Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7 User Manual

Product Information
Version 2.0
ZEISS Celldiscoverer7
Your Automated Platform for Live Cell Imaging
Your Automated Platform for Live Cell Imaging
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Often in life sciences research, the data you are after will only be revealed using multiple runs of experiments and complex equipment. Automation can be the only way to get there. With Celldiscoverer7, you can combine the easy-to-use automation of a boxed microscope with the image quality and flexibility of a classic inverted research microscope. Celldiscoverer7 calibrates itself, then detects and focuses on your samples while the optics adjust themselves. Leaving you free to get on with other projects. Whether working with 2D or 3D cell cultures, tissue sections or small model organisms, you will acquire better data in shorter times with this reliable automated research platform. What’s more, you can enhance your Celldiscoverer7 with optical sectioning to get more information from your three-dimensional samples. It’s your choice whether you opt for confocal imaging with LSM900 and Airyscan2 or fast GPU deconvolution.
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Simpler. More Intelligent. More Integrated.
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A Flexible Platform
Celldiscoverer7 is a fully integrated high-end
imaging system. It comes with various incubation
and detection options so you can tailor the system
to your applications. Go for fast, sensitive sCMOS
or EMCCD cameras when performing your most
demanding live cell experiments and rapid
time-lapse recordings. To get better data from
your 3D samples, simply add the optional
LSM900 with Airyscan2 for confocal imaging,
or fast GPU-based deconvolution. Get all these
benefits and more with the in-built flexibility of
Top Quality Data from Your Samples
For demanding long-term, time-lapse imaging,
Celldiscoverer7 gives you the advantage of Auto-
immersion and a hardware-based focus that finds
and keeps the focus automatically after detecting
the thickness and optical properties of the sample
carrier. Autocorr objectives then correct spherical
aberrations to deliver crisp contrast and high
resolution every time. Get image quality like
you‘ve never seen before – no need to adjust
manually. Keep your cells happy and they’ll deliver
unbiased data: Celldiscoverer7 provides a range
of integrated incubation options to create just the
right environment. The improved optical design
resolves more details in large fields of view.
Reproducible Results Made Easy
As soon as you start imaging, automatic calibration
routines take over to ensure reproducible results.
Check the current status and follow progress of
your experiments on the touchscreen.
With barcode recognition you can identify your
sample, sample carrier and even the type of
experiment. If you don‘t work with barcodes, an
automatic preview scan will identify the sample
carrier and calibrate it. ZEISS predictive service
offers lasting and optimal instrument performance
for increased system uptime and reliable results.
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Your Insight into the Technology Behind It
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An Easy-to-Use Integrated Microscope
Observing live samples over a number of days or imaging lots of multiwell plates really puts your microscope
through its paces. To get reproducible, unbiased data, you must control environmental conditions such as
light, temperature, CO
etc. That’s why Celldiscoverer7 brings you a unique combination of a stable box,
darkroom and integrated inverted research microscope with optional incubation. It simplifies your laboratory
setup and makes work more comfortable.
All Celldiscoverer7 components are optimized for hassle-free automated imaging. New users and multi-user
facilities especially will enjoy the in-built automation and usability features when setting up complex
experiments. You’ll systematically avoid accidental hardware changes that might lead to biased data or even
damage your microscope. And Celldiscoverer7 can make you more productive, too: expect better data
in shorter times, with less training and maintenance. What’s more, as your needs grow you can expand
Celldiscoverer7 with confocal technology, external cameras, deconvolution, additional environmental
control – whatever you need for the challenge of live cell observation.
