Xerox Digitale Alternativen Client Administration Guide

Version 2.0.XX
October 2016
Digital Alternatives
dministration Guide
©2016 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, and Xerox and Design®, and CompleteView
are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other
countries. BR17779
IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the United States and other countries and is used under license.
Microsoft Microsoft
, Windows® operating system, SQL Server®, Windows Server®, and
.NET are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
, iPad®, Retina®, iWork®, Pages®, Numbers®, and Keynote® are trademarks of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S, and other countries.
iPad mini™ and iPad Air™ are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Revision History
Version Date Description
2.0.XX October 2016 Added requirem ent for HTTPS enablement for local servers
2.0 January 2016 Updated to include 2.0 features including support for Macs and Android tablets
1.1 May 2015 • Updated application name in text and images
• Updated trademark attributions
• Updated screen caps to reflect changed name Added support for 1.1 features ( cloud, iOS 8 support, and .NET
framework update)
1.0 August 2014 Initial release.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................ 1
General Purpose and Audience ................................................................... 1
Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................ 2
Minimum Requirements ............................................................. 3
Server Requirement ..................................................................................... 3
Minimum Hardware Requirements by Deployment Size .............................. 3
Minimum Software and System Requirements ............................................ 5
Local Server Administrator User Interface Browser Requirement ................ 5
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation ........................... 7
Determine the Maximum Number of End Users ........................................... 8
Assess the End User Platform Software ...................................................... 9
Assess the DA Server Configuration ............................................................ 9
Obtain Client IT Infrastructure Information ................................................. 10
Obtain the Global Catalog Path .................................................................. 13
Obtain the Required Credentials ................................................................ 13
Obtain the Customer Account ID ................................................................ 13
Obtain the Service Account User Name and Password ............................. 14
Define Server Roles ................................................................................... 16
Configure the Proxy Server ........................................................................ 18
DocuShare Integration Considerations ...................................................... 19
Install the Software ..................................................................................... 19
DA Relay Service ....................................................................................... 22
Digital Alternatives Solution .............................................................. 1
Licensing in the DA Central Server ..................................................... 8
Storage Requirements for Licensed Users .......................................... 8
Multiple DA Servers for Appropriate Network Loading ........................ 9
Network (IP) Address .......................................................................... 9
Web Server Installed ........................................................................... 9
Client Authentication Domains .......................................................... 10
Email Server Information ................................................................... 11
Select the PC Client Software Distribution Method ........................... 12
Required Windows Server Features Enablement ............................. 17
Hardware Platforms for End User Client Software ............................ 18
Configuring the DA Local Server ............................................. 23
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide i
Table of Contents
Logging into the DA Local Server ............................................................... 23
Setting Parameters in Configuration Tabs ................................................. 24
Summary Tab .................................................................................... 24
Settings Tab ...................................................................................... 25
EFSS Providers Tab .......................................................................... 28
Workflows Tab ................................................................................... 29
Tasks Tab .......................................................................................... 30
Users Tab .......................................................................................... 32
Status Tab ......................................................................................... 33
Domains Tab ..................................................................................... 33
Settings for Email ....................................................................................... 35
Outgoing Mail Server Uses Service Account Username / Password 35
From Email Address .......................................................................... 35
Proxy Server Information ............................................................................ 35
Access to Central Server from Local Server and Client Software
through the Proxy Server ................................................................... 36
Manually Configuring Proxy Server Settings on Local Server ........... 36
Licensed Customer ID Process ............................................... 39
Purpose of Customer ID within the Server Installation Process ................. 40
Obtaining Digital Alternatives Licensed Customer ID Process ................... 40
Local Server Components ....................................................... 43
Multiple Server Configuration................................................... 45
Multi-node Example .................................................................................... 45
Setting Up the DA Local Servers ....................................................... 46
Prioritizing the Server in the List ................................................................. 46
Disabling an Application Server ................................................................. 46
Software Maintenance, Troubleshooting, and Support ............ 47
Software Maintenance ................................................................................ 47
Backup and Restore .......................................................................... 47
Removing the Software ..................................................................... 47
Migrating an Installed Local Server to a New Host .................................... 47
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 49
Client / Server Connectivity ............................................................... 49
Identifying Issues ............................................................................... 50
Admin and Implementation Support Contact ........................... 55
ii Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
General Purpose and Audience
This document is written for Customer IT Administrators (or customer employees representing this role) and Xerox Client Account Managers.
