If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end user agreement, this guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license
and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by any such license, no part of this guide may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieva l system, or transmitte d, in any form or by any means, ele ctronic, mechanical, re cording, or otherwise, without the prior
written per mission of Adobe Systems Inc orporated. Please note that the content in this guide is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed
with software that includes an end user license agreement.
The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by
Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the
informational content contained in this guide.
Ple ase r ememb er th at exi stin g art work o r imag es th at you m ay wa nt to i nclud e in yo ur pro ject may be prote cted unde r copy right law. The unauthorized
incorporation of such material into your new work could be a violation of the rights of the copyright owner. Please be sure to obtain any permission
required from the copyright owner.
Any references to company names in sample templates or images are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual
Adobe , the Adob e logo, Ac robat, Acr obat Capt ure, Acrob at Conne ct, Bree ze, Cre ative Sui te, Disti ller, Fla sh, Frame Maker, Free Hand, GoLive, Illustrator,
InCopy, InDesign, LiveCycle, Photoshop, PostScript, PostScript 3, Reader, and Version Cue are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Apple, Mac and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States an d other countries . Microsoft, MS- DOS, OpenType, Vista, and
Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is a registered
trademark op The Open Group in the US and other countries. Helvetica and Times are trademarks of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG exclusively
licensed through Linotype Library GmbH, and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective
ortions of Adobe Acrobat include technology used under license from Autonomy and are copyrighted.
This product contains either BISAFE and/or TIPEM software by RSA Data Security, Inc.
e_Db is a licensed product from Simple Software Solutions, Inc.
Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA.
Notice to U.S. Government End Users. The Software and Documentation are “Commercial Items,” as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101, consisting
of “Commercial Computer Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation,” as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R.
§227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer
Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b)
with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Unpublished-rights reserved under the
copyright laws of the United States. Adobe agrees to comply with all applicable equal opportunity laws including, if appropriate, the provisions of
Executive Order 11246, as amended, Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 (38 USC 4212), and Section 503 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the regulations at 41 CFR Parts 60-1 through 60-60, 60-250, and 60-741. The affirmative action clause
and regulations contained in the preceding sentence shall be incorporated by reference.
Lorsque le présent guide est distribué avec un logiciel assujetti à un contrat de licence, le guide et le logiciel qu'il décrit sont régis par la licence et ne
peuvent être utilisés ou copiés qu'en conformité avec les conditions de ladite licence. A moins d'une autorisation expresse accordée par cette licence,
aucune partie de ce guide ne peut être reproduite, stockée dans un système d'interrogation ou transmise, sous quelque forme ou par qu elque moyen que
ce soit (électronique, mécanique, par enregistrement ou autre) sans l'autorisation écrite préalable d'Adobe Systems Incorporated. Veuillez noter que le
contenu du présent guide est protégé par la loi sur les droits d'auteur, même s'il n'est pas distribué avec un logiciel régi par un contrat de licence
Les informations contenues dans ce guide sont fournies à titre purement informatif ; elles sont susceptibles d'être modifiées sans préavis et ne doivent
pas être interprétées comme étant un engagement de la part d'Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Systems Incorporated n'accepte aucune
responsabilité quant aux erreurs ou inexactitudes pouvant être contenues dans le présent guide.
Veuillez noter que les illustrations et images existantes que vous souhaiterez éventuellement inclure dans votre projet sont susceptibles d'être protégées
par les lois sur les droits d'auteur. L'inclusion non autorisée de tels éléments dans vos nouveaux travaux peut constituer une violation des droits du
propriétaire. Veuillez vous assurer de détenir toute autorisation nécessaire auprès du détenteur des droits.
Toute référence à des noms de sociétés dans les modèles ou images types n'est utilisée qu'à titre d'exemple et ne fait référence à aucune société réelle.
Adobe , le logo Adobe , Acrobat, Ac robat Capt ure, Acroba t Connec t, Breeze , Creativ e Suite, Di stiller, F lash, Fra meMaker, Free Hand, GoLive, Illustrator,
InCopy, InDesign, LiveCycle, Photoshop, PostScript, PostScript 3, Reader et Version Cue sont des marques ou des marques déposées d'Adobe Systems
Incorporated aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays.
Apple, Mac et Macintosh sont des marques d'Apple, Inc., déposées aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Microsoft, MS-DOS, OpenType, Vista et
Windows sont des marques ou des marques déposées de Microsoft Corporation aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. UNIX est une marque déposée
de The Open Group aux Etats-Unis et dans d'autres pays. Helvetica and Times sont des marques déposées de Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG,
exclusivement cédées sous licence par le biais de Linotype Library GmbH, et peuvent être déposées dans certaines juridictions. Toutes les autres marques
citées sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.
Certains composants d’Adobe Acrobat, protégés par des droits d’auteur, incluent une technologie utilisée sous la licence d’Autonomy, Inc.
Ce produit contient les logiciels BISAFE et/ou TIPEM de RSA Data Security, Inc.
e_Db est un produit de Simple Software Solutions, Inc., cédé sous licence.
Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA.
Avis aux utilisateurs du gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Ce logiciel et la docume ntation attenante font parti e des « commercial items », visés à l'article 48
C.F.R., alinéa 2.101, qui se composent des « commercial computer software » et « commercial computer software documentation », visés à l'article 48
C.F.R., alinéa 12.212 ou 48 C.F.R., alinéa 227.7202, selon le cas. Conformément à l'article 48 C.F.R., alinéa 12.212 ou 48 C.F.R., alinéas 227.7202-1 à
227.7202-4, selon le cas, la licence des « commercial computer software » et « commercial computer software documentation » est accordée aux
utilisateurs finaux faisant partie du gouvernement des Etats-Unis (a) en tant que « commercial items » et (b) uniquement selon les droits accordés à tous
les autres utilisateurs selon les conditions mentionnées dans les présentes. Droits non publiés réservés dans le cadre des lois sur les droits d'auteur en
vigueur aux Etats-Unis. Adobe s'engage à respecter la législation relative à l'égalité des chances y compris, le cas échéant, les dispositions du décret 11246,
tel qu'amendé, à la section 402 de la loi sur l'assistance aux vétérans du Vietnam (Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act) de 1974
(38 USC 4212), et à la section 503 de la loi sur la réadaptation (Rehabilitation Act) de 1973, telle qu'amendée, et la réglementation des articles 41 CFR,
alinéas 60-1 à 60-60, 60-250 et 60-741. La clause d'action positive et la réglementation décrites dans la phrase précédente sont incluses par référence.
