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DANGER: with anytypeofpowerequipment,carelessnessor erroron the partofthe operatorcanresultin sertous I
injury.Thislawn moweris capableofamputatinghandsandfeet andthrowingobjects.Failureto observe I
thefollowingsafetyinstructionscouldresultonseriousinjuryor death.. . I
_. OPERATION 13. The bladecontrol handle Is a safety device. Neverattempt to
1. Readthis owner's guide carefullyinits entirety before attempt- bypassits operation. Doingso makesthe safetydeviceinoper-
ingto assemblethis machine.Read,understand,and follow all
instructions on the machineand in the manual(s)before opera-
tion. Be completelyfamiliar with the controls and the proper
use of this machinebeforeoperatingit. Keepthis manual in a
safe place for future and regular reference and for ordering
2. Your rotary mower is a precision piece of power equipment,
not a plaything. Therefore, exercise extreme caution at all
times. Your unit has been designed to perform one job: to
mow grass.Donot useitfor anyotherpurpose.
3. Never allow children under 14 years old to operate a power
mower. Children 14 years old and over should only operate
mowerunderclose parentalsupervision. Onlyresponsibleindi-
viduals who are familiar with these rules of safe operation
should beallowedto useyour mower.
4. Keepthe area of operation clear of all persons, particularly
small children and pets. Stop engine when they are in the
vicinity of your mowerto help prevent bladecontact or thrown
object injury. Although the area of operation should be com-
pletely cleared of foreign objects, an object may have been
overlookedand could be accidentallythrown by the mower in
any direction andcauseserious personalinjury to the operator
or anyothersallowedinthe area.
5. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be
used. Removeall stones, sticks, wire, bones,toys and other
foreign objects which could be picked up and thrown by the
mower in any direction and cause serious personal injury to
the operator or anyothersallowed in the area.Planyour mow-
ing patternto avoid discharge of materialtoward roads, side-
walks, bystandersand the like. To help avoid athrown objects
injury, keep children, bystanders and helpers at least 75 feet
from the mowerwhile it is in operation.
6. Always wearsafetyglassesor safety gogglesduring operation
or while performing an adjustment or repair, to protect eyes
from foreign objectsthat may be thrown from the machinein
7. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and close-fitting slacks
and shirts. Shirts and pantsthat cover the arms and legsand
steel-toedshoesare recommended.Do not wear loose fitting
clothes or jewelry.Theycanbecaught in moving parts. Never
operatea unit in barefeet,sandals,or sneakers.
8. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts. Keep
clearof dischargeopeningat all times asthe rotating bladecan
9. Many injuries occur as a result of the mower being pulled over
the foot during a fall. Do not Ilangon to the mower if you are
fa!ling;releasethe handleimmediately.
10. Neverpull the mowertoward you while you are walking. If you
must back the mower away from a wall or obstruction first
lookdownandbehind,andthenfollow these steps:
a. Step backfromthe mowerto fully extendyour arms.
b. Besureyouarewell balancedwith surefooting.
c. Pullthe mower back slowly, no more than half way toward
d. Repeatthesestepsasneeded.
11. Do not operatethe mowerwhile under the influenceof alcohol
or drugs.
12. Disengagethe self-propelled mechanism or drive clutch on
unitssoequippedbeforestartingthe engine.
ativeandmay result in personalinjury through contactwith the
rotating blade.The blade control handlemust operateeasilyin
both directions and automatically return to the disengaged
14. Neveroperatethe mower in wet grass.Alwaysbesure of your
footing. A slip and fall can causeserious personalinjury. Keep
a firm hold on the handle and wall never run. Mow only in
daylightor in goodartificial light.
15. Stopthe bladewhen crossinggraveldrives,walks or roads.
16. If the equipment should start to vibrate abnormally, stop the
engineand check immediatelyfor the cause.Vibration is gen-
erallya warning of trouble.
17. Shut the engine off and wait until the bladecomesto a com-
pletestop beforeremovingthe grasscatcheror uncloggingthe
chute.Thecutting bladecontinuesto rotatefor a few seconds
afterthe engineis shut off. Neverplaceany part of the body in
the bladearea until you are sure the bladehas stopped rotat-
18. Never operate mower without proper guards, grass catcher,
platesor othersafetyprotectivedevicesin place.
19. Muffler and engine becomehot and can causea burn. Do not
20. Only use accessoriesapprovedfor this machineby the manu-
facturer. Read,understand,andfollow all instructions provided
with theapprovedaccessory.
21. If situations occur which are not covered in this manual, use
careand goodjudgment. Contactyour dealerfor assistance.
Foryour safety,usethe slope gaugeincludedas part of this manual
to measureslopes before operating this unit on a sloped or hilly
area.If the slope is greater than 15°, as shown on the slopegauge,
do not operatethis unit on that areaorseriousinjury could result.
• Mow across the face of slopes; never up and down. Exercise
extremecaution whenchanging directiononslopes.
• Watch for holes, ruts, hidden objects, or bumps. Tall grass can
• Always be sure of your footing. A slip and fall can causeserious
• Donot mow neardrop-offs, ditches or embankments.Theopera-
tor could loosefooting or balance.
• Do not mow slopes greater than 15° as shown on the slope
• Donotmow onwetgrass. Reducedfooting could causeslipping.
Tragic accidentscan occur if the operator is not alert to the pres-
enceof children. Childrenare often attractedto the mower and the
mowing activity. Neverassumethat childrenwill remainwhereyou
1. Keepchildren out of the mowing areaand under the watchful
careof a responsibleadult otherthanthe operator.
2. Bealert andturn mower off if a child entersthe area.
3. Beforeandwhile moving backwards,lookbehindand down for
small children.
4. Neverallowchildrenunderage 14to operatethe mower.