Actron Scan Tools User Manual

Manual Supplement
For Scan Tools
Tool Information
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Global PID Definitions
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All global p aramet er i denti ficat ion da ta ( PID) li sted was verif ied o n ac tual v ehicl es to guar ­antee accuracy. PID Definitions were obtained from reliab le sources and are accur ate at time of printing . It is possible that some newer vehicles may cont ain data di fferent from th at listed. Always refer to vehicle service manual for manufacturer specific PIDs.
The PID list i s organized i n alphabetical o rder — the sam e way the scan t ool does. Remem­ber, a lways refe r to a vehi cle servi ce manual f or detai led diagn ostic procedur es when t rou­bleshooting incorrect PID values.
Types of Data Parameters
INPUT:These data parameters are obtain ed fr om sensor circuit outputs.
Sensor circuit outputs are inpu ts to vehicle’s PCM. For example, if Ox ygen Sensor circuit was generating a 400mV signal, then scan tool would read O2S (v) 0.40.
OUTPUT:These data p arameters are outputs or commands that come di­rectly from computer modul e(s). For examp le; the ign itio n sp ark advanc e is controlled by PCM, on most vehicles, monitoring this PID shows spark out­put from PCM. The scan tool would display IGN ADV(º) 10.
CALCULATED:These data para me ter s are calculated after analyzing vari­ous inputs to
VALUE the vehicle’s com puter module(s). For exa mp le, the engine load. The PCM calculates this from senso r input s and displ ays it in a percent age .
PCM VALUE:Is information that i s stored in the computer module(s)’ mem­ory and determined t o be useful to service te chnici an. An example of t his is TROUBLE CODE value, the DTC that caused a freeze f rame capture.
NOTE: Several different causes can have the same parameter indication. For
information on diagnostics consult vehicle service manuals.
ABS FRP (0 - 65,5350 kPA) or (0 - 95050.5 psi)
Absolute Fuel Rail Pressure
ABS LOAD (0 - 100%)
Absolute Load Value
ABSLT TPS (0 - 100 % )
Absolute Throttle Position
ACC POS D,E or F (0 - 100%)
Accelerator Pedal Position
BARO PRESS (0 - 255 kPA) or (0 - 36.9 p si)
Barometric Pressure
pressure sensor, and other inputs during cert ain modes of driving.
The Baro Press may not exhibit the same value as weather services, which
measure barometric pressure at sea level.
CALC LOAD (0 - 100%)
Calculated LOAD Value
CAT TEMPxy (- 40 – 6513.5ºC) or ( - 40 – 9999.9ºF)
Catalyst Temperature
used by control module strategy for OBD monitoring) or displays the Bank x Sensor y catalyst temp erature sensor.
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is the fuel pressure at the engine in respect to atmosphe ric
is the normalized value of air mass per intak e str oke in percen tage.
represents nor m ali zed distance the throttle is opened.
represents normalized distance the gas pedal is pressed.
is usually received from a dedicated barometer, manifold absolute
indicates the normalized load value on the engine.
displays th e cat alyst sub strat e tem perat ure fo r a Bank x catal yst ( if
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CLR DST (0 – 65,535 km) or (0 – 40,722 miles)
Distance Si nce Cleared Diagnost ic Codes
codes were erased.
CLR TIM (0 – 65,535 min) or (0 – 1092.25 hours)
Time Since Cleared Diagnost ic Code
CMD EQ RATxy (0 – 1.99)
Commanded Equivalence Ratio
• For systems that use conventional oxygen sensors, the commanded equivalence ratio displays in open loop. In closed loop, the value is 1.0.
• Fuel systems using wide-range/linear oxygen sensors displ ay commanded equiva­lence ratio in both open and closed loop operation.
COOLANT (- 40 – 215ºC) or (- 40 – 419ºF)
temperature sensor.
displays engin e coolant temperature (ECT) fr om a ECT sensor or cylinder head
is the ratio of the air/fuel mixture.
is the dist ance driven since diagnostic t rouble
is time since diagnostic trouble codes were eras ed.
Many diesel engines do not use either sensor and may substitute Engine Oil
Temperature instead.
