YSI ADV6600 User Manual

Environmental Monitoring System
Operations Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................3
Section 1. Introduction to the ADV6600..........................................................1
1-1. About the ADV6600 ......................................................................................1
1-2. About YSI, Inc...............................................................................................1
1-3. How to Use This Manual...............................................................................2
1-4. Unpacking and Inspection............................................................................3
1-5. Safety Considerations....................................................................................3
Section 2. Preparing the System for Field Studies..........................................5
2-1. Preparing the Dissolved Oxygen Probe.......................................................5
2-1.1. Preparation of the DO Electrolyte Solution...................................................................... 5
2-1.2. Membrane Installation without the DO Probe Installed in the Sonde............................... 5
2-1.3. Membrane Installation with the DO Probe Installed in the Sonde.................................... 6
2-2. Installing Water Quality Probes..................................................................8
2-2.1. Removing the Port Plugs...................................................................................................8
2-2.2. Bulkhead Diagram............................................................................................................ 9
2-2.3. O-Ring Lubrication......................................................................................................... 10
2-2.4. Installing the Optical Probes........................................................................................... 10
2-2.5. Installing the Conductivity/Temperature, DO, and pH/ORP Probes .............................. 10
2-2.6. Installing the ISE Probes................................................................................................. 10
2-2.7. Installing the Probe Guard.............................................................................................. 11
2-3. Attaching Your Sonde to a Computer.......................................................11
2-3.1. Installing the Batteries .................................................................................................... 11
2-3.2. Preparing the Cable......................................................................................................... 12
2-3.3. Using the AC Power Supply........................................................................................... 12
2-3.4. Attaching the Cable......................................................................................................... 13
Section 3. Configuring Your ADV6600 – Installation of ADVantage 6600
Software and Sonde Firmware Set-up .................................................................15
3-1. ADVantage 6600 Software – System Requirements.................................15
3-2. Installing ADVantage 6600 Software ........................................................15
3-3. Launching the Software..............................................................................15
Table of Contents
3-4. Connecting to the System............................................................................16
Settings....................................................................................................................... ............... 16
Baud Rate.................................................................................................................................. 17
3-5. Understanding the Firmware of the ADV6600.........................................18
3-6. Setting up the Water Quality Sensor Firmware.......................................18
3-6.1. Setting Up the Water Quality Sensors ............................................................................ 18
3-6.2. Water Quality Menu Flowchart...................................................................................... 20
3-6.3. Setting Up Installed Sensors........................................................................................... 21
3-6.4. Setting Up Reports.......................................................................................................... 21
3-6.5. Advanced Menu Features................................................................................................24
3-7. Setting up the ADV Sensor Firmware.......................................................28
3-7.1. Setting the System Time................................................................................................. 28
3-7.2. Setting Up the ADV Parameter Output........................................................................... 28
3-8. Exiting the ADV6600 Firmware ................................................................30
3-9. ADV6600 Firmware Upgrades...................................................................30
Section 4. Calibration and Diagnostics..........................................................35
4-1. Beam Check Basics......................................................................................35
4-2. Running the ADV Beam Check .................................................................35
4-2.1. Laboratory Beam Check Procedure................................................................................ 36
4-2.2. Creating a Beam Check File........................................................................................... 38
4-2.3. Opening a Recorded Beam Check File........................................................................... 38
4-2.4. Viewing a Recorded Beam Check File........................................................................... 40
4-2.5. Interpreting Your Laboratory Beam Check Data............................................................ 40
4-2.6. Beam Check Feature Summary....................................................................................... 42
4-3. Calibrating the Compass ............................................................................43
Compass Calibration Procedure................................................................................................ 44
4-4. Changing the Pressure Sensor Offset........................................................45
4-5. Water Quality Sensors – Preparing for Calibration................................46
4-5.1. Health and Safety............................................................................................................ 47
4-5.2. Materials Required.......................................................................................................... 47
4-5.3. Calibration Tips .............................................................................................................. 47
4-5.4. Use of the Calibration Cup.............................................................................................. 48
4-5.5. Recommended Volumes of Calibration Reagents........................................................... 49
4-6. Water Quality Sensors - Calibration Procedures.....................................49
4-6.1. Temperature.................................................................................................................... 50
4-6.2. Conductivity.................................................................................................................... 50
4-6.3. Dissolved Oxygen for Unattended Monitoring Studies.................................................. 51
4-6.4. Dissolved Oxygen for Spot Sampling Studies................................................................ 52
4-6.5. pH ................................................................................................................................... 52
4-6.6. ORP................................................................................................................................. 53
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4-6.7. Ammonium..................................................................................................................... 54
4-6.8. Nitrate............................................................................................................................. 56
4-6.9. Chloride .......................................................................................................................... 57
4-6.10. Turbidity ....................................................................................................................... 59
4-6.11. Chlorophyll................................................................................................................... 61
4-6.12. Rhodamine WT............................................................................................................. 64
4-7. Establishing Default Calibration – “UNCAL” Command......................66
