Volkswagen TIGUAN S, TIGUAN SE, TIGUAN Sport, TIGUAN R Line, TIGUAN Escape Brochure

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The Tiguan
Volkswagen Information Service. Telephone 0800 333 666
© Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited 2009.
Issue: 1 July 2009. Prin ted in U K.
Model shown is Tiguan SE with optional 18" ‘Sierra’ all oy wheel s,
DVD touch -screen naviga tion/radio system an d pearl effect paint and Ti guan Escape.
One word describes
driving the Tiguan.
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Model shown is Tiguan Sport with o ptional Bi-Xenon head lights and pearl effe ct paint. Model shown is Tiguan Escape.
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Wheth er you ne ed a vehicle for everyday dr iving or
disco vering the great o utdoors, there’s a Tiguan to meet your
exact requirements. For tho se lookin g to take t he hassle out of
day-to -day life, there’s a choice of fo ur different models – the
Tiguan S, SE, S port and R Line, each packed with in telligent
features designed to make driving as e ffortless and enjoyable
as po ssible. For tho se looking to explore off the beaten track,
the Tiguan Escape i s designed to conquer th e off-road
lands cape with the greatest of ease. A 28° angle of appro ach
and c orrespond ing under body prote ction means i t knows no
limit s, provid ing the u ltimate in ex hilaration and exc itement.
Everyday life or off-road adventure,
there’s a Tiguan for you.
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The s tylish on-road front end of the Tiguan S, SE, Sport a nd R Line with an 18° angle of appro ach gives a dy namic ai r,
even when stan ding still, while the add ition of the gleaming chrome radiator grille surround and lou vres radia te
elega nce and sportiness. M eanwhile , the off- road desi gn with a 28° angle of approach and stur dy underbody
protec tion ens ures the Tiguan Escape takes o bstacles in its stride, wh ile its powerful front end gives it a rugg ed look.
Sleek black roo f rails comple te the s pirited o n- and off-road design of t he Tiguan S and Es cape perf ectly, whil e
chrome-plated ro of rails are subtle yet sty lish on S E, Sport and R Line m odels. T he rounded in-set head lights,
innov ative design and conf ident li nes give even grea ter elegance to its appearance. The Sport , R Line and Esca pe’s
front fog light s not only im prove safet y in the event of poor visi bility, but also provide a sporty finis h, enhancing the
Tiguan ’s overall image, while its sty lish rear light clusters enh ance the rear body l ines and ensu re the Tiguan leaves
you w ith a lasting impression.
Interior shown is Tigu an Escape wit h optio nal ‘Vie nna’ leather upholstery, 2Zone electronic c limate control, Park A ssist and pano ramic sunroof.
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If yo u’ve been impressed by the slee k exterior of the
Tiguan , you’ll find the interior nothing short of
amazi ng. Its compact dimen sions hi de an int erior
that’ s not only excepti onally sp acious, but w ith an
intui tive layo ut speci fically de signed to help you
handl e the realities of day-to-da y driving with the
greate st of ease. All ied with high quality durabl e
uphol stery and ‘Soft silver ’ decorat ive inser ts, you
could n’t ask for a vehicle that’s more st ylish,
comfortabl e and refined – or more manageable
to dri ve.
The a daptable interior layout allows impressiv e
flexibi lity in terms of legroom or lugg age capac ity,
while the countless storage solutions in the roof
conso le, doors, lugga ge compar tment an d beneath
the f ront seat s on SE, Sport, R Line and Esc ape models,
make s toring those e ssential items ea sy. So, whether
you’re looking to transpo rt friends, kids, luggage or
other wise, you’ll find all the spa ce you co uld ask for
in th e Tiguan. Giving y ou the f reedom you need to
live life to th e full – easily, eff iciently and effortl essly.