EGR CMD (0 – 100%)
Commanded Exhaust Gas Reci rculation
being recirculated.
EGR ERR (-100 – 99.22%)
Exhaust Gas Recirculation Error
ENG RUN (0 – 65,535 sec.)
Time si n ce Engine Start
is the time the engine i s running.
shows the error from changing from one conditio n to
is the normalized percentage of exhaust gas
ENG RUN stops when engine stalls or engine is turned off for any reason.
ENGINE (0 – 16,383.75 RPM)
is the speed engine is runnin g in rev olutions per minute (RPM).
O2 Sensor Equivalence Ratio
Sensor y. EV AP REQ (0 – 100%)
Commanded Evapora tive Purge
EVAP VP (- 8192 – 8191 PA) or (- 32.8878 – 32.8838 H
Evaporative E missions System Vapor Pressure
FUEL L V L (0 – 100%)
Fuel Level Input is t he percentage of fuel with 0% equal ing tank is full and 100% when tank is empty.
FUEL PRES (0 – 765 kPa) or (0 - 110 psi )
Fuel Rail Pressure
sphere pressure.
Fuel System Status
OPEN: Module is operating in Open Loop control strategy. The vehicle has not yet
CLSD: PCM currently functioning in Clos ed loop control strategy, using O2 sen-
OPEN1: Open Loop control st rat egy is being used by the PCM due to driving condi-
is the fuel pressure at the engine when reading in reference to atmo-
show loop status of fuel system banks.
satisfied conditions for Module to go to closed loop.
sor(s) as feedback for fuel control
tions. Driving conditions that may cause this to happen are power enrich-
is used for linear or wide- ratio oxygen sensors fo r Bank x
is the posi tion evapo rative pu rge contro l val ve is open in
is pressure in the fuel tank
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ment and deceleration enrichment.
CLSD1: Closed Loop control is current storage being used by module, but a fault
IA T TEM P (- 40 – 215º C) or (- 40 – 419ºF)
Intake Air Temperature
ratios and spar k timing operations.
IGN ADV (- 64 – 63.5º)
Ignition Timi ng Advance
engine timing (expressed in crankshaft degrees).
L T FL FTRM (-100 – 99.22%)
Long T erm Fue l T ri m Bank
point being 0.
The PCM is operati ng in Open Loop control st rategy due to detecte d system
fault. Cert ain act uator or sensor f aults will cause module to use an open l oop strategy.
with at least one O2 sensor has been det ected. The contr ol syste m may be using single O2 for fuel control calculatio
is a measure of in take air temperatur e to determine cor rect air /fuel
for cyli nder is a signal of how muc h spark adva nce to add to base
is the f uel mixture a djustmen t. The mixtur e can range, with mid -
Positive reading indicates module commanded a long- term rich mixture cor-
rection in respon se t o a lean ope rati ng con dition. A negati ve readi ng indi cat es module has commanded a long- term lean mixture in response to a rich oper­ating condition.
MAF (0 – 655.35 g/s) or (0 – 86.5 lb/min)
Mass Air Flow Rate
MAP (0 – 255 kPa) or (Hg)
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure
MIL DIST (0 – 65,535 km) or (0 – 40,722 miles)
Distance Traveled while Malfu nction Indi cator Lamp i s Active
tance traveled since the MIL “or Check Engine or Service Engine Soon” light came on.
Monitor St atus Data Trouble Code
Lamp to be on if problem exists.
MIL TIME (0 – 65,535 min) or (0 – 1092.25 Hrs)
Distance Since Monitor Status Data Trouble Code
“or Check Engine or Service Engine Soon” light came on.
O2Sxy (0 – 1.275V)
Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage
increase and decrease the amount of exhaust gas.
O2Sxy (- 128 – 127.996mA)
Oxygen Sensor Output Amp
and decrease the amount of exh aust gas
On Board Diagnostic
CA - Indicates test vehicle meets California on board diagnostic ARB requirements OBD I - Indicates test vehicle does not meet OBDII requirements. US - Indicates test vehicle meets Federal EPA requirements. NONE - Indicates test vehicle is not on board diagnostic compliant. EU - Indicates test vehicle meets European on board diagnostic requ ir em ent. JA - Indicates test vehicle meets Japanese on board diagnostic requirement.