Section 5. Field Mounting and Installation...................................................67
5-1. Mounting Methods......................................................................................67
5-1.1. Deploying Using the YSI 6650 Clamps.......................................................................... 68
5-1.2. Deploying in a PVC Pipe................................................................................................ 70
5-1.3. Deploying on a Simple Tether........................................................................................ 72
5-2. Mounting Cautions......................................................................................73
5-2.1. Bottom Interference........................................................................................................ 73
5-2.2. Flow Interference............................................................................................................ 75
5-2.3. Interference from Magnetic Material.............................................................................. 75
Section 6. Using Your ADV6600 In The Field..............................................77
6-1. Checking Your Battery Voltage.................................................................77
6-2. Real-time Data Collection...........................................................................78
6-3. Unattended Data Collection........................................................................79
6-4. SDI-12 Data Collection................................................................................82
Section 7. Downloading ADV6600 Data........................................................87
7-1. Important Information on Downloading Data.........................................87
7-2. Data Location – Features of the Recorder ................................................87
7-3. Data Download Procedure..........................................................................89
Section 8. ADVantage 6600 Software – Post-Processing of Data................91
8-1. Opening a Saved File...................................................................................91
8-1.1. Workspaces..................................................................................................................... 91
8-2. Exporting Data to a Spreadsheet ...............................................................92
8-3. Using the Visual Data Display....................................................................93
8-4. Toolbars........................................................................................................95
8-4.1. Main Toolbar .................................................................................................................. 95
8-4.2. Data Toolbar................................................................................................................... 95
8-4.3. Display Toolbar .............................................................................................................. 95
8-4.4. Data Collection Toolbar..................................................................................................96
8-5. Menu Features.............................................................................................96
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8-5.1. File.................................................................................................................................. 96
8-5.2. Edit.................................................................................................................................. 97
8-5.3. View................................................................................................................................ 97
8-5.4. System............................................................................................................................. 98
8-5.5. Tools............................................................................................................................... 99
8-5.6. Window......................................................................................................................... 100
8-5.7. Help............................................................................................................................... 100
Section 9. Principles of Operation................................................................101
9-1. Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) .....................................................101
9-2. Velocity Data Coordinate System ............................................................102
9-2.1. ENU.............................................................................................................................. 102
9-2.2. XYZ.............................................................................................................................. 103
9-3. Effect of Salinity Variation on Velocity Accuracy..................................103
9-4. Pressure......................................................................................................103
9-4.1. Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Variations................................................................... 104
9-5. Temperature ..............................................................................................104
9-6. Conductivity...............................................................................................104
9-6.1. Effect of Temperature................................................................................................... 105
9-7. Salinity........................................................................................................105
9-8. TDS .............................................................................................................106
9-8.1. Calculation of the TDS Constant.................................................................................. 106
9-9. Dissolved Oxygen.......................................................................................106
9-9.1. Method of Operation..................................................................................................... 107
9-9.2. Effect of Temperature................................................................................................... 108
9-9.3. Flow Dependence.......................................................................................................... 108
9-10. pH..............................................................................................................109
9-10.1. Effect of Temperature................................................................................................. 1 09
9-11. ORP...........................................................................................................110
9-11.1. Effect of Temperature................................................................................................. 1 10
9-12. Nitrate.......................................................................................................110
9-13. Ammonium and Ammonia.....................................................................112
9-14. Chloride....................................................................................................114
9-15. Turbidity ..................................................................................................115
9-15.1. Effect of Fouling......................................................................................................... 116
9-15.2. Effect of Temperature................................................................................................. 1 16
9-15.3. Effect of Particle Size ................................................................................................. 116
9-16. Chlorophyll ..............................................................................................117
9-16.1. In Vivo Measurement.................................................................................................. 118
9-16.2. Effect of Fouling......................................................................................................... 119
9-16.3. Effect of Temperature................................................................................................. 1 19
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9-16.4. Effect of Particle Size ................................................................................................. 120
9-16.5. Effect of Turbidity...................................................................................................... 120
9-16.6. Limitations of In Vivo Measurement........................................................................... 120
9-17. Rhodamine WT........................................................................................122
9-17.1. Calibration and Effect of Temperature........................................................................ 124
