Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Quick Start
Chapter 3 Product Overview
Chapter 4 DeEsser Controls
Chapter 5 DeEsser Internal Design
Chapter 6 FAQs
Chapter 7 Factory Preset Information
DeEsser Plug-in Manual

Chapter 1 — Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Waves DeEsser – a versatile audio plug-in for selective and creative
compression of high frequency ‘ess’ sounds in recordings.
The following pages explain how to use DeEsser.
DeEsser Plug-in Manual

Chapter 2 - Quick Start
1. Let us assume we want to reduce the ‘esses’ in a male vocal track. Click on the Load button and select
the “Male Ess” factory preset. This sets the SideChain frequency to 4500 Hz, the frequency around which
typical male voice ‘esses’ lie.
2. Drag the threshold down until the ‘esses’ are sufficiently attenuated. Attenuation takes place when the
threshold slider is below the peak of the blue-bar meter (energy detector). The red-bar meter shows the
instantaneous gain reduction applied to the audio (in dB). An infinite-peak-hold feature displays the
highest level of attenuation (click to reset).
3. To fine-tune DeEsser, click the Monitor button to SideChain mode. Now you can listen to the
SideChain. Choose which SideChain filter mode you require from either HighPass or BandPass. The
HighPass filter mode is suitable for attenuating a full range of ‘ess’ sounds. The BandPass filter mode is
suitable for isolating and attenuating a specific narrow band of high frequencies.
4. Simply listen to the sound in the SideChain whilst adjusting Freq until you hear just the ‘esses’ for
reduction and little else of the remaining signal (that is, not too much of the voice itself).
DeEsser Plug-in Manual