OUTSID AIR (- 40 – 215ºC) or (- 40 – 419ºF)
Outside Air Temperature
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indicates the mass of air entering engine.
displays manifold pressure.
is a counter that displays dis-
state that module is commandi ng Malfuncti on Indicator
is the distance traveled since the MIL
is the voltage generated from the oxygen sensor to
is used for linear or wide rat io oxygen sensors to incr ease
shows wh at vehicl e was made for.
gives temperature outside.
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Power Take Off Status
REL FRP (0 – 5177.27 kPa) or (0 – 750. psi)
Relative Fu e l Ra il P re s sure
REL TPS (0 – 100%)
Relative Throttle Position
Commanded Secondar y Air S tat us
UPS - UP STREAM module is demanding that secondary air be added at exhaust
DNS - DOWN STREAM module is demanding secondary ai r be added at catalytic
OFF - Module is demanding no secondary air to be added.
ST FTRMxy (- 100 – 99.22%)
Short-term Fuel Trim Bank
ing on a fuel-injec ted engine.
allows module to keep track of Power at Take-Off.
(Vacuum) is the fuel rail pressure at engine.
is the normalized relative throttle posit ion.
is on newer veh icles and actuat ors t o con trol pol luti on
calculated value r epresents the short -term relation of fuel mete r-
Short-term Fuel Trim calculated value that has a positive percent age is a rich
fuel trim and if a negative percentage is present the fuel trim is lean.
ST FLTRMx (- 100 – 99.2%)
Short-term Fuel Trim
fuel-injected engine.
value represents the short-term relation of fuel metering on a
Short-term Fuel Trim value with a positive percentage is a rich fuel trim and if
a negative percentage is present the fue l tr im is lean.
THR POS (0 – 100%)
Absolut e T h ro tt le Po s iti o n
closed the less percent shown.
THROT CMD (0 – 100%)
Commanded Throttl e Actuator Contro l
percent will be 0 and if wide open 100%.
TRIPS SNC CLR (0 – 255)
Number of warm-ups since diagnostic trouble codes cleared
ture of coolant rises to at least 22ºC (40ºF) from eng ine startin g and reachin g a minimum temperature of 70ºC (160ºF). In a diesel engi ne, the minimum tempera ture is 60ºC (140ºF.)
is the position the throttle is located. The more the throttle is
is the positio n of the thro ttle. If thro ttle is clos ed the
. Warm-up is when tempera-
If there is more than 255 that the engine warms up t he TRIPS SNC CLR will
remain at 255.
T roubl e Code Parameter
capture. Thi s inf ormation is helpful i n diagnosing the cause of a driveability. If no freeze frame data has been captured, this PID will be zero.
VEH SPEED (0 – 255 K/h) or (0 – 158 mph)
Vehicle Speed
VPWR (0 - 65.535V)
Control Module Voltage
shows the speed the vehicle is going.
will give the diagnostic troubl e code that caused a fr eeze frame
is the power input to the control mo dule.
Vehicle s us ing a 42V ba tter y may utili ze mul tip le vol tage s of d iffer ent syste ms.
Therefore, the VPWR value m ay be significantly di fferent than the batt ery.
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PID List
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All par ameter ide ntific ation data ( PID) l iste d was veri fied on actual vehi cles to guarantee acc ura cy. PID Definitions were obt ain ed from r el iabl e source s and are accurate at time of printing. It is possible that some newer vehicles may contain data diff erent from that listed. Always refer to vehic le service manual for manufacturer specific PIDs.
The PID list i s o rganiz ed in al phabeti cal o rde r — the sa me way t he scan t ool does. Remember, always refer to a vehicle service manual for detailed diagnostic procedures when troubleshooting incorrect PID values.
