GCMT Gas Chromatograph
Maintenance Terminal
Software Package
Operation Guide
IM 11B03G03-03E
IM 11B03G03-03E
4th Edition
Thank you for purchasing the GCMT Gas Chromatograph Maintenance Terminal Software Package.
The GCMT Gas Chromatograph Maintenance Terminal Software Package (hereafter, it is abbreviated as Maintenance Terminal) is used to monitor and maintain the GC1000 Mark II analyzer on
a personal computer by linking the computer to the analyzer through a communication line.
This guide describes the basic procedures for operating the Maintenance Terminal.
l Package Contents
Conrm that the purchased package contains the following:
This guide rst describes how to install the Maintenance Terminal. Start at Chapter 1 after completing installation. The contents of each chapter are as follows:
• Chapter 1 .............an overview of the Maintenance Terminal and its basic operations
• Chapter 2 .............how to operate the LCD emulator
• Chapter 3 to 6 ......how to start the Maintenance Terminal and work with its respective panels
• Appendices ..........a functional ovweview of the Maintenance Terminal and list of its mes-
sages. Refer to the appendices for details on the menus and messages.
l Intended Readers
The description on installation assumes that reders have a basic knowledge of both the hardware
and software required for installing the Maintenance Terminal. This is also true for Chapter 1 and
subsequent chapters, as well as for the Windows™ operating system.
However, the basic operations of Windows™ are specically described in Chapter 1 so you can
work with it without prior knowledge. For the detailed operation of Windows, refer to the separate
appropriate manual.
l Priority
Precautions in operating and handling the Maintenance Terminal are also found in the online help
window of the Maintenance Terminal and the README.TXT le that is registered during installation, inaddition to this guide. The order of precedence among these information sources is:
• In order to protect the system controlled by the product and the product itself and ensure
safe operation, observe the safety precautions described in this user’s manual. We assume
no liability for safety if users fail to observe these instructions when operating the product.
• Modication of the product is strictly prohibited.
n Notes on Handling User’s Manuals
• Please hand over the user’s manuals to your end users so that they can keep the user’s
manuals on hand for convenient reference.
• Please read the information thoroughly before using the product.
• The purpose of these user’s manuals is not to warrant that the product is well suited to any
particular purpose but rather to describe the functional details of the product.
• No part of the user’s manuals may be transferred or reproduced without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA.
• YOKOGAWA reserves the right to make improvements in the user’s manuals and product at
any time, without notice or obligation.
• If you have any questions, or you nd mistakes or omissions in the user’s manuals, please
contact our sales representative or your local distributor.
n Warning and Disclaimer
The product is provided on an “as is” basis. YOKOGAWA shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from
using the product or any defect of the product that YOKOGAWA can not predict in advance.
n Notes on Software
• YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the software’s merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose, except as specied in the
terms of warranty.
• This product may be used on a machine only. If you need to use the product on another
machine, you must purchase another product.
• It is strictly prohibited to reproduce the product except for the purpose of backup.
• Store the CD-ROM (the original medium) in a safe place.
• It is strictly prohibited to perform any reverse-maintenance operation, such as reverse com-
pilation or reverse assembling on the product.
• No part of the product may be transferred, converted or sublet for use by any third party,
without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA.
IM 11B03G03-03E
4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00
Documentation Conventions
n Symbol Marks
Throughout this user’s manual, you will nd several different types of symbols are used to identify
different sections of text. This section describes these icons.
Identies important information required to understand operations or functions.
Identies additional information.
Identies a source to be referred to.
Indicates text describing the action to be taken when a message or indication is displayed
during an operation.
n Keyboard Inscriptions
Keyboard operations are indicated in this manual as shown in the following example.
(Inscription example)
[Shift] + [F1]
Indicates that the operator must press the [F1] key while pressing the [Shift] key.
n Menu Inscriptions
Menu operations are indicated in this manual as shown in the following example.
(Inscription example)
Click on [Connect] in the [System] menu.
Click on the [System] menu, then click on the [Connect] command.
n Drawing Conventions
Some drawings may be partially emphasized, simplied, or omitted, for the convenience of description.
Some screen images depicted in the user’s manual may have different display positions or
character types (e.g., the upper / lower case). Also note that some of the images contained in this
user’s manual are display examples.
IM 11B03G03-03E
4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00
Copyright and Trademark Notices
n All Rights Reserved
The copyrights of the programs and on-line manual contained in the CD-ROM are reserved.