9-17.2. Effect of Turbidity...................................................................................................... 124
9-17.3. Effect of Chlorophyll.................................................................................................. 124
Section 10. Care, Maintenance, and Storage.................................................125
10-1. Protection from Biological Fouling........................................................125
10-1.1. Sonde Housing............................................................................................................ 125
10-1.2. ADV............................................................................................................................ 125
10-1.3. Conductivity/Temperature Probe ................................................................................ 126
10-1.4. DO Probe.................................................................................................................... 127
10-1.5. pH and pH/ORP Probes.............................................................................................. 127
10-1.6. ISE Probes................................................................................................................... 127
10-1.7. Optical Probes............................................................................................................. 127
10-2. Sonde Care and Maintenance ................................................................128
10-2.1. O-Rings....................................................................................................................... 128
10-2.2. Probe Ports.................................................................................................................. 129
10-2.3. Cables and Connectors................................................................................................ 129
10-3. Probe Care and Maintenance.................................................................130
10-3.1. ADV............................................................................................................................ 130
10-3.2. Conductivity/Temperature Probe ................................................................................ 130
10-3.3. DO Probe.................................................................................................................... 130
10-3.4. pH and pH/ORP Probes.............................................................................................. 131
10-3.5. ISE Probes ................................................................................................................. 132
10-3.6. Optical Probes............................................................................................................. 132
10-4. Short-term Storage..................................................................................133
10-5. Long-term Storage...................................................................................133
10-5.1. ADV6600.................................................................................................................... 133
10-5.2. ADV............................................................................................................................ 133
10-5.3. Temperature Probe...................................................................................................... 134
10-5.4. Conductivity Probe..................................................................................................... 134
10-5.5. DO Probe.................................................................................................................... 134
10-5.6. pH and ORP Probes.................................................................................................... 134
10-5.7. ISE Probes................................................................................................................... 135
10-5.8. Optical Probes............................................................................................................. 135
Section 11. Troubleshooting ...........................................................................137
11-1. Calibration Errors...................................................................................137
11-1.1. High DO Charge......................................................................................................... 137
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11-1.2. Out of Range............................................................................................................... 137
11-1.3. Illegal Entry ................................................................................................................ 137
11-2. Communication Problems ......................................................................138
11-2.1. Cannot Communicate With ADV6600....................................................................... 138
11-2.2. Data Missing From Unattended Deployment..............................................................138
11-3. ADV Performance Problems..................................................................138
11-3.1. Beam Check Data Output ........................................................................................... 138
11-3.2. Noisy Velocity Data.................................................................................................... 141
11-3.3. Seeding for Scattering Environments..........................................................................142
11-4. Water Quality Sensor Problems.............................................................142
Section 12. Warranty and Service Information............................................145
12-1. Warranty..................................................................................................145
12-2. Limitation of Warranty ..........................................................................145
12-3. Authorized Service Center......................................................................146
12-4. Cleaning Instructions..............................................................................146
12-5. Packing Instructions and Product Return Form..................................147
Section 13. Additional Support ......................................................................151
Appendix A. Accessories and Calibration Standards .................................153
A-1. Probes and Probe Replacement Parts.................................................... 153
A-2. Optional Accessories and Replacement Parts........................................154
A-3. Optional Accessories and Replacement Parts........................................155
A-4. Reagents.....................................................................................................156
Appendix B. Specifications............................................................................157
Appendix C. Required Notice........................................................................159
Appendix D. Frequently Asked Questions...................................................161
D-1. System Description and General Questions...........................................161
D-2. What does the system measure?..............................................................164
D-3. Installing the System ................................................................................166
D-4. Applications...............................................................................................168
D-5. Collecting and Analyzing Data................................................................170
D-6. Software and Firmware...........................................................................171
D-7. Calibration and Maintenance..................................................................173
D-8. Technical Support ....................................................................................174
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Appendix E. Chlorophyll Measurements.....................................................177
Appendix F. Percent Air Saturation.............................................................185
F-1. “DOsat %” Convention............................................................................185
F-2. “DOsat % Local” Convention .................................................................186
F-3. Effects of DO mg/L Calibration...............................................................187
F-4. Activation of the “DOsat % Local” Parameter .....................................187
Appendix G. Quick Start Deployment Guide ..............................................189
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Section 1. Introduction to the ADV6600
1-1. About the ADV6600
The ADV6600 is a fully integrated system that measures both water velocity and water quality. The instrument combines the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) technology of the established Argonaut ADV instrument from SonTek with most of the water quality sensors of the 6600 sonde from YSI.