Adobe® Acrobat® 3D Version 8 für Windows®
Wenn dieses Handbuch mit Software vertrieben wird, zu der eine Endbenutzervereinbarung gehört, unterliegen dieses Handbuch und die darin
beschriebene Software einem Lizenzvertrag und dürfen nur in Übereinstimmung mit den Vertragsbestimmungen verwendet oder vervielfältigt
werden. Kein Teil dieses Handbuchs darf, sofern nicht per Lizenzvertrag ausdrücklich erlaubt, ohne die vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von Adobe
Systems Incorporated reproduziert, in Datenbanken gespeichert oder in irgendeiner Form – elektronisch, fotomechanisch, auf Tonträgern oder auf
irgendeine andere Weise – übertragen werden. Beachten Sie, dass der Inhalt dieses Handbuchs urheberrechtlich geschützt ist, auch wenn es nicht mit
der Software geliefert wird, die eine Endbenutzerlizenzvereinbarung enthält.
Der Inhalt dieses Handbuchs dient ausschließlich Informationszwecken, kann ohne Vorankündigung verändert werden und ist nicht als Verpflichtung
von Adobe Systems Incorporated anzusehen. Adobe Systems Incorporated übernimmt keine Haftung für Fehler oder Ungenauigkeiten, die in den in
diesem Handbuch enthaltenen Informationen auftauchen können.
Beachten Sie, dass die Grafiken oder Abbildungen, die Sie eventuell in Ihrem Projekt verwenden möchten, urheberrechtlich geschützt sein können. Das
Einfügen solchen Materials in Ihre neue Arbeit kann eine Verletzung der Rechte des Inhabers der Urheberrechte darstellen. Holen Sie vorher die
Erlaubnis vom Inhaber der Urheberrechte ein.
Firmennamen in Beispielvorlagen oder Bildern dienen ausschließlich Demonstrationszwecken und verweisen nicht auf tatsächlich bestehende
Adobe, das Adobe-Logo, Acrobat, Acrobat Capture, Acrobat Connect, Breeze, Creative Suite, Distiller, Flash, FrameMaker, FreeHand, GoLive,
Illustrator, InCopy, InDesign, LiveCycle, Photoshop, PostScript, PostScript 3, Reader und Version Cue sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken von
Adobe Systems Incorporated in den USA und/oder anderen Ländern.
Apple, Mac und Macintosh sind Marken von Apple Inc., die in den USA und anderen Ländern eingetragen sind. Microsoft, MS-DOS, OpenType, Vista
und Windows sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der Microsoft Corporation in den USA und/oder anderen Ländern. UNIX ist eine eingetragene
Marke von The Open Group in den USA und anderen Ländern. Helvetica und Times sind Marken (in einigen Ländern bzw. Regionen eingetragene
Marken) der Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, exklusiv lizenziert durch die Linotype Library GmbH. Alle anderen Marken sind Eigentum ihrer
jeweiligen Inhaber.
Teile von Adobe Acrobat beinhalten Technologien, die unter Lizenz von Autonomy verwendet werden und urheberrechtlich geschützt sind.
Dieses Produkt enthält BSAFE- und/oder TIPEM-Software von RSA Data Security, Inc.
e_Db ist ein lizenziertes Produkt von Simple Software Solutions, Inc.
Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA.
Hinweis für Endbenutzer in US-Behörden. Die vorliegende Software und die zugehörige Dokumentation sind „Commercial Items“ (Kommerzielle
Güter), wie in 48 C.F.R. §2.101 definiert, und umfassen die Bestandteile „Commercial Computer Software“ (Kommerzielle Computersoftware) und
„Commercial Computer Software Documentation“ (Kommerzielle Computersoftwaredokumentation), wie in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 bzw. 48 C.F.R.
§227.7202 als solche bezeichnet, falls anwendbar. In Übereinstimmung mit 48 C.F.R. §12.212 oder 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 bis 227.7202-4 werden
„Commercial Computer Software“ und „Commercial Computer Software Documentation“ für Benutzer in US-Regierungsbehörden (a) lediglich als
„Commercial Items“ und (b) nur mit den Rechten lizenziert, die allen anderen Benutzern gemäß den dokumentierten Geschäftsbedingungen
eingeräumt werden. Nicht veröffentlichte Rechte sind unter den Urheberrechtsgesetzen der USA vorbehalten. Adobe erklärt hiermit, alle anwendbaren
Gesetze zur Chancengleichheit zu beachten, darunter, soweit zutreffend, die Bestimmungen der Executive Order 11246 (geänderte Fassung),
Paragraph 402 des Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act von 1974 (38 USC 4212), Paragraph 503 des Rehabilitation Act von 1973
(geänderte Fassung) sowie die Bestimmungen in 41 CFR Abschnitt 60-1 bis 60-60, 60-250 und 60-741. Die Schutzmaßnahmen und die Festsetzungen
im vorangegangenen Satz werden per Verweis integriert.
Teilenummer: 90069961 (04/07)
ten. Proximity Technology, eine Division von Franklin Electronic Publishers,
To review complete system requirements and
recommendations for your Adobe® software, see the
Read Me file included with your software.