The on-line manual is protected by the PDF security from modication, however, it can be output
via a printer. Printing out the on-line manual is only allowed for the purpose of using the product.
When using the printed information of the on-line manual, check if the version is the most recent
one by referring to the CD-ROM’s version.
No part of the on-line manual may be transferred, sold, distributed (including delivery via a commercial PC network or the like), or registered or recorded on video tapes.
n Trademark Acknowledgments
• IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
• Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corpo-
ration in the United States and/or other countries.
• Ethernet is a registered trademark of XEROX Corporation.
• All other company and product names mentioned in this user’s manual are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.
• We do not use TM or ® mark to indicate those trademarks or registered trademarks in this
user’s manual.
IM 11B03G03-03E
4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00
Gas Chromatograph Maintenance Terminal Software Package
Operation Guide
Alarm Windows ..........................................................................................5-1
5.1 Types and Layouts of Alarm Windows ........................................................... 5-2
5.2 Opening and Closing Alarm Windows ...........................................................5-3
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5.3 Deleting the Records of Alarm History ........................................................... 5-6
5.4 Creating a User Alarm Description .................................................................5-6
Analysis Results Windows .......................................................................6-1
6.1 Opening and Closing an Analysis Results Window .....................................6-2
6.2 Types and Layouts of Analysis Results Windows ........................................ 6-4
6.3 Switching Between Analysis Results Windows .......................................... 6-10
6.4 Saving and Retrieving Data ........................................................................... 6-11
6.5 Processing and Re-saving Data .................................................................... 6-14
6.6 Graphing Historical Data ................................................................................ 6-15
6.7 Resetting Historical Data ............................................................................... 6-18
6.8 Opening the Help Window of an Analysis Results Window.......................6-19
Appendix A Menus .............................................................................................A-1
Appendix B Messages Summary .....................................................................B-1
Revision Information ...............................................................................................i
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
Installing the Maintenance Terminal
This chapter describes the installation of the Maintenance Terminal (GCMT) in the
personal computer system being used. This installation assumes that your PC system
is already in the ready state under the following conditions and also that you have some
knowledge of how to use the system.
n SystemConguration
l Software conditions
Check that the software meets the following conditions:
Microsoft’s Windows 7 Professional 32bit Service Pack 1 or
Windows Vista Business Edition or
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
l Hardware conditions
Before installing GCMT, check that the hardware meets the following conditions:
• Models supported: IBM PC or computable machine that can run Microsoft Windows and for
which Ethernet is available
OSWindows 7, Windows VistaWindows XP
CPU1 GHz or betterPentium II 350 MHz or better
RAMAt least 1 GBAt least 20 MB
15 GB or more for OS
10 GB or more for application
680 x 480 VGA or higher,
and be viewable with equal to or more than 256 colors
128 MB or more
• For the hard disk, a data storage capacity should be secured separately according to your
PC system format, in addition to the capacity for the program.
• Communication function: Make sure that the standard serial communication port is
connected to the analyzer via the communication converter (Model K9404LA provided with
a feature for maintaining the explosion-proof capabilities)-see the gure below.
Software package
Mark II
FieldInstrument room
(up to 1 km)
Power-off signal
RS-422/RS-232C converter provided
with a feature for maintaining
explosion-proof capabilities
(up to 15 m)
Personal computer
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
n Installation Procedure
The user should log on with an administrator account in order to install and use GCMT. Proper
operation is not guaranteed when the user logs on with a limited user account.
l Installing GCMT on Computers Running Windows 7 or Windows Vista
(1) Prepare a personal computer which lls the specication and turn on the power.
Start Windows.
(2) Insert the installation disk into the CD-ROM drive.
(3) The install program is started automatically.
The following dialog box appears. Click [Run Setup.bat].
If it is not started automatically, run “setup.bat” le in the CD-ROM manually.
(4) The “Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for GC Maintenance Terminal” dialog appears.
Click [Next].
(5) Hereafter, install according to the displayed instruction.
Might be necessary to restart the personal computer at the end of installation.
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
n Disabling UAC
User Account Control (UAC) helps prevent unauthorized programs from being installed on the
system silently by viruses or malicious software. This feature is normally preferable, but in some
cases, it may interfere with system operation and settings, e.g., UAC may block installation of
some applications.
UAC can be disabled at the user’s discretion. Yokogawa is not responsible for any problems that
may result from disabling UAC.
The UAC setting is enabled by default. To disable the setting, you must log on using an
administrator account. All the following steps should be done as an administrator account.
l for Windows 7
(1) Open the Control Panel and then User Accounts.