PID Extended Descri ptio n
#MISF LST 200 Number of Misfire last 200 Revs (Weighted) #TRPS SNC MISF Number of Trips Since the Time of Misfire % GRADE Percent Grade 1/2 FUEL CUT 50% Fuel Cut OFF Module 1-2 DES WOT 1-2 Shift Desired WOT RPM 1-2 ERROR 1-2 Shift Time Error 1-2 SFT 1-2 Shift Time 1-2 SOL 1-2 Shift Solenoid 1-2 SOL OSG 1-2 Shift Solenoid Open/Short To Ground 1-2 SOL STP 1-2 Shift Solenoid Short To Volts 1-2 WOT APT 1-2 Shift WOT RPM Adapt 1-2APT HICEL 1-2 Adapt High Cell 1-2APT LOCEL 1-2 Adapt Low Cell 1-4 SFT SOL 12V REF 12 Volt Reference Voltage 1ST GEAR SW 1st Gear Switch 2-1 SHIFT 2-1 Shift Time 2-3 ERROR 2-3 Shift Time Error 2-3 GEAR LOCK 2-3 Gear Lock 2-3 SFT 2-3 Shift Time 2-3 SHIFT 2-3 Shift Time 2-3 SOL 2-3 Shift Solenoid 2-3 SOL OSG 2-3 Shift Solenoid Open/Short To Ground 2-3 SOL STP 2-3 Shift Solenoid Short To Volts 2-3APT HICEL 2-3 Adapt High Cell 2-3APT LOCEL 2-3 Adapt Low Cell 2-4 SOL 2-4 Solenoid 2-4/LR PRES SW 2 - 4 2-4/LR Pressure Switch 2-4KICK-L/R CL 2 - 4 Kickdown or Low / Reverse - Reverse Clutch 2/4 CL VOL IND 2/4 Clutch Volume Index 24X SENSOR 24x Sensor RPM 24X CKP SEN 24 Times Crankshaft Sensor 2-5 LAST CODE ID 2-5 to Last Code Received 25 MPH REACHED 25 Miles Per Hour Reached 2C CL VOL IND 2C Clutch Volume Index 2C CLUTCH ST 2C Clutch State 2C PRESS SW 2C Pressure Switch 2C SOL 2C Solenoid 2GR START LMP 2 GR Start Lamp 2ND FUEL PUMP 2nd Fuel Pump Relay Control 2ND GEAR SW 2nd Gear Switch 2ND TRIP FT 2nd Trip With Same Fuel Trim 2ND TRIP MISF 2nd Trip With Same Misfires
1-4 Shift Solenoid
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2WD HIGH LGHT 2 Wheel Drive High Indicator Light 3-2 SFT 3-2 Dow nshif t 3-2 SFT ENABLE 3-2 Downs hif t Solen oid Enable 3-2 SHIFT 3-2 Shift Time 3-2 SOL PWM 3-2 Downshift Solenoid PWM 3-4 ERROR 3-4 Shift Time Error 3-4 SFT 3-4 Shi ft Time 3-4 SHIFT 3-4 Shift Time 3-4APT HICEL 3-4 Adapt High Cell 3-4APT LOCEL 3-4 Adapt Low Cell 3RD GEAR SW 3rd Gear Switch 3X ENG ACT 3x Engine Speed Activity 4-3 SHIFT 4-3 Shift Time 4C CLUTCH ST 4C Clutch State 4C PRESS SW 4C Pressure Switch 4C SOL 4C Solenoid 4TH GEAR SW 4th Gear Switch 4WD 4 Wheel Drive 4WD HIGH LIGHT 4 Wheel Drive High Indicator Light 4WD LOW Low Speed WD 4WD LOW LIGHT 4 W heel D riv e Low Indic at or Light 4WD MODE 4-w heel Drive Mode Signal 4X BETWEEN CAM 4X Refrence Between Cam C ount er 4X REF CNT 4X Referenc e Puls e Co unt er 4X4L Low Speed 4WD 5V REF A 5 Volts Reference A 5V REF B 5 Volts Reference B 5V REF AUX Au xilla ry 5 Volt Output 5V REF PRI Primary 5 Volt Output A.I.R. PUMP Air Injecti on Rea ctor Pum p Re lay Control A/C CLCH REL Air Conditioning Clutch Relay A/C CLUTCH Air Conditioning Clutch A/C CLUTCH RLY Air Conditioning Clutch Re lay A/C COMMAND Commanded A/C A/C COMPRESSOR Air Conditioning Compressor A/C CUTOUT RLY Air Conditioning Cutout Relay A/C EVAP A/C Evaporative Temperature A/C PRES A/C Press ure A/C PRESS A/C Pressure A/D A/C PSI DISAB A/C Psi Dis abl e A/C RELAY Air Conditioning Clutch Relay A/C REQ A/C Requested A/C REQUEST SW Air Conditioning Requested A/C RLY COM Air Conditioning Relay Command A/C RLY DR H Air Conditioning Relay Driver High A/C RLY DR L Air Conditioning Relay Driver Low A/C RLY OSG Air Conditioning Relay Circuit Open/Short To Ground A/C RLY STP Air Conditioning Relay Circuit To Volts A/C SELECT SW Air Conditioning Select Switch A/C SLUGGING A/C Slugging A/C ST ATUS A/C Status A/D INPUT A/D Input A/F DESIRED A/F Ratio A/F RA TIO Air Fuel Rat i o
