Xerox WorkCentre 3615 System Administrator Guide

Xerox® WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer Imprimante multifonctions noir et blanc
System Administrator Guide Guide de l’administrateur système
Português Guia de Administração do Sistema
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Document version 1.1: June 2014


1 Introduction 7
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Configuration Steps ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
More Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2 Initial Setup 11
Finding the IP Address of the Printer ....................................................................................................................... 12
Accessing the Printer ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Logging In .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Initial Setup at the Control Panel .............................................................................................................................. 14
Information Pages ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Changing the Passcode at the Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 15
Configuring General Setup Using the Control Panel ......................................................................................... 16
Accessing Information About the Printer Using the Control Panel .................................................... 16
Using the Power On Wizard ................................................................................................................................. 17
Configuring General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 19
Configuring the Timers .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Configuring Output Settings ................................................................................................................................ 23
Configuring Tray Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Configuring General Setup Using CentreWare Internet Services ................................................................ 25
Opening General Setup Settings ........................................................................................................................ 25
Viewing Printer Information ................................................................................................................................ 26
Cloning Printer Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Configuring Mail Alerts .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Configuring System Settings ............................................................................................................................... 27
Configuring Clock Settings ...................................................................................................................................
Configuring Tray Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Resetting Service Defaults .................................................................................................................................... 28
Configuring CentreWare Internet Services Display Settings ................................................................. 29
3 Network Connectivity 31
Configuring Network Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 32
About TCP/IP and IP Addresses ......................................................................................................................... 32
Configuring TCP/IP Settings ................................................................................................................................ 33
Connecting to a Wireless Network ............................................................................................................................ 35
Resetting Wireless Settings .................................................................................................................................. 35
Connecting to a Wireless Network Using the Control Panel Wi-Fi Setup Wizard ......................... 36
Collecting Wireless Network Information for Connecting to a Wireless Network Manually ... 36
Connecting to a Wireless Network Using the Control Panel Wi-Fi Setup Wizard ......................... 37
Connecting to a Wireless Network Manually ................................................................................................ 37
Connecting to a Wireless Network Using CentreWare Internet Services ......................................... 38
Xerox System Administrator Guide
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Connecting to a Wireless Network Using the Printer Setup Utility ..................................................... 39
Setting Up the Printer for Wireless LAN WPA-Enterprise ........................................................................ 40
LPR ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Port 9100 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 42
IPP ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
WSD ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Network Twain ................................................................................................................................................................... 45
FTP .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Configuring SMB ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
Configuring Bonjour ........................................................................................................................................................ 48
SNMP ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Enabling SNMP .......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Configuring SNMPv1/v2c ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Configuring SNMPv3 ............................................................................................................................................... 51
Updating the Address Book.......................................................................................................................................... 52
LDAP Server ......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
LDAP User Mappings ....................................................................................................................................................... 54
FTP Client ............................................................................................................................................................................. 55
SMB Client ........................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Email Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57
HTTP ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Proxy Server ......................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Configuring the Proxy Server ............................................................................................................................... 59
SNTP ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
AirPrint ................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Google Cloud Print ........................................................................................................................................................... 62
4 Security 63
Configuring Security Settings Using CentreWare Internet Services ........................................................... 64
Opening the Security Menu .................................................................................................................................. 64
Configuring Administrative Security Settings .............................................................................................. 65
Controlling Access .................................................................................................................................................... 65
Accessing Secure Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 65
Configuring Secure Settings ................................................................................................................................. 66
Network Authentication ........................................................................................................................................ 68
Configuring an LDAP Authentication System .............................................................................................. 68
Configuring Xerox Secure Access Settings ..................................................................................................... 69
LDAP User Mapping................................................................................................................................................. 70
Configuring the Authentication System ......................................................................................................... 70
Configuring a Kerberos Authentication System .......................................................................................... 71
Configuring IP Filtering .......................................................................................................................................... 72
Configuring SSL Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 72
Configuring IPsec Settings ................................................................................................................................... 73
Configuring 802.1x Settings ................................................................................................................................ 74
Configuring SMTP Domain Filtering ................................................................................................................. 74
4 Xerox System Administrator Guide
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Configuring Secure Settings Using the Control Panel ....................................................................................... 75
Accessing the Secure Settings Menu ................................................................................................................ 75
Managing Panel Lock .............................................................................................................................................. 75
