The Aastra Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS) is a service that offers touchless deployment, firmware
control, and branding of Aastra IP Phones. Aastra’s RCS eases the issues Service Providers face with mass deployments. By simply entering the MAC address of a SIP phone into Aastra’s Global RCS server, upon initial boot-up, a
phone can be loaded with the proper pre-determined firmware version, then routed to its assigned server for configuration.
About this guide
This Aastra Redirection Service Guide provides information on the basic setup, operation, and maintenance of the Aastra
Redirection Service for all models of Aastra IP phones. It also includes details on the configuration of IP phones using the
Aastra Redirection Service.
This guide is for distributors, deployers, service technicians, Users and Super Users of Aastra IP phone products who configure and manage phones, servers, and accounts.
This guide contains information that is at a technical level, more suitable for system or network administrators. Prior
knowledge of IP Telephony concepts is recommended.
For information and procedures for an RCS Administrator, see the Aastra Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)
Administrator Guide which contains Administrator-only information.
The related RCS documentation consists of:
• Aastra Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS) Administrator Guide - contains Administrator-only information
and procedures for maintaining and managing the RCS.
• Latest Aastra Redirection and Configuraiton Service (RCS) Release Notes - contains up-to-date information on new
features, issues resolved, and known issues pertaining to the RCS.
The related IP phone documentation consists of:
• <Model-specific> SIP IP Phone Installation Guide – contains installation and set-up instructions, information on gen-
eral features and functions, and basic options list customization. Included with the phone.
• Model 9xxxi and 67xxi SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide – explains how to set the phone up on the network, as well
as advanced configuration instructions for the SIP IP phone. This guide contains information that is at a technical level
more suitable for a system or network administrator. ‘
• <Model-specific> SIP IP Phone User Guides – explains the most commonly used features and functions for an end user.
This guide complements the Aastra product-specific Installation Guide and the Aastra product-specific User Guide.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.20101
Sections in this guide
This guide contains the following sections:
ForGo to
Overview of the Aastra Redirection Service“Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)” on page 3
Aastra IP Phones and the RCS“Aastra IP Phones and the RCS” on page 25
Aastra IP Phone branding information (configurable by Super User only)“Aastra IP Phone Brandings” on page 35
Aastra IP Phone firmware information“Aa str a IP Pho ne Fir mware” o n pa ge 4 7
241-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)
Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)
This section provides an overview of the Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS) features, as well as basic operating
The Aastra Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS) is a service that offers Service Providers the option of auto-configuring the Aastra IP Phones when they are first powered up. Service providers can choose to redirect the phones to their
own configuration server, “soft” brand the phone and Web user interface (UI), and use the RCS to send firmware and/or
branding information to the phones. This service can prevent the end-user customers from manually configuring their
Aastra IP phones in the field upon first bootup or any time thereafter.
On the first bootup, the supported Aastra IP phones contact the RCS over the internet using HTTPS and certificate validation. If the phone’s MAC address is already registered on the RCS, the phone downloads any files specified by the server.
The end user does not need to manually configure the phone, simplifying the set-up of the phones in the network.
Using the RCS, Service Providers can simplify the configuration and maintenance of the end-user phones by pre-configuring them to access the RCS automatically after the end-user plugs in the phone at their location. Phone users no longer
need to download the latest firmware file manually or enter the address of the Service Provider’s configuration server
using the phone’s user interface. Configuration of the Aastra IP phones deployed in the field becomes an automated process.
The branding features can be created/edited by a Super User only. A User can load the pre-configured branding files to
the phone(s) as applicable but cannot edit or change the branding information.
Redirection of the Aastra IP Phones
The core feature of the RCS is to redirect unconfigured phones to configuration servers that provide the configuration to
the phones, allowing the end-user a plug-and-play provisioning capability. When the Aastra IP Phone is plugged in and
boots up for the first time, it contacts the RCS which then redirects the phone to the Service Provider’s configuration
A phone only contacts the RCS during initial phone setup (factory default state), or when the local phone settings are reset
to the factory default. The IP Phone requirements for contacting the RCS are as follows:
• Must be loaded with Aastra IP Phone Release 2.4 or above
• Must have NO configuration loaded at all on first-time startup
If a factory default occurs on the phone, the phone attempts to contact the RCS automatically to request a configuration.