As adaptable
as your lifestyle
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If yo u’re the kind of p erson that likes to be spontaneo us, the Tiguan is a drea m come t rue. Beca use whate ver
you w ant to do, it has the fl exibility to prov ide exact ly the se ating or stowage arrangem ents you require.
The a mazingly adaptable inte rior is f itted with sl iding and reclining rea r seats t hat split 60:40, e nabling eithe r
side to be moved backwards o r forwards independ ently of each other. This gives you t he optio n of eith er
increa sing boot cap acity or p roviding your rear se at passengers with more legroom. Th e backs of the rear
seats can also be folde d down, as ca n the back of the front passenger se at on SE models a nd above, giving you
valua ble extra stowage space, use ful for ca rrying longer items. Co mbined wi th the variable boot capacity, this
gives you a massive loadin g volume of up to 1,510 litres. And it goes without sayi ng that smaller items can be
stowed without any proble m, becaus e the erg onomicall y designed storage areas offer plenty of extra space.
All o f which m eans there’s v ery littl e you won’t f ind room for in thi s excepti onal SUV. And sh owing, once
again , how everything abou t the Tiguan has been painstaki ngly desi gned to wo rk as effortlessly as po ssible.
Images shown are to illustrate seating combi nations only and may not ne cessarily reflect UK s pecification.
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S | SE | Sport | R Line | Escape
1.4 ltr TSI 150 PS | 1.4 ltr TSI 4MOTION 150 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 140 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 140 PS
Stylish: The newly designed dash allows important information from the multifun ction computer
(Highline) to be clearly and easily read.
Impressive specification and attention to detail combine in the Tiguan S, providing a level of comfort,
versatility and functionality totally geared to the demands of modern day living. Available in two wheel as
well as four wheel drive, the Tiguan S is as much at home in the city as it is off-road. Fitted as standard are
features such as ‘Climatic’ semi-automatic air conditioning, front and rear electric windows, electrically
heated and adjustable door mirrors and remote central locking. An RCD 310 radio/MP3 compatible CD
player with eight speakers and AUX-in socket for connection to an external multimedia source (e.g. iPod
and MP3 player) and an alarm with interior protection are welcome additions, while speed sen sitive
power-assisted steering and the height and reach adjustable steering wheel and heigh t adjustable driver’s
seat help you achieve the optimum driving position.
Your total comfort and convenience are assured, but the Tiguan S offers more. It also has the intelligence
to handle your real life driving needs easily and effortlessly, with such features as an electronic parking
brake with auto hold function – holding you safely on a hill, and a multifunction computer (Highline),
providing useful statistics about your journey, such as exterior temperature, average and current fuel
consumption, average speed and estimated distance to refuelling. Durable ‘Metropolis’ cloth upholstery
and ‘Steel finish’ interior door handles and air vent surrounds complete the interior, with everything ready
to hand on the dashboard exactly where you’d expect it to be.
The high interior specification of the Tiguan S clearly extends to the stylish exterior. 16 inch ‘Cairo’ alloy
wheels, a side and rear protection pack, including wheel arch protection and 18° front module (a figure
that defines the angle of slope the Tiguan can traverse), chrome trimmed radiator grille surround and
louvres, and black roof rails confirm this, whilst body-coloured front bumper, door handles and door
mirrors complete its impressive appea rance. If you haven’t already gathered, the Tiguan S is designed to
make life so easy, you’ll soon wonder how you ever managed to live without it.
The Tiguan S.
Interior shown is Tiguan S with Black ‘Metropolis’ cloth and optional Conveni ence pack, carpet mats and metallic paint.
