Instrumentation amplifier for student experiments 8532161
Instruction sheet
07/06 SP
1 Current measurement
2 Voltage measurement
3 Measurement output
4 Supply voltage voltage
5 Zero point calibration
6 Measuring range selector
1. Description
The instrumentation amplifier for students’ experiments is used in conjunction with a simple
voltmeter to measure very small voltages and currents.
The device consists of an operational amplifier and
a special preamplifier, owing to which a high gain
factor (10
), a low offset voltage and an excellent
long-term stability can be achieved. The amplifier
is used for both AC/DC voltage and AC/DC current. A
conventional voltmeter (measuring range: 1 V DC
or 3 V AC) serves as an indicating instrument. Additional calibration of the device is not required.
2. Technical data
Operating voltage: 12 V AC
Input impedance: 10 k•
Amplification factor: 10
Input connections: Two BNC connectors
Output connections: Two 4-mm safety con-
Primary fuse: See rear of equipment
Dimensions: 175 mm × 85 mm ×
65 mm
Weight: 250 g approx.

3. Operation
3.1 Voltage amplifier
• Apply the supply voltage (12 V AC).
• Select the maximum measuring range (100 •A,
1 V), in order to avoid overload.
• Connect the voltmeter (1 V DC or 3 V AC).
• Connect the measurement set-up to input U.
• Select the appropriate measuring range.
3.2 Current amplifier
• Apply the supply voltage (12 V AC).
• Select the maximum measuring range (100 •A,
1 V), in order to avoid overload.
• Connect the voltmeter (1 V DC or 3 V AC).
• Connect the measurement set-up to input I.
• Select the appropriate measuring range.
Elwe Didactic GmbH • Steinfelsstr. 6 • 08248 Klingenthal • Germany • www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com
Technical amendments are possible.