Extended Description
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ABS EBTCM Anti Braking System Electroni c Body Traction Cont rol Mo dule ABS EN RELAY Anti Braking System Engage Relays ABS FAIL LT Anti Braking System Fail Light ABS FRP Absolute Fuel Rail pressure ABS IGNITION Anti Braking System Ignition ABS LOAD Absolute Load ABS LT FLASH Anti Braking System Light Flashing ABSLT TPS (%) Absolute Throttle Position Sens or ABS MODE Anti Braking System Mode ABS RELAY Anti Braking System Relay ABS WARN LT Anti-Lock Braking System Warning Light AC CLUTCH Air Conditioner C lut ch Relay Con trol AC ENABLED Air Condit ioner Enabled AC EVAP(°F)/(°C) Air Conditioner Evaporator Temperature AC FAN REQST Air Conditioner Fan Request AC HEAD PRES Air Conditioner H ead Pres s ure AC HI PRES SW A/C Hi Pressure Switch AC HIGHSIDE A/C Highside Te mp erat ure AC HIS PR Air Co ndit ioning High Side Pressure AC LOWSIDE A/C Lowside Temperature AC PL/GUL Accumulated Time In Park Lock and Gradual Unlock AC PR OUT RNG A/C Pressure Out of Range AC PRES(PSI)/(KPA) Air Conditioner Refrigerant Pres s ure AC PRES(V) Air Conditioner R efr igerant Pres s ure Sens or AC PRESS SW Air Conditioner Refrigerant Press ure Sw itch AC RELAY A/C Relay AC REQUEST Air Conditioner Request Switch ACC POS D Accelerator Pedal D ACC POS E Accelerator Pedal E ACC POS F Accelerator Pedal F ACCS A/C Cyclic Switch ACL SIGNAL ACL Signal ACP A/C Pressure ACPSW A/C Press ure Sw itch ACT Air Charge Temperature ACT A/D Air Charge Temperature Analog to Digital Read ing ACT AIS POS Actual AIS Motor Position ACT GAS FLW Actual Gas Flow ACTUAL TPS Actual Throttle Position ACTUATOR TST Actuat o r Test ADD ADPT FUEL Adaptive Adjustment of Fuel Injector ADD APT FUEL2 Adaptive Adjustment of Fuel Injector Bank 2 ADD FUEL2 Adaptive Adjustment of Fuel Injec tor Bank 2 ADDED FUEL Adaptive Adjustment of Fuel Injector ADPT FUEL (%) Adaptive Fue l Facto r ADPT FUEL1-2 (%) Adaptive Fuel Factor Bank 1-2 ADPT KNOCK Adaptable Knock Retard ADPT SHIFT Adaptable Shift AIR ASSIST SOL Air Assist Solenoid AIR DIVRT SOL Air Divert Solenoid Con trol AIR MO TO R O/C Air Motor O/ C AIS MTR POS Automatic Idle Speed Motor Position AIR PUMP Air Pum p AIR PUMP RELAY Air Pump Relay
Extended Descri ptio n