Install the software
1 Close any other Adobe applications open on your
2 Insert the installation disc into the disc drive, and
follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: For more information, see the Read Me file
included with your software.
Activate the software
Adobe software may include license management
technology to ensure compliance with the product
license agreement. When present, this technology
prompts you to verify the license of your product
within 30 days after you first use it. Verification is
You may be prompted to activate the software. The
verification process doesn’t collect, transmit, or use
any information about the identity of users. For more
in for mation on t his topic, see t he R ead Me fil e on you r
installation disc, or visit the Adobe website at
2 Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: If you want to install the software on a different
computer, you must first deactivate the software on your
computer: Choose Help > Activation > Deactivate.
Register your product to receive complimentary
installation support, notifications of updates, and
other services.
❖ To register, follow the on-screen instructions in the
Registration dialog box, which appears after you
install and activate the software.
If you postpone registration, you can register at any
time by choosing Help > Registration.
Read Me
The in st al la ti on d is c c on tains th e R ea d Me file fo r y ou r
software. (This file is also copied to the application
folder during product installation.) Open the file to
read important information about the following
• System requirements
• Installation
• Registration
• Electronic licensing
• Legal notices
1 If the Activation dialog box isn’t already open,
choose Help > Activation > Activate.
Getting started
Using Adobe Help
Adobe Help resources
Documentation for your Adobe software is available
in a variety of formats.
In-product and LiveDocs Help
In-product Help provides access to all documentation
and instructional content available at the time the
software ships. It is available through the Help menu
in your Adobe software.
LiveDocs Help includes all the content from
in-product Help, plus updates and links to additional
instructional content available on the web. For some
products, you can also add comments to the topics in
LiveDocs Help. Find LiveDocs Help for your product
in the Adobe Help Resource Center, at
Most versions of in-product and LiveDocs Help let
you search across the Help systems of multiple
products. Topics may also contain links to relevant
content on the web or to topics in the Help of another
Think of Help, both in the product and on the web, as
a hub for accessing additional content and
communities of users. The most complete and
up-to-date version of Help is always on the web.
How To topics
The How To topics provide a brief overview of the
most common tasks. If you need more information,
click the link at the bottom of the How To topic to view
the related Help topic.
Getting Started Guide
PDF documentation
Th e in -produ ct Help is a lso av ail abl e as an Adob e PD F
that is optimized for printing. Other documents, such
as installation guides and white papers, may also be
provided as PDFs.
All PDF documentation is available through the
Adobe Help Resource Center, at
www.adobe.com/go/documentation. To see the PDF
do c um ent at io n i nc lu de d w it h yo ur so ft wa re , l oo k i n t he
Documents folder on the installation or content DVD.
Printed documentation
Printed editions of the in-product Help may be
available for purchase in the Adobe Store, at
www.adobe.com/go/store. You can also find books
published by Adobe publishing partners in the Adobe
A printed workflow guide is included with all Adobe
Creative Suite® 3 products, and stand-alone Adobe
products may include a printed getting started guide.
Using Help in the product
In-product Help is available through the Help menu.
After you start the Adobe Help Viewer, you can access
Help for additional Adobe products installed on your
computer. Topics may contain links to additional
content on the web.
If you search for a phrase, such as “shape tool,”
enclose it in quotation marks to see only those topics
that include all the words in the phrase.
Accessibility features
Adobe Help content is accessible to people with
disabilities—such as mobility impairments, blindness,
and low vision. In-product Help supports these
standard accessibility features:
• The user can change text size with standard context
menu commands (Microsoft® Windows®) and
standard menu commands (Apple Mac OS).
• Links are underlined for easy recognition.
• If link text doesn’t match the title of the destination,
the title is referenced in the Title attribute of the
Anchor tag. For example, the Previous and Next
links include the titles of the previous and next
• Content supports high-contrast mode.
• Images without captions include alternate text.
• Each frame has a title to indicate its purpose.
• Standard HTML tags define content structure for
screen reading or text-to-speech tools.
• Style sheets control formatting, so there are no
embedded fonts.
Keyboard shortcuts for Help toolbar controls
Back button Alt+Left Arrow
Forward button Alt+Right Arrow
Print Ctrl+P
About button Ctrl+I
Help For menu Alt+Down Arrow or Alt+Up Arrow to
view Help for another application
Getting started
Keyboard shortcuts for Help navigation (Windows)
• To move between panes, press Ctrl+Tab (forward)
and Shift+Ctrl+Tab (backward).
• To move through and outline links in a pane, press
Tab (forward) or Shift+Tab (backward).
• To activate an outlined link, press Enter.
• To change text size, press Ctrl/Command+plus sign
(+) or Ctrl/Command+minus sign (-).
Adobe Video Workshop
The Adobe Creative Suite 3 Video Workshop offers
over 200 training videos covering a wide range of
subjects for print, web, and video professionals.
You can use the Adobe Video Workshop to learn about
any Creative Suite 3 product. Many videos show you
how to use Adobe applications together.
When you start the Adobe Video Workshop, you
choose the products you want to learn and the subjects
you want to view. You can see details about each video
to focus and direct your learning.
Community of presenters
With this release, Adobe Systems invited the
community of its users to share their expertise and
insights. Adobe and lynda.com present tutorials, tips,
and tricks from leading designers and developers such
as Joseph Lowery, Katrin Eismann, and Chris
Georgenes. You can see and hear Adobe experts such
as Lynn Grillo, Greg Rewis, and Russell Brown. In all,
over 30 product experts share their knowledge.
Getting Started Guide
Tutorials and source files
The Adobe Video Workshop includes training for
novices and experienced users. You’ll also find videos
on new features and key techniques. Each video covers
a single subject and typically runs about 3-5 minutes.
