8-Bit Microprocessor
The CZ80CPU implements a fast, fully-functional, single-chip, 8-bit microprocessor with
the same instruction set as the Z80.
The core has a 16-bit address bus capable of directly accessing 64kB of memory
space. It has 252 root instructions with the reserved 4 bytes as prefixes, and accesses
an additional 308 instructions.
The microcode-free design was developed for reuse in ASIC and FPGA implementations. It is strictly synchronous, with no internal tri-states and a synchronous reset.
The CZ80CPU is suitable for many embedded controller applications, including:
industrial control systems
point-of-sale terminals
automotive controls
Block Diagram
Programming features contain
208 bits of read/write memory
that are accessible to the programmer.
The internal registers include an
accumulator and six 8-bit registers that can be paired as three
16-bit registers.
In addition to general registers,
a 16-bit stack-pointer, 16-bit
program-counter, and two 16-bit
index registers are provided.
Control Unit
8-bit Instruction decoder
Arithmetic-Logic Unit
8-bit arithmetic and logical
16-bit arithmetic operations
Boolean manipulations
Register File Unit
Duplicate set of both general
purpose and flag registers
Two 16-bit index registers
Interrupt Controller
Three modes of maskable interrupts
Non maskable interrupt
External Memory interface
Can address up to 64 KB of
program memory
Can address up to 64 KB of
data memory
Can address up to 64 KB of
input/output devices
On-core dynamic memory refresh counter
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Contents subject to change without notice.
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This core developed by the
processor experts at Evatronix SA.
Functional Description
The CZ80CPU core is partitioned into modules as shown in
the Block Diagram and described below.
Cycle Control
The main control machine, which synchronizes all the others.
It has an instruction register and all registers controlled interrupts, bus request cycle, wait states etc. This unit controls
bus control signals too.
Bus Control
Registers are triggered on the falling edge and or gates.
These are used to form the bus control timing, changed on
both clock edges. This is the only unit that has registers synchronized on the falling clock edge.
Address Unit
This unit controls all operations on addresses (calculates the
next instruction address, nested data address, jump and return address etc.) and increments and decrements the 16-bit
addr register. It includes pc_reg (program counter), sp_reg
(stack pointer), i_reg (interrupt register) and r_reg (refresh
NMI Control
This unit detects a falling edge on the nmin pin. If detected,
the internal nmi register is set and this causes a nonmaskable interrupt service cycle.
Reset Control
This unit controls the state of external signal resetn. If it has
value ‘0’ for at least three full clock cycles, then it sets the internal synchronous reset signal (rst) to ‘1.’
Register Bank
This includes all the commonly used registers (based and alternative) and the logic element needed to change the data in
these registers.
Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU)
The unit accumulator and flag registers, and performs 8-bit
arithmetic and logic operations, 16-bit arithmetic operations
(without increment and decrement), bit operations, and sets
the flag register.
Implementation Results
The CZ80CPU is a technology independent design that can
be implemented in a variety of process technologies. The
following are typical Xilinx results with Fmax optimized for
The core as delivered is warranted against defects for ninety
days from purchase. Thirty days of phone and email technical support are included, starting with the first interaction.
Additional maintenance and support options are available.
The CZ80CPU core’s functionality was verified by means of a
proprietary hardware modeler. The same stimulus was applied to a hardware model that contained the original Zilog
Z84C00 chip, and the results compared with the core’s simulation outputs.
The core is available in ASIC (synthesizable HDL) and FPGA
(netlist) forms, and includes everything required for successful implementation. The Xilinx version includes:
Post-synthesis EDIF netlist
Example CZ80CHIP – 8051 compatible design. This de-
sign uses the CZ80CPU and illustrates how to build and
connect memories and port modules
Sophisticated HDL Testbench that instantiates the exam-
ple design CZ80CHIP, external RAM, external ROM, clock
generator, and process that compares your simulation results with the expected results
A collection of Z80 assembler programs which are ex-
ecuted directly by the Test Bench
Simulation script, vectors, expected results, and compari-
son utility
Place and route script
Comprehensive user documentation, including architec-
tural overview, hardware description, user guide, detailed
specifications and a system integration guide