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AIR PUMP SOL CMD Air Pump Solenoid Comand AIR SOLENOID Air Solenoid AIR STAT Air Status AIR SWITCH Air Switch AIR SW SOL Air Switch Solenoid Control AIS POS REQ Automatic Idle Speed Position Request AIS POSITION Automated Idle Speed Posit ion ALCH CTNT Fuel Alcohol Content ALCOHOL(%) Alcohol Concentration In Fuel ALL SOL/REL All Solenoids/Relays ALL SOLS/RELS All Solenoids / Re lay s Alt F-Term Altern ato r F-term inal A/ D ALT FIELD Alternator Field AMB/BAT A/D Battery/Ambient Temperature Analog to Digital Reading AMB/BAT S/N Am bient Battery Serial Number AMB/BATSNS Ambient Battery Serial Numbers AMB/BATT Ambient/Battery Temperature AMB AIR TEMP(V) Ambient Air Temperature APP 1 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 APP 2 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 APP 3 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 3 APP ANGLE Acc elerat or Pedal Position Angle APP AVG Ap plied Pedal Position Average APP IND Accelerator Pedal Indicated Angle APP MY Application Model Year ASD FUEL SYS Auto Shutdown Fuel Sy stem ASD RELAY Auto Shutdown Relay ASD RELAY SNS Auto Shutdown Relay Sense ATC SLIP Auto Traction Control Slip Speed AUTO 4WD LGHT Auto 4 Wheel Drive Indicator Light AUTO LRN TMR Auto Learn Timer AUTOSTK Autostick Vehicle AUTOSTK DWNS Autostick Downshift AUTOSTK GEAR Au tost ick Gear Pos it ion AUTOSTK/OD LO Autostick / OverDrive Lock-Out AUTOSTK UPS Autostick Upshift AUX FAN Auxillary Fan AVG BPW BK1 Average Bank Pulse Widt h Bank 1 AVG BPW BK2 Average Bank Pulse Widt h Bank 2 AWD ENBL All Wheel Drive Enabled B1 CL1 O2FDB Bank 1 (Left) Closed Loop (Mode 1) Normal O2S F eedback B1 CL2 O2SF Bank 1 (Left) Closed Loop (Mode 2), Fault with 1 O2S B1 OL NC Bank 1 (Left) Open Loop Condition N ot Yet Met B1 OL2 DR Bank 1 (Left ) Open Loop (M ode 2) D ue To Driving Conditions B1 OL3 FLT Bank 1 (Left) Open Loop (Mode 3) Due To System Fault B2 CL1 O2FDB Bank 2 (Right) Closed Loop (Mode 1) Normal O2S Feedback B2 CL2 O2SF Bank 2 (Right) Closed Loop (Mode 2) Fault with 1 O2S B2 OL NC Bank 2 (Right) Open Loop Condition Not Yet Met B2 OL2 DR Bank 2 (Right) Open Loop (Mode 2) Due To Driving Conditions B2 OL3 FLT Bank 2 (Right) Open Loop (Mode 3) Due To System Fault BAD CYL ID Bad Cylinder Identification BAL BYPSS REL Ballast Bypas s Relay BARO Barometric Pressure BARO PRESS Barometric Pressure
Extended Description
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BARO(V)/("HG)/(KPA) Barometric Pressure BARO PRS Barometric Pressure Sensor BARO READ Barometric Pressure Reading BARO READ SOL Barometric Pressure Solenoid BARO SOL Barometric Pressure Solenoid BARO UPDT Barometric Pressure Read Update BAT TRM OFFSET Battery Transmission Offset BATT ECM Battery Voltage measured by Engine Co ntr ol Mod ule (CM551) BATT TCM Battery Voltage measured by Transmission Control M odule BATT TEMP(°F)/(°C) Battery Temperature BATT TEMP(V) Batter y Temperature Sensor BATT VOLTS Battery Voltage BATTERY (V) Battery Voltage BLM (BLM L & R) See LT FUEL TRIM BLM CELL See LT FUEL TRANSMISSI ON CL BLM ENABLED See LT FUEL TRANSMISSION EN BLM FINAL Block Learn Memor y Final BLST BP RLY Ballast Bypass Relay BOO Brake On/Off BOO-BRAKE SW Brake On/Off Switch BOO/BPP Brake ON / OFF BOOST (KPA)/(PSI) Boost Pressure BOOST(%)/("HG)/(KPA) Turbocharger