The appearance of the ADV6600 is similar to other YSI 6-Series sondes and the 6600 and ADV sensors function in an identical fashion to that of their “parent” instruments. The principal design differences between the ADV6600 and its parent instruments are the interface capabilities. For example, the ADV6600 uses new cable assemblies for interface to a PC or DCP, rather than the standard YSI 6-series cables and, at this time, there is no capability to interface to a handheld field display other than a laptop computer. In addition, interface with the ADV6600 occurs through a specially designed software package called ADVantage 6600 rather than EcoWatch for Windows which is used with 6-series sondes. The ADVantage 6600 software (provided with the ADV6600 as part of the standard package) allows the user to set up the instrument, calibrate sensors, deploy the instrument, download data, and perform data analysis.
A full range of parameters can be measured using the ADV6600. The system comes standard with the ADV, compass/tilt, conductivity and temperature sensors. In addition, the instrument may be outfitted with sensors for pressure, pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, two optical parameters (chlorophyll, turbidity, or rhodamine WT), and two ISE parameters (chloride, ammonium, or nitrate).
The ADV6600 instrument is suitable for a variety of different applications including the monitoring of streams and estuaries. It is also ideal for low flow applications in wetlands and marshes. The common theme among all of the ADV6600 applications is to correlate patterns of water movement with data from traditional water quality sensors such as dissolved oxygen, conducti vit y, and pH.
1-2. About YSI, Inc.
From a three-man partnership at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, in 1948, YSI Inc. has grown into a commercial enterprise that designs and manufactures precision sensors and instrumentation for users around the world. Through our broad range of products, YSI provides innovative solutions to sustain the environment and enhance life. Our four major markets are water testing and monitoring, health care, bioprocessing, and OEM temperature measurement.
In the 1950s, Hardy Trolander and David Case made the first practical electronic thermometer using a thermistor. This equipment was developed for Dr. Leland Clark’s original heart-lung machine. In the 1960s, YSI refined a Clark invention, the membrane-covered polarographic electrode, and commercialized oxygen sensors and meters that revolutionized how dissolved oxygen is measured in wastewater treatment plants and environmental water. Today, geologists, biologists,
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Section 1. Introduction to the ADV6600
environmental enforcement personnel, officials of water utilities, and fish farmers, to name a few, recognize YSI as the leader in dissolved oxygen measurement. In the 1970s, YSI commercialized another Clark invention, the enzyme membrane, which resulted in the first practical use of a biosensor to measure blood sugar accurately and rapidly. Over the years, this technology was extended to applications in biotechnology, health care, and sports medicine.
In the 1990s, YSI launched a product line of multi-parameter water monitoring systems to address the emerging need to measur e non-point source pollution. YSI has tho usands of instruments in the field that operate with the push of a button, store data internally, and communicate with computers. These instruments are ideal for profiling and monitoring water conditions in industrial and municipal wastewater effluents, lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, and coastal waters. With o n-board battery power, the instruments may be left unattended for weeks with measurement parameters sampled at the user’s choice of time interval and data securely saved in the unit’s internal memory. The fast response of YSI’s sensors makes the systems ideal fo r vertical pr o filing and their s mall size allows them to fit down 2-inch diameter monitoring wells. All YSI multi-parameter systems feature the patented Rapid Pulse
YSI Incorporated is an international company with world headquarters in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The employee-owned company manufactures and markets sensor technologies dedicated to ecological sustainability. Its three strategic business units include YSI Environmental, YSI Temperature, and YSI Life Sciences.
SonTek, founded in 1992 and acquired by YSI in 2001, is a world leader in the field of water velocity measurement. SonTek manufactures affordable, reliable acoustic Doppler current profilers, velocimeters, Doppler velocity logs, and integrated systems for use in oceans, rivers, lakes, harbors, estuaries and laboratories.
YSI has established a worldwide network of selling partners in 54 countries that includes laboratory supply dealers, manufacturers’ representatives, and YSI’s sales force. Subsidiaries are located in the United Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong, and China.
Employee-owned since 1983 and named ESOP Company of the Year in 1994 by the national ESOP Association, every YSI employee is one of its owners. YSI is proud of its products and is committed to serving its customers.
Dissolved Oxygen sensor, which exhibits low stirring dependence.
1-3. How to Use This Manual
The manual is organized to let you quickly understand and operate the YSI ADV6600 Environmental Monitoring System. However, it cannot be stressed too strongly that informed and safe operation is more than just knowing which buttons to push. An understanding of the principles of operation, calibration techniques, and system setup is necessary to obtain accurate and meaningful results.
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Section 1. Introduction to the ADV6600
If you have any questions about this product or its application, please contact YSI’s Technical Support department or authorized dealer for assistance.
1-4. Unpacking and Inspection
Inspect the outside of the shipping box for damage. If any damage is detected, contact your shipping carrier immediately. Remove the equipment from the shipping box. Some parts or supplies may be loose in the shipping box so check the packing material carefully. Check off all of the items on the packing list and inspect all of the assemblies and components for damage.
