Welch Allyn ThermoScan Pro4000 User Manual

1. Remove the thermometer from the case and attach a probe cover. The device will turn on.
2. Wait for the “ready” beep and place the probe snugly into the ear canal; correct probe placement is essential for accurate readings.
3. Press and release the Start button. The thermometer will beep once. The green ExacTemp
light above the Start button will
flash, indicating stable probe placement.
4. A long beep and a solid green ExacTemp light will signal the end of the measurement.
5. If the probe is not placed in a stable position while taking a temperature, the device beeps, the green ExacTemp light goes out and POS (Position Error) will display.
6. Press the I/O button to recall the last temperature.
7. To change temperature scale: With the device off, press and hold the I/O button for about 5 seconds. Hold until the desired scale displays.
Ear Temperatures
with the Braun ThermoScan® PRO 4000
Probe Tip
Ear Canal
Tympanic Membrane
Welch Allyn European Customer Service
Navan Business Park, Dublin Road, Navan, County Meath, Ireland Tel: +353 46 906 7790 Fax: +353 46 906 7754 www.welchallyn.com
© 2007 Welch Allyn SM2678EU Rev E
1. Always apply a probe cover. If the device is placed in the ear canal without a probe cover, the lens must be cleaned before the next use.
2. Clean the lens with an alcohol swab and allow five minutes for complete drying.
3. Use only Braun ThermoScan probe covers.
4. The following will interfere with accurate temperature readings:
> Poor probe placement
> Dirty, wet or damaged probe lens
> No or used probe cover
5. The following will not interfere with accurate temperature readings:
> Cerumen (ear wax)
> Otitis Media (ear infection)
> Tympanostomy tubes
> Ambient temperature
> Lying on pillow
> Hearing aid
Tips for Taking Ear Temperatures
with the Braun ThermoScan® PRO 4000