probe with ID 10100C 50 10833A GPIB cable, 1 m long 34398A RS-232 cable (standard with 100 MHz models) E2613B 0.5 mm Wedge probe adapter, 3-signal, qty 2 E2614A 0.5 mm Wedge probe adapter, 8-signal, qty 1 E2615B 0.65 mm Wedge probe adapter, 3-signal, qty 2 E2616A 0.65 mm Wedge probe adapter, 8-signal, qty 1 E2643A 0.5 mm Wedge probe adapter, 16-signal, qty 1 E2644A 0.65 mm Wedge probe adapter, 16-signal, qty 1 N2726A Accessory pouch and front-panel cover (standard with 100 MHz models) N2727A Thermal printer and pouch N2728A 10 rolls of thermal printer paper N2757A GPIB Interface Module N2758A CAN Trigger Module N2771A 1000:1, 15 kV, 50 MHz high voltage probe N2772A 20 MHz differential probe N2773A Differential probe power supply N2774A 50 MHz current probe, ac/dc N2775A Power supply for N2774A
General Information
Table 1-3. Power Cords
Plug Type Cable Part Number Plug Type Cable Part Number
Opt 900 (U.K.) 8120-1703 Opt 918 (Japan) 8120-4754
Opt 901 (Australia) 8120-0696 Opt 919 (Israel) 8120-6799
Opt 902 (Europe) 8120-1692 Opt 920 (Argentina) 8120-6871
Opt 903 (U.S.A.) 8120-1521 Opt 921 (Chile) 8120-6979
Opt 906 (Switzerland) 8120-2296 Opt 922 (China) 8120-8377
Opt 912 (Denmark) 8120-2957 Opt 927 (Thailand) 8120-8871
Opt 917 (Africa) 8120-4600
General Information
Acquisition: Analog Channels