Setting Service Locks ............................................................................................................................................... 76
Authentication Using a Card Reader System ............................................................................................... 76
Enabling Network Authentication ..................................................................................................................... 77
Configuring the Device Memory Data Encryption Settings ................................................................... 77
Configuring the USB Setup Menu ..................................................................................................................... 77
Configuring Secure Settings ................................................................................................................................. 78
Managing Certificates .................................................................................................................................................... 79
Before You Begin ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
Preparing to Manage Certificates ..................................................................................................................... 79
Importing a Digital Certificate ........................................................................................................................... 80
Configuring the Digital Certificate Purpose .................................................................................................. 81
Verifying the Digital Certificate Purpose ........................................................................................................ 81
5 Copying 83
Changing the Default Copy Settings ....................................................................................................................... 84
Changing the Original Size ................................................................................................................................... 84
Changing Auto Background Suppression Level ........................................................................................... 84
Configuring Copy Defaults in CentreWare Internet Services ................................................................ 85
Configuring Copy Settings in CentreWare Internet Services ................................................................. 86
Limiting Access to Copying ........................................................................................................................................... 87
6 Scanning 89
Setting Up Scanning ........................................................................................................................................................ 90
Scanning Setup Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 90
Limiting Access to Scanning ................................................................................................................................
Setting Up Scanning to a Shared Folder on Your Computer ................................................................. 92
Scanning to a User Home Folder ....................................................................................................................... 94
Setting Up Scanning to an FTP Server ............................................................................................................. 95
Setting Up Scanning to an Email Address ..................................................................................................... 96
Setting Up Scanning With USB .......................................................................................................................... 97
Changing the Default Scan Settings ........................................................................................................................ 98
Changing the Default for File Format ............................................................................................................. 98
Changing Output Color .......................................................................................................................................... 98
Changing the Default Scan Resolution ........................................................................................................... 99
Changing the Original Size ................................................................................................................................... 99
Changing the Default for 2-Sided Scanning ................................................................................................. 99
Changing Lighten/Darken ..................................................................................................................................... 99
Changing the Default for Sharpness ................................................................................................................ 99
Changing the Default for Contrast ................................................................................................................... 99
Changing Auto Background Suppression ....................................................................................................... 99
Changing Auto Background Suppression Level ......................................................................................... 100
Changing Edge Erase ............................................................................................................................................ 100
Changing the Default for TIFF File Format ................................................................................................. 100
Changing the Default for Quality/File Size .................................................................................................. 100
Xerox System Administrator Guide
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Changing File Name .............................................................................................................................................. 100
Creating a Folder .................................................................................................................................................... 100
Changing the Default Scanning Settings in CentreWare Internet Services .................................. 101
7 Faxing 103
Configuring Fax Defaults and Settings ................................................................................................................. 104
Configuring the Printer for Faxing .................................................................................................................. 104
Setting Fax Defaults from CentreWare Internet Services ..................................................................... 104
Configuring Fax Settings from CentreWare Internet Services ............................................................ 105
Setting Fax Defaults from the Control Panel.............................................................................................. 107
Configuring Fax Settings from the Control Panel ..................................................................................... 108
Editing the Fax Address Book .................................................................................................................................... 113
Adding or Editing Contacts in the Fax Address Book in CentreWare Internet Services ........... 113
Adding or Editing Groups in the Fax Address Book in CentreWare Internet Services ............... 113
Adding or Editing Contacts in the Fax Address Book at the Control Panel ................................... 114
Adding or Editing Groups in the Fax Address Book at the Control Panel ....................................... 114
Using the Address Book Editor Utility ............................................................................................................ 114
8 Administrator Tools 115
Setting Up the Email Address Book ........................................................................................................................ 116
Adding or Editing Contacts in the Email Address Book .......................................................................... 116
Adding or Editing Groups in the Email Address Book.............................................................................. 116
Configuring Smart eSolutions ................................................................................................................................... 117
Using Smart eSolutions ........................................................................................................................................ 117
Overview for Setting Up Smart eSolutions .................................................................................................. 117
Selecting a Proxy Server Option ....................................................................................................................... 118
Validate the DNS Settings .................................................................................................................................. 118
Registering with the Xerox Communication Server ................................................................................. 119
Setting Up Email Notifications for Billing Meter Read Alerts ..............................................................
Setting Up Email Notifications for Supplies Data Send Alerts ............................................................ 120
Assigning the Printer IP Address .............................................................................................................................. 121
Changing the IP Address Using CentreWare Internet Services .......................................................... 121
Assigning the Printer IP Address for the Xerox
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White
Multifunction Printer ............................................................................................................................................. 122
Assigning the Printer IP Address for the Xerox
Phaser® 3610 Black and White Printer ........ 124
6 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer


This chapter includes:
Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Configuration Steps ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
• More Information ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
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This guide is designed for a system administrator with network administrator rights who understands networking concepts and has experience creating and managing network user accounts.
Use this guide to help you configure and manage your printer on a network.
Network features are not available when you are connected over USB.
Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to specific printer
models or configurations.
8 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer

Configuration Steps

To configure the printer for the first time, complete the following tasks:
1. Ensure that your printer is connected physically to your network, and to the fax line as needed.
2. Confirm that your printer is recognized on your network. By default, the printer is configured to receive an IP address from a DHCP server over a TCP/IP network. For details, see Network
Connectivity on page 31. To assign a static IP address, see Assigning the IP Address of the Printer
on page 121.
3. Configure basic printer settings such as your location, time zone, and date and time preferences. For details, see Configuring General Settings on page 19.
4. Print a Configuration Report that lists the current printer configuration. Review the report to locate the printer IPv4 or IPv6 address. For details, see Configuration Report on page 14, on page 125.
5. To access CentreWare Internet Services, open a Web browser, then type the IP address for your printer. CentreWare Internet Services is the administration and configuration software installed on the embedded Web server in the printer. It allows you to configure and administer the printer from a Web browser. For details, see Logging In to CentreWare Internet Services on page 13.
Note: You can access most configuration settings in CentreWare Internet Services on the Properties
6. Configure network connections, such as wireless connections, as needed. For details, see Configuring
Network Settings on page 32.
7. Configure security features as needed. For details, see Security on page 63.
8. Configure copy, scan, and fax features. For details about Copy features, see Copyingon page 83. For details about Scan features, see Scanning on page 89. For details about Fax features, see Faxing on page 103.
Note: Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific
printer model, configuration, operating system, or driver type.
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More Information

You can obtain more information about your printer from these sources:
Resource Location
Installation Guide
Other documentation for your printer
Recommended Media List United States:
Technical support information for your printer; including online technical support, Online Support Assistant, and driver downloads.
Information Pages Print from the control panel, or from CentreWare
CentreWare Internet Services documentation
Order supplies for your printer
A resource for tools and information, including interactive tutorials, printing templates, helpful tips, and customized features to meet your individual needs.
Local sales and support center
Printer registration
Xerox® Direct online store
Packaged with the printer.
European Union:
Internet Services, click Status>Information Pages.
In CentreWare Internet Services, click Help.
10 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer

Initial Setup

This chapter includes:
Finding the IP Address of the Printer .......................................................................................................................... 12
Accessing the Printer .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Initial Setup at the Control Panel ................................................................................................................................. 14
Changing the Passcode at the Control Panel .......................................................................................................... 15
Configuring General Setup Using the Control Panel ............................................................................................ 16
• Configuring General Setup Using CentreWare Internet Services ................................................................... 25
Xerox System Administrator Guide
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Initial Setup

Finding the IP Address of the Printer

You can view the IP address of your printer on the Configuration Report. IPv4 and IPv6 address information is located in the Network Setup section of the Configuration Report under IPv4 and IPv6.
Note: After the printer has been on for two minutes, print the Configuration Report. The TCP/IP address
appears in the Network section of the page. If the IP address listed on the page is, the printer needs more time to acquire an IP address from the DHCP server. Wait two minutes, then print the Configuration Report again.
12 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Initial Setup

Accessing the Printer

The system administrator can set access rights on the printer to ensure that unauthorized users cannot access the printer. If the system administrator configures authentication and authorization, users require a login and password to access some or all of the features of the printer. The administrator can also configure accounting to require an accounting code to access tracked features.

