Volkswagen EOS, EOS S, EOS SE, EOS Sport, EOS Individual Brochure

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The Eos
Volkswagen Infor mation Service. Telephone 0800 33 3 666
© Volkswagen Group United King dom Lim ited 20 09.
Issue: 1 July 2 009. Prin ted in UK.
The Eos. Re-discover your senses.
Imagine driving open-top through the darkness on a s ummer evening with the stars above you. Feeling the
exhilaration of speed as the wind sweeps over you. Seeing, hearing, smelli ng the world around you with a fresh
intensity. Enjoying the seasons as never before. Being at one with the elements. Drive the Volkswagen Eos, and
classic coupé combines with sporty cabriolet, giving you the best of both worlds. Never again will you have to
choose between them. Never before has driving been such fun.
Model shown is S port with opti onal me tallic paint.
Model shown is S port with opti onal ‘N appa’ leather and meta llic paint.
Live the fantasy.
Model shown is S E with optional ‘Vienna’ leather, Bi-Xenon hea dlights and metallic p aint.
An irresistible invitation.
Some parts of l eather interior will contai n artificial leather.
Stylish coupé one minut e, open-top cabriolet the
next – follow your heart and go from windproof luxury
to windswept exhilaration at the touch of a button.
What better way to experience the world around you
in all its glory?
The Eos. Sensational at sunrise, stunning at sunset –
whatever the weather.
Seize the moment.
The body-co loured door mirrors
with integ rated indica tors
provide added safety and feature
a one-touch operation for
The rear lights utilise LED technolog y, which react
faster than conventional bulbs, and provide clearer,
brighter light.
Be at one with the world around you.
Models shown are SE with option al 17" ‘Westwood’ alloy wheels and m etallic paint, and S wi th optional ‘Vie nna’ leather, luxury pack and metalli c paint.
Leather trim on the handbrake grip, ge ar knob and
three-spoke spor ts steering wheel g ives a high quality
feel, blending perfectly with the interior’s fine tailoring.
Standard on all models except S 1.4 TSI 122 PS. Int erior
shown features optional ‘Nappa’ leather.
Some parts of l eather interior will contai n artificial leather.
Sporty yet elegant, the spacious int erior of the Eos exudes first-class build
quality down to the smallest detail. Model shown is Sport with optional ‘Nappa’
leather, multifunction steering wheel, 2Zone electronic climate control and
metallic paint. Please n ote that the multifunction steering wheel features a
telephone control button which will not work on UK models.
Electric f ront and rear w indows
feature a one-touch open and
close facility. Additionally, all four
windows can be operated with the
touch of a single button.
Some parts of l eather interior will contai n artificial leather.
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