Impor t Dev ic e Mai nt en ance Info
Im ports device maintenance inform ation f rom ext ernal f iles
Expor t Dev ic e Mai nt en ance Info
Exports device maintenance information to external files
Exports history to external files
Exports device serial number registered in device maintenance
information to external files
Enables the logged-on user to exi t FieldMate
Updates contents displayed in the windows
and HART (Adapter) in Segment Viewer
Show/ Hide menu cont ents
Show the det ai l inf orm ation of Hist or y
Open Device Maintenance Info
Starts the dev ic e m aint en an ce info wind ow
Starts the DTM assigned to the device in the DTM Works window
selected device DTM in the DTM Works window
Start B T200Tablet function
Starts Parameter Manager Window
Starts the Devi ce Viewer Windo w
Starts the DD Menu Window
Starts the Trend Graph Viewer
T ag/Add ress As sign ment
Starts the Device Tag/Address Assignment Window - Sets dev ice
Starts the Device Class Assignment Window - Sets Device Class
(Link Master or Basic)
Function Block Execution Setting
Performs Function Block Execution/Wiring for F
fieldbus H1 Device
Versatile Device Management
Notice of Alterations
This notice of alterations amending that must be made to the 19th edition of
FieldMate V ersatile Device Management Wizard R3.04 (IM 01R01A01-01E).
G Window La yout and Main Windows
G-2 Main Window Menu
Table G-2-1 Main Windo w Menu Options
Expor t Serial No.
Init Curr ent Vi ew For m at Initi ali zes th e ali gnm ent of par am et er item s on I SA 1 00 (Gateway)
Clear Current View Clears the dev ice of ISA100 (Gateway) and HART (Adapter) in
Select DTM Disp lays the Device DTM Selection dialog box an d starts t he
Yokogaw a El ec tr i c Corporation
For IM 01R01A01-01E 19th

Resets the Initialization Provisioning
New Device Ma intenance Info
Enables you to create device maintenance information
Delete Device Maintenance Info
Deletes dev ice maintenance inform ation
Com pare an d Genera te Par ameter R eport
Starts the Parameter Comparison window
Pressure Calibration Support
Starts the Pressure Calibration Support function
Expo rt Dev ice Mai ntenan ce Info
Exports device mai ntenan ce infor mati on to external files
Flag the Device
ON Changes device flag to ON
Changes device flag to OFF
Add to Favorites
Create New Favorit e
Crea tes new favor ites - Up to 30 fav orites can be d efined
Adds sel ected d evice to Favor i tes
Deletes selected devic e from Favorites
Sets Device Icon to Selected File or switches back to the default
Starts the User Management window - Manages FieldMate User
Starts the HART Modem Configuration window - Sets HART
Interface Configuration
Calls NI-F BUS Interface C onfiguration Utility or Softing FFusb
Configuration Tool
PROFIB US Interface
Starts the PROFIBUS Communication Configuration window Sets PROFIBUS
Starts the BRAIN Modem Configuration window - Sets BRAIN
ISA100 (Infrared)
Interface Configuration
Enables configuration of USB Port
ISA 100 (Gateway)
Interface Configuration
Sets Host Name or IP Addr ess of Gateway
Modbus Interface
Starts the Modbus Communication Configuration window - Sets
Starts HART (YOKOGAWA N-IO ) setti ng dialog
Starts SE N COM Communica tion settin g dialo g
Starts DTM Setup tool
Refer to "R-3 DTM Setup " about DTM Setup tool
Starts DD File Utiliti es dialog
Refer to "R-1-1 DD file" about DD file Utilities dialog
Show/Hide Typical Pa r ameters on Segment Viewer
Typi cal Parameters
Spec ify t he parameters t o be dis played on the Typical Par am eter
HMI of the Segment Viewer
Select Path to DT M a nd Parameter M anager S etup fr om Device
ISA100 Provisioning
Select Usage Advisability for Provisioning Information File
IO) Interface
DD File Utilities
Segment Vi ewer
Manager Startup path
Maintenance Info
from Device