My Cloud™ Home & My Cloud™ Home Duo
Personal Cloud Storage
User Manual
Visit our product support website at support.wdc.com and choose from these topics:Registration – Register your WD product to get the latest updates and special offers at: register.wdc.com
Downloads –Download software and updates for your WD product at: support.wdc.com/downloadsEmail Support – Get technical and other support through email at: support.wdc.com/supportWarranty & RMA Services – Get warranty, product replacement (RMA), RMA status, accessories, and data
recovery information at: support.wdc.com/warrantyKnowledge Base – Search by keyword, phrase, or answer ID at: support.wdc.com/knowledgebaseWD Community – Share your thoughts and connect with other WD users at: community.wdc.comPhone Support – Get phone numbers for contacting support by region at: support.wdc.com

Table of Contents

Accessing Online Support.................................................................................ii
1 About Your My Cloud Home Device.............................................................1
Kit Contents......................................................................................................................2
Requirements................................................................................................................... 3
Desktop and Mobile App Operating System Compatibility............................................3
Web Browser Compatibility...............................................................................................3
Internet Connectivity..........................................................................................................3
Product Description.........................................................................................................4
Front LED..............................................................................................................................4
Rear Layout..........................................................................................................................5
Power Button....................................................................................................................... 5
Reset Button........................................................................................................................ 6
USB Port(s)........................................................................................................................... 6
Ethernet Port........................................................................................................................6
Handling Precautions.......................................................................................................7
2 Getting Started..............................................................................................8
Connecting a My Cloud Home Device...........................................................................8
Basic Hardware Connections.............................................................................................8
Software Set Up...............................................................................................................8
My Cloud Home Mobile App.............................................................................................. 9
MyCloud.com Web App....................................................................................................10
My Cloud Home Desktop App..........................................................................................10
Registering Your Device................................................................................................10
3 Backup, Sync & Add Content.......................................................................11
Backup – Mobile Device Camera................................................................................... 11
Auto Camera Backup..........................................................................................................11
Backup – USB Device..................................................................................................... 12
My Cloud Home Mobile App.............................................................................................12
Sync Online Cloud Content...........................................................................................12
Sync Desktop Content................................................................................................... 13
Sync My Cloud Home Content......................................................................................13
Add Content – In-Real-Time.......................................................................................... 14
Add Content – Drag-and-Drop......................................................................................14
MyCloud.com Web App....................................................................................................14
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
Desktop App.......................................................................................................................14
Apple® Time Machine® Backup.....................................................................................14
Microsoft® Windows® Backup...................................................................................... 15
4 Search & Viewing Content.......................................................................... 16
Searching Content..........................................................................................................16
Content Viewing Options..............................................................................................16
5 Deleting Content..........................................................................................17
My Cloud Home Mobile App..........................................................................................17
MyCloud.com Web App.................................................................................................17
6 Sharing Content........................................................................................... 18
Mobile App......................................................................................................................18
Share Content - Mobile App............................................................................................. 18
Delete Share - Mobile App................................................................................................18
Web App.........................................................................................................................18
Share Content - Web App................................................................................................ 18
Delete Share - Web App................................................................................................... 19
Desktop App................................................................................................................... 19
Share Content - Desktop App...........................................................................................19
Delete Share - Desktop App.............................................................................................20
7 Invite or Remove a User...............................................................................21
Invite a User - Mobile App............................................................................................. 21
Remove a User - Mobile App.........................................................................................21
8 Device Settings............................................................................................22
My Cloud Home Mobile App.........................................................................................22
Modifying Device Name....................................................................................................22
Firmware Version...............................................................................................................22
Reboot Device...................................................................................................................22
Erase All Data & All Users..................................................................................................23
Remote Shut Down........................................................................................................... 23
MyCloud.com Web App................................................................................................24
Modifying Device Name....................................................................................................24
Firmware Version...............................................................................................................24
Reboot Device...................................................................................................................25
Remote Shut Down...........................................................................................................25
Configuration........................................................................................................ 25
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
Erase All Data & All Users..................................................................................................26
9 Personal Settings......................................................................................... 27
My Cloud Home Mobile App.........................................................................................27
Edit Profile Picture.............................................................................................................27
Edit My Cloud Account Name.......................................................................................... 27
Change My Cloud Account Password.............................................................................28
Set Passcode..................................................................................................................... 28
MyCloud.com Web App................................................................................................28
Profile Picture.............................................................................................................29
Edit My Cloud Account Name..........................................................................................29
Change My Cloud Account Password.............................................................................29
10 Managing Services.....................................................................................30
11 Additional Features & Functions................................................................ 31
Remove a Device Owner............................................................................................... 31
App Permissions............................................................................................................. 31
Managing Storage...........................................................................................................31
RMA - Replacing a Drive................................................................................................32
Removing........................................................................................................................... 32
12 FAQ..............................................................................................................35
Power Adapter Compatibility.......................................................................................35
How to get an RMA to replace a defective product, or obtain a power supply
or USB cable for a WD product...............................................................................35
13 Compliance and Warranty Information....................................................36
Regulatory Compliance.................................................................................................36
FCC Class B Information................................................................................................... 36
ICES-003/NMB-003 Statement........................................................................................36
Safety Compliance............................................................................................................ 36
CE Compliance For Europe.............................................................................................. 36
Power Mode.......................................................................................................................37
Environmental Compliance (China)..............................................................................37
Warranty Information.....................................................................................................37
Obtaining Service..............................................................................................................37
Limited Warranty...............................................................................................................38
Warranty Information (Australia/New Zealand).............................................................38
Obtaining Service..............................................................................................................39
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
Warranty............................................................................................................................ 39
GNU General Public License (“GPL”)............................................................................40
Third Party Notices – My Cloud Home..........................................................................41
MPEG-4 Visual – MPEG-LA................................................................................................. 41
H.264 AVC – MPEG-LA....................................................................................................... 41
Third Party Notices – My Cloud Home Duo..................................................................41
MPEG-2 - MPEG-LA.............................................................................................................41
MPEG-4 Visual – MPEG-LA................................................................................................. 41
H.264 AVC – MPEG-LA.......................................................................................................42
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual

About Your My Cloud Home Device

About Your My Cloud Home Device
FeaturesKit ContentsRequirementsProduct DescriptionHandling Precautions
Welcome to your My Cloud Home device. Before you get started using your device, please review the following features and descriptions to get better acquainted with your product.


One central place to store and organize everything — My Cloud
Home storage is home to all your content. With enough space to keep all your photos, videos and files in one place at home, you can organize it your way and access from anywhere with an internet connection.
Quick and simple setup — Set up your My Cloud
Home device quickly. Just plug it into your Wi-Fi router. Then, use your mobile device to visit MyCloud.com/hello to set up your account, and start backing up, accessing and sharing. No computer necessary and no monthly fee required!
Everything saved twice with Mirror Mode — My Cloud
Home Duo devices comes equipped with two hard drives and is set to Mirror Mode (RAID 1)*, so all your photos, videos and the second drive for extra peace of mind.
files are stored on one drive and automatically duplicated onto
* This feature applies only to a My Cloud
Home Duo device, not a My Cloud Home single-drive device.
Mobile, on-the-go access — Use the My Cloud
Home mobile app, desktop app or MyCloud.com to upload, access and share your favorite memories and stream videos saved on your My Cloud™ Home device.
Auto backup for photos and videos on your phone — Automatically back up photos
and videos on your phone to the My Cloud™ Home device so you can make room for more.
USB port to import photos and videos from all your devices — Quickly import photos
and videos from all the different devices scattered around your house, like USB drives and external hard drives, using the USB port on the back of the My Cloud
Home. Keep all your favorite moments, action shots and adventures stored in one central, organized place.
File search to find content easily — Quickly find photos, videos, movies and docs
using easy-to-use search with the My Cloud™ Home mobile or desktop app, or on MyCloud.com.
Individual, private spaces for each user — Invite family and friends to create individual
accounts. Each invited person can set up their own private space that only they have access to on the device. They can manage, access and share their content as they want.
Third-party applications to customize your way — Tailor your My Cloud
fit your personal needs and preferences using downloadable services, including
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
Home device
About Your My Cloud Home Device
Plex™ Media Server, Dropbox™, Google Drive and more.
Cloud services may be
modified and vary by country.
Cloud account download to keep everything in one place — Store everything in one
place, even content in your favorite cloud accounts. Photos, videos and files from your cloud accounts are automatically downloaded to your My Cloud™ Home device, including Dropbox™, Box, Google Drive, Facebook and many more.
Auto backup for all PCs and Mac computers at home — The My Cloud
Home device has enormous capacity and plugs into your network to wirelessly back up every computer at home to one central place. It works seamlessly with Windows® Backup and Time Machine software.
Smooth video playback anywhere — Stream your personal videos anywhere, on any
device, using the My Cloud™ Home mobile and desktop app or MyCloud.com.
Quick and easy sharing — Collect all your favorite memories and moments in one
place. With just a few clicks, share photos, videos, documents or entire folders with friends and family, so nobody misses a thing.

