Important: For superior results we recommend using Sibilance on single instruments or voices.
Waves Sibilance is a sophisticated, easy-to-use DeEsser. A DeEsser is an audio processor designed to
attenuate high-frequency sounds generated when certain consonants are voiced. Some vocal sounds create
high-energy peaks at certain frequencies; this can result in unwanted distortion or extreme presence in the
higher frequencies. The most common sources of sibilance are the S and Sh sounds, which are created when
the tongue directs a stream of air toward the teeth. This results in a hissing sound with high energy content.
These front-of-mouth vocalizations are also closer to the microphone membrane than are other vocal sounds—
this may exaggerate sibilant sounds. Waves Sibilance is very effective in reducing these sounds to a more
natural level, eliminating distortion and high-frequency peaks.
Sibilance uses a new Waves technology—Organic ReSynthesis—that breaks sound into basic elements (e.g.,
pitch, formant, amplitude, carrier, etc.) before processing takes place. When one of these elements is
manipulated, the others remain unchanged. These are used to re-synthesize the chosen element. Waves
Sibilance uses the Formant Weight element for detection and manipulation. Organic ReSynthesis allows
precise identification of unwanted S and Sh sounds, resulting in smooth, glitch-free, and effective DeEssing.
Waves Sibilance reduces unwanted sounds flawlessly, while maintaining the timbre, duration, and natural
resonance of the original sound.
Waves Sibilance / User Guide

Quick Start
The following steps will get you started and familiarize you with all of Sibilant’s controls. To learn more, go
to the controls section of this user guide.
1. The Detection Width control is located on the left side of the interface. Use this to identify and focus
on unwanted S or Sh s
higher values result in a wider detection range. A narrow range will usually work well for S sounds,
while Sh sounds often require a wider detection range to include a greater frequency span. If too
short, the sibilant may not be detected. However, if Detection Width is set too wide, sounds other than
sibilants may be detected. Detected sibilant sounds are marked in yellow on the Graph.
2. Click the Monitor toggle to audition the detected sounds that will be removed based on current
detection settings. This provides an accurate preview of what you’re going to remove.
3. Adjus
displayed on the graph with two green lines.
4. Use the Range control to determine the maximum amount of Gain reduction. Actual gain reduction is
displayed by a yellow line on Range scale.
5. Use the Mode knob to control how gain reduction will be carried out on the detected sibilant sounds.
When Mode is set to its lowest value, attenuation will affect the full frequency range of the detec
sound. When Mode is at its highest value, attenuation will focus on frequencies above 4 kHz. Use
intermediate values to trans
t the Threshold control to set the level at which sibilant processing begins. Threshold is
ounds—lower values detect narrower frequency ranges for detection and
ition between the two modes. Low settings will usually work better for Sh
ounds, while higher values are beneficial for attenuation of S sounds.
Waves Sibilance / User Guide