Boos t Press ure BOOST GOAL Boost Pressure Goal BOOST PRES Boost Pressure BOOST SOL Boost Solenoid Pulse Width Mod ule BRAKE F LVL Brake Fluid Level Switch BRAKE FLUID Brake Fluid BRAKE SW Brake Switch BRAKE SW CKT Brake Switch Circuit BRAKE SWITCH Brake Switch BRAKE WARN LT Brak e Warning Ligh t BRK BST VAC Brake Boos t er Vacuum BRKBST VAC Brake Booster Vacuum BRK OFF DELAY Brake Off Delay BRK TELLTALE Brake Telltale BRK TRQ TST Brake Torque Test BRK WARN CKT Brake Warning Circuit BST GOAL Turbocharger Boost Press ure Goal BST PRES Turbocharger Boost Pressure BST REQ("HG)/(KPA) Turbocharger Boost Press ure Re ques te d C1 PR ES SW C1 Press ure Switch C2 PR ES SW C2 Press ure Switch C3 C3 C3 PR ES SW C3 Press ure Switch C4 C4 C4 PR ES SW C4 Press ure Switch C5 PR ES SW C5 Press ure Switch CAL AC LD Calculated A/C Load CAL POT ADJST Calibrat ion Pot ent iom et er Adjus tm ent CALC CNVRT Calculated Converter Temperature CALC CONVERT Calculated Converter Temperature CALC ECT Calculated Engine Coolant Temperature CALC FLOW Calculated Flow
Extended Descri ptio n
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CALC LOAD (%) Calculated Engi ne Load CALC VAC Calc ulat ed Engine Vacuum CALPOT MULTIPL Calibration Potentiometer Multiple CAM DC Camshaft Position Commanded Duty Cycle CAM EDGE CNT C am s haf t Edge C ount er CAM EDGE CNTR Camshaft Edge Counter CAM ENG SPD Cam Engine Speed Activity CAM ERR Camshaft Position Error CAM INPUT HI-LOW Cam Signal Input - High To Low CAM INPUT LOW-HI Cam Signal Input - Low To High CAM RE-SYNC Cam Re-sy nc s Count er CAM RETARD Cam Retard CAM SIG PRES Cam Signal Present CAM SIG PRESENT Cam Signal Present CANPRG DR H Canister Purge Driver High CANPRG DR L Canister Purge Driv er Low CANST PURGE Canister Purge Solenoid Cont rol CAT Catalyst Temperature or Catalyst Temperature Sensor Voltage CAT EWM A Catalyst Test Time Differe n ce CAT F THR Catalyst Test Fail Threshold CAT MON Catalyst Monitor CAT MON CT Catalyst Monitor EWMA Sam ple C ount er Bank CAT MON CT1 Catalyst Monitor EWMA Sam ple C ount er Bank 1 CAT TEMP 11 Cat alt ic Conv ert er Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1 CAT TEMP 12 Cat alt ic Conv ert er Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2 CAT TEMP 21 Cat alt ic Conv ert er Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 1 CAT TEMP 22 Cat alt ic Conv ert er Temperature Bank 2, Sensor 2 CAT TEST B1 Num ber Of C atal yst Test - Bank 1 CAT1 CAL THRS Steady-state Catalyst Monitor Threshold, Bank1 CAT1 STDY ST Steady-state Catalyst Monitor, Bank1 CAT2 CAL THRS Steady-state Cataly st Mon itor Threshold, Bank 2 CAT2 STDY ST Steady-state Catalyst Monitor, Bank 2 CAT1CAL THR Steady-state Catalyst Monitor Threshold, Bank1 CAT1STDY ST Steady-state Catalyst Monitor, Bank1 CAT2STDY ST Steady-state Catalyst Monitor, Bank2 CATALYST MON Catalyst Monitor Comp l e te d This Driving Cycle CATLST PASSED/FAILED Catalyst Test Passed / Failed CAT MON CT1 Catalyst Monitor EWMA Sam ple C ount er Bank 1 CATMON