Kit Contents

The My Cloud Home kit includes the following items:
▪ My Cloud Home device (a single-drive unit) ▪ Ethernet Cable ▪ AC power adapter (FAQ: Power Adapter Compatibility) ▪ Quick Install Guide
The My Cloud Home Duo kit includes the following items:
▪ My Cloud Home Duo device (two-bay unit)
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
About Your My Cloud Home Device
▪ Ethernet Cable ▪ AC power adapter (FAQ: Power Adapter Compatibility) ▪ Quick Install Guide


Desktop and Mobile App Operating System Compatibility

The My Cloud Home desktop app is compatible with the following versions of the Windows and macOS operating systems. The My Cloud Home mobile app is compatible with the following versions of the iOS and Android operating systems.
Table 1.1
Windows 7 OS X Mavericks – 10.9 iOS 9 KitKat – 4.4
Windows 8.x OS X Yosemite – 10.10 iOS 10 Lollipop – 5.x
macOS® / OS X
Windows 10 OS X El Capitan – 10.11 Marshmallow – 6.0
macOS Sierra – 10.12 Nougat – 7.x
When My Cloud Home devices are accessed from a personal computer system via the My Cloud Home desktop app, a 64-bit operating system is required. Compatibility can vary,
depending on hardware
configuration and operating system. For highest
performance and reliability, always install the latest updates.

Web Browser Compatibility

The My Cloud Home device can be accessed with an Internet browser. Using the most current, stable combinations of operating system and web browser will provide the best results. At a minimum, use one of the following browser versions applicable to your operating system:
Google Chrome
operating systems
Internet Explorer
Windows® 8.1 or Windows® 10 operating systems ▪ MicrosoftSafariFirefox
9.0 or later on supported OS X and macOS operating systems
45 or later on supported Windows, macOS, Android or iOS operating
systems ▪ Samsung
Android KitKat 4.4 or later.
50 or later on supported Windows, macOS, Android or iOS
11 (11.0.9600.17843) or later on supported Windows
Edge (20.10514) or later on the Windows 10 operating system
Default Browser 1.5 or later on Galaxy S4 to Galaxy S7 devices using

Internet Connectivity

▪ My Cloud Home devices must be connected to the Internet. They should be
connected to an available router through the included Ethernet connection. (This
is not a Wi-Fi® device.) Gigabit capability for the router or switch is
recommended to maximize performance. The router requires a Broadband
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
About Your My Cloud Home Device
(WAN) Internet connection with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) for initial
setup, software downloads and for accessing the device.

