The NOC sets the value of the bit output to ON if the value of the referenced register is 1(ON) and to
OFF is the value of the referenced register is 0 (OFF).
Parameter Name Setting
Relay No. · Any bit type register
· Any bit type register with subscript
[Program Example]
When MW000100 becomes ON, MB000101 becomes ON.
Symbol : NOC
Full Name : NO Contact
Category : RELAY
Icon :
1.1 N.O. Contact Instruction (NOC)
1.2 N.C. Contact instruction (NCC)
The NCC se ts t he value of th e bit ou tpu t to OFF w hen t he val ue of th e refe renc ed re giste r is 1 (O N),
and to ON when the value of the referenced register is 0 (OFF).
Parameter Name Setting
Relay No. · Any bit type register
· Any bit type register with subscript
[Program Example]
When MB000100 becomes ON, MB000101 becomes OFF.
Symbol : NCC
Full Name : NC Contact
Category : RELAY
Icon :
The TON[10ms] is executed while the immediately-preceding value of the bit input is ON. The value
of the bit output is set to ON when the timer value reaches the set value. The timer stops when the
immediately-preceding value of the bit input is set to OFF during timing. When the bit input is set to
ON again, timing restarts from the beginning (0). A value equal to the actual timed time (10ms Unit)
is stored in the timer value register.
Symbol : TON[10ms]
Full Name : On-Del ay Timer[10ms]
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Set (set value) · Any integer type register
· Any integer type register with subscript (0 to 65535 : in 0.01sec unit)
· Constant
Count (timer value) · Any integer type register (except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
(Ts = Scan set value)
Notes: MW00011 works as timer count register. Thus, it is essen tial tha t th ere is no over la p. Set
an unused register.
1.4 10-MS O FF-DELAY TIMER Instr uctions (TOFF[10ms])
The TOFF[10ms] is executed while the immediately-preceding value of the bit input is OFF. The
value of the bit output is set to OFF when the timer value reaches the set value.
The timer stops when the immediately-preceding value of the bit input is set to ON during timing.
When the bit input is set to OFF again, timing restarts from the beginning (0). A value equal to the
actual timed time (10ms Unit) is stored in the timer value register.
Symbol : TOFF[10ms]
Full Name : Off-Dela y Timer[10ms]
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Set (set value) · Any integer type register
· Any integer type register with subscript (0 to 65535 : 0.01sec unit)
· Constant
Count (timer value) · Any integer type register (except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
(Ts = Scan set value)
Notes: MW00011 works as timer count register. Thus, it is essen tial tha t th ere is no over la p. Set
The TON[1s] times while the immediately-preceding value of the bit input is ON. The value of the bit
output is set to ON when the timer value reaches the set value. The timer stops when the immediatelypreceding value of the bit input is set to ON during timing. When the bit input is set to OFF again,
timing restarts from the beginning (0). A value equal to the actual timed time (1s Unit) is stored in the
timer value regis ter.
Symbol : TON[1s]
Full Name : On-Delay Timer[1s]
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Set (set value) · Any integer type register
· Any integer type register with subscript (0 to 65535 : 1sec unit)
· Constant
Count (timer value) · Any integer type register (except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
(Ts = Scan set value)
Notes: MW00011 works as timer count register. Thus, it is essen tial tha t th ere is no over la p. Set
an unused register.
1.6 1-S OFF-DELAY TIMER Instruc t ion s (TOFF[1s])
1.6 1-S OFF-DELAY TIMER Instruction (TOFF[1s])
The TOFF[1s] times while the immediately-preceding value of the bit input is OFF. The value of the
bit output is set to OFF when the timer value reaches the set value. The timer stops when the
immediately-preceding value of the bit input is set to ON during timing. When the bit input is set to
OFF again, timing restarts from the beginning (0). A value equal to the actual timed time (1s Unit) is
stored in the timer value register.
Symbol : TOFF[1s]
Full Name : Off-Dela y Timer[1s]
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Set (set value) · Any integer type register
· Any integer type register with subscript (0 to 65535 : 1sec unit)
· Constant
Count (timer value) · Any integer type register (except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
(Ts = Scan set value)
Notes: MW00011 works as timer count register. Thus, it is essen tial tha t th ere is no over la p. Set
an unused register.
1.7 RISING PULSE Instruction (ON – PLS)
The ON-PLS sets the value of the bit input to ON during one scan when the immediately-preceding
value of the b it out p ut c han ges fro m OFF to ON . The de si gnate d r egis te r is us e d to st or e the pre vi ous
value of the bit output.
Symbol : ON-PLS
Full Na m e : Rise Pulse
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Register No.
[Program Example]
When IB00001 turns ON from OFF, MB000101 turns ON and stays ON during 1 scan. MB000100 is
used to store the previous value of IB00001.