AVG TWC Monitor Average Deviation Difference Failure Th res hold CATMON CPLT Number Of Catalyst Monitors Test Complete CC HOLD Cruise Control Hold Mode CC ON/OFF SW Cruise Control On/Off Switch CC RES/ACC SW Cruise Control Resume/A ccelerate Sw i tch CC SERVO(%) Cruise Control Servo Position CC SET(MPH)/(KP H) Cruise Control Set Speed CC SET/CST SW Cruise Control Set/Coast Switch CC SRVO REQ(%) Cruise Control Servo Position Requested CC VACUUM SOL Cruise Control Vacuum Solenoid Control CC VENT SOL Cruise Control Vent Solenoid Control CCC CCC CCP DUTY(%) See EVAP DUTY CCP SOL Carbon Canister Purge Solenoid PW M CCP SOLENOID See EVAP SOLENOID CCS Coast Clutch Switch
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CHARG GOAL (V) Charging System Goal CHAS PITCH Powertrain Induced Ch assis Pi tch CHK ENG LAMP See MIL CHK ENG LIGHT See MIL CHRG GOAL (V) Charging System Goal CHRG TEMP(°F)/(°C) Compressed Natural Gas Temperature Sensor CHRG TEMP(V) Comp res sed Natural Gas Temperature CHT Cylinder Head Temperature CKP Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Detected CKP ACT CNT Crankshaft Activ e Coun ter CKP ENGINE Crankshaft Position Sensor Engine Speed CKP LRES AG Crankshaft Posi tion Sensor Low Resolution Angle CL SNC RESTART Clear Since Restart CLEAR FLOOD Clear Flood Fun ction CLNT STRT Coolant Start Temperature CLR DST Distance Since Cleared CLR TIM Minites Ran Since Erased CLUTCH INT S W Clu tch Inte r l ock Switch CLUTCH SW Clutch Pedal Switch CLUTCH UPS SW Clutch Upstop Switch CMD EQ RAT Comman ded Equiv alence Ratio CMP Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal Detected CMP/CKP RLTD ANG Camshaft To Crankshaft Rela tion ship Angle CMP/CKP SYNC Camshaft To Crankshaft Syncronization Detected CMP ACT CNT Camshaft Active Counter CNG PRES Compressed Natural Gas Pressure CNG PRES Compressed Natural Gas Pressure CNG PRESS (PSI) Compressed Natural Gas Pressure CNG PRESS(V) Compressed Natural Gas Pressure Sensor CNG TEMP(°F)/(°C) Compressed Natural Gas Temperature CNG TEMP(V) Compressed Natural Gas Temperature Sensor CODE1 ODO Odomet er W hen 1s t Code Set Since Cleared COLD START Cold Start Up COMMD FAN 1 Co mmanded Fan 1 COMMD FAN 2 Co mmanded Fan 2 COMP COMP MON Comp rehens iv e Co mpo nent s Monit or Co mp lete d This Dri ving Cycle COOLANT (°F)/(°C) Engine Coolant Temperature COOLANT (V) Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor COOLANT CALC Calcu late d Engine C oolant Temperature COOLANT GAUGE Coolant Gauge COOLANT LEVL Eng C oolant Lev el COOLANT SW Coolant Switch CORROSIVITY(V) Corrosivity CPP/TCS Clutch Engaged / Overdrive Switch Pres s ed CRANK EDGE CNT Crankshaft Edge C ount er CRANK EDGE CNTR Cranksha ft Edge C ount er CRANK LRND Crank sha ft Learnd CRANK MISS Crank Ref Missed Diesel CRANK REQ Crank Requested CRANK SWITCH Crank Switch CRANKING A/F Cranking Air/fuel Ratio CRANKING(RPM) Cranking RPM CRUISE Cruise CRUISE CANCEL SW Speed Control Cancel
Extended Descri ptio n
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