Most videos come with an illustrated tutorial and
source files, so you can print detailed steps and try the
tutorial on your own.
Using Adobe Video Workshop
You can access Adobe Video Workshop using the
DVD included with your Creative Suite 3 product.
It’s also available online at
www.adobe.com/go/learn_videotutorials. Adobe will
regularly add new videos to the online Video
Workshop, so check in to see what’s new.
Acrobat videos
Adobe Video Workshop covers a wide range of
subjects for Adobe Acrobat®, including these:
• Setting up the workspace and taskbars
• Combining files into a PDF
• Converting PDFs
• Modifying PDFs
• Adding comments to PDFs
• Wor k ing w ith s hare d revi ews
• Reviewing and summarizing comments
• Adding security to forms
• Collaborating in real time with Adobe Acrobat
• Preflighting files
• Printing documents
Getting started
To access Adobe Creative Suite 3 video
tutorials, visit Adobe Video Workshop at
You have access to a wide variety of resources that will
help you make the most of your Adobe software. Some
of these resources are installed on your computer
during the setup process; additional content is included
on the installation or content disc, if applicable. Unique
extras are also offered online by the Adobe Exchange
community, at www.adobe.com/go/exchange.
Installed resources
During software installation, a number of resources
are placed in your application folder. To view those
files, navigate to the application folder on your
Disc content
The disc included with your product may contain
additional resources for use with the software, such as
presets, plug-ins, a PDF version of the Help, technical
information, and other documents.
Adobe Exchange
For more free content, visit
www.adobe.com/go/exchange, an online community
where users download and share thousands of free
actions, extensions, plug-ins, and other content for use
with Adobe products.
Adobe Design Center
Adobe Design Center offers articles, inspiration, and
instruction from industry experts, top designers, and
Adobe publishing partners. New content is added
Getting Started Guide
You can find hundreds of tutorials for design products
and learn tips and techniques through videos, HTML
tutorials, and sample book chapters.
New ideas are the heart of Think Tank, Dialog Box,
and Gallery:
• Think Tank articles consider how today’s designers
engage with technology and what their experiences
mean for design, design tools, and society.
• In Dialog Box, experts share new ideas in motion
graphics and digital design.
• The Gallery showcases how artists communicate
design in motion.
Visit Adobe Design Center at
Adobe Developer Center
Adobe Developer Center provides samples, tutorials,
articles, and community resources for developers who
build rich Internet applications, websites, mobile
content, and other projects using Adobe products.
The Developer Center also contains resources for
developers who develop plug-ins for Adobe products.
In addition to sample code and tutorials, you'll find
RSS feeds, online seminars, SDKs, scripting guides,
and other technical resources.
Visit Adobe Developer Center at
Getting started
Customer support
Visit the Adobe Support website, at
www.adobe.com/support, to find troubleshooting
information for your product and to learn about free
and paid technical support options. Follow the Training
link for access to Adobe Press books, a variety of
training resources, Adobe software certification
programs, and more.
Visit www.adobe.com/go/downloads to find free
updates, tryouts, and other useful software. In addition,
the Adobe Store (at www.adobe.com/go/store) provides
access to thousands of plug-ins from third-party
developers, helping you to automate tasks, customize
workflows, create specialized professional effects, and
Adobe Labs
Adobe Labs gives you the opportunity to experience
and evaluate new and emerging technologies and
products from Adobe.
At Adobe Labs, you have access to resources such as
• Prerelease software and technologies
• Code samples and best practices to accelerate your
• Early versions of product and technical
• Forums, wiki-based content, and other
collaborative resources to help you interact with
like-minded developers
Adobe Labs fosters a collaborative software
development process. In this environment, customers
quickly become productive with new products and
technologies. Adobe Labs is also a forum for early
feedback, which the Adobe development teams use to
create software that meets the needs and expectations
of the community.
Visit Adobe Labs at www.adobe.com/go/labs.
User communities
User communities feature forums, blogs, and other
avenues for users to share technologies, tools, and
information. Users can ask questions and find out how
others are getting the most out of their software.
User-to-user forums are available in English, French,
German, and Japanese; blogs are posted in a wide
range of languages.
To participate in forums or blogs, visit
Adobe® Acrobat® 3D Version 8 software offers robust
tools to support many aspects of your document
• Create Adobe PDFs from many different
• Assemble files from multiple sources into a PDF
• Convert PDFs to other formats, such as Word,
• Restrict access to your PDFs using various security
• Approve a PDF by digitally signing and certifying it.
• Conduct reviews using numerous commenting and
review tools.
• Create fillable forms, distribute them securely, and
collect the form data.
Browse through the following Quickstart topics to get
an overview of Acrobat 3D capabilities. For more
information on a topic, see Help.
Create PDFs
PDFs retain the appearance of your original
documents, so you don’t need to worry about losing
document quality. And because PDFs can be viewed
on Windows, Mac OS, or UNIX by using free Adobe
Reader® software, anyone can view and print PDFs
without having the source applications. You can create
PDFs from within Acrobat 3D, or from various source
Getting Started Guide
Convert your original document (left) to Adobe PDF (center), and
then add bookmarks, comments, and so on in Acrobat (right).
For example, you can convert an Outlook email
message discussing project issues to a PDF and then
attach it to a PDF containing the project specification
and schedule. Or you may have personnel documents
that are currently only on paper. You can easily create
PDFs from each of these paper documents as part of
the process of creating an online human resources
Create from a file
To create a PDF from within Acrobat, the application
that created the original file must be installed on the
system in most cases.
1 Click the Create PDF button and choose From
2 Select the file you want to convert, and click Open.
The authoring application opens automatically or a
progress dialog box appears. If the file is in an
unsupported format, a message appears, telling you
that the file cannot be converted to a PDF.