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50 µm
72 h cell growth assay using a waterimmersion objective. HeLa Kyoto cells expressing H2B-mCherry Tubulin eGFP (Neumann et al., Nature 2010 Apr.1.; 464(7289):721-7) imaged every 15 minutes for 72 hours using Autoimmersion; individual channels of the green (eGFP) and red (mCherry) fluorescence and the phase-gradient-contrast as well as an overlay. Sample courtesy of I. Charapitsa, Chemical Biology Core Facility, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
Your Insight into the Technology Behind It
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ZEISS Celldiscoverer7 Recognizes and Adapts Automatically to Your Samples
Live cell imaging requires objectives with high numerical apertures. Those objectives will only deliver high
contrast and sensitivity if their optics can adapt to variations in bottom thickness or to the material of
different sample carriers. With Celldiscoverer7 you’re now free to use Petri dishes, chamber slides, multiwell
plates, plastic or glass, thin or thick vessel bottoms, low skirt or high skirt plates. Automatic sample
recognition detects all relevant vessel features while loading your sample. Then Autocorr adjusts the
correction ring of the objective to compensate for spherical aberrations. Find Focus automatically places
your sample in focus and Definite Focus keeps it there. It’s never been easier to get crisp images with low
phototoxicity from deep inside your sample.
Left image shows spherical aberration due to unadjusted optics. Right image shows the same structure using an Autocorr objective. The correction results in increased contrast, resolution and intensity, providing low phototoxicity. The images show tubulin in FluoCell prepared slide #1. Sample courtesy of Invitrogen, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
Your Insight into the Technology Behind It
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There Is No Life Without Water …
… and no live cell imaging without water immer-
sion. In life sciences, cell biology or screening
applications, your samples mostly consist of water
and / or will be mounted in aqueous solutions.
Celldiscoverer7 combines an outstanding water
immersion objective with rapid automated immer-
sion supply and removal.
A unique elastic silicon membrane fits perfectly
between the objective and sample chamber.
The silicon membrane simultaneously seals the
sample chamber to avoid unnecessary airflow
while protecting the system from potential liquid
spillage. Just select the water immersion objective
and water is supplied instantly to the front lens.
Within seconds the immersion is building up and
the lens is ready to use. When you switch back
to one of Celldiscoverer7’s dry objectives, the
immersion water is automatically removed.
Until now, automated imaging systems often
struggled as the immersion water quickly evapo-
rated. Celldiscoverer7 solves that problem by
automatically monitoring the immersion and
adding water in regular intervals, as needed.
With Celldiscoverer7 you can perform unbiased
live cell experiments at 37 °C over several days or
carry out extensive scanning processes on multi-
well plates.
By adapting the refractive index of your imaging
system to the samples, you’ll achieve more
efficient light collection and increased sensitivity.
And less phototoxicity significantly increases
viability of even your most challenging living
Heating element of sample chamber
Silicone membrane
Membrane opening with heated objective front
Water immersion objective
A silicone membrane allows automatic water immersion and seals the sample chamber.
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Technology and Details
Get in Focus, Then Stay in Focus
Use the hardware-based Find Focus function to
automatically focus your sample and find your
region of interest quickly with just a single click.
This significantly reduces the time to your first
image and minimizes sample illumination.
Then select Definite Focus to maintain the focal
position throughout your experiments, whether
it takes a few seconds or several days.
Or combine both methods with the powerful
content-based autofocus of ZEN imaging soft-
ware. Celldiscoverer7 can automatically create
focus maps for multiple positions in long-term
time-lapse experiments. Simply choose the best
focus strategy for the experiment at hand.
Move to the Edge ...
… but not one step more, thanks to the Adaptive
Lens Guard. High optical performance often
compromises on the possible scanning area.
Celldiscoverer7 with its Adaptive Lens Guard
protects the objective from collisions with your
sample vessel or hardware components, automati-
cally maximizing the available scanning area.
Bottom thickness, skirt height and lateral dimen-
sions are important geometrical features of the
different sample carrier types – especially when
working with multiwell plates. Celldiscoverer7
automatically detects these features and adapts
accordingly. It also calculates the maximal possible
scanning area automatically, depending on the
individual sample carrier, objective and current
focus position in your experiment. The available
scanning area is always indicated on your monitor.