Xerox® Digital Alternatives Solution
Xerox® Digital Alternatives (DA) is a personal productivity and collaboration tool that provides an alternative to using paper documents. DA allows users to read, annotate, save, and share documents within a single application.
DA uses client/server architecture. A DA server is installed either on a private cloud or locally on the client’s network environment and a DA client is installed on a user’s PC and/or iPad.
In the on premises local server installation, the DA server and clients each have their own local database to store document metadata. Documents that are created or updated are automatically replicated to the DA server and from there to all of a user’s devices.
For the private cloud installation, you allow us to connect to your network via a VPN, but Xerox owns the servers and provides set up and maintenance. Please refer to the Private Cloud Installation section of the Appendix for the basic installation steps and architecture overview.
Figure 1 Components for an installation with the local server on premises.
Xerox® Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 1
The steps to create a Xerox® Digital Alternatives solution in a customer’s network environment are:
Step Responsible Person/Group
1. Create the customer account in the cloud-based DA Central Server.
2. Create a Service User Account for use by the maintenance service on the local server as well as the IIS app pools. The service user account needs to:
• Be a domain account
• Have administrative rights on the DTA Local Server
• Be exempt from password expiration See Obtain the Service Account for more information.
3. Install and configure DA local server software within the customer environment.
4. Create and upload the initial licenses to the DA central server.
5. Review the DA Support Go Live/Operations Readiness. Global Delivery Center /
6. Distribute PC and iPad client software in the customer’s environment.
MPS Application Support
Customer IT Department
Service delivery
MPS Application Support
MPS Application Support Service delivery
Glossary of Terms
Term/Acronym Definition
DA Xerox® Digital Alternatives GDC Global Delivery Center FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name MSMQ Microsoft® Message Queuing NFIT NewField IT Onboarding The process of a new user successfully logging into the DA client software
(from PC, tablet, or iPad) which registers the user with the solution, sets up their workspace, and counts against the overall volume licensing.
An onboarded user account occurs when a user logs into any DA client (PC or iPad) for the first time after installing the client in the implementation.
VPN Virtual Private Network
2 Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
Minimum Requirements
Xerox® Digital Alternatives (DA) system performance requirements vary by customer depending on the scope of implementation (including number of clients, number of documents, network connectivity). This chapter identifies:
• Server Requirement
Minimum Hardware Requirements by Deployment Size
Minimum Software and System Requirements
Local Server Administrator User Interface Browser Requirement
Server Requirement
Server software needs to be installed on a dedicated server that is separate from the server that hosts the SQL Server system (with the exception of small pilot installations). This dedicated server may be on a virtual server.
DA server software should not be installed on a server that has other Xerox Print Services software already installed.
Minimum Hardware Requirements by Deployment Size
Server Pilot only: application
Processor Quad Core Processor
Pilot Deployment (1-20 Users)
(web) server, document server, and SQL Server can be on same host
Small -Medium Deployments (100 ­5000 Users)
Requires separate servers for SQL Server, Web/Application Server, and Document (File) Server.
Quad Core Processor (i7)
Full Enterprise Deployments (5000+ Users)
Requires multiple servers for one or more Application Server(s), a separate SQL Server, and a separate Document Server.
Multi-Processor VMs (recommend minimum 4 CPUs per VM)
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 3
Minimum Requirements
Pilot Deployment (1-20 Users)
Small -Medium Deployments (100 ­5000 Users)
RAM Minimum 8GB RAM Minimum 8GB RAM
for application and SQL Server hosts (SQL Server application performance improves with additional memory on DB server host)
Hard Drive
Minimum 40GB Minimum 40GB Minimum 40GB (each
Space for Applications
Hard Drive Space for Document Storage
Minimum 20 - 30 GB (assuming 20 people using 1GB storage each)
Space required depends on number of DA users, and total documents storage capacity (quota) allowed for each user (per user total document storage capacity quota can be adjusted downward, maximum 5GB per user)
2008 R2 or 2012 2008 R2 or 2012 2008 R2 or 2012
Server SQL Server 2008 R2, or 2012
(SQL Server 2008 Express may be
2008 R2 or 2012 on separate database
server acceptable for Pilot set-up)
Environment for Email and
Microsoft Outlook / Exchange
Microsoft Outlook /
Calendar Integration
Full Enterprise Deployments (5000+ Users)
Minimum 8GB RAM per VM
application server node)
Separate Server for documents, configured with high IO (example: RAID 1 or 5 configured drives with Fibre Channel).