Logging In

Logging in is the process by which you identify yourself to the printer for authentication. If authentication is set, to access printer features, you log in with your user credentials. The system administrator user name is admin and the default password is 1111.
Logging In at the Control Panel
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Type the passcode using the keypad.
4. Touch OK.
Note: Repeat steps 3 and 4 of the procedure to access each service that is password protected.
Logging In to CentreWare Internet Services
When Administrator Mode is enabled, the Jobs, Address Book, Properties, and Support tabs are locked until you enter the administrator user name and password.
To log in to CentreWare Internet Services as the administrator:
1. At your computer, open a Web browser, in the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of your printer, see Finding the IP Address of Your Printer on
page 12.
2. Click the Jobs, Address Book, Properties, or Support tab.
3. Type the administrator user name.
4. Type the password, then type the password again to verify.
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer 13
System Administrator Guide
Initial Setup

Initial Setup at the Control Panel

Information Pages

Your printer has a printable set of information pages. These include configuration and font information, demonstration pages, and more.
Configuration Report
The Configuration Report lists printer information such as default settings, installed options, network settings including IP address, and font settings. Use the information on this page to help you configure network settings for your printer, and to view page counts and system settings.
Printing a Configuration Report
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Information>Information Pages.
3. Touch Configuration, then touch Print.
14 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Initial Setup

Changing the Passcode at the Control Panel

1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. At the prompt, enter a four-digit passcode, then touch OK.
4. To navigate, use the Up or Down arrows, then touch Secure Settings.
5. Touch Panel Lock, then touch Change Passcode.
Note: This feature is available only when Panel Lock is enabled.
6. At the prompt, enter a four-digit passcode, then touch OK.
7. At the prompt, enter the new passcode, then touch OK.
8. At the prompt, reenter the passcode, then touch OK.
9. Touch the Back arrow to return to the previous menu, or press the Services Home button to return to Service Home.
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Initial Setup

Configuring General Setup Using the Control Panel

This section includes:
Accessing Information About the Printer Using the Control Panel ................................................................ 16
Using the Power On Wizard ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Configuring General Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Configuring the Timers ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Configuring Output Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 23
• Configuring Tray Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 24

Accessing Information About the Printer Using the Control Panel

1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Information Pages.
3. To scroll through the lists of information pages, use the Up or Down arrows on the touch screen.
4. To print a specific information page, touch the page, then touch Print.
16 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Initial Setup

Using the Power On Wizard

1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. To navigate to the Power On Wizard, use the Up or Down arrows, then select Power On Wizard.
5. At the prompt, touch Start.
6. At the message for Restart is Required, touch Yes, Restart.
7. To select your language, use the Up or Down arrows to navigate, touch your language, then touch Next.
8. To select your time zone: a. Touch Time Zone. b. Use the Up or Down arrows to navigate, select your geographic region and time zone, then
touch OK.
9. To set the date: a. Touch Date. b. Touch Format, then touch the date format that you want to use. c. To enter the month, touch Month, then use the keypad. d. To enter the date, touch Day, then use the keypad. e. To enter the year, touch Year, then use the keypad. f. Touch OK.
10. To set the time: a. Touch Time. b. To select the format, touch 12 Hour or 24 Hour. c. To enter the hour, touch Hours, then use the keypad. d. To enter the minutes, touch Minutes, then use the keypad. e. Touch OK.
11. Touch Next.
12. At the fax setup message, select an option.
13. To set up the fax: a. To enter the fax number, use the keypad. b. Touch Country. c. To navigate, use the Up or Down arrows, then touch the name of your country. d. Touch Next.
14. At the email setup message, select an option.
15. To select how to find an outgoing mail server, select Find It For Me or I Know My SMTP.
16. If you selected Find It For Me: a. Touch Next. b. From the list, select a server. c. Touch Next.
The printer runs a test on the SMTP mail server.
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Initial Setup
17. If you selected I Know My SMTP: a. Touch Next. b. To enter the SMTP server name, use the keypad. c. Touch Next. d. Enter the port number for the SMTP server. e. Touch Next. f. If you selected Server Requires Login, enter the SMTP login name. g. Touch OK. h. Enter the password. i. Touch OK. j. Touch Next.
The printer runs a test on the SMTP mail server.
18. To enter the "From" email address, use the keypad.
19. Touch Next.
20. Enter the "From" display name.
21. Touch Next.
22. At the prompt for changing the email address when scanning to email, select an option.
23. Touch Done.
18 Xerox System Administrator Guide
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Initial Setup

