Zeiss Axiovert 100 Operation Manual

3D Microscopy for
Axiovert 100/135/135 M
Operating Manual
Copyright 3D Microscopy
2 B 40-022-4 e 07/98
Knowledge of this manual is required for the operation of the instrument. Would you therefore please make yourself familiar with the contents of this manual and pay special attention to hints concerning the safe operation of the instrument.
The specifications are subject to change.
Unless expressly authorized, forwarding and duplication of this document, and the utilization and communication of its contents are not permitted. Violations will entail an obligation to pay compensation. All rights reserved in the event of granting of patents or registration of a utility model.
Issued by:
Carl Zeiss Mikroskopie
D-07740 Jena Telephone: (03641) 64-16 16 Telefax: (03641) 64-31 44 Internet: mikro @ zeiss.de
Number of this manual: B 40-022-4 e Date of issue: 07/98
3D Microscopy Contents
B 40-022-4 e 07/98 3
1 Notes on safety ................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Regulations concerning instrument safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)........... 4
1.3 Notes on unpacking, transport and storage........................................................................ 5
1.4 Hints on use....................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Notes on maintenance....................................................................................................... 5
2 General................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Application ....................................................................................................................... VI
2.2 Function............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Eyepiece version................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.2 Monitor version.................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.3 Combination of eyepiece and monitor version ................................................................ 10
2.3 Maintenance and care ..................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 General............................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.2 Cleaning of optical components....................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Change of voltage and fuses............................................................................................ 11
2.3.4 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................... 12
3 Technical Data ................................................................................................... 13
Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN 46001 EC Declaration of Conformity
Annex (optional)
3D microscopy for Axiotron 2 3D microscopy for Axiotech 100 3D microscopy for Axiotech 100
3D microscopy for Axiovert 100/135/135 M 3D microscopy for Axiovert 25 CA 3D microscopy for Axioplan 2/Axiophot 2 3D microscopy for Axioskop 3D microscopy for Axioskop 2
Notes on safety 3D Microscopy
4 B 40-022-4 e 07/98
1 Notes on safety
1.1 General
Please make yourself familiar with the contents of these operating instructions before attaching and starting up the components for 3D microscopy. Additional information is available from our maintenance service or from authorized agencies.
For the function of 3D microscopy in combination with the
Axiotron 2
Axiotech 100
Axiotech 100 vario
Axiovert 100/135/135 M
Axiovert 25 CA
Axioplan 2/Axiophot 2
Axioskop 2
please see the operating instructions of these microscopes.
When using video components from KAPPA, please comply with the supplied manual
TV camera for microscopy and 3D images"
Special regard must be paid to the notes on instrument safety included in this manual.
To guarantee the safe operation and function of the components for 3D microscopy, it is necessary under any circumstances to take the precaution measures and observe the warnings contained in the operating instructions.
The following symbols are used for the warnings:
Non-observance of the safety notes constitutes a hazard for the user.
Non-observance of the safety notes constitutes a hazard for the instrument.
Disconnect the instrument from the line before opening it.
Notes which must be observed.
1.2 Regulations concerning instrument safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
The components for 3D microscopy have been designed and tested in compliance with EN 61010, Part 1 (VDE 0411). From the safety viewpoint, they left the factory in a perfect state.
They meet the requirements of the EC directive 89/336/EC and the EMC legislation of November 9th 1992 and the legal regulations for accident prevention.
The components for 3D microscopy meet the EC requirements and are CE-labelled.
3D Microscopy Notes on unpacking, transport and storage
B 40-022-4 e 07/98 5
1.3 Notes on unpacking, transport and storage
The components for 3D microscopy must be transported in their original packaging. It is recommended to use the original packaging also for storage.
The transport and storage temperatures must comply with those listed under "Technical Data".
When unpacking the components which are equipped with polarizing foil (3D illumination shutter, eyepieces with 3D shutter), make sure to be particularly careful, since the foil can be easily scratched.
1.4 Hints on use
The components for 3D microscopy can only be used with halogen lamps up to max. 100 W.
The power plug must be inserted in a socket featuring a grounding (earth) contact. The grounding effect must not be reduced by an extension cable which does not have a protective ground wire.
Prior to connection to the line, check whether the voltage set on the selector at the rear of the 3D-CONTROL DAS-3 unit complies with the line voltage; it may be necessary to change from 230 V to 115 V. The change to 115 is only required for the 3D-CONTROL DSA-3 unit. For further details, see "
Care and
" on page VIII.
Cable connections may only be made if the various components are switched off.
For the video components from KAPPA, it is absolutely necessary to use only the connectors listed in the manual "
Color TV
camera for microscopy and 3D images
Make sure that the cables are not bent or laid out in too narrow a radius.
The optical components must be protected from dirt and mechanical damage; special care must be taken to prevent the polarizing foils of the 3D illumination shutter from being touched.
The components for 3D microscopy must be protected from impact and humidity.
1.5 Notes on maintenance
To enable 3D microscopy to function perfectly, it is necessary to use only components and spares marketed or admitted by us. When in doubt, please contact our service staff.
With the exception of the work described in the "Care and maintenance" chapter, the user must not perform any repairs or changes himself. We would like to emphasize that all other changes and repairs must be performed by specially authorized personnel.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by unauthorized operation. This forfeits all the claims against warranty.
