VEGA SON54P User Manual

Operating Instructions
VEGASON 54P … 56P (Profibus PA)
Level and Pressure
Safety information ........................................................................ 2
Note Ex area ................................................................................ 2
1 Product description
1.1 Function ................................................................................. 4
1.2 Application features ............................................................. 5
1.3 Profibus output signal .......................................................... 6
1.4 Adjustment ............................................................................ 7
1.5 Type survey ........................................................................ 11
1.6 Type code ........................................................................... 12
2 Mounting and installation
2.1 Mounting ............................................................................. 13
2.2 General installation instructions ........................................ 15
2.3 Measurement of liquids ..................................................... 17
2.4 Measurement of solids ...................................................... 19
2.5 Socket extensions ............................................................. 20
2.6 False echoes ...................................................................... 21
2.7 Installation mistakes ........................................................... 23

Safety information

Please read this manual carefully, and also take note of country-specific installation standards (e.g. the VDE regulations in Germany) as well as all prevailing safety regulations and acci­dent prevention rules. For safety and warranty reasons, any internal work on the instruments, apart from that in­volved in normal installation and electrical con­nection, must be carried out only by qualified VEGA personnel.
2 VEGASON 54P … 56P

Note Ex area

Please note the attached safety instructions containing important information on installation and operation in Ex areas. These safety instructions are part of the oper­ating instructions and come with the Ex ap­proved instruments.
3 Electrical connection
3.1 Connection .......................................................................... 26
3.2 Connection cables and bus configuration ....................... 26
3.3 Sensor address ................................................................. 29
3.4 Connection of the sensor .................................................. 31
3.5 Connection of the external indicating instrument ............ 32
3.6 Bus configuration ............................................................... 33
4 Setup
4.1 Adjustment media .............................................................. 38
4.2 Adjustment with the PC ...................................................... 39
4.3 Adjustment with the adjustment module MINICOM ........ 39
5 PA function diagram and parameters
5.1 PA function diagram........................................................... 46
5.2 Status bytes ....................................................................... 50
5.3 Parameter listing ................................................................ 51
6 Diagnosis
6.1 Simulation ............................................................................ 56
6.2 Error codes ........................................................................ 56
7 Technical data
7.1 Data ..................................................................................... 57
7.2 Data format of the output signal ........................................ 62
7.3 Approvals ........................................................................... 63
7.4 Dimensions ......................................................................... 63
VEGASON 54P … 56P 3

1 Product description

1.1 Function

Continuous level measurement with ultrasonic sensors is based on the running time meas­urement of ultrasonic pulses.
Product description
VEGASON 54 … 56 sensors are a newly developed generation of extremely compact ultrasonic sensor for level measurement. They were developed for liquids and especially for solids and larger measuring distances. They are the right choice for applications in silos, bunkers and material dumps.
Due to small housing dimensions and proc­ess fittings, the compact sensors are an unobtrusive, and most of all, very cost­effective solution for your level measurement applications. With the integrated display and a special sensor intelligence in conjunction with large measuring ranges, they enable high-precision level measurement and can be used for applications in which the advan­tages of non-contact measurement could never before be realised.
The outputs generate a digital Profibus PA signal as output, i.e. measurement signal.
Measuring principle
High-performance piezoceramic transducers emit focused ultrasonic pulses which are reflected by the product surface. The meas­urement electronics prepares a precise im­age of the environment from the reflected ultrasonic pulses. The transducers work both as transmitter and receiver. As receiver, the transducers are high-sensitivity piezo micro­phones.
Meas. distance
emission - reflection - reception
The measurement electronics precisely cal­culates the distance between transducer and medium from the speed of sound and the measured running time of the emitted sound impulse. The distance is then converted into a level-proportional signal and, in conjunction with the sensor parameter settings, made available as a precise, calibrated level value.
Since the speed of sound is subject to tem­perature influence, the transducer also con­tinuously detects the ambient tempera­ture, so that the level is precisely measured even in case of varying ambient temperature.
4 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Product description
Output signal
The level-proportional Profibus PA measure­ment signal is processed and outputted completely digitally. Digital processing of the measurement signal ensures an accuracy which could be never reached by an ana­logue measurement signal, as the digital signal is always transmitted error-free right up to the last decimal position. Varying resistances or tiny leakage currents do not influence the accuracy of digital technology. The digital signal is always clear and unam­biguous.
The digital signal, giving a faithful representa­tion of the adjusted measuring range of the sensor, can be modified by various param­eter settings.
Measured value display
As an option, the series 50 ultrasonic sensors can be equipped with an indicating instru­ment for direct, local level survey. The indi­cating instrument shows the precise level by means of the analogue bar graph and the digital number value. In addition to the indica­tion in the sensor, you can have the level displayed with the VEGADIS 50 external indicating instrument at a distance of up to 25 m from the sensor. The external measured value display operates, like the integrated display, independently of the PA output signal and can be modified through individual pa­rameter settings.