Getting started
Create from a paper document
You can create a PDF directly from a paper document
using Acrobat 3D and your scanner.
1 Click the Create PDF button and choose From
2 Select the input, output, and document options in
the Acrobat Scan dialog box, and then click Scan.
3 If creating a new PDF, specify a filename and
location, and click Save.
4 Select Scan More Pages or Scanning Complete.
Create from a web page
You can download and convert web pages from the top
level, or any number of subordinate levels, of a URL.
1 Click the Create PDF button and choose From
Web Pa g e.
2 Type the URL into the text box. (Click Browse to
convert a web page you have already downloaded.)
3 Specify the number of levels to download and
where to download files from, and then click Create.
To convert the PDF so that it cannot be re-edited,
choose Document > Prevent Further Edits.
Create from Word
After you install Acrobat 3D, an Acrobat PDFMaker
toolbar is added to Word. In Word 2007 for Windows
instead of the toolbar, you need to access the
PDFMaker options from the Acrobat Ribbon.
1 In Word, open the file you want to convert.
2 Do one of the following:
• (Word 2007 for Windows) Click Acrobat and then
click the Create PDF button.
• (Other versions of Word) Click the Convert To
Adobe PDF button.
3 Specify a filename and location, and click Save.
4 (Mac OS only) Click View File or Done.
You can also convert a file to PDF and then email it for
review by clicking Create and Send For Review
(Office 2007) or Send For Review (Other versions
of Office).
Create from scratch
You can create small PDFs that can be edited in
Acrobat 3D.
1 Choose File > Create PDF > From Blank Page.
2 Click in the document and begin typing. Use
options on the New Document toolbar to change text
3 Save the document.
4 To continue editing, choose Document > Resume
Create from Outlook (Windows)
After you install Acrobat 3D, an Acrobat PDFMaker
toolbar is added to Outlook.
1 Select the desired email messages and click Create
Adobe PDF From Selected Messages.
2 Specify a filename and location, and click Save.
The selected messages are converted to a PDF package
or a merged PDF, depending upon conversion
settings. To convert email folders, select the desired
folders and click Create Adobe PDF From Folders .
You can also automatically archive email messages and
Getting Started Guide
Create from Lotus Notes (Windows)
After you install Acrobat 3D, an Acrobat PDFMaker
toolbar is added to Lotus Notes and commands are
added to the Actions menu.
1 Select the desired email messages and click Convert
Selected Messages To Adobe PDF.
2 Specify a filename and location, and click Save.
The messages are converted to a merged PDF or a PDF
package, depending upon conversion settings. You can
convert an entire folder to PDF by clicking Convert
Selected Folder to Adobe PDF.
Create from Internet Explorer (Windows)
You can convert an entire web page or a selected
portion of it to PDF.
1 In Internet Explorer, open the web page you want to
2 (Optional) Drag to select the text and images you
want to convert.
3 Click Convert Web Page To PDF.
4 Specify a filename and location, and click Save.
You can also convert one or more web pages, and even
entire websites, from within Acrobat 3D.
Create using Adobe PDF printer
In many applications, you can use the Print command
with the Adobe PDF printer to convert a file to PDF.
1 Open the file you want to convert, and choose File
> Print.
2 Choose Adobe PDF from the list of printers, and
print the file.
3 If prompted, specify a filename and location, and
click Save.
You can also choose a different default Adobe PDF
printer setting or create a customized setting.
Collaborate on 3D designs
Share and collaborate on your 3D design ideas by
converting them to secure PDF files that others can
comment on in free Adobe Reader. Start an email-based
review to solicit feedback from your collaborators. The
email-based review wizard enables commenting for
Reader users by default. Or, you can start an Acrobat
Connect meeting that lets you demonstrate and discuss
3D designs on your desktop in real time.
Note: If you want to secure your 3D PDF, do so before
you start a review. You can’t change security properties
in a Reader-enabled PDF.
Getting started
Collaborators can explore all aspects of the 3D model,
from hidden internal structures to exploded
animations. They can rotate, cross-section, and
measure parts while adding their comments in notes,
drawings, and other markups.
Convert a 3D file to PDF
Convert any supported 3D file to PDF. (For a list of
supported formats, choose Edit > Preferences, and
select Convert To PDF on the left.)
1 Click the Create PDF button on the Tasks
toolbar, and choose From File.
2 Browse to select the 3D CAD file you want to
3 Select the desired preset or individual settings.
Add comments to a 3D model
By adding comments, you create a new view that’s
associated with those comments.
1 Select a tool from the Comment & Markup toolbar.
2 Click in the 3D model to add a comment and create
a new view in the Model Tree.
You can add comments to an existing comment view
by selecting that view in the Model Tree before you
click in the model.
Start a meeting
If you have an Adobe Acrobat Connect account, you
can start a meeting to review PDFs in a web browser.
You can also create a trial account to start a meeting.
Note: Acrobat Connect is not available in all languages.
1 Click Start Meeting in the Tasks toolbar.
2 Click Log In, and then type your Meeting URL,
login, and password. (Or click Create Trial Account
and follow the on-screen instructions.)
3 Click Send An E-mail Invitation or Share My
Getting Started Guide
CAD, CAM, CAE interoperability
From drawing board to manufacturing plant, PDF
can ease the flow of Computer Aided Design,
Manufacturing, and Engineering (CAD, CAM, CAE)
information. For example, you can quickly convert an
entire assembly to a PDF that’s a fraction of the original
file size while retaining geometric dimensioning and
tolerancing and other product specifications.
By using Acrobat 3D, manufacturers and suppliers can
open virtually any 3D CAD file without installing the
original CAD application or a CAD translator. Import
and view Product Manufacturing Information (PMI)
files. Once the design is finalized, export geometry to a
standard file format that can be reused in CAM
applications to cut, build, and assemble the parts.
