Chapter 1 – Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Welcome ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Product Overview ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 About the Scheps 73 ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Components .................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 – Interface and Controls ....................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Interface .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Controls ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3 – The WaveSystem .............................................................................................................. 10
3.1 The WaveSystem Toolbar ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Preset Handling ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Interface Controls .......................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Waves Preferences (Pro Tools DAE only) .................................................................................... 14
Waves Scheps 73
User Guide

Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Thank you for choosing Waves. In order to get the most out of your Waves processor, please take the
time to read through this manual.
In conjunction, we also suggest you become familiar with www.wavesupport.net
extensive Answer Base, the latest Tech Specs, detailed Installation guides, new Software Updates,
and current information on Authorization and Registration.
By signing up at www.wavesupport.net
products, reminders when updates are available, and information on your authorization status.
, you will receive personalized information on your registered
. There you will find an
1.2 Product Overview
The music of the ‘60s and ‘70s was characterized by a sound that was warm, fat, and rich, with a
breathtakingly detailed midrange. The analogue processors of that era, when analyzed today, still
amaze even the most brilliant of engineers in their sophisticated designs and the creative solutions
used to overcome some of analogue’s least wanted artifacts. Although lacking the pristine
specifications of modern Waves plug-ins, they still easily provided recording engineers a sound that is
all-but-impossible to achieve today. Using new component modeling technology Waves Audio and
producer/mixer Andrew Scheps set out on a mission to bring one of the most desired eq’s in the world
to your digital environment.
Waves Scheps 73
User Guide

1.3 About the Scheps 73
The Scheps 73 is a three band EQ, with a fixed high shelf frequency, a mid band with seven cutoff
points (including the recently discovered 10kHz bell), a low shelf with four cutoff points, and a third
order high-pass filter with four selected cutoff points. In addition to the EQ, the Scheps 73 provides an
option to color the sound with harmonic distortion ranging from pleasant warmth up to the heavy drive
settings of one of the most popular preamps out there. For complete control, the Scheps 73 offers a
comprehensive monitor section to easily scrutinize your processing stages.
1.4 Components
WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plugins, which we call
components. Having a choice of components for a particular processor gives you the flexibility to
choose the configuration best suited to your material. Scheps 73 includes the following components:
o Scheps 73 Mono
o Scheps 73 Stereo
Waves Scheps 73
User Guide