If any parts are damaged or missing, contact your YSI r epresentative immediately. If you purc hased the equipme nt directly fr om YSI, or if you do not know which YSI representative your equipment was purchased from, please call 1-800-897-4151 for assistance.
1-5. Safety Considerations
The acoustic pulses transmitted from the ADV6600 sensor poses no safety concerns under all normal operating conditions which are likely to be encountered by the user. However, YSI does recommend that users avoid direct skin contact with the transmit transducer (the circular yellow disk in the center of the Doppler arm) while the Doppler sensor is active.
Transmit Transducer
Please contact YSI Technical Support at 800-897-4151 if you have any questions about the use of your ADV6600.
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Section 2. Preparing the System for Field Studies
Before using your ADV6600 in field studies to correlate water movement with water quality parameters, you will need to prepare the dissolved oxygen sensor for use, install the water quality probes into their proper ports, supply a power source, and attach a cable between the ADV6600 and your PC. This section provides detailed instructions for this setup procedure.
2-1. Preparing the Dissolved Oxygen Probe
The DO probe is shipped with a dry, protective membrane secured by an o-ring. This membrane requires replacement before initial use of the sonde. Subsequent membrane changes should be performed before each deployment of the sonde and at least once every 30 days during sampling applications, or more frequently as needed.
Initial DO membrane installation can be performed before the 6562 DO probe is installed in the sonde. However, after installation of the probe, it is recommended that removal of the probe from the body of the ADV6600 be limited and future membrane changes should be performed while the probe is installed.
WARNING! Wash hands before installation and do not allow finger oils or O-ring lubricant to touch the probe face or the membrane.
2-1.1. Preparation of the DO Electrolyte Solution
Unpack the 6562 DO Probe Kit. Locate the 5775 DO Membrane Kit and prepare the electrolyte solution. Dissolve the KCl (Potassium Chloride) in the dropper bottle by filling it to the neck with deionized or distilled water and shaking until the solids are fully dissolved. After the KCl is dissolved, wait a few minutes until the solution is free of bubbles before using.
2-1.2. Membrane Installation without the DO Probe Installed in the
Remove the protective cap and the dry membrane from the YSI 6562 DO Probe. Handle the
probe with care to prevent the sensor tip from becoming scratched or contaminated.
Leave the protective cap in place over the connector end of the probe to prevent contamination
by the electrolyte.
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
Hold the probe in a vertical position and apply a
few drops of electrolyte solution to the tip. The fluid should completely fill the small moat around the electrodes and form a meniscus on the tip of the sensor. Be sure no air bubbles are visible. If necessary, shake off the electrolyte and start over.
Secure a membrane between your thumb and the
probe body. Always handle the membrane with care, touching it only at the ends.
With the thumb and forefinger of the opposite
hand, grasp the free end of the membrane. With one continuous motion, gently stretch it up, over , and down the other side of the sensor. Do not hesitate to stretch the membrane until it conforms to the face of the sensor. Secure the membrane with the forefinger of the hand holding the probe body.
Roll the o-ring over the end of the probe, being
careful not to touch the membrane surface with your fingers. There should be no wrinkles or air bubbles. If any are present, remove the membrane and repeat the installation procedure with a new membrane. Squeeze the o-ring every 90 degrees to equalize the tension. Do not use grease or lubricant of any kind on the o-ring.
Trim off any excess membrane with a sharp knife, a scalpel, or scissors. Make the cut about
1/8-inch below the o-ring. Rinse off any excess KCl solution, but be careful not to get any water in the connector.
Note: You may find it more convenient to mount the probe vertically in a vise with rubber jaws while applying the electrolyte and membranes to the sensor tip.
2-1.3. Membrane Installation with the DO Probe Installed in the
Secure the sonde in a vertical position using a vise, or a clamp with rubber jaws and ring stand.
Secure it tightly so that it will not move during membrane installation. Position the sonde with the sensors upright. Remove the calibra tion cup or pr obe guard from t he sonde.
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
Remove the old DO membrane and clean the probe tip with water and lens cleaning tissue.
Make sure to remove any debris or deposits from the O-ring groove. Handle the probe with care to prevent the sensor tip from becoming scratched or contaminated.
Apply a few drops of electrolyte solution to the tip of the probe. The fluid should completely
fill the small moat around the electrodes and form a meniscus on the tip of the sensor. Be sure no air bubbles are visible. If necessary, shake off the electrolyte and start over.
Hold the membrane so that all four corners are supported, but do not stretch the membrane
laterally. Always handle the membrane with care, touching it only at the ends.
Position the membrane over the probe, keeping it parallel to the probe face.
Using one continuous downward motion, stretch the membrane over the probe face. Do not
hesitate to stretch the membrane until it conforms to the face of the sensor.