View product information for a 3D model
You can view Product Manufacturing Information
(PMI) in the Model Tree and in the 3D model, if you
imported it during PDF conversion.
1 Click the 3D model, and click the Model Tree icon
in the 3D toolbar.
2 In the Model Tree, click each view to see the PMI
associated with that view.
Export geometry from a 3D model
If geometry was retained during conversion, you can
export it as IGES, STEP, VRML, or ParaSolid file
formats, which most CAE and CAM applications can
1 Right-click the 3D model and choose Export Data
from the menu.
2 Choose a file type and click Settings to specify
options for that file type.
Combine files
Combine files from various sources into a single,
merged PDF or an assembled PDF package of related
files. For example, you might collect brochures,
presentations, spreadsheets, and contracts into a
cohesive sales proposal.
If you merge files into a single PDF, you can then add
unifying elements to help tie the document together.
For example, you can add a header or footer to the new
file. Or renumber pages so that the page numbers that
appear in the Page Navigation toolbar are consecutive
across the merged files. You can also rotate, delete, and
replace pages as necessary to create a cohesive look
and keep the PDF up-to-date.
Getting started
Assemble PDFs in a package
A PDF package lets you assemble related information
into a single PDF while maintaining individual PDFs
within it.
1 Click Combine Files, and then click Add Files.
2 Select the files you want to combine, and click Add
3 Adjust the order of files as desired, and then choose
a file size and conversion setting.
4 Click Next, select Assemble Files Into A PDF
Package, and click Create.
Modify a list of files to combine
When combining files, you have several options for
adjusting the set of files.
Merge documents from different applications into one Adobe PDF.
Create a PDF from multiple files
You can easily merge files of different types into a
single PDF.
1 Click Combine Files, and then click Add Files.
2 Select the files you want to combine, and click Add
3 Adjust the order of files as desired, and then choose
a file size and conversion setting.
4 Click Next, select Merge Files Into A Single PDF,
and click Create.
Rather than merging files, you can also create a PDF
package of files.
1 Click Combine Files, click Add Files, and add
the desired files.
2 To modify the list of files or remove a file from the
list, select a file, and then do any of the following:
• Click Move Up or Move Down or drag the
file to a new location.
• Click Choose Pages to include a subset of pages.
(Button name might change based on file type.)
• Click Remove or press Delete.
Add headers and footers
You can add a single header and footer throughout a
PDF or apply different headers and footers selectively
to various pages.
1 Choose Document > Header & Footer > Add. If a
message appears, click Add New.
2 Specify font and margin settings.
Getting Started Guide
3 In the header and footer text boxes, type the desired
text. Click the buttons below the boxes to insert a page
number or date.
You can save header and footer settings for easy reuse.
Renumber pages
When you renumber pages, only the numbers that
appear in the Pages panel and the toolbar are affected.
To change the numbers that appear on the document
pages, add a header or footer.
1 Click the Pages button, and choose Number
Pages from the Options menu.
Specify which pages the numbering will be applied to.
3 Specify the numbering style, prefix (if any), and
starting number.
You can also continue the numbering style of the
previous section.
Rotate pages
You can rotate all or selected pages in a PDF.
1 Choose Document > Rotate Pages.
2 Specify the direction of the rotation and the page
3 Choose the desired options from the Rotate menus.
Delete pages
After combining files, you can delete unwanted or
blank pages.
1 (Optional) Click the Pages button in the
navigation pane and select the pages you want to
2 Choose Document > Delete Pages.
3 Click Selected to delete selected pages or click From
and specify a range.
If you want to retain a copy of the original PDF, make
sure that you save the new document using Save As
rather than Save.
Replace pages
To quickly update a PDF, you can replace individual
1 Choose Document > Replace Pages.
2 Select the document that contains the replacement
pages, and click Select.
3 Under Original, specify the pages you want to
replace. Under Replacement, specify the beginning
replacement page.
Interactive elements, such as links and bookmarks,
associated with the original pages aren’t deleted.
To temporarily rotate a page, choose View > Rotate
View > Cloc k w ise or C o u nt erclockw i s e.
If you don’t have access to the original source file for a
PDF, you can convert the PDF to an editable format.
You can also copy selected text and images to reuse in
other documents. Or extract pages and save them as a
new PDF.
Getting started
For example, you might save a brochure in HTML
format for use on your company’s website. Or extract
a few relevant pages from a large in-house document
to share with clients. You could easily repurpose
images and text from a design specification by copying
them into a Word, Photoshop, or InDesign document.
Export as Word
If you don’t have the original file from which a PDF
was created, you can save the PDF as a Word
document that you can then edit in Word.
1 Click Export on the Tasks toolbar, and then
choose Word Document.
2 Click Settings to set conversion options.
Note: When you save a PDF to Word format, the
resulting file isn’t equivalent to a file created in Word;
some coding information may be lost.
Export as HTML or XML
To easily use the content of a PDF on the web, simply
convert the PDF to HTML or XML format.
1 Click Export on the Tasks toolbar, and then
choose HTML Web Page or XML 1.0.
2 Click Settings to set conversion options.
You can save a PDF in HTML 3.2 format by clicking
Export, and choosing More Formats > HTML 3.2.
2 If saving to RTF or plain text, click Settings to adjust
the conversion settings.
Select and copy text
You can copy words, lines, or columns of text from a PDF.
1 Using the Select tool, do any of the following:
• Drag across text.
• Double-click or triple-click to select a word or a line
of text.
Move the pointer over the icon that appears next to the
selected text, and then choose an option from the menu.
If you cannot select text, it may be part of an image or
from a scanned document.
Select and copy an image
You can copy an image from a PDF to the clipboard or
to another application, or you can save it to a file.
1 Using the Select tool, click an image or drag to
select a portion of it after the pointer changes to a
crosshairs icon.
