11.4 110V relay module pcb connectors 37
12 PROFIBUS control wiring 40
12.1 PROFIBUS installation 40
12.2 Pin assignments at the pump 41
13 Switching on (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+) 42
13.1 Switching on the pump for the first time (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and
Universal+ only) 42
13.2 Switching the pump on in subsequent power cycles (Manual, PROFIBUS,
Universal and Universal+ only) 44
14 Switching on (Remote) 45
15 Pump operation 46
15.1 Pump operation (Remote pump) 46
15.2 Pump operation (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 46
16 Manual mode (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 49
17 PROFIBUS mode(PROFIBUS only) 52
17.1 Assigning the PROFIBUS station address at the pump 53
17.2 PROFIBUS communication errors 55
17.3 PROFIBUS GSD file 56
17.4 User Parameter Data 58
17.5 PROFIBUS data exchange 59
17.6 Device-related diagnostic data 62
17.7 Channel-related diagnostic data 62
18 Flow calibration mode (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 64
19 Analog 4-20mA mode (Universal and Universal+ only) 67
19.1 Calibrate the pump for 4-20mA control (Universal+ only) 72
20 Contact Mode (All Universal and Universal+ models except 110V relay
versions) 77
20.1 Contact settings 77
20.2 Contact operating mode (All Universal and Univ ersal+ models except 110V
relay versions) 79
20.3 Fluid recovery mode (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 80
20.4 Remote fluid recovery (Universal and Universal+ models without relay
modules) 82
21 Main menu (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 84
21.1 Fluid level monitor (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 85
21.2 Security settings (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 89
21.3 General settings (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 92
21.4 MODE menu (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 97
21.5 Control settings (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only) 98
21.6 Help (Manual, PROFIBUS, Universal and Universal+ only ) 105
m-qdos-en-02 3