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
Roll the o-ring over the end of the probe, being careful not to touch the membrane surface with
your fingers. There should be no wrinkles or air bubbles. If any are present, remove the membrane and repeat the installation procedure with a new membrane. Squeeze the o-ring every 90 degrees to equalize the tension. Do not use grease or lubricant of any kind on the o­ring.
Trim off any excess membrane with a sharp knife, a scalpel, or scissors. Make the cut about
1/8-inch below the o-ring. Rinse off any excess KCl solution.
Use caution when replacing the prob e gua rd that you do not touch the membrane. If you
suspect that the membrane has been damaged, replace it immediately.
2-2. Installing Water Quality Probes
Remove the calibration/transport cup from your ADV6600 by hand to expose the bulkhead.
Note: The ADV probe is a non-removable sensor.
2-2.1. Removing the Port Plugs
Using the long extended end of the probe installation tool supplied in the YSI 6570 Maintenance Kit, remove the port plugs by unscrewing them from the b ulkhead of the sonde. Save all the port plugs for possible future use. If the provided tool is misplaced or lost, you may use 7/64” and 9/64” hex keys as substitutes.
NOTE: You may need pliers to remove the ISE port plugs, but do not probes. Hand-tighten only.
use pliers to tighten the ISE
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
2-2.2. Bulkhead Diagram
ADV Probe = Non-removable Pressure Sensor = Non-removable 6562 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) probe = 3-pin connector 6560 Conductivity/Temperature = 6-pin connector 6561 pH probe = 4 pin connector 6565 Combination pH/ORP probe = 4 pin connector 6882 Chloride (ISE) Probe = leaf spring connector 6883 Ammonium (ISE) Probe = leaf spring connector 6884 Nitrate (ISE) Probe = leaf spring connector 6026 Turbidity (Optical) Probe, Wiping = 8 pin connector 6136 Turbidity (Optical) Probe, Wiping = 8 pin connector 6025 Chlorophyll (Optical) Probe, Wiping = 8 pin connector 6130 Rhodamine WT (Optical) Probe, Wiping = 8 pin connector
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
2-2.3. O-Ring Lubrication
Apply a very thin coat of o-ring lubricant, supplied in the YSI 6570 Maintenance Kit, to the o-rings on the connector end of each probe to be installed. After application, the o-ring lubricant should not be visible, but rather it will add a slight shine to the o-ring. If the lubricant can visibly be seen, remove the excess very carefully with a piece of lens tissue (or equivalent non-shedding material, i.e. fibreless q-tips), being careful not to get any on the probe connectors.
Caution! Make sure that there are no contaminants between the o-ring and the probe. Contaminants that are present under the o-ring may cause the seal to leak when the sonde is deployed.
2-2.4. Installing the Optical Probes
If you have a turbidity, chlorophyll, and/or rhodamine WT probe, it is recommended that the optical sensors be installed first. If you are not installing one of these probes, do not remove the port plug, and go on to the next probe installation.
Install the probe into the port, seating the pins of the two connectors before you begin to tighten. Tighten the probe nut to the bulkhead using the short extended end of the tool supplied with the probe. Do not over-tighten. Be careful not to cross-thread the probe nut.
The optical ports of the ADV6600 are labeled “T” and “C” on the sonde bulkhead. Each port can accept any of the four optical sensors. Be sure to take note of which sensor is installed in which port so that you will later be able to set up the sonde software correctly.
2-2.5. Installing the Conductivity/Temperature, DO, and pH/ORP
Insert the probe into the proper port using the diagram on the previous page as a guide and rotate the probe until the pins engage. Seat the pins of the two connectors together as far as possible before you begin to tighten.
The probes are held in place with slip nuts. With the connectors aligned and the two connector halves engaged, hand-tighten the probe nut and then use the long extended end of the probe installation tool to snug it. Do not over-tighten. Be careful not to cross-thread the probe nuts.
2-2.6. Installing the ISE Probes
The ammonium, nitrate, and chloride ISE probes do not without tools. Use only your fingers to tighten. Make sure that the probe body of the ISE probes is seated directly on the sonde bulkhead. This will ensure that connector seals will not allow leakage.
have slip nuts and should be installed
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
Any ISE probe can be installed in either of the two ports labeled “3” or “4” on the sonde bulkhead. Be sure to take note of which sensor was installed in which po rt so that you will later be able to set up the sonde software correctly.
2-2.7. Installing the Probe Guard
Included with your sonde is a probe guard. The probe guard protects the probes during calibration and measurement procedures. Once the probes are installed, the guard can be installed by aligning it with the threads on the bulkhead and turn the guard clockwise until secure. Be sure not to damage
the DO membrane during installation of the probe guard.