Product Description

Front LEDPower ButtonReset ButtonUSB Port(s)Ethernet Port

Front LED

1. Front LED The front LED on My Cloud Home devices is a single color, white. It is either on, off
or blinks with a certain rhythm to indicate a specific "System Condition". A "System Condition" list is outlined below in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2
LED Behavior
No LED light illuminated Power is Off or Disconnected
Solid Light - no blinking Device is Ready
Solid Light - no blinking Firmware or Software Update in Progress
Solid Light - no blinking Data Transfer from a USB connected device
Slow "breathing" rhythm Powering Up or Initializing
Slow "breathing" rhythm Reset Button Pressed
Slow "breathing" rhythm Power Button Pressed - My Cloud Home Duo Only
Slow "breathing" rhythm Device Shutdown Sequence Activated Through Mobile App
Fast "breathing" rhythm Device Requires Attention - Device Encountered an Error
System Condition
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
LED Behavior System Condition
Fast "breathing" rhythm USB Device Connection Error
Fast "breathing" rhythm Ethernet Connection Not Available
"Heartbeat" rhythm File System Notification - Check if rebuild is needed - May require WD
Support Team.
"Rapid Blinking" rhythm Image Recovery Mode - Device is rebuilding from an unexpected
action; this process will take some time. May require WD Support
LED Table Note: Sometimes different 'System Conditions' result in identical "LED
About Your My Cloud Home Device
Behavior". Therefore, view each "LED Behavior" within the context of your operation.

Rear Layout

Illustrated above are the various ports, connectors and buttons on the rear of a My Cloud Home Duo device and My Cloud Home device.
1. Power Button
2. Reset Button
3. USB Port(s)
4. Ethernet Port
5. DC Power Connector

Power Button

My Cloud Home Duo (two-bay device) has a rear-facing power button. My Cloud Home (single-drive device) does not have a power button.
Table 1.3
Power Button Function
Press Once System will stop all services, clear cache and shut down gracefully.
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
Device Operation
About Your My Cloud Home Device
Power Button Function
Press and Hold for 5 Seconds
Device Operation
When the power button is held for at least five seconds, the system will force a shut down without any consideration for gracefully stopping services or clearing cache.

Reset Button

On the rear panel of your My Cloud Home device, there is a Reset Button above the USB port(s). This is a tiny recessed button that requires something similar to the pointy end of a paper clip to be pressed.
Table 1.4
Reset Button Function
Press for 1 to 29 seconds
Press for 30 to 50 seconds
Device Operation
During this function the My Cloud Home device will reboot, momentarily making it inaccessible. This process does not delete data.
This function will demote the Device Owner to a Device User in order to change ownership of the My Cloud Home device. This does not delete data and each user still has access to their data. However, when this process occurs, the next user to go through the setup process on the device becomes the device owner. The remaining users on the device are unchanged.
Press for at least 60 seconds
Caution! This process will delete all data, all Device Users and the Device Owner.
The unit will be reset to factory default settings and will need to be set up using your online My Cloud Account (My Cloud Home Device Setup). A new Device Owner will be set when the next person sets up the device through a My Cloud account. Reset has completed once the LED has gone through a period of rapid blinking and returned to a state of solid white.

USB Port(s)

These USB ports are not designed to connect a My Cloud Home device directly to a host computer system.
My Cloud Home – This device comes with one USB Type-A port on the back panel
that supports USB 3.0.
My Cloud Home Duo – This device comes with two USB Type-A ports on the back
panel that support USB 3.0.

Ethernet Port

1. Activity LED: Looking at the Ethernet port, the LED on the top right is the
"Activity" LED. It describes the activity happening with your connection by blinking or staying a solid color. When it is illuminated, the Activity LED is always green in color.
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
About Your My Cloud Home Device
2. Link LED: Looking at the Ethernet port, the LED on the lower right is the "Link"
LED. It describes if you have a network connection and at what possible speed, which is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). When illuminated, the Link LED may be amber (100 Mbps) or green (1000 Mbps) in color.

Handling Precautions

WD products are precision instruments and must be handled with care during unpacking and installation. Drives may be damaged by rough handling, shock or vibration. Always observe the following precautions when unpacking and installing your external storage product:
▪ Do not drop or jolt the drive. ▪ Do not move the drive during activity. ▪ Do not use this product as a portable drive. ▪ To allow proper ventilation, do not block any of the drive enclosure’s air slots.
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual

Getting Started

Getting started involves connecting a My Cloud Home device to a network, configuring software to access a My Cloud Home device and registering your product.

Connecting a My Cloud Home Device

Basic Hardware Connections

Important: To avoid overheating, make sure the device is standing in an upright position and nothing is blocking or covering the slots and openings on the top and bottom of the device.
Follow these three basic steps for connecting your device:
1. Using the provided Ethernet cable, connect one end of the cable directly into a
port on your router and the other end of the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port on the My Cloud Home device.
2. Connect one end of the power adapter into the power supply socket on the
back of the device and the other end of the power adapter into a power outlet.
Getting Started
3. The unit will automatically power on. Continue with the next section, "Software
Set Up."