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
(2) Click [Change User Account Control settings].
(3) Slide to [Never notify], and then click [OK].
Disabling UAC is now complete.
In order to re-enable UAC, slide the above level, and then click [OK].
l for Windows Vista
(1) Open the Control Panel and then User Accounts.
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
(2) Click [Turn User Account Control on or off]. The following dialog appears. Click [Continue].
(3) The [Turn User Account Control On or Off] dialog appears. Uncheck the [Use User Account
Control (UAC) to help protect your computer] check box, and then click [OK].
(4) The following dialog appears. Click [Restart Now] to restart the computer.
Disabling UAC is now complete.
In order to re-enable UAC, just select the above check box and reboot.
n Installing GCMT on Computers Running OSs Other Than Windows 7
or Windows Vista
(1) Prepare a personal computer which lls the specication and turn on the power.
Start Windows.
(2) Insert the installation disk into the CD-ROM drive.
(3) The install program is started automatically.
The steps after this are the same as those for installing on computers running Windows 7
Might be necessary to restart the personal computer at the end of installation.
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
n PCCongurationforPowerManagement
It is recommended that the following items be set and conrmed after installation of GCMT.
GCMT may not function properly while the sleep, standby and hibernation settings are enabled.
The settings above can be disabled in Windows. The setting procedure is as follows.
l for Windows 7
Log on as a user with administrator privileges, click the Start menu, select Control Panel,
Hardware and Sound, double-click Power Options to display the Power Options Properties dialog
box, and then make sure the following items are set as described below. Note that some of the
items described below may not be displayed depending on the conguration of the PC. If an item
is not displayed, the function is disabled.
• Choosewhatthepowerbuttondoes.
When I press the power button: Do nothing
When I press the sleep button: Do nothing
When I close the lid: Do nothing
• Choosewhattoturnoffthedisplay
Turn off the display: Never
l for Windows Vista
Log on as a user with administrator privileges, click the Start menu, select Control Panel, double-
click Power Options to display the Power Options Properties dialog box, and then make sure the
following items are set as described below. Note that some of the items described below may not
be displayed depending on the conguration of the PC. If an item is not displayed, the function is
• SystemSettingswindow
When I press the power button: Do nothing
When I press the sleep button: Do nothing
When I close the lid: Do nothing
• EditPlanSettingswindow
Put the computer to sleep: Never
l for Windows XP
Log on as a user with administrator privileges, click the Start menu, select Control Panel, double-
click Power Options to display the Power Options Properties dialog box, and then make sure the
following items are set as described below. Note that some of the items described below may not
be displayed depending on the conguration of the PC. If an item is not displayed, the function is
• PowerSchemesTab
System standby: Disabled
System hibernates: Disabled
• AdvancedTab
Some PC keyboards have a sleep button. Disable this key with the following setting in the
Power buttons area.
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
When pressing the sleep button on my computer: Do nothing
• HibernateTab
Enable hibernation: Unselected
n CaptureIt! Installation
<Use the CaptureIt!>
You can select whether “CaptureIt!” capturing software at a below dialogue box in the installation
of GCMT.
You select whether to install “CaptureIt!” in the check column, and click on the “Next” button.
<Not use the CaptureIt!>
(1) Press the Print Screen key on your keyboard to copy the bitmap on the clipboard. It may be
labeled [PrtScn].
When you want to capture an active window, press and hold down the “Alt” key, and press
the “Print Screen” key on your keyboard to copy the bitmap on the clipboard.
(2) Open an image editing programme, such as Microsoft Paint.
Start the Paint accessory (Start -> Program -> Accessories -> Paint).
(3) Select [PASTE] from the [Edit] menu.
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4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00
<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
n Changes in the Windows Environment
When the GCMT is installed, the following changes are made to the Windows™ environment.
l “GC Maintenance Terminal” Group
When the GCMT is installed, a new “GC Maintenance Term.” group is registered. In the group,
the six icons, “CAPTIT”, “F_CONV”, “GCANA”, “GCMT”, “LCD”, and “ReadMe” are registered.
When the GCMT is installed, a “GCMT.INI” initialization le is created in the directory where
Windows™-executable les are located. However, if a GCMT.INI le already exists because of
a previous installation of the GCMT, for example, the installer asks whether to overwrite or not.
GCMT.INI contains the following major items of information:
Type the communication port number (typically “1”).
Register the text describing a user-defined alarm.