Space required depends on number of DA users, and total documents storage capacity (quota) allowed for each user (per user total document storage capacity quota can be adjusted downward, m aximum 5GB per user)
2008 R2 or 2012 on separate database server
Multi-node server deployment, high performance configuration with load balancer
4 Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
Minimum Requirements
Minimum Software and System Requirements
Component Minimum Recommended
Operating System Windows Server® 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 or
Windows Server 2012
Web Server IIS version 7.5 IIS version 7.5 for Server 2008 R2
or IIS version 8 for Server 2012
Virtual Memory /RAM
Network COM+ Access
Network DTC Access
Access Components
Microsoft .NET Framework
Database Server Microsoft SQL Server® 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 SQL
Server Administrative Rights
8GB 16 GB
Not needed Not needed
Not needed Not needed
Required (bundled w/Microsoft® .NET 4.5.2 Framework) *
4.5.2 4.5.2
Windows Authentication required with admin account access for installer and run as accounts
Required Required
Required (bundled w/Microsoft® .NET 4.5.2 Framework) *
Windows Authentication required with admin account access for installer and run as accounts
*Windows Server 2008 R2 is initially bundled with .NET Framework version 3.5. The only
certain method of determining which version of .NET framework is installed on a given Windows computer is to inspect the computer’s Registry. How this is performed can be found in the following article:
Local Server Administrator User Interface Browser Requirement
The Local Server user interface for the Administrator is accessed using a compatible web browser such as Internet Explorer. The security settings defined in the browser must enable Active Scripting to allow JavaScript to function within the DA local server user interface.
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 5
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
The following prerequisite tasks must be completed prior to implementing and configuring the local Xerox
MPS Application Support needs to create a customer account in the cloud-based DA Central Server which generates a Customer Account ID. See Obtain the Customer Account ID for more information.
The Customer IT department needs to create a Service User Account for use by the maintenance service on the local server as well as the IIS app pools. See Obtain the Service Account for more information.
The Administrator needs to complete the following. – Determine the Maximum Number of End Users – Assess the End User Platform Software – Assess the DA Server Configuration – Obtain Client IT Infrastructure Information – Select the PC Client Software Distribution Method – Obtain the Global Catalog Path
If the customer has the Global Catalog enabled and wants to use a specific global catalog rather than using our auto-discover method, obtain the full path for configuration after installation
Digital Alternatives (DA) server:
– Obtain the Required Credentials – Obtain the Customer Account ID – Obtain the Service Account User Name and Password – Define Server Roles – The Digital Alternatives local server requires a number of server roles be enabled
to operate. The table below describes the roles needed.
Role Category Settings
Role Services • .NET Framework 3.5.1
• Web Server (IIS) Support
• TCP Port Sharing
• Windows Process Activation Service Support
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 7
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
Role Category Settings
Application Server • Message Queuing
• Remote Server Administration Tools
• SNMP Services
• Telnet Client
• Windows Process Activation Service
• .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features
Web Server • Common HTT P Features (WebDAV Publishing role not required)
• Application Development
• Health and Diagnostics (ODBC logging role is not required)
• Security
• Management Tools
• IIS Hostable Web Core
• Configure IIS to allow HTTPS traffic to site
Determine the Maximum Number of End Users
The expected maximum number of end users must be identified to:
Implement the appropriate licensing in the DA Central Server
Estimate the storage requirements of the server document repository
Assess requirements for multiple DA servers for appropriate network loading
Licensing in the DA Central Server
The DA Central Server manages the client licensing for each implementation. Each end user counts against the licensing allocation defined for a particular DA solution. If you expect to have 500 end users, then the DA solution needs to account for 500 users by having the appropriate licensing implemented in the DA Central Server. Users after the first 500 need additional licenses obtained for the account.
The number of licensed users is accounted for by the onboarded users who are recorded in the DA local server. Licenses are decremented as users are onboarded. A user who uses multiple devices (such as a PC and an iPad) only counts as 1 user against the licensing pool. In the example of 500 users in the implemented license, the first 500 client end users who successfully log into the DA client server the first time are permitted to use the system. Additional users require additional licenses.