Software Set Up

The initial setup process for any My Cloud Home device requires an Internet browser and Internet access as outlined in the Requirements section. Begin with the following steps:
1. Access the Internet and go to mycloud.com/hello
2. Create a My Cloud account or login with an existing My Cloud account at
mycloud.com/hello. An email created.
3. Allow the My Cloud website to
4. If the My Cloud Home device is automatically detected, Press the Connect
button that is associated with your My Cloud Home device.
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
confirmation is sent when a My Cloud account is
find your My Cloud Home device.
▪ A picture of the My Cloud Home device and its corresponding Security Code
should be displayed. This Security Code is noted on the Quick Install Guide and on the barcode label on the bottom of the unit.
Note: If your My Cloud Home device is not automatically detected, follow these 4 steps:
Press the Enter Your Device Code option noted below the Desktop App and Mobile App options.
2. Enter the Security Code from the Quick Install Guide that came with the My Cloud Home device. The Security Code is also on the barcode label on the bottom of the unit.
After entering the security code, Press Search.
The One More Thing dialog box opens, Press Continue.
5. The All Done page now opens with the following options: ▪ Download the My Cloud Home mobile app from either the Apple® App
StoreSM or Google Play® store. ▪ Download the My Cloud Home Desktop App. ▪ To continue using the MyCloud.com Web App.
Now that the initial setup is done, the My Cloud Home device can be accessed and configured using three different My Cloud tools:
Getting Started
My Cloud Home Mobile App – provides robust access and product management on
Android and iOS platforms.
MyCloud.com Web App – provides quick access via an Internet browser on
different operating systems and does not require software installation.
My Cloud Home Desktop App – provides quick and basic folder access through a
Windows or Mac personal computer.

My Cloud Home Mobile App

Follow these steps to download and begin using the My Cloud Home mobile app:
1. The All Done page now opens with the option to get the My Cloud Home mobile app from either the Apple® App StoreSM or Google Play® store. Select which store is appropriate for your device.
2. Once installed, tap the My Cloud icon (illustrated below) created on your mobile device.
3. When launching the App on a mobile device, the Welcome To My Cloud page will launch. This page provides the options to Get Started or Sign In.
a. If the My Cloud Home mobile app is not 'Signed In', use your My Cloud
Account Username and Password to 'Sign In'.
b. If the My Cloud mobile app is still 'Signed In' from previous use, the My
Cloud mobile app will bypass the Sign In page and go directly to the Files screen.
4. Content accessibility is now available through the My Cloud Home mobile app.
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual

MyCloud.com Web App

Follow these steps to access a My Cloud Home device with the MyCloud.com web app:
1. When presented with the option to download the Desktop App or Mobile App, to continue using the web app, Click My Cloud Online listed below these other options.
2. Your My Cloud Account is the MyCloud.com web app. Content accessibility is now available through the web app.

My Cloud Home Desktop App

The My Cloud Home desktop app is a process that installs the WD Discovery software. A My Cloud Home device is then accessed through the WD Discovery software. This process requires access to the Internet and a 64-bit Operating System for the personal computer (Reference Table 1.1). Follow these steps:
1. On the All Done page, select the My Cloud Home Desktop App option.
2. This will download the WD Discovery software, which is used to install the My Cloud Home desktop app.
3. Install and setup the WD Discovery software with your My Cloud account information.
4. From the WD Discovery menu, Click on Apps.
5. Click the My Cloud app option. This will begin the My Cloud Home desktop installation in conjunction with the WD Discovery software.
6. When prompted, enter your My Cloud account information.
7. This will create a desktop icon. Use this icon to access the My Cloud Home device.
8. When accessing and navigating the contents of a My Cloud Home device detected in the WD Discovery software, Windows® will use Windows Explorer and macOS® will use Finder®.
Getting Started

Registering Your Device

Register your My Cloud Home device to get the latest updates and special offers. You can easily register your drive by visiting us online at: register.wdc.com.
My Cloud Home / My Cloud Home Duo User Manual
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