· Any bit type register (except for # and C regi ster)
· Any bit type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
1.7 RISING PULSE Instruct ions ( ON – PLS)
1 scan1 scan
Register status of Rising pulse instruction is shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Register Status with Rising Pulse Instruction
Input Result
IB00001 MB000100
(Previous value of
(IB00001 stored)
Notes: Case of Program Example, the instruction is used not for rise detection of MB00010 0 but
is used for rise detecti on of IB00001. MB000100 is used only for storing the pr evious
value of IB00001.
1.8 FALLING PULSE Instruction (OFF – PLS)
The OFF-PLS sets the value of the bit input to ON for one scan when the immediately-preceding value
of the bi t ou tp ut c ha nges fr om ON to OF F. The de si gn ate d reg ist er is us ed to st or e the pr evi ou s val ue
of the bit output.
Symbol : OFF-PLS
Full Name : Fall Pulse
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Register No.
· Any bit type register (except for # and C regi ster)
· Any bit type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
When IB00001 turns OFF, MB000101 turns ON an d stays ON during 1 scan. MB000100 is used t o
store the previous value of IB00001.
1.8 FALLING PULSE I nstructions (OFF – PLS)
1 scan1 scan
Register status of Falling pulse instruction is shown in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2 Register Status with Fa llin g Pulse In s t ruction
Input Result
(Previous value of
(IB00001 stored)
Notes: Case of Program Example, the instruction is us ed not for fa ll detecti on of MB000100 but
is used for fall detection of IB00001. MB000100 is used only for storing the previous
value of IB00001.
1.9 COIL Instruction (COIL)
The COIL sets the value of the referenced register to 1 (ON) when the immediately-preceding value of
the bit input is ON, and to 0 (OFF) when the immediately-preceding value of the bit input is OFF.
Parameter Name Setting
Coil No. · Any bit type register (e xcept for # and C register )
[Program Example]
When MB000100 becomes ON, MB000101 becomes ON.
1.9 COIL Inst ruction (COIL)
Symbol : COIL
Full Na m e : Coil
Category : RELAY
Icon :
· Any bit type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
1.10 SET COIL Instruction (S-COIL)
The S-COIL turns ON the output when the execution condition is satisfied, and maintains the ON state.
Parameter Name Setting
Coil No. · Any bit type register (e xcept for # and C register )
· Any bit type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
Case where the same output destination is designated multiple times.
Symbol : S-Coil
Full Name : Set Coil
Category : RELAY
Icon :
1.10 SET COIL Instructions (S-COIL)
The above example acts as in the g r aph below.
* When OB00000 is OFF,
with the "set coil"
instruction, OB00000
turns ON.
1.11 RESET COIL Instruction (R-COIL)
The R-COIL turns OFF the output when the execution condition is sati sfied, and maintains the OFF
Symbol : R-Coil
Full Name : Reset Coil
Category : RELAY
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Coil No. · Any bit type register (e xcept for # and C register )
· Any bit type register with subscript (except for # and C registers)
[Program Example]
Case where the same output destination is designated multiple times.
1.11 RESET COIL In st ructions (R-CO IL)
The above example acts as in the g r aph below.
* When OB00000 is ON,
with the "reset coil"
instruction, OB00000
turns OFF.
The STORE instruction stores the contents of Source in the Dest.
Symbol : STORE
Full Name : St ore
Category : MATH
Icon :
2.1 STORE Instru ct ion (STORE)
Parameter Name Setting
Source · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, double-length integer t ype and real number type register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer type, double-length integer t ype and rea l number type regist er
(except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type, double-length integer t ype and real number type register
with subscript (except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
2.1 STORE Instru ct ion (STORE)
[Program Example]
Notes: When a double-length i nteger type data is s tored in an in teger type regis ter, the lower 16
bits are stored as they are. Be careful s ince an operation error w ill not occur even if the
data to be stored exceeds the integer range (-32768 to 32767).
2.2 ADDITION Instruction (ADD)
The ADD instruction adds integer, double-length integer, and real number values. Source B is added
to So urce A and stored in the Dest. If the res ult of ad ding inte ger valu es is great er than 32767, a n
overflow error occurs. If the result of adding double-length integer values is greater than 2147483647,
an overflow erro r o ccurs.
Symbol : ADD
Full Name : Add
Category : MATH
Icon :
2.2 ADDITION In st ruction (ADD)
Parameter Name Setting
Source A · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Source B · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer t ype, double-len gth integer t ype and real number type register
(except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript (except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
2.2 ADDITION In st ruction (ADD)
[Program Example ]
Addition of integer type values
Addition of real nu mber type values
Notes: In the case of double-length integer type values, an operation using addition and
subtraction instructions (+, –, ++, --) will be a 32-bit operation. However, when an
addition or subtraction instruction is used in a remainder correction operation (where a
multiplication instruction (×) is the immediately preceding instruction and a division
instruction (÷) is the immediately subsequent instruction), the operation will be a 64-bit
The ADDX instruction adds integer values. Source B is add ed to Source A and stored in the Dest. No
operation error occurs, even if the operation results in an overflow. Otherwise, the ADDX is much the
same as the ADD.