Storage Requirements for Licensed Users
The maximum number of end users is used to determine the storage requirements of the server document repository. Each onboarded user receives an allocation of document storage space, configurable within the local DA server with the default set at 5 GB per
8 Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
user account. If you have 500 users with a maximum of 5 GB of storage space, 2.5 TB of storage capacity is required in the resource planning for the solution.
Multiple DA Servers for Appropriate Network Loading
The maximum number of end users and the amount of data they will access are factors in determining whether or not additional DA servers need to be implemented.
As new documents are entered into the system, they are automatically made available to other devices associated with the licensed users. Document replication sends co pies of the initial document to the server and then to the various devices associated with the user. If there is a significant portion of the documents shared to other users within the same DA server network, they too receive copies of the documents.
If there is an excessive number of users allocated to a single server implementation, the network associated with the DA server could become congested and begin to have issues contending with other client demands. Multiple DA servers may need to be implemented to account for server and network loading.
Assess the End User Platform Software
The platforms used to access DA need to be assessed with the following requirements in mind:
PC • Windows 7
iPAD 2, 3, 4, Air, mini (non-retina), mini (retina)
Software Version Required to use DA
• Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 iOS 7.0, iOS 7.1, iOS 8, iOS 9 not applicable
.NET Framework for DA Client Software
automatically installed
Assess the DA Server Configuration
Network (IP) Address
The DA Server needs to be installed on a server with a fixed (static) IP address.
Web Server Installed
The DA server provides a Web-based Administrator interface and uses some of the capabilities of the Microsoft IIS web server system being installed on the same server for communication between servers and with clients via REST Web Interface. The correct IIS version for server and host implementations are as follows:
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 9
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
For Windows Server 2008 R2 server implementation, IIS version 7.5 is needed.
For Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 host implementation, the default IIS version 8 is needed.
Make sure IIS is configured to allow HTTPS traffic to site. Follow the steps below on the Local Server after deploying the HTTPS Certificate.
1. Go to Control Panel>All Control Panel Items>Administrative Tools>Internet Information Service (IIS)Manager.
2. Open the Default Web site.
3. In the Actions menu, select Bindings. (Displayed on the right side of the screen.)
4. In the Site Bindings window click Add.
5. Complete the following fields in the Add Site Binding window. a. Type: Select https. b. IP Address: Set as All Unassigned. c. Port: Use the default (443). d. SSL certificate: Choose a certificate from the drop down list
6. Click OK and close the Site Bindings window.
Obtain Client IT Infrastructure Information
Authentication domain: information to add manually
Email servers: SMTP server and port
Client Authentication Domains
Authentication domains validate the user’s credentials within the client’s network domain. All users who access DA (through the PC or iPad software clients) need authentication using a Microsoft Windows Network Domain.
User authentication requests are sent to the DA local server by the client. The DA server uses its configuration with the customer’s network user management system LDAP/Active Directory. Authentication domains receive the customer’s domain user credentials entered into the client software by the end user and forwarded to the DA local server.
The DA server’s interaction with authentication domains must be configured using the Server Admin individually for each domain. Therefore, the DA server needs to be joined to the client’s network domain but is not installed on the domain controller.
The following information is required to add a domain that is not automatically detected:
10 Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
Domain name (label)
FQDN authentication domain name
Port number the authentication server monitors for authentication requests
Determine if LDAP server supports SSL connection
Email Server Information
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Server
The DA server is responsible for emailing documents to recipients that are requested by end users from their DA client software as email attachments. When an end user using DA client software requests a document be emailed to an email address, the DA local server attaches a copy of the document to the email and sends it to the email recipient.
Other email interfaces are not supported. Examples: Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP.
The following information is required for the Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) setup:
Name or IP address and port number of the SMTP mail server that the application will use for e-mail messages. This information is available from the client’s IT group where the server is being installed.
Customer Email Domains
During the initial configuration of the customer account in the DA Central Server prior to installing the local server in the customer network environment, the customer’s email domain is configured into the customer’s account by Xerox support. This email domain will be used during the end user onboarding process with the central server where users will supply their company email address as part of their login credentials.
It is important that end users only use the customer email address domain associated with the customer’s DA account. Public email addresses such as are not supported.
Each customer account within the Central Server can have multiple email domains valid for the customer’s email network domain. For example, and can be added to supported email domains for a given customer company where users with either email domain will be granted access to their account.
Customer Address Book Lookup
The DA local server provides the end user client applications with the ability to look up another user’s email address through the customer’s IT global address book. This is performed using the LDAP/Active Directory lookup by the local server. See Manually Adding a Domain and Editing a Domain for information on configuring LDAP connections.