Change your experimental parameters and the
scanning area will adapt automatically, in real
Your Insight into the Technology Behind It
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Technology and Details
Capitalize on LED-Technology for
Live Cell Imaging
Celldiscoverer7 brings you all the advantages of
LED-technology for efficient illumination with low
phototoxicity, fast switching times and long-term
stability. That’s what delivers gentle imaging,
increased throughput and reproducible results.
The fluorescence excitation unit combines up to
seven LEDs for maximum flexibility in the choice
of dyes – from deep blue to far red. All LEDs are
hardware-triggered for precise, fast illumination.
During sample navigation LEDs are tightly synchro-
nized with camera frame rates. An automated
rectangular excitation field stop illuminates only
the active field of view, greatly reducing photo-
toxicity and fluorescence bleaching. Use high-
efficiency multi-bandpass filter sets for fast
acquisition of multiple fluorescent channels.
Celldiscoverer7 simply switches LEDs on / off –
without moving any mechanical parts – so you
get high-speed multi-channel imaging, even when
combined with transmitted light.
SH-SY5Y cells cultured on a 384 microwell plate. Multichannel image at a single position using the 20× / 0.95 objective. Extended depth of focus from Z-stack. Hoechst – Chromatin (blue), anti-alpha-tubulin antibody FITC for alphas tubulin (green), Phalloidine for actin (red), MitoTracker Deep Red for mitochondria (purple). Sample courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neuro­degenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.
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The Applications
The System
Technology and Details
Your Insight into the Technology Behind It
100 µm
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Use a Novel Transmitted Light Contrast
With Celldiscoverer7 you can use transmitted
light brightfield and phase gradient contrast.
This novel relief contrast adapts automatically to
the sample carrier geometry, providing excellent
contrast to the very edge of the vessel. It’s fully
compatible with all objectives, filter sets and
sample carriers. This contrasting method stays
robust, even against liquid meniscus or plastic lids.
Use the far-red transmitted light LED for gentle
imaging at very high speeds. You can perform
applications based on label-free assays or let the
system automatically combine transmitted light
with multiple fluorescence channels. All multi-
bandpass filter sets support the combination of
transmitted light and fluorescence, without
reducing sensitivity or speed. On top of that, this
unique motorized transmitted light unit allows
dispensing directly on the optical axis, without
SH-SY5Y cells cultured on a 384 microwell plate. Timelapse has been acquired using 20× magnification and phase gradient contrast. Sample and assay courtesy of P. Denner, Core Research Facilities, German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany.
disturbing the environmental conditions. The dis-
pensing unit is always integrated. As soon as you
open the hatch on top of your Celldiscoverer7,
the transmitted light unit will automatically
change place with the dispensing unit. You now
have direct on-axis access to the specimen for
pipetting. You can add agents while maintaining
continuous physiological conditions.
Expand Your Possibilities
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This objective is your choice for efficient sample
navigation. It creates impressive overview images
by delivering an unparalleled information density
in a single shot, especially in combination with
the microscope camera Axiocam 512 mono.
Many screening applications will strongly benefit
from the high resolution on large fields. The
objective easily handles thin and thick vessel
bottom made of glass or plastic.
In combination with the built-in magnification
changer it combines the benefits of three different
objectives into one: 2.5× / 0.12, 5× / 0.25 and
10× / 0.35 – at a fixed working distance.
Autocorr Objective
From thin to thick, from plastic to glass – this
objective adapts automatically to every sample
you load on your Celldiscoverer7. It delivers an
unparalleled numerical aperture of 0.7 through
1.2 mm plastic bottom without compromising
image resolution and contrast. This tremendous
flexibility will make the lens your multipurpose
objective, especially if you would like to image
cells, which can only grow on plastic bottom.
In combination with the built-in magnification
changer this objective combines the benefits of
three different objectives into one: 10× / 0.35, 20× /
0.7 and a 40× / 0.7 – at a fixed working distance.