Symbol : ADDX
Full Name : Expanded Add
Category : MATH
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Source A · Any integer type and double-length integer type register
· Any integer type and double-length integer type register with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Source B · Any integer type and double-length integer type register
· Any integer type and double-length integer type register with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer type an d double-lengt h integer type regi ster (except f or # and
C registers)
· Any integer type and double-length integer type register with subscript
(except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
[Program Example]
This instruction is used in cases where it is desirable that operation errors do not occur in the addition
of integer type values.
Notes: In the case of double-length integer type values, an operation using addition and
subtraction instructions (+, –, ++, --) will be a 32-bit operation. However, when an
addition or subtraction instruction is used in a remainder correction operation (where a
multiplication instruction (×) is the immediately preceding instruction and a division
instruction (÷) is the immediately subsequent instruction), the operation will be a 64-bit
2.4 SUBTRACTION Instruction ( SUB)
The SUB instruction subtracts integer, double-length integer, and real number values. Source B is
subtracted to Source A and stored in the Dest. If the result of subtr ac ting intege r va lu e s is sma l le r th a n
– 32768, an underflow error occurs. If the result of subtracting double-length integer values is smaller
than – 214748 3648, an under flow error occurs.
Symbol : SUB
Full Name : Subtract
Category : MATH
Icon :
2.4 SUBTRACTION I n st ruction (SUB)
Parameter Name Setting
Source A · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Source B · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer t ype, double-len gth integer t ype and real number type register
(except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript (except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
2.4 SUBTRACTION I n st ruction (SUB)
[Program Example]
Subtraction of integer type valu es
Subtraction of re al number t ype values
Notes: In the case of double-length integer type values, an operation using addition and
subtraction instructions (+, –, ++, --) will be a 32-bit operation. However, when an
addition or subtraction instruction is used in a remainder correction operation (where a
multiplication instruction (×) is the immediately preceding instruction and a division
instruction (÷) is the immediately subsequent instruction), the operation will be a 64-bit
The SUBX instruction subtracts integer values. No operation error occurs, even if the operation
results in an underflow.
Symbol : SUBX
Full Name : Expanded Subtract
Category : MATH
Icon :
Parameter Name Setting
Source A · Any integer type and double-length integer type register
· Any integer type and double-length integer type register with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Source B · Any integer type and double-length integer type register
· Any integer type and double-length integer type register with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer type an d double-lengt h integer type regi ster (except f or # and
C registers)
· Any integer type and double-length integer type register with subscript
(except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
[Program Example]
This instruction is used in cases where it is desirable that operation errors do not occur in the
subtrac tion of integer type valu es .
Notes: In the case of double-length integer type values, an operation using addition and
subtraction instructions (+, –, ++, --) will be a 32-bit operation. However, when an
addition or subtraction instruction is used in a remainder correction operation (where a
multiplication instruction (×) is the immediately preceding instruction and a division
instruction (÷) is the immediately subsequent instruction), the operation will be a 64-bit
2.6 MULTIPLICATION Instruction (MUL)
The MUL instruction multiplies integer, double-length integer, and real number values. Source B is
multiplied to Source A and stored in the Dest.
Symbol : MUL
Full Name : Multiply
Category : MATH
Icon :
2.6 MULTIPLICATIO N I n st ruction (MUL)
Parameter Name Setting
Source A · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Source B · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer t ype, double-len gth integer t ype and real number type register
(except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript (except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
[Program Example]
Multiplication of in t eger type valu es
2.6 MULTIPLICATIO N I n st ruction (MUL)
Multiplication of double-length integer type values
Multiplication of real number type values
Notes: In the case of double-length integer type values, an operation using addition and
subtraction instructions (+, –, ++, --) will be a 32-bit operation. However, when an
addition or subtraction instruction is used in a remainder correction operation (where a
multiplication instruction (×) is the immediately preceding instruction and a division
instruction (÷) is the immediately subsequent instruction), the operation will be a 64-bit
2.7 DIVISION Instruction (DIV)
The DIV instruction divides integer, double-length integer, and real number values. Source A is
divided by Source B and stored in the Dest.
Symbol : DIV
Full Name : Divide
Category : MATH
Icon :
2.7 DIVISION Instruction (DIV)
Parameter Name Setting
Source A · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Source B · Any integer type, double-length integer type and real number type register
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript
· Subscript register
· Constant
Dest · Any integer t ype, double-len gth integer t ype and real number type register
(except for # and C registers)
· Any integer type, d ouble-lengt h integer t ype and real number t ype register
with subscript (except for # and C registers)
· Subscript register
2.7 DIVISION Instruction (DIV)
[Program Example]
Real number type data
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