Configuring General Settings

This section includes:
Accessing the General Settings Menu ......................................................................................................................... 19
Configuring the Energy Saver Timers .......................................................................................................................... 19
Setting the Date and Time .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Setting the Measurement Units .................................................................................................................................... 20
Setting the Display Brightness ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Configuring Audio Tones .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Configuring the RAM Disk ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Setting the Startup Page .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Configuring the Low Toner Alert Message ................................................................................................................ 21
Setting the OffHook Wake Up........................................................................................................................................ 22
• Setting the Auto Log Print ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Use this menu to configure general settings of the printer. For example, time to Energy Saver mode, alarm settings, and so on.
Accessing the General Settings Menu
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
Configuring the Energy Saver Timers
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Energy Saver.
5. To set the delay before the printer enters Low Power mode, use the keypad to enter the time, then touch OK.
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Initial Setup
Setting the Date and Time
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Date and Time.
5. To select your time zone: a. Touch Time Zone. b. Use the Up or Down arrows to navigate, select your geographic region and time zone, then
touch OK.
6. To set the date: a. Touch Date. b. Touch Format, then touch the date format that you want to use. c. To enter the month, touch Month, then use the keypad. d. To enter the date, touch Day, then use the keypad. e. To enter the year, touch Year, then use the keypad. f. Touch OK.
7. To set the time: a. Touch Time. b. To select the format, touch 12 Hour or 24 Hour. c. To enter the hour, touch Hour, then use the keypad. d. To enter the minutes, touch Minute, then use the keypad.
8. Touch OK.
9. To return to the General menu, touch the Back arrow.
Setting the Measurement Units
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Measurement.
5. To select an option for units, touch millimeter (mm) or inches (").
6. Touch OK.
Setting the Display Brightness
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Display Brightness.
5. Touch - or + on the display or use the keypad to enter a number from 1 through 10.
6. Touch OK.
20 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Configuring Audio Tones
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Audio.
5. Select the tone to change, then select an option.
6. Touch OK.
7. Repeat for each tone that you want to set.
8. To return to the General menu, touch the Back arrow.
Configuring the RAM Disk
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch RAM Disk, then touch On.
Initial Setup
Note: The RAM Disk feature is not available when the Device Memory option is installed.
5. To specify the amount of memory to allocate to the RAM Disk file system, touch Plus (+) or Minus (-).
6. Touch OK.
Setting the Startup Page
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Startup Page.
5. To print a Startup Page when the printer is turned on, touch On.
6. Touch OK.
Configuring the Low Toner Alert Message
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch Low Toner Alert Message.
5. To display an alert message when the toner is low, touch On.
6. Touch OK.
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer 21
System Administrator Guide
Initial Setup
Setting the OffHook Wake Up
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. Touch OffHook Wake Up.
5. To have the printer leave Energy Saver mode when you pick up the handset of the external telephone, touch On.
6. Touch OK.
Setting the Auto Log Print
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch General.
4. To print a job history log after every 20 print jobs automatically, touch Auto Log Print.
5. Touch On.
6. Touch OK.
7. At the Restart System prompt, touch Close.

Configuring the Timers

Use the Timers menu to set the timeouts for the control panel touch screen, for faults, and for jobs being sent to the printer.
To configure the timers:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings>Timers.
4. To set the delay before the control panel times out, touch Control Panel, touch the delay that you want, then touch OK.
5. To set how long the printer waits before canceling a print job that stops abnormally: a. Touch Fault Timeout>On. b. To enter a delay time, use the keypad. The range is 3–300 seconds. c. Touch OK.
6. Touch the Back arrow to return to the previous menu, or press the Services Home button to return to Service Home.
22 Xerox System Administrator Guide
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Initial Setup

