RX-GAIN 3.505 (160m - 30m)
RX-GAIN 14.005 (20m - 15m)
RX-GAIN 28.995 (12m - 10m)
PWR-100W 3.505 (160m - 30m)
PWR-100W 14.005 (20m - 15m)
PWR-100W 28.995 (12m - 10m)
Jochen Heilemann
YAESU FT-847 Alignment menu
Menu Remarks Home
- 6dBµ, the lower HEX, the more meter readout
+ 20 dBµ, the lower HEX, the more meter readout
+ 3 dBµ, the higher HEX, the more gain and sensitivity
0 dBµ, the higher HEX, the more gain and sensitivity
0 dBµ, the higher HEX, the more gain and sensitivity
- 3 dBµ, the higher HEX, the more gain and sensitivity
- 6 dBµ, the higher HEX, the more gain and sensitivity
- 6 dBµ, the higher HEX, the more gain and sensitivity
No RF, Squelch Threshold
0 dBµ, Squelch Tight
- 3 kHz RF reference signal
+ 3 kHz RF reference signal
no RF input, RF on 2 o'clock
+ 25 dBµ
+85 dBµ
Put passbandtuning knob to middle first.
Same tone behaviour while changing USB/LSB
Minimum variation on LOW/HIGH af tones on
external wattmeter (menu #92 + #93 = 0 !!!)
Press 1x PTT + 1x SUB-TUNE to see the actual values
Press 1x PTT + 1x SUB-TUNE to see the actual values
Press 1x PTT + 1x SUB-TUNE to see the actual values
Press 1x PTT + 1x SUB-TUNE to see the actual values
Press 1x PTT + 1x SUB-TUNE to see the actual values
Press 1x PTT + 1x SUB-TUNE to see the actual values
No Mic Input + 4 digits
Mic Input 10mV
At minimum "8F"
At minimum "8F"
At minimum "8F"
At minimum "8F"
At minimum "8F"
At minimum "8F"
The lower HEX, the sooner protection
The lower HEX, the sooner protection
Mike: UP+DOWN+FAST + turn radio on --> enter the Alignment Menu
Sub-Tune: step through each setting
MCK/W: stores value = "taking the measurement" of input signals from signalgenerators
MEM/VFO: change value manually +/MENU: stores all changed values and exit Be careful !! Power off to cancel potential mistakes surely.
POWER OFF: cancel changes and exit
All measurements and collected data from Jochen Heilemann (DG2IAQ) dg2iaq@freenet.de
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