About initialization les
• If you are upgrading the version of the Maintenance Terminal already in use or operating the Maintenance
Terminal with the default values, you need not make any changes to the initialization le.
• Changes to the le do not take effect until the system is restarted.
K9490LD, RS-232C, Communication cable, Figure, Wiring)
This communication converter converts communications from RS-422 to RS-232C for PC
or DCS communication and shuts off the communication signals when a power-off signal is
received from the analyzer. This maintains explosion-protection on the analyzer side.
l Signal terminal, to the GC1000 Mark II
M4 terminals
2 D/I 12 V +, -
l Signal Terminals on the Communication Equipment
M4 terminals
RS-232C D-Sub25 female terminals
l Power supply
100 to 240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz ±5%, 15 W Max., M4 terminals
l Terminal Arrangement (common for K9404LA, K9404LD)
D-SUB female 25 pinsTerminal: M4
RS-422D/I 12V
from the GC1000 analyzer
AC power supply
l PC Communication Cable (Straight type)
Internal wiring
K9404LAPersonal computer
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
l External Dimensions (K9404LA)
D-SUB 25P Socket
RS-422, D/I 12 V
Power supply
Unit: mm
Weight: approximately 2 kg
l External Dimensions (K9404LD)
Mounting holes
Unit: mm
D-SUB 25P Socket
RS-422, D/I 12 V
Power supply
Weight: approximately 2 kg
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<Installing the Maintenance Terminal>
l Terminal RS-232C: Wiring in the inside of converter (K9404LA, K9404LD)
Other pins are open.
Wiring in the inside of converter
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Blank Page
<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
Overview of Maintenance Terminal
This chapter provides an overview of the Maintenance Terminal and basic information
required to operate the package.
1.1 How the Maintenance Terminal Works
In this section, you will learn how the Maintenance Terminal software package works before you
start using it.
n What Is the Maintenance Terminal?
The Maintenance Terminal (GCMT) is a software package used to monitor and maintain the
GC1000 Mark II analyzer (hereinafter referred to as the “analyzer”) on a personal computer by
linking the computer to the analyzer through a communication line. The gure below illustrates an
overview of the Maintenance Terminal.
GC1000 Mark II
RS-422/RS-232C converter
Instrument room/office
Personal computer
Analyzer monitoring and maintenance
• The Maintenance Terminal reads
chromatograms and analysis
results and saves them on disks.
• The Maintenance Terminal reads
and writes parameter settings.
• The Maintenance
Terminal sends
chromatograms and
analysis results to a
n Features of the Maintenance Terminal
The Maintenance Terminal features:
l Remote Operation of LCD Panel
The LCD screen of the analyzer is duplicated onto the CRT screen of your personal computer.
Thus, you can manipulate the LCD screen from a location distant from the eld.
l Analyzer Operation Window Presenting an Overall View
The current operation mode, valve and detector statuses, and a chromatogram are displayed in
one window (Analyzer Operation window). This gives a convenient view of the operating status at
a glance. Just click on an object in the window to change the mode, open and close valves, view
the detailed chromatogram, etc.
l Uploading and Downloading Analyzer Parameter Settings
Parameter settings can be uploaded and downloaded, thus allowing the parameters set on the
LCD panel to be also set in another analyzer.
l Detailed Chromatogram Display and Data Saving
A chromatogram is displayed in two ways: the Analyzer Operation window which shows
an overview of the chromatogram and the Chromatogram window which provides a more
detailed view of it. The Chromatogram window allows zooming, changing scales, and saving of
chromatogram data.
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<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
l Analysis Data Accumulation and Graph Creation
The results of analyses at the analyzer are gathered on an analysis history sheet. One history
sheet can hold the peak names of up to 255 analyses and analysis time data of 250 analyses.
The analysis history sheet can be saved, retrieved or graphed. In addition, the sheet can be
retrieved as a le format in Microsoft Excel™ for further advanced data processing.
l Data Acquisition for Maintenance
Personal computers and Windows™ have been designed with the assumption that they will
be used in a general ofce environment. Therefore, the Maintenance Terminal is aimed for use
on a daily basis in maintaining the analyzer. For continuous monitoring over a long period, it is
recommended that the process instruments be used for analog output, DCS communication and
as an analyzer bus server.
1.2 Maintenance Terminal Group in Program
In this section, you will learn about the types of software composing the Maintenance Terminal
group and the windows conguring the Maintenance Terminal.
n SoftwareConguration
The Maintenance Terminal is composed of the following ve types of software:
LCD emulator (LCD)This software functions independent of the Maintenance Terminal. It can
Terminal (GCMT)
Analysis result panel
GC communication
control (GCCOMM)
emulate (i.e., work in the same way as) the analyzer LCD panel, allowing the
operator to control the analyzer panel from a personal computer.