2-3. Attaching Your Sonde to a Computer
2-3.1. Installing the Batteries
The ADV6600 utilizes 8 C-size alkaline batteries which were supplied with the instrument. These batteries are not rechargeable and should be properly disposed of when expended.
Install the batteries into the ADV6600 according to the following directions:
1. Loosen the battery lid screws. If necessary, a flathead screwdriver may be used. It can be
helpful to press the battery lid while unscrewing retaining thumb screws such that the lid or thumb screws do not bind.
2. Remove the battery lid and install the batteries, as
shown. Observe the correct polarity noted on the outside of the battery lid before inserting each battery into the battery chamber.
3. Check the O-ring and sealing surfaces for any
contaminates which could interfere with the O-ring seal of the bat t ery cham b e r . Remove any contaminates present.
4. Return the b a tt ery lid an d ti g hten the sc r ews by
hand. It can be helpful to apply some pressure to the battery lid while screwing the thumb screws to prevent binding or non-uniform compression.
Note: Always power the system off when not in use to avoid draining the system batteries.
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
2-3.2. Preparing the Cable
The cable purchased with your ADV6600 has an Impulse ADV6600 end and a military-style 8 pin connector (MS-8) on the interface end. Before communicating with the ADV6600 through this cable, the YSI 6095B MS-8 to DB-9 adapter (supplied with each sonde) must be connected to the MS-8 end of the cable. Place the MS-8 ends of the cable and adapter together, and rotate until the alignment pins engage and the male and female portions of the connector slide together. Once the bodies of the connectors are fully engaged, twist the knurled ring on the cable until the two pieces lock together.
MCIL-8-MP connector on the
2-3.3. Using the AC Power Supply
Although the ADV6600 has internal batteries, using the optional Model 6651 power supply for laboratory studies and for sonde calibration and setup is often convenient and extends battery life. The 6651 will automatically convert line voltages of 90 to 264 to 12 VDC and allows for the use of line input cords from most countries world-wide. The 6651 is supplied with an American/Canadian cord.
To use the 6651, attach the four-pin connector from the power supply to the mating connector on the 6095B adapter by twisting them together and then simply plug the power cord into the appropriate AC outlet. Once the power and communications cable has been powered, be sure that the exposed 8-pin connector does not come in contact with water, metal, or other shorting material as this can cause permanent and irreversible damage to the connector.
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Section 2. Preparation of the Sonde
2-3.4. Attaching the Cable
Attach your ADV6600 to a computer for initial setup by connecting the proper end of the cable to the sonde connector and attaching the strain relief connector to the sonde bail. Then connect the other end of the cable assembly (DB-9) to a serial port on your computer. Use the diagram and picture below to make sure that your connections are correct.
Power Supply*
Sonde to Computer
Field Cable
ou will need...
Not required if you use
sonde battery
Now that the Water Quality sensors, power source, and cable have been installed on your ADV6600, you are ready to proceed to installation of ADVantage 6600 PC software and the setup of the firmware which resides within the sonde. These activities are detailed in Section 3.
Field Cable
Computer with Com Port
6095B MS-8/DB-9 Adapter
605389 Power Supply *
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Section 3. Configuring Your ADV6600 –
Installation of ADVantage 6600 Software and Sonde Firmware Set-up
In Section 2, you set up the physical components of your ADV6600 – sensors, power source, and cable. In this section, you will learn how to install the PC software which allows interface to your ADV6600 and how to use this interface to correctly configure the firmware packages in the sonde which control the velocity and water quality sensors.
3-1. ADVantage 6600 Software – System Requirements
IBM Compatible PC with Pentium processor or above
32 MB memory
5 MB available disk space
CD-ROM Drive
RS-232 Serial Port
Monitor capable of 800 x 600 resolution or better
3-2. Installing ADVantage 6600 Software
To install ADVantage 6600 software to your computer, perform the following steps:
Place the ADVantage 6600 CD-ROM into the CD drive of your computer.
Use Windows Explorer or My Computer to view files on the CD-ROM. Doub l e-click on
The display will indicate that ADVantage 6600 is proceeding with the setup routine. Follow the instructions on the screen as the installation proceeds. For most applications, the default settings should work without problems. After installation, there is no need to restart the computer.
3-3. Launching the Software
To run ADVantage 6600, click on the Windows Start button. Go to Programs>YSI Software>ADVantage 6600; or click on the icon located on your desktop.
The program will display the following screen.
98, NT, 2000, ME, or XP
the ADVantage 6600_setup.exe file.
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Section 3. Installation and Setup
3-4. Connecting to the System
When choosing the “Connect to System” selection, the Open New Session dialog box will appear as shown below. A Session is used to describe a mode in which the software will be utilized. The type of session may be selected by clicking on the appropriate button.
