HC100™ Z-Band® Wristbands
Zebra’s Z-Band® direct thermal wristbands allow you
to print patient information and bar codes directly
on the wristbands, so there is no need for labels and
the time-consuming wristband assembly inherent to
laser technology.
In addition, Zebra’s Z-Band direct thermal
• Feature a silver antimicrobial coating that protects the wristband.
• Are scannable for up to 14 days, promoting quality patient
care and safety.
• Are quick and easy for staff to print and securely fasten in less
than a minute using an adhesive tab or color clip.
• Were tested by an independent MRI testing company and were
determined “MR-Safe” (MR Safe—an item that poses no known
hazards in all MRI environments) according to the terminology
specified in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
International, Designation: F2503-08: Standard Practice for Marking
Medical Devices and Other Items for Safety in the Magnetic Resonance
Environment. These wristbands do not appear to present an additional
hazard or risk to a patient undergoing an MRI procedure.

Zebra Z-Band wristbands are available with adhesive or clip closure, in a variety of sizes and
colors to meet your organization’s needs.
Z-Band Comfort
• Adhesive closure.
• Soft and flexible.
• Superior resistance to hand sanitizers such as Purell®.
• 50 percent more wristbands per cartridge than Z-Band Direct.
Part Number Size Color
10010951K 1" x 11" White
10010951-1K (Red), 10010951-2K (Blue), 10010951-3K (Green),10010951-4K (Purple), 10010951-5K (Pink),
10010951-6K (Orange), 10010951-7K (Yellow)
10011952K 0.75" x 11" White
10011963K 1.1875" x 11" White
10011954K 1" x 7" White
A bar code that fails to scan
or requires repeated attempts
to scan jeopardizes patient
safety and staff productivity.
Zebra’s supplies research and
development team tested the
image durability of Z-Band
direct thermal wristbands
to ensure optimum image
durability and scanning
performance when subjected
to common solvents found
in hospitals including 91%
Isopropyl Alcohol, 70% Ethyl
Rubbing Alcohol, Betadine
and hand sanitizer, as well as
abrasion and water.
10011953K 1" x 6" White
Soft Infant Z-Band Direct
• Adhesive closure.
• Soft nylon backing is perfect for delicate skin.
• Adjustable band fits the smallest patients.
• Flat print area ensures ease of scanning.
10007746K 1" x 7.6875" White
Z-Band QuickClip™
• Clip closure.
• Color clips available in red, yellow, purple, green, pink and blue.
10007000K 1.1875" x 11" White
10007003K 1" x 7" White
©2010 ZIH Corp. All product names and numbers are Zebra trademarks, and Zebra, the Zebra head graphic, and Z-Band are all registered trademarks of ZIH Corp. All
rights reserved. Purell is a registered trademark of Warner-Lambert Company. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Corporate Headquarters Asia-Pacific Headquarters EMEA Headquarters Latin America Headquarters
+1 800 423 0442 +65 6858 0722 +44 (0)1628 556000 +1 847 955 2283
E-mail: inquiry4@zebra.com E-mail: apacchannelmarketing@zebra.com E-mail: mseurope@zebra.com E-mail: inquiry4@zebra.com
For more details on the
durability laboratory
testing performed, please
download our white paper
on www.zebra.com titled
“Laboratory Testing of Zebra’s
Z-Band®Direct Thermal
Antimicrobial Wristbands.”
USA: California, Georgia, Rhode Island, Texas, Wisconsin Europe: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden Asia Pacific:
Australia, China, India, Japan, South Korea Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Florida (USA), Mexico Africa/Middle East: Russia, South Africa,
United Arab Emirates
GSA#: GS-35F-0268N
P1015680 Rev. 3 (8/10)