Performance Characteristics

* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Acquisition: Analog Channels
Max Sample rate 200 MSa/s Max Memory Depth 4 MB interleaved, 2 MB each channel Vertical Resolution 8 bits Peak Detection 5 ns Averages selectable from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 16383 High Resolution Mode 12 bits of resolution when Filter: Sinx/x interpolation (single shot BW = sample rate/4 or bandwidth of scope, whichever
is less) with vectors on.
500 us/div, average mode with average = 1
Acquisition: Digital Channels (on 54621D and 54622D only)
Max Sample Rate 400 MSa/s Max Memory Depth 8 MB Vertical Resolution 1 bit Glitch Detection (min pulse width) 5 ns
General Information
Vertical System: Analog Channels
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Vertical System: Analog Channels
Analog channels 54621A/21D, 54622A/22D: Ch1 and 2 simultaneous acquisition
Bandwidth (-3dB)* 54621A/22D: dc to 60 MHz
ac coupled 54621A/21D: 3.5 Hz to 60 MHz
Calculated rise time
(= 0.35/bandwidth)
Single Shot Bandwidth 50 MHz
Range Maximum Input CAT I 300 Vrms, 400 Vpk
Offset Range ±5 V on ranges <10 mV/div
Dynamic Range Lesser of ±8 div or ±32 V Input Resistance 1 M Input Capacitance ~ 14 pF Coupling ac, dc, ground BW Limit ~ 20 MHz selectable Channel-to-Channel Isolation
(with channels at same V/div) Probes 10:1 10074C shipped standard for each analog channel Probe ID (Agilent/HP &
Tek Compatible)
1 mV/div is a magnification of 2 mV/div setting. For vertical accuracy calculations, use full scale of 16 mV for 1 mV/div sensitivity setting.
54624A: Ch 1, 2, 3, and 4 simultaneous acquisition
54622A/22D/24A: dc to 100 MHz
54622A/22D/24A: 3.5 Hz to 100 MHz 54621A/22D: ~5.8 ns
54622A/22D/24A: ~3.5 ns
1 mV/div to 5 V/div
CAT II 100 Vrms, 400 Vpk with 10074C 10:1 probe: CAT I 500 Vpk, CAT II 400 Vpk
±25 V on ranges 10 mV/div to 199 mV/div ±100 V on ranges
200 mV/div
dc to 20 MHz > 40 dB 20 MHz to max bandwidth > 30 dB
Auto probe sense
General Information
Vertical System: Analog Channels (continued)
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Vertical System: Analog Channels (continued)
ESD Tolerance ±2 kV Noise Peak-to-Peak 2% full scale or 1 mV, whichever is greater Common Mode Rejection Ratio 20 dB @ 50 MHz DC Vertical Gain Accuracy*
±2.0% full scale
DC Vertical Offset Accuracy < 200 mV/div: ±0.1 div ±1.0 mV ±0.5% offset
200 mV/div: ±0.1 div ±1.0 mV ±1.5% offset value
Single Cursor Accuracy
Dual Cursor Accuracy*
1 mV/div is a magnifica tion of 2 mV/div setting. For vertical a ccuracy calculations, use full scale of 1 6 mV for 1 mV/div sensitivity s etting.
±{DC Vertical Gain Accuracy + DC Vertical Offset Accuracy + 0.2% full scale (~1/2 LSB) }
Example: For 50 mV signal, scope set to 10 mV/div (80 mV full scale), 5 mV offset, accuracy = ±{2.0%(80mV) + 0.1 (10 mV) + 1.0 mV + 0.5% (5 mV) + 0.2%(80 mV)} = ± 3.78 mV
±{DC Vertical Gain Accuracy + 0.4% full scale (~1 LSB)} Example: For 50 mV signal, scope set to 10 mV/div (80 mV full scale), 5 mV offset,
accuracy = ±{2.0%(80 mV) + 0.4%(80 mV)} = ±1.92 mV
Vertical System: Digital Channels (54621D and 54622D only)
Number of Channels 16 Digital – labeled D15 – D0 Threshold Groupings Pod 1: D7 - D0
Threshold Selections TTL, CMOS, ECL, user-definable (selectable by pod) User-Defined Threshold Range ±8.0 V in 10 mV increments Maximum Input
Voltage Threshold Accuracy* ±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting) Input Dynamic Range ±10 V about threshold Minimum Input Voltage Swing 500 mV peak-to-peak Input Capacitance ~ 8 pF Input Resistance 100 k Channel-to-Channel Skew 2 ns typical, 3 ns maximum
Pod 2: D15 - D8
±40 V peak CAT I
±2% at probe tip
General Information
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Range 5 ns/div to 50 s/div Resolution 25 ps Vernier 1-2-5 increments when off, 25 minor increments between major settings when on Reference Positions Left, Center, Right Delay Range
Pre-trigger (negative delay)
Post-trigger (positive delay)
Analog Delta-t Accuracy
Same Channel*
Greater of 1 screen width or 10 ms 500 seconds
±0.01% reading ±0.1% screen width ±40 ps Example: for signal with pulse width of 10 us, scope set to 5 us/div (50 us screen width), delta-t accuracy = ±{.01%(10 us) + 0.1% (50 us) + 40 ps} = 51.04 ns
Channel-to-Channel Digital Delta-t Accuracy