The following illustration shows the Aastra RCS process flow.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.20103
Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)
RCS servers
Configuration Server
Pro visio nin g
Ma na ged
MAC Address registration on RCS
Phone contacts RCS during first boot
Ze r o t ou c h config
Config Server info is
provided to phone
Aastra RCS Process Flow
For more information about setting configuration servers for the phones using the RCS, see “Redirecting an IP Phone” on
page 9.
Firmware Updates
Optionally, new firmware files can be sent to the phones using the RCS. When a phone starts up, it contacts the RCS. The
RCS downloads any firmware files specified under the phone’s MAC address.
Service providers using specific firmware versions can upgrade or downgrade the phone firmware either from a configuration server or directly from the RCS, ensuring new phones receive updates immediately on initial installation.
For more information about firmware updates for the phones on the RCS network, see “Aastra IP Phone Firmware” on
page 47.
RCS Boot Process
When a phone with default factory settings starts up, it runs through a series of initialization steps. The first step in the
phone initialization process is to contact the RCS over the Internet.
Once the phone has connected to the RCS, it does the following:
a branding file(s) is set on the RCS and assigned to the phone,the RCS downloads the branding file(s) to the phone.
a Service Provider configuration server is set on the RCS and
assigned to the phone,
firmware updates are available for the phone, AND/OR the phone
has a different firmware file then the RCS,
configuration files and language files are available for the phone on
the configuration server,
the phone sets the configuration server to the specified address.
For more information about setting configuration servers for the Aastra IP
Phones using the RCS, see “Redirecting an IP Phone” on page 9.
the RCS downloads the firmware that is set for the phone. The phone reboots,
restarting the initialization process.
Note: The RCS can downgrade or upgrade firmware on a phone, depending
on how it is set for that phone on the RCS.
For more information about firmware updates for the Aastra IP Phones using
the RCS, see “Aastra IP Phone Firmware” on page 47.
the phone contacts the RCS and the RCS redirects the phone to the configuration serve. The configuration server then downloads the configuration files
and language files to the phone according to the download precedence
described in the Models 6700i and 9000i SIP IP Phone Administrator Guide.
441-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Redirection and Configuration Service (RCS)
Benefits of Using the RCS
The benefits of using the RCS vary depending on the configuration process you currently follow for your Aastra IP Phones.
• Automate redirection on initial bootup:
Users benefit from a plug-and-play phone.
• Update configuration server information for all new phones across the board:
New phones not yet installed can be updated regardless of their location.
• “Soft” brand the phone and Web UI:
Promotes the brand and simplifies support and sales contact .
The branding features can be created/edited by a Super User only. A User can load the pre-configured branding files to
the phone(s) as applicable but cannot edit or change the branding information.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.20105
Using Basic RCS Features
Using Basic RCS Features
The RCS Web UI allows Service Providers to log in, add the MAC addresses of their Aastra IP phones, and redirect the
phones to a specified server. The redirection takes effect when the phones first bootup, and again whenever the factory
default settings are restored. A User or Super User can set up the RCS to perform branding, download firmware, and/or
redirect the phones to a configuration server.
The following table identifies the functions for a User and Super User.
Func tionUserSuper User
Display a summary of current RCS statistics
Set preferences for your account (assign name, address, and up to 2 phone numbers associated with your
account (i.e., home number, cell number)
Change password for your account
Add a configuration server(s) to the RCS
Add phone(s) to the RCS (by MAC number)
Add User(s) to the RCS-
Create/edit branding file(s) and upload to RCS-
Create/edit default branding file(s) and upload to RCS-
RCS to Phone
Assign and download branding file(s) or default branding file(s) to phone(s)
Assign and download firmware version to phone(s)
Assign and download configuration server information to phone(s)
Phone to RCS
Register phone(s) that are unregistered to RCS
Assign branding file(s) to a phone(s) and upload to RCS
Assign firmware version to a phone(s) and upload to RCS
Assign configuration server information to a phone(s) and upload to RCS
For more information about Users and Super Users, see “User Types” on page 7.
The remainder of this User Guide describes these processes and provides procedures to perform these functions. Since
the User screens are a subset of the Super User screens, only the Super User screens have been used as examples in the
procedures that follow.
