Waves Audio Scheps Omni Channel User Guide

Scheps Omni Channel
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Components ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Common Controls .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Sidechain ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Channel Strip Modules .............................................................................................................................. 15
DS2 Module ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Using Scheps Omni Channel .................................................................................................................... 23
Controls ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
DS2 Module ................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Scheps Omni Channel / User Guide
Thanks for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of Scheps Omni Channel, please take a few minutes to read this user guide.
To register and activate your new products, check for upgrades and manage your account, log into your Waves
account. If you don’t have a Waves account, click Create Account in the top right corner of the Waves.com home
Download and install your new Waves software with the Waves Central application, which you can also use to download the latest version of plugins, move licenses from your Waves Cloud to any computer, and make offline installers so you can install current software on computers not connected to the internet.
Finally, we suggest that you visit Waves Support, where you’ll find an extensive answer base, system and host requirements, troubleshooting guides, and much more.
A note from Andrew Scheps
Hello and welcome to the Scheps Omni Channel user guide! I’m really excited about this plugin, and so is everyone at Waves. It took a lot of hard work to bring it to life, and I think the final product has not only met, but exceeded, all of our expectations. The genesis of Scheps Omni Channel came from our desire to fulfill the classic definition of a channel strip (EQ, Dynamics, and more—in one plugin), while giving the user the sonic color options and flexibility that you get from mixing and matching equipment or plugins. The real breakthrough came when we redefined “channel strip" to mean “everything you need to make your tracks sound better, all in one easy-to-use unified interface.” We think Scheps Omni Channel lives up to that definition, and then some!
Scheps Omni Channel is a powerful channel strip plugin that was developed in collaboration with multi-Grammy®­winning mixing engineer Andrew Scheps. It’s made up of the kinds of tools that Andrew has used over the years to craft the sound of his legendary mixes; tools that help get the mix done, and get it done really well. Scheps Omni Channel is made up of five processing modules, an input/output section, and an insert point for an additional plugin. All of these hold up on their own, but together they shine. This is not just a collection of useful, great-sounding processors, nor is it just an artist signature plugin that delivers the taste and attitude of a specific engineer—It’s both.
Scheps Omni Channel / User Guide
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Stereo Mode and Stereo Controls Linking
There are two controls that affect stereo channels: Stereo Mode and Stereo Controls Linking.
Stereo Mode Select
In the Scheps Omni Chanel stereo component, there are three modes for processing a
stereo signal within a module: Stereo, Duo, and M/S.
In all modules, the Stereo Mode switch sets whether the stereo input signal will be processed as L/R stereo (Stereo
and Duo modes) or will be converted to M/S for separate control of the mid and side channels (M/S mode).
Additionally, In the dynamics modules (DS2, Compressor
, and Gate), the Stereo Mode selection determines how
the sidechain is processed.
Left and right channels ar
e summed in the sidechain. The sidechain values are the same for left and
right, so dynamic processing will apply equally to both channels.
Left and right channels of the sidechain are processed separately, so dynamic processing may not be the same for the left and right channels.
Mid and side channels of the sidechain are processed separately, so dynamic processing may not be the same for the mid and side channels.2
Regardless of a module’s Stereo Mode, its output is always stereo. If needed, it will be converted to M/S at the input
of the next module in the chain. This allows re-ordering of the modules on the fly with no impact on the stereo
Pro Tools provides only a mono sidechain.
Scheps Omni Channel / User Guide
Use the Stereo Linking button in the Expanded view to
decouple left and right controls so that you can adjust
the sides separately.
When you relink variable controls, such as knobs and
faders, their offsets will be maintained.
When Stereo Linking is on, switches are linked, clicking
a left or right switch will set both controls to the same
value (e.g., EQ type, filter on/off, SC on/off, and
dynamics processing mode).
In Stereo or Duo stereo modes, the left and right control sections are labeled L and R.
In the M/S mode, the labels will change to M and S, for mid and side
Linking Controls
In the Collapsed view, there is one control per function (e.g., frequency, gain, SC listen, thump), whether the signal
is mono or stereo. Both channels of a stereo signal are controlled together, and by default, with the same values.
Left and right, or mid and side, are always linked in the Collapsed view.
Scheps Omni Channel / User Guide
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Compressors, gates, and
attenuator can be a VCA, an FET, a tube, or an opto-resistor, depending on the design of the unit. This device is
controlled by a circuit that looks at the input signal and determines how much to attenuate the gain, based on
different settings (attack, release, ratio, and threshold). This circuit is known as the internal sidechain.
Example: Using an internal sidechain to reduce kick bleed in a snare track
A snare track often contains bleed from the kick. When gating the snare, this bleed can carry enough
energy to
not the kick, controlling the gate. By applying a high-pass filter to the internal sidechain, the kick’s
energy is reduced to the point that it no longer opens the gate. The snare alone is now opening the
gate and there is no impact on the gate’s sound.
External Sidechain
Sometimes you need to control the dynamics of a channel based on the activity of another channel. This is known as
an external sidechain. This process is particularly useful when one channel is interfering with another and you want to
open the snare’s gate. This can create a non-musical gate effect, since it should be the snare,
de-essers use a gain attenuation device to alter the level of a given signal. This gain
bring it forward or push it back without altering the dynamic characteristics of the entire track. Each of the
Channel dynamics modules can accept an external sidechain. All modules in a plugin instance receive the same
external sidechain signal.
Example: Using an external sidechain to reduce bass gain to prevent it from clashing with the vocal
It’s common for a bass to interfere with a vocal track. You can, to an extent, tame this problem with level
control or EQ, but this undeniably compromises the performance. What you want is gain reduction on the
bass, based on the vocalist’s activity. Hence, an external sidechain.
Scheps Omni Channel / User Guide
Scheps Omni
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