Same Channel
Delay Jitter 10 ppm RMS Jitter 0.025% screen width + 30 ps Modes Main, Delayed, Roll, XY XY
Z blanking
Phase error @ 1 MHz
±0.01% reading ±0.1% screen width ±80 ps (non-Vernier settings)
±0.01% reading ±0.1% screen width ±(1 digital sample period, 2.5 or 5 ns based on sample rate of 200/400 MSa/s) Example: for signal with pulse width of 10 us, scope set to 5 us/div (50 us screen width), and single pod active (400 MSa/s), delta-t accuracy = ±{.01%(10 us) + 0.1% (50 us) + 2.5 ns} = 53.5 ns
±0.01% reading ±0.1% screen width ±(1 digital sample period, 2.5 or 5 ns) ±chan-to-chan skew (2 ns typical, 3 ns maximum)
1.4 V blanks trace (use External trigger) Max bandwidth
1.8 degrees
General Information
Trigger System
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Trigger System
Sources: 54621A/22A: Ch 1, 2, line, ext
Modes Auto, Auto level, Triggered (normal), Single Holdoff Time ~60 ns to 10 seconds Selections Edge, Pattern, Pulse Width, CAN, Duration, I
Edge Trigger on a rising or falling edge of any source. Pattern Trigger on a pattern of high, low, and dont care levels and a rising or falling edge
Pulse Width Trigger when a positive- or negative-going pulse is less than, greater than, or within a
CAN Trigger on CAN (Controller Area Network) version 2.0A and 2.0B signals. It can trigger
Duration Trigger on a multi-channel pattern whose time duration is less than a value, greater
C Trigger on I2C (Inter-IC bus) serial protocol at a start/stop condition, a restart, a missing
LIN Trigger on LIN (L ocal Interconnect Network) sync br eak at beginning of message frame. Sequence Find event A, trigger on event B, with option to reset on event C or time delay. SPI Trigger on SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) a data pattern during a specific framing
USB Trigger on USB (Universal Serial Bus) Start of Packet, End of Packet, Reset Complete,
TV Trigger on any analog channel for NTSC, PAL, PAL-M, or SECAM broadcast standards
Autoscale Finds and displays all active analog and digital (for 54621D/54622D) cha nnels, sets edge
54621D/22D: Ch 1, 2, line, ext, D15 - D0 54624A: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, line, ext
C, Sequence, SPI, TV, USB
established ac ross any of the sources . The analog channels high or low level is defi ned by that channels trigger level.
specified range on any of the source channels.
Minimum pulse width setting: 5 ns Maximum pulse width setting: 10 s
on the Start of Fra me bit of a data frame, a remote trans fer request frame, or an overlo ad frame.
than a value, greater than a time value with a timeout value, or inside or outside of a set of time values.
Minimum duration setting: 5 ns Maximum duration setting: 10 s
acknowledge, or user defined frame with address and/or data values. Also trigger on Missing Acknowledge, Restart, EEPROM read, and 10-bit write.
period. Supp ort positive and negative Chip Select framing ad well as clock Idle framing and user-specified number of bits per frame.
Enter Suspend, or Exit Suspend on the differential USB data lines. USB low speed and high speed are supported.
on either positive or negative composite video signals. Modes supported include Field 1, Field 2, or both, all lines, or any line within a field. Also supports triggering on non­interlaced fields. TV trigger sensitivity: 0.5 division of synch signal.
trigger mode on h ighest numbered channel, se ts vertical sensitivity on analog channels and thresholds on di gital channels, time base to displ ay ~1.8 periods. Requires minimum voltage >10 mVpp, 0.5% duty cycle and minimum frequency >50 Hz.
General Information
Analog Channel Triggering
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Analog Channel Triggering
Range (Internal) ±6 div from center screen Sensitivity* Greater of 0.35 div or 2.5 mV Coupling AC (~3.5 Hz), DC, noise reject, HF reject and LF reject (~ 50 kHz)
Digital (D15 - D0) Channel Triggering (54621D and 5462 2D)
Threshold Range (user-defined) ±8.0 V in 10 mV increments Threshold Accuracy* ±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting) Predefined Thresholds TTL = 1.4 V, CMOS = 2.5 V, ECL = -1.3 V
External (EXT) Triggering
Input Resistance 1 M ±3% Input Impedance ~ 14 pF Maximum Input CAT I 300 Vrms, 400 Vpk
CAT II 100 Vrms, 400 Vpk