Configuring Output Settings

Use this menu to configure settings concerning the output of the printer.
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Admin Settings.
3. Touch System Settings, then touch Output Settings.
4. To set the default paper size, touch Default Paper Size, touch an option, then touch OK.
Note: The default for Default Paper Size varies, depending on the country-specific default setting.
5. To print the user ID on the output page, touch Print ID, touch a position where the ID is printed, then touch OK.
6. To have the printer output PDL data as text, touch Print Text>On>OK. The printer does not support printing in PDL.
7. To specify if a banner page is printed: a. Touch Banner Page>Insert Position. b. Touch an option:
Off: Directs the printer not to print a banner page.
Front: Directs the printer to insert a banner page before the first page of each copy.
Back: Directs the printer to insert a banner page after the last page of every copy.
Front and Back: Directs the printer to insert a banner page before the first page and after
the last page of every copy. c. Touch OK. d. To select the tray used to print the banner page, touch Specify Tray, then touch an option. e. Touch OK. f. To return to the Output Settings menu, touch the Back arrow.
8. To select what action the printer takes when a paper size mismatch occurs: a. Touch Size Mismatch, then select an option.
Off: Directs the printer to print with no further action.
Crop to Size: Directs the printer to trim the print to fit the printable area of the page.
Scale to Size: Directs the printer to reduce or enlarge the print image to fit the printable
area of the page.
Use Size in Bypass Tray: Directs the printer to use the paper size in the Bypass Tray.
b. Touch OK.
9. To have letterhead print on both sides of the paper, touch Letterhead 2-Sided>Enable>OK.
10. To have information pages print on both sides of the paper, touch Report 2-Sided Print>2-Sided>OK.
11. Touch the Back arrow to return to the previous menu, or press the Services Home button to return to Service Home.
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Initial Setup

Configuring Tray Settings

Use this menu to configure the paper trays for the paper size and type, set custom sizes, and turn the display prompts on and off.
1. At the printer control panel, press the Machine Status button.
2. Touch Tools>Tray Management>Tray Settings.
3. To configure the bypass tray settings: a. Touch Bypass Tray. b. To have the printer prompt you to set the paper type and size when paper is loaded, select
Display Tray Prompt. c. To use the paper size and type from the print driver, select Use Driver Settings for Print Job. d. To dedicate the bypass tray for a paper size and type, clear Display Tray Prompt and Use
Driver Settings for Print Job.
To select a paper or envelope size, touch Size, touch the Up or Down arrows to navigate, then touch a size.
To select a paper type, touch Type, touch the Up or Down arrows to navigate, then touch a paper type.
e. Touch OK.
4. To configure a paper tray: a. Touch Tray 1–4. b. To have the printer prompt you to set the paper type and size when paper is loaded, select
Display Tray Prompt.
To select a paper or envelope size, touch Size, touch the Up or Down arrows to navigate, then touch a size.
To select a paper type, touch Type, touch the Up or Down arrows to navigate, then touch a paper type.
c. Touch OK.
5. Touch the Back arrow to return to the previous menu, or press the Services Home button to return to Service Home.
24 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Initial Setup

Configuring General Setup Using CentreWare Internet Services

This section includes:
Opening General Setup Settings ................................................................................................................................... 25
Viewing Printer Information ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Cloning Printer Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Configuring Mail Alerts ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Configuring System Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Configuring Clock Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Configuring Tray Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Resetting Service Defaults ............................................................................................................................................... 28
• Configuring CentreWare Internet Services Display Settings ............................................................................ 29
General Setup in CentreWare Internet Services allows you to configure printer settings onscreen using your Web browser.

Opening General Setup Settings

1. At your computer, open a Web browser, in the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.
2. In CentreWare Internet Services, click Properties.
3. To expand the menu, in the Properties pane, next to the General Setup folder, click the plus symbol (+).
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Initial Setup

Viewing Printer Information

1. At your computer, open a Web browser, in the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.
2. In CentreWare Internet Services, click Properties.
3. To expand the menu, in the Properties pane, next to the General Setup folder, click the plus symbol (+).
4. Click About Printer.
5. Under Version Information, view the following:
Printer Model: The specific printer model configuration.
Printer Serial Number: The unique factory-assigned serial number for the printer.
Controller: Version information for the firmware installed on your printer.
Boot: Version information for the boot code installed on your printer.
Engine: Version information for the engine software installed on your printer.
Network: Version information for the networking software installed on your printer.
6. Under Page Description Language, view the version information for the PCL, PostScript, and PDF software installed on your printer.
7. Under Memory, view the RAM size and RAM disk of the printer. The RAM Disk function is available only on printers without an optional SD memory card installed.