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S |
SE | Sport | R Line | Escape
1.4 ltr TSI 150 PS | 1.4 ltr TSI 4MOTION 150 PS | 2.0 ltr TSI 4MOTION 170 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 140 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 140 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 170 PS
For those seeking an extra touch of luxury, the Tiguan SE more than
delivers. In fact, from the minute you see the 17 inch ‘Sahara’ alloy wheels,
heat insulating tinted glass from the B pilla r back, chrome-plated roof rails
and chrome trimmed side window surrounds, you’ll know it’s really
something special. Stylish ‘Energ y’ cloth upholstery, ‘Soft silver’
decorative inserts and a leather trimmed three-spoke steering wheel and
gear knob create an interior that is as sumptuous as it is stylish, while
front comfort seats with height and lumbar adjustment ensure the most
comfortable seating positions on every journey, leaving you free to sit
back, relax and enjoy day-to-day driving with minimum effort. The RCD
510 touch-screen radio/dash-mounted MP3 compatible six CD
autochanger with e ight speakers adds even greater enjoyment to your trip
and there is also an AUX-in socket for connection to an external
multimedia source, such as an iPod or MP3 player. All designed to make
getting from A to B a pleasure, not a chore.
With useful extras including a f lat tyre indicator, front centre armrest with
storage compartment, folding tables on the back of the front seats, front
under seat drawers and a front passenger seat that folds flat to allow
transportation of longer items, the Tiguan SE offers a multitude of
solutions, combining intelligent technolog y with intuitive functionality.
And ensuring effortless driving that accommodates your every need.
The Tiguan SE.
Dynamic: The RCD 510 touch-screen radio /dash-mounted MP3
compatible six CD autochanger with eight speakers and AUX-in
socket for connection to an external multimedia source (e.g. iPod
and MP3 player).
Interior shown is Tiguan SE with Black ‘Energy’ cloth and optional metallic paint.
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S | SE |
Sport | R Line | Escape
2.0 ltr TSI 4MOTION 200 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 140 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 170 PS
Interior shown is Tiguan Sp ort with Black/Grey ‘Viewpoint’ cloth and optional metallic paint.
Even before you step inside, the Tiguan Sport’s dynamic front end with front fog lights and
18 inch ‘Sierra’ alloy wheels will get your heart pounding. Stylish, exciting and fun, the sports
suspension, front sports seats with height an d lumbar adjustment, carpet mats and subtle
‘Viewpoint’ cloth upholstery only add to the anticipation, setting your pulse racing before you
even turn the ignition. This is one car that goes the extra mile, not only in ter ms of aesthetics
but also advanced features and super ior specification. Such as the automatic coming/leaving
home lighting function, front footwell illumination, rain sensor and automatically dimming
interior rear-view mirror. Or the dusk sensor that automatically activates the headlights when
driving at night-time or in other low light situations. All of which adds up to one thing – an
effortless driving experience, dictated by common sense needs, ensuring you don’t have to
worry about a thing, from arriving home before dark to switching on your lights at night.
Add to that a multifunction computer (Highline), providing essential information while you
drive, and the RCD 510 touch-screen radio/dash-mounted MP3 compatible six CD autochanger
with eight speakers, provid ing incredible acoustics . For even greater pleasure, there’s also an
AUX-in socket for connection to an external multimedia source such as an iPod or MP3 player.
It’s extras such as these that make a genuine difference to everyday life and make the Tiguan
Sport such a formidable package.
The Tiguan Sport.
Sporty: Bla ck wheel arch protection and 18" ‘Si erra’ alloy wheels emphasise the dynamic
lines of the Tiguan Sport.
Model shown is Tiguan R Line with o ptional DVD touch-screen navigation/radio system.
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S | SE | Sport |
R Line | Escape
Introduction | Design
2.0 ltr TSI 4MOTION 200 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 140 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 4MOTION 170 PS
Dare to be different.
For tho se who li ke a sporty, pow erful dri ve and
an in dividual look to t heir car, th e Tiguan R Line
is th e perfect solutio n. The R Line bui lds upon
the g enerous s tandard equ ipment o ffered
on th e Sport, but includes additio nal sport y
styli ng cues, which give it a dynam ic look and
a pow erful roa d presence .
+ 22 hidden pages