with 10074C 10:1 probe:CAT I 500 Vpk, CAT II 400 Vpk Range ±10 V Sensitivity dc to 25 MHz, < 75 mV
Coupling AC (~ 3.5 Hz), DC, noise reject, HF reject and LF reject (~ 50 kHz) Probe ID (Agilent/HP & Tek
25 MHz to max bandwidth, < 150 mV
Auto probe sense for 54621A/22A
General Information
Display System
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Display System
Display 7-inch raster monochrome CRT Throughput of Analog Channels 25 million gray scale vectors/sec per channel Resolution 255 vertical by 1000 horizontal points (waveform area)
Controls Waveform intensity on front panel
Built-in Help System Key-specific help in 11 languages displayed by pressing and holding key or softkey of
Real Time Clock Time and date (user setable)
32 levels of gray scale
Vectors on/off; infinite persistence on/off 8 x 10 grid with continuous intensity control
Measurement Features
Automatic Measurements Measurements are continuously updated
Voltage (analog channels only) Peak-to-Peak, Maximum, Minimum, Average, Amplitude, Top, Base, Overshoot,
Time Frequency, Period, + Width, - Width, and Duty Cycle on any channels.
Counter Built-in 5-digit frequency counter on any channel. Counts up to 125 MHz Threshold Definition Variable by percent and absolute value; 10%, 50%, 90% default for time measurements Cursors Manually or automatically placed readout of Horizontal (X,
Waveform Math 1-2, 1*2, FFT, differentiate, integrate.
Cursors track current measurement
Preshoot, RMS (DC)
Rise time, Fall time, X at Max (Time at max volts), X at Min (Time at min volts), Delay, and Phase on analog channels only.
X, 1/X) and
Vertical (Y, hex values
Source of FFT: differentiate, integrate, analog channels 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4 for 54624A), 1­2, 1+2, 1*2
Y). Additionally digital or analog channels can be displayed as binary or
General Information
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
Points Fixed at 2048 points Source of FFT Analog channels 1 or 2 (or 3 or 4 for 54624A), 1+2, 1-2, 1*2 Window Rectangular, Flattop, Hanning Noise Floor -70 to -100 dB depending on averaging Amplitude Display In dBV Frequency Resolution: 0.097656/(time per div) Maximum Frequency 102.4/(time per div)
Save/Recall (non-volatile) 3 setups and traces can be saved and recalled internally Floppy Disk
Image formats Data formats Trace/setup formats
3.5 1.44 MB double density
X and Y (time/voltage) values in CSV format
RS-232 (serial) standard port 1 port; XON or DTR; 8 data bits; 1 stop bits; parity=none; 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 baud
Parallel standard port Printer support Printer Compatibility HP DeskJet, HP LaserJet with HP PCL 3 or greater compatibility
Optional GPIB Interface Module Fully programmable with IEEE488.2 compliance
Compatibility– black and white @150x150 dpi
gray scale @ 600x600 dpi Epson–black and white @180x180 dpi Seiko–DPU-414 black and white
Typical GPIB throughput of 20 measurements or twenty 2000-point records per second.
General Information
General Characteristics
* Denotes Warranted Specifications, all others are typical. Specifications are valid after a 30-minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration temperature.
General Characteristics
Weight Calibrator Output Frequency ~1.2 kHz; Amplitude ~5 V Trigger Out 0 to 5 V with 50 Printer Power 7.2 to 9.2 V, 1 A Kensington lock Connection on rear panel for security
32.26 cm wide x 17.27 cm high x 31.75 cm deep (without handle)
6.35 kgs (14 lbs)
source impedance; delay ~ 55 ns
Power Requirements
Line Voltage Range 100 - 240 VAC ±10%, CAT II, automatic selection Line Frequency 47 to 440 Hz Power Usage 100 W max
Environmental Characteristics
Ambient Temperature Operating -10 °C to +55 °C
Humidity Operating 95% RH at 40 °C for 24 hr
Altitude Operating to 4,570 m (15,000 ft)
Vibration HP/Agilent class B1 and MIL-PRF-28800F Class 3 random Shock HP/Agilent class B1 and MIL-PRF-28800F (operating 30 g, 1/2 sine, 11-ms duration, 3
Pollution degree2 Normally only dry non-conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally a temporary
Indoor use only This instrument is rated for indoor use only
Non-operating -51 °C to +71 °C
Non-operating 90% RH at 65 °C for 24 hr
Non-operating to 15,244 m (50,000 ft)
shocks/axis along major axis. Total of 18 shocks)
conductivity caused by condensation must be expected.

Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use

Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use
To prepare your oscilloscope for use, you need to do the following tasks. A ft er y ou ha ve co mp l et ed th em , y ou wi ll be re a dy to us e t he o sc il lo sc op e.
In the following topics you will:
• adjust the handle
• power-on the oscilloscope
• adjust the display intensity
• connect the oscilloscope probes
• connect the digital probes (with 54621D and 54622D)
• connect a printer
• connect a RS-232 cable
• verify basic oscilloscope operation
• get started using the oscilloscope interface
• learn how to use Quick Help
This chapter also tells you how to:
• clean the oscilloscope

Setting up the Oscilloscope

After you have done a few basic tasks, you will connect probes to the oscilloscope. The number of probes, and the type of probes that you will use depends on the oscilloscope model that you have.
• When using the Agilent 54621A and 54622A 2-channel Oscilloscopes, and the Agilent 54624A 4-channel Oscilloscope, you will connect and use analog probes to examine analog signals.
Analog channels
(2 or 4, depending
on the oscilloscope
• When using the Agilent 54621D and 54622D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscopes, you will connect and use both analog and digital probes to examine analog and digital signals.
Analog channels (2)
Digital channels (16)
Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use

To adjust the handle

To adjust the handle
1 Grasp the handle pivot points on each side of the instrument and pull
the pivot out until it stops.
5 ns1 s
2 Without releasing the pivots, swivel the handle to the desired position.
Then release the pivots. Continue pivoting the handle until it clicks into a set position.
Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use

To power-on the oscilloscope

To power-on the oscilloscope
1 Connect the power cord to the rear of the oscilloscope, then to a suitable
ac voltage source.
The oscilloscope power supply automatically adjusts for input line voltages in the range 100 to 240 VAC. Therefore, you do not need to adjust the input line voltage setting. The line cord provided is matched to the country of origin. Ensure that you have the correct line cord. See table 1-3
2 Press the power switch.
Trigger out
Some front panel key lights will come on and the oscilloscope will be operational in about 5 seconds.
Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use

To adjust the display intensity

To adjust the display intensity
The Intensity control is at the lower left corner of the front panel.
• To decrease display intensity, rotate the Intensity control counter­clockwise.
• To increase display intensity, rotate the Intensity control clockwise.
Dim Bright
Intensity control
The grid or graticule intensity on the display can be adjusted by pressing the Display key, then turn the Entry knob (labeled on the front panel) to adjust the Grid control.
Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use

To connect the oscilloscope probes

To connect the oscilloscope probes
1 Connect the Agilent 10074C 1.5-meter, 10:1 oscilloscope probe to the
analog channel 1 or 2 BNC connector input on the oscilloscope, or channel 1 through channel 4 on the 54624A.
Maximum input voltage for analog inputs:
CAT I 300 Vrms, 400 Vpk CAT II 100 Vrms, 400 Vpk with 10074C 10:1 probe: CAT I 500 Vpk, CAT II 400 Vpk
2 Connect the retractable hook tip on the probe tip to the circuit point of
interest. Be sure to connect the probe ground lead to a ground point on the circuit.
The probe ground lead is connected to the oscilloscope chassis and the ground wire in the power cord. If you need to connect the ground lead to a point in the circuit that cannot be grounded to power ground, consider using a differential probe.
Perfectly compensated
Over compensated
Under compensated

To compensate your probe

You should compensate you probes to match their characteristics to the oscilloscope. A poorly compenstated probe can introduce measurement errors. To compensate a probe, follow these steps:
1 Connect the probe from channel 1 to the Probe Comp signal on the lower-
right corner of the front panel. 2Press 3 Use a nonmetallic tool to adjust the trimmer capacitor on the probe for
the flattest pulse possible.
Preparing the Oscilloscope for Use

To use the digital probes (mixed-signal oscilloscope only)

To use the digital probes (mixed-signal oscilloscope only)
1 If you feel it’s necessary, turn off the power supply to the circuit under
Turning off power to the circuit under test would only prevent damage that might occur if you accidentally short two lines together while connecting probes. You can leave the oscilloscope powered on because no voltage appears at the probes.
2 Connect the digital probe cable to D15 - D0 connector on the front panel
of the mixed-signal oscilloscope. The digital probe cable is indexed so you can connect it only one way. You do not need to power-off the oscilloscope.
Use only the Agilent part number 54620-68701 digital probe kit supplied with the mixed-signal oscilloscope.
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