ZEISS Plan-APOCHROMAT 20× / 0.95
Autocorr Objective
This objective delivers high numerical apertures
without applying immersion. It is optimized for thin
vessel bottoms. No matter if your cells prefer glass
or plastic – this objective will adapt to bottom
material and thickness variations. With the increased
sensitivity this objective is ideal to generate crisp im-
ages on large areas or multiple positions at high
speed. In combination with the built-in magnifica-
tion changer this objective combines the benefits
of three different objectives into one: 10× / 0.5,
20× / 0.8 and 40× / 0.95 – at a fixed working distance.
Autocorr and Autoimmersion Objective
This objective delivers high light collection effi-
ciency and resolution. In combination with the
Autoimmersion function it matches perfectly to
samples in aqueous solution. Since it reduces
phototoxicity to a minimum, it‘s your choice for
your most demanding life cell imaging applica-
tions, e.g. long-term imaging of subcellular struc-
tures. Optimized for thin bottoms it adapts auto-
ma tically to the bottom material and thickness.
No matter which field of view you prefer, this
objective will deliver a constant numerical aperture
of 1.2 and combines the benefits of three different
objectives into one: 25× / 1.2, 50× / 1.2 and
100× / 1.2 – at a fixed working distance.
Expand Your Possibilities
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In Brief
› The Advantages
The Applications
The System
Technology and Details
Perform Automated Gentle and
Fast Confocal 3D Imaging
Life happens in 3D – and your research often calls
for optical sectioning to image your samples
with best possible contrast and resolution. Now
you can add LSM900 with Airyscan2 to your
Celldiscoverer7. You get the best of both worlds:
ease of use and automation from a fully integrat-
ed microscope platform and the superb confocal
image quality and flexibility of the LSM9 family
with Airyscan 2. You perform superresolution 3D
imaging with up to 1.5× resolution improvement.
And you easily separate multiple labels with
spectral imaging. You can now analyze dynamic
processes with photomanipulation for FRAP,
FRET or related techniques. It’s never been easier
to precisely connect widefield and confocal
images. Fast mixed-mode acquisition simplifies
and speeds up your workflow and gives you
unique insights into your sample.
The elegant beam path design of your LSM900
with Airyscan2 gives you spectral flexibility.
Each single component is optimized for highest
sensitivity and contrast. Instead of losing light at a
closed pinhole, Airyscan2 collects more emission
light and extracts more spatial information than
classic confocals. You can use Airyscan2 with all
high NA dry or water immersion objectives.
Your live cell imaging benefits from superb image
quality with greatly reduced phototoxicity.
Use low magnification widefield to quickly pre-scan
your complete sample, then identify regions of
interest. It's so easy to then image those regions
with LSM900 and Airyscan2 for optical section-
ing with superresolution. The new Multiplex mode
for Airyscan2 employs smart detection schemes
for this unique area detector. This parallelization
allows to image two times faster, while keeping
best resolution and SNR. Use this mode to image
dynamic processes, or to achieve higher through-
put and productivity.
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The Applications
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Expand Your Possibilities
Rat cortical primary culture. Antibody staining of bIII-tubulin (Cy2, green), Nestin (Cy3, red) and DCX (Cy5, purple), nuclei stained with DAPI (blue). 3D reconstruction of the deconvolved Z-stack (shadow projection). Sample courtesy of H. Braun, LSM Bioanalytik GmbH, Magdeburg, Germany.
Comparison between widefield (left) and deconvolved (right) Z-stack projection using GPU-based Deconvolution.
Get More Details with Deconvolution
When imaging three-dimensional samples, out-
of-focus light sometimes blurs your structure of
interest. For these images, you need deconvolution –
a combined optical and mathematical method – to
increase contrast and improve the signal-to-noise
ratio and resolution. With Celldiscoverer7 it is
easier than ever before to first acquire a Z-stack
of your samples and then deconvolve the image
to reassign all detected photons to their origin.