641-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Using Basic RCS Features
User Screen
Superuser Screen
Service Provider Account Name
User Screen
Super User Screen
Logging into the RCS
This section provides information about logging into the RCS as a User or as a Super User.
User Types
For added security, accounts on the RCS allow Service Providers two levels of access:
• Users - Full access to the Service Provider account. However, a User cannot add, change, or delete accounts for other
Users or Super Users. Users can assign branding files to a specific phone(s), but cannot create/edit branding files. Users
also cannot change their usernames.
• Super Users - Full access to the Service Provider account including adding, changing, and deleting accounts for Users
and Super Users. Super Users can create/edit branding files. Super Users cannot change their usernames.
A User and Super User can access the RCS via a Web user interface (UI). A User must be assigned a Username and Password
by the Super User, and use these credentials to login to the RCS Web UI.
When you are logged in to the RCS, you can identify your user type by looking at the menu options below your service
provider account name.
To login to the RCS Web UI:
1. In the address bar of your web browser, type and press <Enter>. The Login page displays.
2. Enter the username (email address) and password provided to you by Aastra Telecom or your System Administrator
(Super User) and click to continue. The Summary page for your Service Provider account displays.
You are now logged in to the RCS.
Note: If you forget your password, you can enter your user name and click the <Forgot Password?> button on the
Login page. A password recovery email with a link to the password change page is sent to the email of the User.
(Email address for the User is the same as the “Username” on the Login page.)
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.20107
Using Basic RCS Features
Adding a Configuration Server
Before a phone can be redirected to a specific configuration server, the server address must be added to the RCS.
To add a configuration server address to the RCS:
1. Login to the RCS. (See “Logging into the RCS” on page 7 for more information.)
2. Click Servers on the top menu. The Servers page displays.
3. Click
4. Enter the configuration Server name and Server URL in the applicable fields and click to add your server.
Note: The configuration server name can be up to 20 characters long and the URL can be up to 255 characters
long (entries longer than these maximums will be truncated).
The Server page displays, showing a list of all configuration servers including the server you have added.
to add a configuration server. The Add Server dialog displays.
For more information about managing configuration servers, see “Managing Configuration Server Names and
Addresses” on page 22.
841-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Using Basic RCS Features
Set Unaffiliated
Redirecting an IP Phone
Your phones need to be added and registered to the configuration server before the RCS can redirect a phone to that
For more information about adding configuration servers, see “Adding a Configuration Server” on page 8.
Redirecting a Phone to a Configuration Server
If your phone or phones have already been added to the RCS, you can choose the configuration server for which the individual phones redirect to when they first bootup.
To redirect your phone(s) to a configuration server:
1. Login to the RCS. (See “Logging into the RCS” on page 7 for more information.) The Summary page displays..
2. Under the Current Statistics section, click Set Unaffiliated Phones. The Phones page displays. This page shows
a list of all unregistered phones.
3. To select a specific phone to redirect, click the check box in the
MAC Address column for that phone. To select all phones, click the MAC Address check box.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.20109
Using Basic RCS Features
4. Click . The Edit Properties dialog displays.
5. In the Server field, select a configuration server to assign to the phone(s) you selected in step 3.
6. Click .
The Phones page displays. This page shows a list of all phones including the phones for which you just edited.
The configuration server for redirection is listed under the Server column for each phone.
For more information on managing phones, see “Managing IP Phones” on page 26.
1041-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Using Basic RCS Features
Adding and Redirecting a Phone Using the RCS Web UI
When you add new a new phone(s) to the RCS, you can choose whether or not the RCS redirects the phone(s) immediately
to the configuration server. You add a phone(s) to the RCS by entering it’s MAC address. If you prefer to add a phone without simultaneously redirecting, see “Managing IP Phones” on page 26.
To add and redirect a phone(s) to a configuration server using the RCS Web UI:
1. Login to the RCS Web UI. (See “Logging into the RCS” on page 7 for more information.)
2. Click Phones on the top menu. The Phones page displays.
3. Click to add a phone. The Add Phones dialog displays.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.201011
Using Basic RCS Features
4. In the Enter field, enter a MAC address for the phone you are adding to the RCS, and click . The MAC
address you entered appears in the MAC List field.
