3Com X5 User Manual

X5 chassis

Refer to the following diagram when configuring the X5.
Power Adapter Input
LAN Port
WAN Port
Status LEDs
COM Port


Unit Status LED (top): Flashing indicates that the X5 is booting. Green indicates that the X5 is powered up and operating properly.
VPN Status LED (bottom): Flashing indicates that the VPN connection is being established. Green indicates that all configured VPNs are established successfully. Solid green with a slow flash indicates that the VPNs are established and passing traffic.
Activity LED: Located in the upper right corner of each Ethernet port. Blinking amber indicates that data is being transmitted or received.
Link LED: Located in the upper left corner of each Ethernet port. Green indicates that the link is active.

Step 1: Determine installation location

The 3Com X5 is a compact device that does not require rack installation. It should be placed in a location with adequate ventilation and should not be blocked or covered by any other devices or objects.

Step 2: Connect the power

Use only the 3Com-supplied 5V DC power supply. Do not use other power supplies with the X5 device.

1 Plug the power supply into the input on the front of the X5 device.

2 Plug the power supply into an AC outlet, power strip, or UPS.

Note: The X5 may take several minutes to boot up. When the top Status LED is solid green, the device is powered up and ready to use.

Step 3: Complete initial setup configuration

1 Gather your network information. Use the Network Information
Table (Table 1) to record the required IP addresses for reference during setup.
2 Configure your computer’s network connection to receive an IP
address by DHCP.
3 Use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer to the X5 LAN port.
Your computer will receive an IP address from the X5 device.
4 With your computer’s internet browser, connect to the X5 default
LAN address (

5 The Out of Box Experience (OBE) wizard opens.

A Accept the default security level of Level 2.

B Specify the SuperUser account information at the prompt:

•User Name
Confirm password
C Accept the default settings in the rest of the Setup Wizard by
clicking No when prompted.
D You may need to update your WAN settings on the Virtual Inter-
faces setup screen.
If you use DHCP to connect to your Internet provider, accept the default WAN settings.
If you use PPPoE, enter your ISP user name and password.
If your ISP assigns a static IP address, select Static as the external interface type and enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway information.

E Define additional user accounts if desired.

At this point, your initial configuration of the X5 is complete. You can use the LSM to change settings in the future.
Note: When you connect to the LAN address, your browser may display a security certificate warning. Accept the certificate and continue with the configuration procedure.

Step 4: Connect the X5 to the Internet

1 Use an Ethernet cable to connect the X5 WAN port to your router. If
the X5 is configured to receive its WAN IP address by DHCP, PPPoE, PPTP, or L2TP, the device connects to your service provider. This may take a minute or more.
2 Check the status of the external virtual interface with the LSM. If
active, the interface will be in “Up” status, and will have an IP address.
3 Use your web browser to connect to an external URL, such as
ttp://www.3Com.com. If you can see the web site, your Internet
connection is active, and you can register your device and configure other features of the X5.

Network information

Where to go next

Use this table to record information about your network for use during configuration.

Table 1: Network Information Table

Network Addresses Default Gateway (WAN Router):
Internal Interface (LAN) ___.___.___.___
DCHP, L2TP, or PPTP only External Interface
PPPoE on External Interface (provided by your ISP if you use PPPoE to connect)
Use rn ame : Password: Static IP address (optional): ___.___.___.___/___
You can now use the LSM to configure other features of the X5, including security zones, firewall rules, and Web profiles.
To register the 3Com X5, go to the 3Com eSupport Web site (http://esupport.3com.com included in the X Family of Security Devices Hardware Installation
You can also register any optional licenses for Digital Vaccine, Web Content Filtering, or Anti-Spam.
3Com recommends always running the most recent Digital Vaccine on this device. For the latest information and associated documentation, go to the 3Com products Web site (h
). Detailed registration information is

Related documentation

For detailed installation instructions and further configuration information, refer to the following manuals:
X Family of Security Devices Hardware Installation Guide
X Family Local Security Manager User’s Guide
Online Help is also available from the Local Security Manager (LSM) interface.
For information on configuring and managing the 3Com X5 using the Command Line Interface (CLI), see the X Family Command Line Interface Reference.
Quick Start
3Com® X5 Unified Security
READ ME FIRST. Before using this document, read the Release Notes
for any late-breaking information regarding installation and configuration changes. All referenced product documentation is available from the 3Com Web site.
This Quick Start guide provides basic instructions for establishing the management interface between a single PC and the X5 device. The main steps of the process are:
Connecting and booting the X5.
Connecting a PC to the X5 LAN port and accessing the web management interface, called the Local Security Manager (LSM).
Connecting to the Internet.
For information on each area of configuration, see the XFamily Local
Security Manager User’s Guide.
3Com Corporation
350 Campus Drive Marlborough, MA 01752-3064
Copyright © 2006–2007, 3Com Corporation. 3Com, the 3Com logo, and Digital Vaccine are
registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation or one of its subsidiar ies. This document contains confidential informati on or trade secrets or b oth, which are the proper ty of 3Com Corporat ion. This document m ay not be copied, reproduced, or transmitted to other in any matter, nor may any use of the information in this document be made, except for the specific purposes for which it is transmitted to the recipient without the prior consent of 3 Com Corporation.
Published November 2007 Part Number: 10016445, Rev. A01