2 Do any of the following:
• Drag the image into an open document in another
• Right-click/Control-click the image and choose
Copy Image or Save Image As.
Export as text
You can save a PDF in Rich Text Format (RTF), as
accessible text, or as plain text. RTF preserves the most
formatting. Accessible text preserves such items as
comments, form fields, and alternate text.
1 Click Export on the Tasks toolbar, choose More
Formats, and then choose the desired text format.
Take a snapshot of a page
Use the Snapshot tool to copy all selected content. Text
and images are both copied as an image.
1 Choose Tools > Select & Zoom > Snapshot tool.
2 Drag on the page to select content, or click to copy
the entire page.
Getting Started Guide
The selected content is copied to the clipboard when
you release the mouse button.
Extract pages
When you extract pages, they are saved in a new PDF.
1 Choose Document > Extract Pages.
2 Specify the range of pages to extract.
3 Choose whether you want to delete the pages after
extracting them.
4 To save the extracted pages as individual files,
rather than a single PDF, select Extract Pages As
Separate Files.
All links, comments, and form fields on the extracted
pages are also extracted, but bookmarks and articles
are not.
You can use password or certificate encryption, as well
as server-based policies, to help control access to your
PDFs. These security features allow you to restrict
what others can do and see in the PDFs you create.
For example, you can create read-only files for web
distribution. Or limit access in files that you send out
for review so that only commenting is allowed. You
can redact sensitive content in a legal brief or examine
a PDF for personal information before making it
available to the public.
Examine a PDF for hidden content
Before making a PDF available to others, you may
wish to remove content that reveals the document
history or that contains your personal information,
such as metadata that lists your name as the author.
1 Choose Document > Examine Document.
2 Select the items you want removed from the PDF,
and click Remove All Checked Items.
3 Save the document with a new name.
You can also examine a PDF at the end of a redaction
Redact sensitive content
Use redaction to remove sensitive content from a PDF.
Important: Save a copy of the PDF before applying
redaction markups.
1 Choose View > Toolbars > Redaction.
2 Click Mark For Redaction, and do any of the
• Double-click a word or an image.
• Drag across text.
• Ctrl/Control-drag over an area of the page.
3 Click Apply Redactions. Search for and remove
hidden content, if desired.
Use Search And Redact to remove all instances of a
search string.
Add a document password
One way to restrict access to a PDF is to add a
Document Open password.
Getting started
Important: There is no way to open the PDF if you
forget the password.
1 Click Secure on the toolbar, and choose
Password Encryption.
2 Select Require A Password To Open The
Document, and type a case-sensitive password in the
text box.
If the PDF already has security applied, you may need
to supply the Permissions password that lets you
change security settings.
Prevent changes to a PDF
Add security restrictions to help prevent others from
changing your PDF.
1 Click Secure on the Tasks toolbar, and choose
Password Encryption.
2 Select Restrict Editing And Printing Of The
Document, and type a Permissions password.
Choose an option from the Changes Allowed menu.
For information on using other security methods to
restrict access, see Help.
Recipients can extract and save the encrypted
documents. Once saved, the documents are no longer
Secure PDFs using policies
You can quickly apply security options by using either
a user policy that you create or an organizational policy
created by an Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server
administrator and shared by a group of users. Two
user policies come with Acrobat 3D.
1 Click Secure on the toolbar, and choose one of
the policies listed at the top of the menu.
2 Click Yes, and then change the security settings as
Create a user security policy
Security policies provide an easy way for you to apply
the same security settings to multiple PDFs. Security
policies include encryption, permission settings, and
information about who can open the PDFs or change
security settings.
1 Cl ick Secu re on th e to olb ar, and c hoo se M anage
Security Policies.
Create secure attachments
You can add security to both PDF and non-PDF
documents by embedding them in an encrypted
envelope, called a security envelope, and sending the
envelope as an email attachment.
1 Click Secure, and choose Create Security
2 Click Add File To Send, and select the desired
3 Click Next, and follow the on-screen instructions to
create the security envelope.
2 Click New, and select the type of security you want.
3 Click Next, and follow the on-screen instructions to
set up the policy and choose the desired security
Digitally signing a PDF is much like signing a paper
document. For example, you can use a digital
signature to indicate that you approve of the contents,
that you have reviewed the contents, or that you agree
to the terms outlined in the document.
Getting Started Guide
Adding a digital signature also allows you to track any
changes made to the PDF. For added security, you can
certif y a PDF so that recipients can be assured that the
PDF has not been altered. Finally, you can check
digital signatures to ensure that they are valid.
3 Select Create A Self-Signed Digital ID For Use With
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the self-
signed digital ID.
Register a digital ID
You must register a digital ID in Acrobat 3D before
you can use it.
1 Choose Advanced > Security Settings.
2 Select Digital IDs, and click Add ID.
3 Select Browse For An Existing Digital ID File.
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to select the
digital ID file, type your password, and register the
digital ID.
You can create self-signed digital IDs in Acrobat 3D.
Or, see the Adobe website for information on
acquiring a digital ID from Adobe security partners.
Share your certificate
Your digital ID includes a certificate that others
require to validate your signature and encrypt
documents for you.
Sign a PDF to indicate you’ve read it or to certify its contents.
A. Certifying signature B. Digital signature
Create a self-signed digital ID
A digital ID is required to sign documents and apply
certificate security. Self-signed digital IDs created
from Acrobat 3D may be adequate for many
situations. See the Adobe website for information on
acquiring a digital ID from Adobe security partners.
1 Choose Advanced > Security Settings.
2 Select Digital IDs, and click Add ID.
1 Choose Advanced > Security Settings.
2 Select Digital IDs on the left.
3 Select the ID you want to share, and click
4 Follow the on-screen instructions to email the
certificate or save it to a file.
If you use a third-party security method, you usually
don’t need to share your certificate with others.