The default settings in the dialog box establish a Serial Connection which allows direct connection between the ADV6600 and your computer through a serial (COM) port. This option
should be used for most ADV6600 applications. You will need to select the
COM port to which your ADV6600 is attached and confirm that the baud rate is set to 9600.
This area displays the available COM ports on your computer and the COM port being used
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Section 3. Installation and Setup
for the current session. There are a maximum of eight available COM ports. The COM port radio buttons (labeled COM1 through COM8) will display in one of three colors –
green = available for use by an instrument; red = in use or not available for use by an instrument; gray = not detected on the computer. Additionally, the “active” radio button (the one with a black dot in the middle) shows which COM port is connected to th e instrument being used by the currently selected session.
If no radio button is “active” for the selected session, you can click on the appropriate COM port radio button to connect to the instrument via ADVantage 6600 software.
Baud Rate
This dropdown list lets you change the communications baud rate of your instrument for special applications. The default baud rate is set to 9600 at the factory and this setting should be used for all typical ADV6600 applications. The baud rate should NOT be changed from 9600 except on
advice from YSI Technical Support personnel.
You may also select the Network Connection option by clicking the appropriate button and the following dialog box will be shown. This option is for connections established through SonTek’s SonGate software. A network (TCP/IP or LAN) must be in place and the host computer must be running for this option to be used. When a network connection is chosen, the user will have the option to select an existing network connection setup, create a new setup, or edit an existing setup using the buttons on the right of the dialog box. When the setup information is entered and selected, click on Connect to display the options for communicating with the instrument
REMEMBER: Unless advised o therwise by YSI Technical Support personnel, use the Serial Connection option at a baud rate of 9600 to interface to your ADV6600.
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Section 3. Installation and Setup
3-5. Understanding the Firmware of the ADV6600
There are three sets of software being utilized when working with the ADV6600. The ADVantage 6600 interface software which was just installed resides in your PC. The other two software packages reside within the ADV6600 itself and are termed firmware called “ADV Firmware” in this manual is designated as the “Master” of the two firmware components and controls the ADV, compass/tilt, and pressure sensors as well as the lo gging and data retrieval functions. The other firmware (called the “Water Quality Firmware” in this manual) is designated as the “Slave” and controls only the water quality sensors
When communication is established with the ADV6600 from ADVantage 6600, the PC-based software begins direct communication with the ADV firmware. If information is required from the water quality sensors, the ADV firmware communicates in turn with the Water Quality firmware to retrieve the data. Prior to using your ADV6600 in field studies it is necessary to set up both the ADV and Water Quality firmware packages to provide the output appropriate to your studies and this procedure is described in the following two sections.
. One firmware package is
3-6. Setting up the Water Quality Sensor Firmware
3-6.1. Setting Up the Water Quality Sensors
After connecting to the system and opening a new session, the following screen will appear:
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Section 3. Installation and Setup
Select Change System Settings to display the Quick Setup dialog box as shown below.
Click on Sonde Menu to open a dialog window so that selections specific to the water quality sensors can be viewed as shown below.
The water quality sensor items are selected by typing their corresponding number (e.g., 1 for Calibrate). It is not necessary to press Enter to confirm a selection. When moving between menus within the sonde software structure, use the 0 or Esc to back up to the previous menu. It is possible to display the sonde command line (#) by pressing 0 or Esc until the question “Exit menu (Y/N)?”
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Section 3. Installation and Setup
appears and then typing Y. To return to the Main menu of the sonde menu, type Menu after the “#” and press Enter. The command line function may be useful during troubles hooting discussions with YSI Technical Support personnel.
To save power, the Water Quality hardware will power down automatically if no interaction from the keyboard occurs for approximately 60 seconds. When the firmware is in this “sleep” mode, the first subsequent keystroke simply “wakes it up” and has no visible effect on the display. The next keystroke after the unit is “awakened” will be input to the firmware in the intended manner. Thus, if you press a key after the sonde has been inactive for some time and receive no response, press the key again.
3-6.2. Water Quality Menu Flowchart
Several menu functions available on previous YSI sondes are no longer available on the ADV6600. Due to the master-slave relationship between the ADV and the Water Quality hardware packages, accessibility to these functions was removed, preventing interruption of communications bet ween the firmware of each component.
1. Conductivity
1. Calibrate
2. Report
3. Sensor
4. Advanced
1. (
) Time
2. (
) Temperature
3. (
) Conductivity
2. Dissolved Oxy
1. (
) Date
2. (
) Time hh : mm : ss
3. (
) Temp C
1. Cal constants
2. Setup
3. Sensor
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