With ZEN imaging software you use advanced
deconvolution algorithms, including a novel
approach with depth variant point-spread-func-
tions for deep imaging. Combine this with
Celldiscoverer7’s unique Autocorr objectives
and you will get excellent results from thicker
samples, e.g. 3D-cell culture. And you will get
them up to 30 times faster than with the traditional
technology that works on your processing PC’s
RAM, thanks to Celldiscoverer7’s new GPU-
accelerated, parallel CUDA processing. Use the
increased speed to extract maximum information
from the large datasets you acquired in those
demanding long-term, time-lapse or multiwell
screening applications.
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Expand Your Possibilities
Easily achieve stable environmental conditions
for your demanding live-cell experiments. You can
control the temperature with the optional heating
unit or a Julabo cooling circulator. In combination
with a humidifier, optional CO
you control athmospheric conditions.
and / or O2 module
Depending on your most common imaging needs,
you can now choose between Axiocam 506 mono
or Axiocam 512 mono.
No matter if you choose a ZEISS Axiocam micro-
scope or a third party camera – if you have to
increase acquisition speed and sensitivity for special
applications, Celldiscoverer’s additional camera
port provides the flexibility you need.
Your Celldiscoverer7 can load multiwell plates,
dishes, chamber-slides or standard slides.
All sample holders are optimized for large scan-
ning areas, fully compatible with water immersion
and autoclavable.
Celldiscoverer7 allows you to run perfusion
experiments efficiently, while maintaining homo-
genous and stable environmental conditions.
Celldiscoverer7 offers an effective way to keep
the sample chamber clean. The insert plate for
UV disinfection is automatically recognized
by the system and you start the disinfection
workflow via the touchscreen.
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ZEN Imaging Software Shortens the Path
to Your Goal
ZEN – ZEISS Efficient Navigation – is the single
user interface you will see on all imaging systems
from ZEISS. ZEN imaging software leads you
simply and quickly to the result.
At all times you see which options the system
is making available to you and which step is
appropriate to take next. ZEN makes it easy to
operate every imaging system from ZEISS correctly
and intuitively. As a result you save time, reduce
training and support costs, and get faster answers
to your questions.
With Celldiscoverer7 you profit from advanced
automation features:
• Simple and intuitive carrier-based navigation
via mouse and keyboard
• A dedicated automation wizard to create scan
profiles for routine or reoccurring tasks
• A range of hardware- and software-based
focus strategies to set up even complex multi-
position experiments
• Fast overview images. Create an overview of
your cells just once, then there’s no need to
expose them to unnecessary light doses during
experiment setup.
• Cell viability put first with samples illuminated
only as long as the camera acquires an image
• An optimized CZI file format for large datasets
and seamless integration
into existing image analysis workflows
• Open interfaces. Use your CZI dataset in all
major software packages that use the
BioFormats library, e.g., Fiji, Python, Matlab,
Icy, Knime, Imaris, Arivis.
Expand Your Possibilities
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OAD is Your Interface
to ZEN Imaging Software
• Use Python scripts to customize and automate
your workflows.
• Integrate external image analysis applications
into your workflows.
• Exchange image data with external programs
like ImageJ, Fiji, MATLAB, KNIME or Python.
• Use feedback for smart experiments.
• Get more reliable data in less time.
It's your choice.
OAD enables the analysis of data acquired with ZEN imaging software by other programs like ImageJ. Transfer your results back to ZEN for further analysis and display.
The result of overview scan using low magnification (top panel) was used to automatically detect the brain slices via image analysis. The results (XYZ position and the height / width of detected objects) were used in a automated subsequent scan using a high NA objectives, where the system carried out an individual tile scan for every detected object in a complete automated fashion without any additional user interaction. Sample courtesy of P. Grigaravicius, FLI – Leibniz Institute on Aging, Jena, Germany.
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