The main section of the Maintenance Terminal software package. It bases most
of its functions on the Analyzer Operation window which allows you to view the
analyzer status and operate the analyzer.
This panel stores the results of analysis. It is started automatically when the
Maintenance Terminal is activated.
This is a tool used to make hard copies. For more details, see the manual for
The software used to carry out communication between the analyzer and
GCMT. This software starts up as an icon when LCD and GCMT are started.
The program runs in the background and is always invisible to users.
n Maintenance Terminal Window Layout
The Maintenance Terminal is composed of the following four windows:
Analyzer OperationThe basic Maintenance Terminal window. This displays the analyzer’s latest
ChromatogramDisplays chromatograms in detail.
AlarmDisplays alarm statuses in the analyzer.
Analysis ResultsThis sheet automatically starts up when the Maintenance Terminal is started.
status and can be used to perform various operations.
It displays the latest analysis results.
IM 11B03G03-03E
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<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
The windows are interrelated as follows:
Alarm Details window
Alarm History window
Analyzer Operation
Alarm Status window
Lab Analysis Results
Retention Time History
Concentration Analysis
History window
Latest Analysis
Results window
Alarm-related windows
Analysis Results window
n Notes on Use
Note the following when using the LCD emulator and the Maintenance Terminal:
l Use this software with the analyzer in the Remote mode.
Unless the analyzer is in the Remote mode, you cannot start the LCD emulator. The display
function of the Maintenance Terminal can be used even in the Local mode. But if it is operated, a
message appears informing the user that operation is not accepted.
l The LCD emulator and Maintenance Terminal cannot be started at the same
Therefore, if you want to use the Maintenance Terminal while the LCD emulator is still running,
rst quit the LCD emulator and then start the Maintenance Terminal.
n Notes before turning on the power switch
Please conrm all communication cables have been connected before turning on the power
Please turn on power switch in order of the GC1000 MarkII, the communication converter
(K9404LA), and personal computer. Please turn off the power switch by the opposite procedure.
n Notes concerning communication cables
Please do not take off or install the communication cables during the power supply turned on.
If it will be done, it may be needed to turn on the main power again because of communication
error when the GCMT is used next time.
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<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
1.3 Notes Before Use
The Maintenance Terminal is a software package which runs under Windows™. In this section,
you will learn basic operations common to the Windows™ software.
n Mouse
A mouse is used to work with the Maintenance Terminal.
l Basic Mouse Operations
The mouse cursor ( ) in the window moves as you move the mouse. Place the mouse cursor on
an item you want to select in a window and click the left mouse button to select it.
l Buttons
There are three ways to press mouse buttons:
Click: Press the left button and immediately remove your nger. Normally, most
clicking operations use the left button, but some may use the right button.
“Click” in this manual means to press the left button.
Double click: Press the left button twice in quick succession.
Drag: Move the mouse from a starting position to an ending position while pressing
down the left button, and then release your nger. This is used, for example, to
select a number of items at once.
n Window Layout
The gure below illustrates the window layout, using the Analyzer Operation window as an
Minimize buttonTitle barControl menu box
Close button
Menu bar
Border line
IM 11B03G03-03E
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<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
n How to Select Menus
l Menus
The menu bar and control menu box contain menu items necessary in working with the
Maintenance Terminal. A menu is a list of classied functions (commands). From a menu, you
select a command to be executed.
• [Connect]Menu
• ControlMenu
l Dialog Box and Buttons
When you select a command from a menu, a dialog box pops up to ask you to specify details
about the command. Give the details and then select the appropriate button to execute the
l Procedure
Example: To execute the [Disconnect] command in the Analyzer Operation window:
(1) Click on [Connect] on the menu bar.
The [Connect] menu opens.
Click here.
• In a menu, selectable commands appear dark.
• The command can also be selected by typing the underlined letter with the [Alt] key held
(2) Click on the [Disconnect] command.
A conrmation dialog box pops up.
(3) Click on the [OK] button.
The Disconnect command is executed.
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<1. Overview of Maintenance Terminal>
n Multi-windows
The windows of the Maintenance Terminal open in an overlapping manner on top of the Analyzer
Operation window. Thus, you can manipulate the windows properly to view multiple windows at
the same time.
l Window Operation
In a Maintenance Terminal window, the following operations are possible:
Resizing the window: Drag the window boundary. Only the Analysis Results windows and Alarm
windows can be changed in size.