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 11
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
Select the PC Client Software Distribution Method
When deciding how to distribute the PC client software, consider whether the end user has administrative rights to their own PC. The answer will guide the implementation of the PC software client.
PC Client Software Distribution Method
End Users Login Script
Customer IT Administration Script Push
Inclusion within PC Image Distribution
Self-extracting Installation
End User Has Admin Rights to PC
Yes The client installer is pushed through interactive mode
No The customer’s IT department creates a script that
Yes or No The OS image is maintained centrally and copied to an end
Yes The PC client installation software can be provided in a
under the user context, meaning that it is running the command as the logged in user. A log on script is created by the customer’s IT department to execute the PC installer upon the end user’s next login session, using the PC Client Silent Installation syntax listed in the next section of this document.
executes as an administrator of the PC client using the PC Client Silent Installation Instructions.
user’s computer as part of the PC regular software update cycle that includes the installation of the PC client.
single, self-extracting installation executable that can be placed within a centrally available folder on a fileserver within the customer’s network where users can be directed to download the software to self-install.
PC Client Silent Installation Instructions
The Digital Alternatives PC client software installation package can be executed from the command line using the following method1:
C:\> XeroxDigitalAlternativesTool[SoftwareVersionNumber].exe /s /l<language code>
Where <language code> can be identified in the table below:
Language Language Code
English - United States (en-US) 1033 French – France (fr-FR) 1036 French – Canada (fr-CA) 3084 German – Germany (de-DE) 1031 Italian (it-IT) 1040 Spanish International (es-ES) 1034 Japanese 1041
Local server administrative rights are needed to execute silent installation.
12 Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
Language Language Code
Portuguese – Brazilian (pt-BR) 1046
Table 1: Language Code
Obtain the Global Catalog Path
If the customer has the Global Catalog enabled and wants to use a specific global catalog rather than using our auto-discover method, obtain the full path for configuration after installation.
Obtain the Required Credentials
The administrator installing the DA server must also have all of the following:
Administrative access to the DB server host
Administrative access to the SQL Server installed on the DB host
Obtain the Customer Account ID
A customer account ID is created by MPS Application Support in the DA Central Server system (implemented in the Microsoft Azure cloud network infrastructure). When a customer account is created in the central server, the central server generates a unique Customer ID. This Customer ID is used:
By the Client Licensing System (CLS) which generates a license key used in the central server to enable client DA seat licenses
When installing the local server software to: – Register a given DA local server with a central server – Uniquely identify a given DA local server among the local servers associated with
the central server
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 13
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
The Customer ID (also called the Company ID) is found in the following screens: – Central Server Customers Listing
– DA Local Server System Summary
Obtain the Service Account User Name and Password
A Service user account (created by the customer IT department) is used by the maintenance service on the local server as well as the IIS app pools. The account user name and password are required at Local Server installation time.
If the SMTP server used requires user authentication, the username and password for the service account will be used for SMTP server authentication.
The service user account needs to:
Be a domain account and have administrative rights on the DA Local Server node(s).
Be exempt from password expiration as an expired password will impact the operation of the local server when it attempts to start the service.
Have proper access and permissions to send email on behalf of DA.
Comply with the following:
14 Xerox
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide
Prerequisites for the Local Server Installation
Security Area Installer User Account
Install IT Group policies
should allow the user account to install software
Registry access Read an d write
SQL Server Need full access,
including ability to create databases (db creator and admin roles)
IIS and .NET • Permissions to
create IIS applications and applications pools
• Permissions to configure IIS (IIS metabase, etc.)
Windows Services (only installing
Ability to reach
Needed SMTP server as configured
Run as (Service)
In a typical setup, being
a member of the Administrator group gives you all permissions needed, otherwise refer to policies setup documentation
Read and write access
Including our own keys at
Need read/write access to Main and Reporting DA databases created by Installer. All communication with
The Installer has a Test button to verify that it can access the Server Instance specified with the current Installer
identity. SQL server is performed when connected with that user Windows Identity (Windows Authentication mode).
This identity must have permissions to the Access Control Lists as specified here:
http://msdn.microso­us/library/vstudio/k wzs111e(v=vs.100) .aspx
Will be used as Service Run As account, need to make sure permissions for it can be given
Digital Alternatives Administration Guide 15
+ 42 hidden pages