Note: If you enter an incorrect MAC address, the following displays in the Enter field:
Reenter a valid MAC address for the phone you want to add to the RCS.
If you entered an incorrect MAC address and clicked , you can remove it from the MAC List by selecting
it and clicking . To clear all MAC addresses from the MAC List, click .
5. If you need to add additional phones, repeat step 4 until you have entered all the phones required. If you are
adding a large number of phones to the RCS, you may want to stop here and use the procedure defined at “Ad di ng
and Redirecting Multiple Phones Using a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) File” on page 13.
6. In the Server field, select the configuration server for which to redirect these phone(s). If your configuration server
is not in the list, see “Adding a Configuration Server” on page 8.
7. (optional) In the Branding field, select the Branding file you want to load to these phones.
8. (optional) In the Firmware field, select the firmware you want the RCS to apply to the phone(s) you are adding.
1.This field allows the user to specify a firmware image that is loaded onto the phone by the RCS. If, for example,
you want to deploy the phones with the 2.4.0 firmware, you can select “2.4.0” from the list in the Firmware field.
If you select a later version of firmware to install then what is currently on the phone, the RCS automatically
upgrades the phone(s) to the firmware you select. The RCS performs the upgrade before the phone redirects to
the configuration server.
2.The RCS stores the firmware images which are supplied by Aastra Telecom. The Firmware field includes only official supported releases beginning at Release 2.4.0.
3.If you do not want the RCS to provide firmware, select “None”.
9. Click to add the phone(s) and redirect it to the specified configuration server simultaneously.
10.The Phones page displays. This page shows all IP phones including the phones you have just added, and also
shows the MAC addresses and configuration servers for each phone.
For more information on managing phones, see “Managing IP Phones” on page 26.
1241-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Using Basic RCS Features
Adding and Redirecting Multiple Phones Using a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) File
When you need to add a large number of phones to the RCS, you can add the phones to a spreadsheet file (i.e., using
Microsoft Excel
phones to the configuration server.
To add and redirect multiple phones to a configuration server using a *.csv file:
1. Open a new document using a spreadsheet application (i.e., Microsoft Excel™).
2. In the first column, enter the MAC Address of the phone(s) you want to add to the RCS.
3. Save the file to your PC desktop using “Save As” in the format “.CSV” (commad delimited). In the above illustration,
the name of the CSV file is “Phones.csv”.
4. To check the validity of your CSV file, open the new file from a plain-text reading program (i.e., Notepad, TextEdit,
etc.). Make sure there are no extra commas, other than between fields.
™), save it as a “*.CSV” file (comma-separated value file), AND have the RCS simultaneously redirect these
5. Login to the RCS Web UI. (See “Logging into the RCS” on page 7 for more information.)
6. Click Phones on the top menu. The Phones page displays.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.201013
Using Basic RCS Features
7. Click . The following dialog box displays.
8. In the File to Upload field, enter the file name (<filename>.csv) of the text file you just created in step 2 (or click
<Browse> to find the <filename>.csv file on your PC desktop).
9. In the Server field, select the configuration server for which the RCS redirects these phones to for retrieving their
10.(optional) In the Branding field, select the Branding file you want to load to these phones.
11.(optional) In the Firmware field, select the firmware you want the RCS to apply to the phone(s) you are adding.
1.This field allows the user to specify a firmware image that is loaded onto the phone by the RCS. If, for example,
you want to deploy the phones with the 2.4.0 firmware, you can select “2.4.0” from the list in the Firmware field.
If you select a later version of firmware to install then what is currently on the phone, the RCS automatically
upgrades the phone(s) to the firmware you select. The RCS performs the upgrade before the phone redirects to
the configuration server.
2.The RCS stores the firmware images which are supplied by Aastra Telecom. The Firmware field includes only official supported releases beginning at Release 2.4.0.
3.If you do not want the RCS to provide firmware, select “None”.
12.Click to add the phone(s) and redirect it to the specified configuration server simultaneously.
1441-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.2010
Logging Out
When you have finished managing your account on the RCS you can logout as required.
To logout of the RCS Web UI:
• Click Logout on the top menu bar of any screen in the RCS Web UI.
Using Basic RCS Features
The message “Logout Successful.” displays and the Login page displays.
You are now logged out of the RCS.
41-001302-01 Rev 00 – 06.201015
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