Getting started
Create a signature appearance
You can modify your digital signature appearance. For
example, you can include your scanned signature.
1 (Optional) Save the desired image on a page by
itself, and convert the page to PDF.
2 Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or
Acrobat 3D (Mac OS) > Preferences, and select
3 Click New, and type a title.
4 (Optional) Select Imported Graphic, click File, and
select the desired file.
5 Specify options as desired.
Sign a PDF
Use a digital signature to indicate your approval. For
best results, change your security preferences to
always sign in Preview Document mode, so that you
can view and sign the PDF in a secure state.
1 Click the signature field. Or, click Sign, and
choose Sign Document.
2 Follow the on-screen instructions to apply your
digital signature.
If the document does not contain an unsigned
signature field, click Sign and choose Place Signature
to sign the PDF.
Certify a PDF
Certifying a PDF indicates that you approve of its
content and allows you to specify the types of changes
that are permitted for the PDF to remain certified.
1 Click Sign on the Tasks toolbar, choose Certify
With Visible S i gnature or C e r tif y Wi t hout Visible
Signature, and click OK.
2 If certifying with a visible signature, draw a
signature field.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions to apply the
certifying signature.
4 Save the PDF using a different filename.
Validate signatures
When you open a document, a status icon appears
next to the signature, indicating if the signature is
1 Click Signatures in the navigation pane, and
select the signature.
2 Right-click/Control-click and choose Show
Signature Properties.
3 Use the various tabs and options in the Signature
Properties dialog box to resolve any signature issues.
For example, if the identity is unknown or unverified,
click the Signer tab, and click Show Certificate to
determine if the certificate is trusted.
Review & Comment
Start an automated email or shared review to simplify
the reviewing process. When you review a PDF using
Acrobat 3D, all users can comment on a single,
unchanging document using a wide variety of
commenting tools, from sticky notes and stamps to
text edits, highlights, and drawing markups. If you set
up a shared review, reviewers can see and respond to
others reviewer’s comments. Using the Review
Tracker, you can invite additional reviewers, rejoin a
review, and track the progress of shared reviews.
Getting Started Guide
For example, suppose you have a specification that
needs to be reviewed by your project team, which
includes people in several locations. Set up a shared
review to send the PDF to all the review participants.
When the participants (including Adobe Reader 8.0
users if you have enabled commenting for Adobe
Reader) open the email attachment, Acrobat opens the
Commenting toolbar and instructions on how to
complete the review.
Add different kinds of comments to your PDF. They also appear in
the Comments list.
A. Note B. Drawing markup C. Stamp D. Replaced Text
E. File attachment F. Highlighted text
If your email application doesn’t send email
automatically, you may need to answer alert messages
and switch to your email application to finish sending
the message.
Start a shared review
A shared review allows reviewers, including those
using Adobe Reader, to see and respond to others’
comments during the review.
Important: To conduct a shared review, you and your
reviewers need write access to a shared comment server.
1 Click Review & Comment and choose Send For
Shared Review.
2 If prompted, enter your identity information to
create a reviewer profile.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions to select (or add)
a server, select the PDF, invite reviewers, and send the
email invitation.
Track and manage reviews
The Review Tracker provides information for all
documents that you’ve sent and received for review.
Use the Review Tracker to rejoin a review, send a
reminder, or invite additional reviewers.
Start an email review
An email-based review lets you track review status and
merge received comments into the PDF.
1 Click Review & Comment and choose Attach
For Email Review.
2 If prompted, enter your identity information to
create a reviewer profile.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions to select the PDF,
invite reviewers, and send the email invitation.
1 Click Review & Comment, and choose Review
Tr ac ke r.
2 Select the desired PDF on the left.
3 Do any of the following:
• To rejoin a review, double-click the PDF.
• To send a message, click Email All Reviewers or
Email Initiator.
• To invite additional reviewers, click Add Reviewers.
Getting started
Invite additional reviewers
If you initiated a review, you can invite more
reviewers. If you are a reviewer, ask the initiator to add
reviewers so the initiator can track all reviewers and
receive notification when comments are received.
1 Click Review & Comment, and choose Review
Tr ac ke r.
2 Select the desired PDF under Reviews I’ve Sent, and
click Add Reviewers on the right.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions to add email
addresses, change the message as needed, and send the
Participate in an email review
When you open the PDF attachment in an email
review, a tracked copy of the PDF opens with a
document message bar, a Send Comments button, and
a Comment & Markup toolbar.
Important: If you’re prompted to connect to a server
when you open the PDF, you’ve been invited to a shared
3 Type your name, email address, and job title to
create a reviewer profile, if prompted.
4 Add comments.
5 When you want to share your comments, click
Publish Comments.
In a shared review, you can see all reviewers’
comments that have been published.
Create drawing markups
You can add lines, arrows, and shapes to a PDF by
using the drawing markup tools.
1 Choose Tools > Comment & Markup, and choose
the desired tool.
2 Draw in the PDF. For example, click and drag to
form a line, arrow, or rectangle.
3 (Optional) Using the Select tool, double-click the
markup, and then type a comment in the pop-up note.
To change properties, such as line color and width,
right-click/Control-click the markup and choose
1 Open the PDF attachment from your email
2 Use commenting tools to add comments.
3 Save the PDF, and then click Send Comments.
Participate in a shared review
When you open the shared PDF, commenting tools and
a document message bar with instructions also open.
1 Open the PDF attachment or link.
2 Click Connect, and type your login name and
password, if prompted.
You can create a PDF form with interactive form fields
from many different sources—an existing electronic
document such as a Word document or a spreadsheet,
a scanned paper document, or a template. You can
then distribute the form through email or a shared
server and track the forms that have been returned to
you. Finally, you can easily collect and review form
data and export it to other applications.
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