Application 3D Microscopy
6 B 40-022-4 e 07/98
2 General
2.1 Application
3D microscopy permits the stereoscopic viewing of microscope specimens and objects
up to highest magnifications
using all objectives
eyepiece and monitor observation
in reflected and transmitted light
on upright and inverted microscopes
in brightfield and phase contrast
in real color
in real time
with extended depth of focus
with improved resolution
storage via recorder or image memory of the PC
documentation via video prints or color photos
The following microscopes can be upgraded with the components for 3D microscopy:
Axiotron 2
Axiotech 100
Axiotech 100
Axiovert 100/135/135 M
Axiovert 25 CA
Axioplan 2/Axiophot 2
3D microscopy is ideal for the following applications in biomedicine:
patch-clamp technique
in-vitro fertilization
examination of endocytosis and xenobiotics
examination of phagocytosis
injection of nucleotides
examination of nerve cells
3D microscopy is ideal for the following applications in materials microscopy:
defect analysis of semiconductor components
observation of surface topography in microtechniques
materials examinations in construction engineering
rupture analysis
examination of the structure of microfibers
examination of the structure of crystalline materials
examination of compound materials.
Axioskop 2
3D Microscopy Function Eypiece version
B 40-022-4 e 07/98 7
2.2 Function
The dynamic technique on which 3D microscopy is based can be used with any light microscope with an accessible aperture diaphragm. The technique can be used with upright or inverted reflected-light and transmitted-light microscopes. A patent has been applied for the technique.
1 Eyepiece with 3D-Shutter 2 3D-CONTROL DSA-3 3 3D illuminator shutter 4 Objective 5 Object plane
Eyepiece version in a reflected-light microscope
There are three different versions of 3D microscopy:
eyepiece version
monitor version
combination of eyepiece and monitor version
2.2.1 Eyepiece version
An LCD shutter (
"3D illumination shutter"
) is positioned close to the aperture diaphragm and is used to open or close one half of the beam path.
With the eyepiece version, the LCD shutter is controlled via the "
The centroid of the illumination beam path is switched in such a way that the object is illuminated alternately from a right and a left stereo angle.
The eyepiece shutters are controlled at the same pulse rate, i.e. each eye
only sees the
image on its own side
right eye
right image
left eye
left image
A flicker-free display of the stereo image composed of the right and left images is made possible by an appropriately high pulse rate.
When the illuminator - eye allocation is changed, a pseudostereo effect is created (height-changed image).
Resolution, contrast and depth can be optimized with relation to the object via the aperture diaphragm.
Function Monitor version 3D Microscopy
8 B 40-022-4 e 07/98
1 Eyepiece with 3D-Shutter 2 3D-CONTROL DSA-3 3 Depolarizer 4 3D illumination shutter 5 Condenser 6 Object plane 7 Objective
Eyepiece version in a transmitted-light microscope
The depolarizer is required for minimization of disturbances by the polarization equipment and facilitates work with birefringent objects
2.2.2 Monitor version
An LCD shutter (
"3D illumination shutter"
) is positioned close to the aperture diaphragm and is used to open or close half a side of the beam path.
With the monitor version, the LCD shutter is controlled via the "
The centroid of the illumination beam path is switched in such a way that the object is illuminated alternately from a right and a left stereo angle.
The camera and the monitor shutters are controlled at the same pulse rate, i.e. each eye
only sees the image on its own side
right eye
right image
left eye
left image
In the monitor version, allocation is made via the display of the half images in two perpendicular polarization directions which can be allocated to the eyes by polarizing glasses.
A flicker-free display of the stereo image composed of the right and left images is made possible by an appropriately high pulse rate.
When the illuminator - eye allocation is changed, a pseudostereo effect is created (height-changed images).
Resolution, contrast and depth can be optimized with relation to the object via the aperture diaphragm.
3D Microscopy Function Monitor version
B 40-022-4 e 07/98 9
1 Monitor shutter 2 Glasses 3 Control unit for monitor shutter 4 MCU II image memory 5 3D illumination shutter 6 Objective 7 Object plane 8 Camera
Monitor version in a reflected-light microscope
1 Monitor shutter 2 Polarizing glasses 3 Camera 4 Objective 5 Object plane 6 Condenser 7 3D illumination shutter 8 MCU II image memory 9 Control unit for monitor shutter
Monitor version in a transmitted-light microscope
Function Combined version 3D Microscopy
10 B 40-022-4 e 07/98
1 Monitor shutter 2 Polarizing glasses 3 Camera 4 Control unit for monitor shutter 5 MCU II image memory 6 3D-CONTROL DSA-3 7 3D illumination shutter 8 Depolarizer 9 Object plane
10 Eyepiece with 3D Shutter
Combined version in a transmitted-light microscope
2.2.3 Combination
of eyepiece and monitor version
An LCD shutter (
"3D illumination shutter"
) is positioned close to the aperture diaphragm and is used to open or close one half of the beam path.
With the combined version, the LCD shutter is controlled via the "
The centroid of the illumination beam path is switched in such a way that the object is illuminated alternately from a right and a left stereo angle.
The eyepiece shutter and the camera and monitor shutters are controlled at the same pulse rate, i.e. each eye
only sees the image
on its own side
right eye
right image
left eye
left image
In the monitor version, allocation is made via the display of the half images in two perpendicular polarization directions which can be allocated to the eyes by polarizing glasses.
A flicker-free display of the stereo image composed of the right and left images is made possible by an appropriately high pulse rate.
When the illuminator - eye allocation is changed, a pseudostereo effect is created (height-changed image).
Resolution, contrast and depth can be optimized with relation to the object via the aperture diaphragm.
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