Minimizing a window to an icon: Click on the minimize button (
double-click on the icon.
l Making the Window Active
The window that is currently operational is called the “active window.” The title bar of the active
window appears dark. When more than one window is open, click anywhere within the window
you want to work with. The window you click becomes an active window. You can then work with
the active window only.
l Example of Multi-windows
). To return to the original size,
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<2. LCD Emulator Window>
LCD Emulator Window
The LCD emulator reproduces the LCD panel of the analyzer in the Windows™ operating
are drawn directly on a Windows™ display, and appear and function exactly the same way
as they do on the LCD panel. This chapter outlines the LCD Emulator window. For details,
see the GC1000 LCD Window Operation Manual, IM 11B03A03-05E.
l Prior to Operation
Before starting the emulator, always make sure that the:
• Maintenance Terminal is installed in your personal computer.
• analyzer and personal computer are linked through a communication line.
• analyzer is in the Remote mode.
2.1 Starting and Exiting the LCD Emulator
This section describes how to start and exit the LCD emulator.
n Starting
When the Maintenance Terminal is running, you cannot start the LCD emulator. Terminate the
Maintenance Terminal before you start the LCD emulator. You also cannot start the LCD emulator
unless the analyzer is in the Remote mode. Note that there is only one window from which the
LCD emulator can be started.
l Procedure
(1) Turn on the power to the personal computer, start up Windows™, and open the
Maintenance Terminal group window of Program Manager.
LCD emulator icon
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<2. LCD Emulator Window>
(2) Double-click on the LCD emulator icon.
This establishes a communication link with the analyzer. If the link ends successfully, the
CONNECT lamp of the LCD emulator lights up in green. The dialog box shown below then
pops up.
F0202.aiThe icon of analyzer communication task.
If the window shows the message “Unsuccessful end of connection,” there may be three possible reasons:
(1) The analyzer cannot be connected temporarily via a communication cable due to noise, etc.
Corrective action: Execute the [Connect] command in the [Connect] menu on the menu bar to establish the
connection again via the communication cable.
(2) The analyzer is in the Local mode.
Corrective action: Set the analyzer to the Remote mode on the analyzer’s LCD panel and then connect it
again via the communication cable.
(3) There is a wrong connection in the wiring to the analyzer.
Corrective action: Check the wiring between the analyzer and your personal computer.
(3) Click on the [OK] button. The LCD Emulator window opens.
When the message “Exit command is received” appears in the LCD emulator window, establish a communication
link with the analyzer using the [Connect] command on the [Connect] menu after you have nished panel
operation on the analyzer.
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4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00
<2. LCD Emulator Window>
n Exiting
l Procedure
(1) Click on the [Exit] command in the [Connect] menu.
A dialog box pops up asking you to conrm the termination of the LCD emulator.
(2) Click on the [Yes] button.
Communication with the analyzer is dropped and the LCD emulator terminates.
(3) Either run other software or terminate Windows™, and then turn off the power.
2.2 Basic Operations
The LCD Emulator window is exactly the same as the LCD panel both in appearance
and function. Buttons in the window can be operated by using the mouse, or by pressing
corresponding keys on the keyboard.
n Window Layout
The following gure shows the LCD Emulator window layout.
LED display areaLCD display area
Setting keys
Function keys
n Window Operation
l Mouse Operation
Place the mouse cursor on the key to be operated and click the left mouse button. This allows the
same key operations as ones on the LCD panel.
l Keyboard Operation
Each window key corresponds to the keys on the keyboard, as shown in the following table.
Pressing these keys allows the same key operations as ones on the LCD panel.
The Analyzer Operation window opens when the Maintenance Terminal is started. This
chapter explains how to open and close this window, how the window is composed, how
to change the operation status, and how to upload and download parameter settings.
Windows™ Hierarchy
Program Manager
Terminal group
Initial Database
Loading window
Operation window
Analysis Results
window *1
[Alarm Status] or
[Alarm History]
Alarm window
[Close] command
[Chromatogram] menu[Exit] command
*1: Appears as an icon
l Prior to Operation
Before starting up the Maintenance Terminal, always make sure that the:
• Maintenance Terminal has been installed properly in your personal computer.
• analyzer has been connected to your personal computer properly via a communication
IM 11B03G03-03E
4th Edition : Mar. 21, 2012-00
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