Table of Contents
Introduction 3
About SoundGrid and the DiGiGrid MGB and MGO Audio Interfaces 3
Using DiGiGrid MGB/MGO with a Console 6
1. Hardware and Connectors 7
2. Installation and Conguration Overview 9
2.1 Conguring the MGB/MGO in MultiRack SoundGrid 9
2.2 Conguring the MGB/MGO in SoundGrid Studio 12
2.2.1 Setting up SoundGrid Studio 12
2.2.2 Setting Up the Driver 14
2.2.3 Firmware Status and Updates 15
3. MGB/MGO Control Panel 16
3.1 Clock Page 16
3.2 MADI Options Page 18
3.3 About Page 18
3.4 System Info Page 19
3.5 Saving, Loading and Identifying 19

Thank you for choosing a DiGiGrid MGB or MGO audio interface for SoundGrid systems. In order to get the most out of your DiGiGrid
product, please take some time to read this user guide. We also suggest that you become familiar with the Waves support site (www.
wavesupport.net), where you will nd an extensive answer base, the latest tech specs, detailed installation guides, software updates,
and current information about licensing and registration.
About SoundGrid and DiGiGrid MGB/MGO
SoundGrid is a scalable infrastructure that provides a variety of cost-eective, high-quality solutionsfor recording studios and live
sound consoles. It can be congured in many ways and with many hardware possibilities to provide a very exible work environment. This framework is managed by the SoundGrid Studio Application or MultiRack SoundGrid, which congures the network,
assigns and manages I/Os, controllers and servers, and patches audio throughout the system. Any user, anywhere on the SoundGrid
network, has access to any of the network’s I/O devices. Adding a SoundGrid DSP server enables recording and monitoring with very
low latency and moves processing away from the host computer to the server.
A single Ethernet cable connects all devices in the SoundGrid network.
The DiGiGrid MGB and MGO MADI-to-SoundGrid interfaces are used for connecting MADI-enabled devices to a Waves SoundGrid
network for plugin processing and/or DAW playback and recording. The MGB unit is equipped with MADI BNC connections; MGO is
equipped with MADI optical connections.
Supported sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz
112/128-channel I/O @ 48 kHz
56/64-channel I/O @ 96 kHz
Supports 56- and 64-channel modes
Supports double wire (48k frame) and single wire (96k frame) signals @ 96 kHz
Clock synchronization via word clock input, MADI (Port 1 or Port 2), SoundGrid (Sync over Ethernet), Internal
1 SoundGrid port (RJ45)

Typical Uses
DiGiGrid MGO and MGB interfaces may be used in both SoundGrid and Native congurations, as follows:
SoundGrid: In a SoundGrid conguration, the MGB or MGO interface is used to connect a MADI-enabled console to a SoundGrid
network, for plugin processing and simultaneous DAW playback and recording. The SoundGrid conguration uses a dedicated
SoundGrid DSP server to power the plugin processing, enabling super-low latency, high plugin counts, and networking capabilities,
with the option of an additional backup DSP server.
Please note: A SoundGrid DSP server is required for SoundGrid congurations.
DAW / SG Studio MultiRack SG
Server Optional Backup Server
MADI Enabled Console

Native: In a Native conguration, the MGB or MGO interface is used to connect a MADI-enabled console to the SoundGrid ASIO/Core
Audio driver, for plugin processing and/or DAW playback and recording. Since the Native conguration utilizes the computer’s CPU to
power the plugin processing, plugin count and overall system latency depend on the computer’s CPU and sound driver capabilities.
Please note: A SoundGrid DSP server is not required for Native congurations.
MultiRack Native or DAW
MADI Enabled Console

Using DiGiGrid MGB/MGO with a Console
Connect your MGB to the console using BNC MADI cables. Connect your MGO to the console using optical MADI cables.
Connect to the SoundGrid network using Cat 5e or Cat 6 cables. Connect the MGB/MGO interfaces to your computer’s local LAN
port, or use two cables to connect the MGB/MGO and your computer to the SoundGrid-compatible network switch.
Native/SoundGrid Comparison Table
Features Native SoundGrid
Low Latency
Simultaneous Recording and Processing
CPU Load Your DAW computer's CPU Dedicated SoundGrid DSP server
Backup DSP Server
Plugin Host Software MultiRack Native MultiRack SoundGrid
Plugin Licenses Native SoundGrid