Waves Audio dbx 160 User Guide

dbx 160
CHA PT ER 1 – INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 3
1.1 Welcome ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 dbx 160: The Original Hardware............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 dbx 160: The Plugin................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Concepts and Terminology ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Componen ts ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
CHA PT ER 2 – INTERFACE A ND CONTRO LS ..................................................................... 6
2.1 Interface...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Controls ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CHA PT ER 3 – THE W AVESY STEM ...................................................................................... 10
3.1 The Wa veSystem Tool bar ......................................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Preset Handli ng .......................................................................................................................................................................10
3.3 I nterface Controls....................................................................................................................................................................12
3.4 W aves Preferences (Pr o Tools DAE onl y)............................................................................................................................14
Waves dbx 160
User Guide

Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.1 W el come

Thank you for choos ing Waves. In order to get the most out of your Waves processor, please take the time to read through this manual.
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. There you will

1.2 dbx 160: The Original Hardwar e

dbx® Inc. is an American manufacturer of professional audio recording equipment. Founded in 1971 by David E. Blackmer, the company’s most important inventions were the dbx voltage­controlled amplifier (VCA) and the dbx RMS detector. The original dbx 202 VCA (the "Black Can" VCA) was built using discrete transistors that were hand-matched while running at an elevated temperature in an oven. Though noisy and having significant distortion, the dbx 202 units exceeded by far the perform anc e of other early VCAs and were used in most early automated mixing boards .
In 1976, dbx introduced the dbx 160 compressor. Using dbx’s decilinear VCA , RMS level­detection circuits and feed-forward gain reduction, this compressor allowed much smoother gain reduction than its counterparts. The feed-forward gain reduction allowed infinite compression without excessive distortion or oscillation. I t also allowed the compressor to track the attack and release times of compression based on the signal’s envelope. In addition, the dbx compressor introduced overeasy compression, which created a soft knee at the start of the compression process.
Waves dbx 160
User Guide

1.3 dbx 160: The Plug in

The dbx 160 plugin is a digital model of a classic feed-forward hard-knee VCA-based compressor.
On top of the accurate modeling of the original compressor’s sound, Waves has added, for optimal use, several featur es that did not exist in the original hardwar e:
1. Input gain c ontrol – to let you perfec t ly adjus t the input level going into the com pres s or.
2. Mix c ontrol – to enable very quick parallel com pres s ion wit hin the plugins.
3. Noise c ontrol – to add the hardware-m odeled nois e.
4. MS matrix in the stereo component – to enable separate compression between the mid and sides of the stereo signal.
5. Sidec hain High Pas s (SC-HP) – giving you the option of introducing a high-pass filter around 90 Hz on the sidechain, in order to remove low-frequency energy from the sidechain pass. The outcome is less compression on low-frequency centered signals.

1.4 Concepts and Terminology

A VCA, or voltage-contr olled am plifier , is an amplif ier that var ies its gain depending on a contr ol voltage, such that the input voltage determines the output voltage. The dbx 160 is a VCA-based compressor.
Sidechain V oltage The sidechain section of the dbx 160 converts the signal from AC to DC, with t h e VCA cont rolled via the DC current. The higher the DC current, the more compression you get. The sidechain voltage can range from a couple of mV to 15 V.
Waves dbx 160
User Guide
Feed-Forward Compression The signal entering the compressor is split: one copy goes to the output (though t he VCA), while the other is fed forward to the VCA via a sidechain circuit. See the image below:
Sidechain High Pass (SC-HP)
As explained in the Feed-Forward Compression section above, the input signal is fed to the VCA. Gener ally, the m or e energy you have in the sidechain, the more compression you get; but if you apply a high-pass filter to remove low energy from the signal, the result will be less energy when low-frequency energy is present, hence less compression. In bass guitars, for example, the abundance of low energy entails lots of compression; but if a high-pass filter is applied on the sidechain, the VCA will ident ify less energy on the low bass notes than there is in the actual input s ignal and will therefore attenuate the s ignal less, allowing more low frequencies.

1.5 Components

WaveShell technology enables us to split Waves processors into smaller plugins, which we call components. Having a choice of components for a particular processor giv es you the flexibility to choose the configuration best suited to your material. dbx 160 includes the following components:
dbx 160 Mono
dbx 160 Stereo
Waves dbx 160
User Guide
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