Cloning Printer Settings

You can use cloning to copy configuration settings from one printer to another printer on the same network. To use the clone feature, both the source printer and the destination printer must be the same model and have the same version of firmware.
Note: Before you copy the address book, verify that the address book of the target printer is empty.
To clone the printer settings:
1. From the General Setup menu, click Cloning.
2. Select the parameters to clone from this printer: a. To clone the settings from this printer, select Printer Settings. b. To clone the contact information from the address book, select Address Book.
3. To use the password for the destination printer, under Enter IP Address of Destination Printer, select Use the printer's password.
4. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the destination printer.
5. If you selected Use the printer's password, in the Password field, enter the password for the destination printer.
6. Click Clone Selected Settings.
26 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Initial Setup

Configuring Mail Alerts

You can define groups to receive email notifications when selected status alerts occur on the printer.
To configure mail alerts:
1. From the General Setup menu, click Mail Alerts.
2. To have the printer send email alerts, select Enable Mail Alerts.
3. To send email alerts to the printer system administrator, next to SysAdmin Mail Address, enter a valid address for the system administrator.
4. To send email alerts to a service representative, next to Service Mail Address, enter a valid address for the service representative.
5. Under Notification Items, select each of the items to generate an email notification for the system administrator or service representative.
6. Click Save Changes.
7. Next to Connection Setup, click Email Settings. a. Enter the From: Email Address for the printer. b. Next to SMTP Server, enter the IP Address or DNS Name of the SMTP server to which the
printer is connected. If you do not know the IP Address or DNS Name of the SMTP server, click Auto Detect SMTP
Note: Before clicking Auto Detect SMTP Server, to save any entries that you have made, click Save
c. Next to SMTP Port, enter the port number for the SMTP server. d. If the SMTP server requires authentication, select the Authentication Type, then enter the
SMTP Login Name and SMTP Password in the appropriate fields.
e. Click Save Changes.

Configuring System Settings

Use this menu to configure general settings of the printer. For example, time to Energy Saver mode, alarm settings, and so on.
1. From the General Setup menu, click System Settings.
2. Under General, enter values for the Energy Saver modes, then select values for the other selections from each of their lists.
3. Under Timers, for Panel Timeout, select the time from the list. For the Fault Timeout, enter the time in seconds.
4. Under Output Settings, for each of the items, select a value from the list.
5. Click Save Changes.
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Initial Setup

Configuring Clock Settings

Use this menu to set the date and clock settings of the printer.
To configure the clock settings:
1. From the General Setup menu, click Clock Settings.
2. Next to Date Format, Time Format, and Time Zone, select the setting for each from the corresponding list.
3. Using the selected format, next to Set Date, enter the date.
4. Using the selected format, next to Set Time, enter the time.
5. Click Save Changes.

Configuring Tray Settings

Use this menu to configure the paper trays for the paper size and type, set custom sizes, and turn the display prompts on and off.
1. From the General Setup menu, click Tray Management.
2. Select a bypass tray option.
To allow the print driver settings to specify the bypass tray mode, under Tray Settings, select
Bypass Tray Use Driver Settings For Print Job.
To allow the control panel settings to specify the bypass tray mode, under Tray Settings, clear
Bypass Tray Use Driver Settings For Print Job.
3. Under Tray Settings, next to each tray selection, from the lists, select the paper size and paper type.
4. Under Tray Settings, for the paper width (X) and the paper length (Y), enter the custom paper sizes.
5. To have the display prompt you for the paper settings each time the paper tray is loaded, next to Display Popup, select On.
6. Under Tray Priority, select the tray priority for paper usage.
7. Click Save Changes.

Resetting Service Defaults

Use this menu to restart the printer or to reset the default settings for faxing, scanning, printer, and network settings using CentreWare Internet Services. Restarting the printer can take up to five minutes, during which time CentreWare Internet Services is not available.
1. At your computer, open a Web browser, in the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of your printer, see Finding the IP Address of Your Printer on
page 12.
2. Click Properties.
3. From the General Setup menu, click Resets.
4. To reset a service default, next to the default service, click Power Off/On Printer.
5. To restart the printer without resetting any of the default settings, next to Power Off/On the Printer, click Power Off/On Printer.
28 Xerox System Administrator Guide
WorkCentre® 3615 Black and White Multifunction Printer
Initial Setup

Configuring CentreWare Internet Services Display Settings

Internet Services Settings determine how the CentreWare Internet Services page displays in your Internet browser and how often the page refreshes.
1. At your computer, open a Web browser, in the address field, type the IP address of the printer, then press Enter or Return.
Note: If you do not know the IP address of your printer, see Finding the IP Address of Your Printer on
page 12.
2. Click Properties.
3. Next to Auto Refresh, from the list, select Enabled.
4. Next to Auto Refresh Interval, type the time in seconds.
5. For to Web Page Title, from the list, select an option.
6. Click Save Changes.
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