1.2 Application features

Two-wire technology
• Power supply and output signal on one two-wire cable.
• Output signal and signal processing com­pletely digital, therefore maximum accu­racy.
• Profibus profile 3 – sensor.
• Level measurement of solids, liquids and pastes.
• Gauge measurement, distance measure­ment, object monitoring and conveyor belt monitoring.
Rugged and precise
• Measurement unaffected by substance properties such as density, conductivity, dielectric constant…
• Suitable for corrosive substances.
• Measuring range 0.8 m … 70 m.
Adjustment options
• With adjustment software VEGA Visual Operating (VVO) on the PC.
• With detachable adjustment module MINICOM.
Measured value display
• Measured value display integrated in the sensor.
• Optional display separate from sensor.
• Adjustment module MINICOM in sensor.
Connection to any process
• G 1 A, DN 50, DN 80, DN 200, DN 250
VEGASON 54P … 56P 5
Product description

1.3 Profibus output signal

PROPRO sult of a joint project of thirteen companies and five universities. The companies Bosch, Klöckner-Möller and Siemens played a deci­sive role. The specifications of the bus are described in the protocol layers 1, 2 and 7 of the ISO/OSI reference model and are avail­able from the PNO (Profibus user organisa­tion). Layers 3 … 5 have not yet been developed as a standard, leaving Profibus with far-reaching perspectives for the future.
Today approx. 600 companies make use of Profibus technology and belong to the PNO. Profibus Specification, Profibus Periphery and Profibus mation.
As a process automation bus, Profibus PA enables power supply over the bus. Up to 32 sensors can be operated on a shielded two­wire cable that carries both power supply and measurement signal. In Ex areas, up to ten sensors can be connected from the PA level to one two-wire cable (EEx ia).
Bus structure
The Profibus DP and PA network consists of up to 126 master and slave participants. Data are always exchanged from point to point, with the data traffic being exclusively controlled and checked by master devices. Communication is carried out according to the Token-Passing procedure. This means that the master holding the Token can contact the slaves, give instructions, enquire data and cause the slaves to receive and transmit data. After the work is done or after a prede­termined time interval, the Token is passed on by the master to the next master.
BUS (PROFIBUS) is the re-
FMS stands for Fieldbus Messaging
DP for Decentralised
A for Process Auto-
Master-Class 1
is the actual automation system, i.e. the proc­ess control computer or the PLC that en­quires and processes all measured values.
Master-Class 2
One or several Master-Class 2 can operate in a Profibus network. As a rule, Master-Class 2 devices are engineering, adjustment or visu­alisation stations. The VEGA adjustment soft­ware VVO (VEGA Visual Operating) operates as Master-Class 2 participant on the DP bus and can work on an engineering PC, on an adjustment PC or on the process control computer and can access any VEGA sensor on the PA level.
Instrument master file
A so-called GSD file is delivered with every VEGASON Profibus sensor. This file is nec­essary for integrating the sensor into the bus system. The GSD file (instrument master file) contains, beside the sensor name and the manufacturer, the sensor-specific communi­cation parameters which are necessary for a stable integration of the sensor in the bus.
Load the GSD file belonging to the sensor into your bus configuration program. If the GSD file is not available, it can be loaded from the VEGA homepage:
Do not confuse the GSD file with the EDD (Electronic Device Description), a file neces­sary for the PDM environment (this can be also found on the VEGA homepage).
6 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Product description

1.4 Adjustment

Each measuring situation is unique. For that reason, every ultrasonic sensor needs some basic information on the application and the environment, e.g. which level means "empty" and which level "full". Beside this "empty and full adjustment", many other settings and adjustments are possible with VEGASON ultrasonic sensors. The output of echo curves or the calculation of vessel lineari­sation curves by means of vessel dimen­sions are only two examples.
Profibus adjustment scheme
In the Profibus environment, there are differ­ent adjustment concepts and adjustment tools which often differ considerably from manufacturer to manufacturer. From the us­er’s point of view, a manufacturer-independ­ent adjustment program which could be operated directly on the Profibus DP, as well as at any system node (e.g. the engineering station or the process control), would be ideal.
In the past, only the program "SIMATIC PDM", based on the HART® adjustment scheme, could fulfil this wish (though with the limita­tions common to HART®). As with HART®, the availability of an instrument-specific database for a comprehensive adjustment with PDM (Process Device Managing) is a requirement. Otherwise, only the basic instrument func­tions, such as adjustment, are available. In the PDM environment, this instrument-spe­cific database is called EDD (Electronic De­vice Description), in perfect analogy to the HART® environment which also requires, except for the VEGA HART® instruments, a DD (Device Description) for each sensor.
We are aware of the disadvantages of the HART® environment: for each sensor/partici­pant, an individual DD must be loaded, which in addition, must always be the latest and most up-to-date DD. Special adjustment options such as e.g., the output of an echo curve, are available neither with HART® nor with PDM. User-friendly adjustment is out of the question. With VEGA’s adjustment pro­gram VVO, those restrictions belong to the past.
The legitimate wish of many Profibus users for a manufacturer-independent adjustment tool without EDD has been realised in the form of PACTware
TM 1)
. An association of a number of process technology companies developed PACTwareTM: a Process Automa­tion Configuration Tool that can run different manufacturer software tools under a stand­ardised user interface and adjustment scheme. Specialists call this technology Field Device Transcription. Just as different Win­dows printer drivers enable operation of completely different printers under a single user interface, PACTware
enables operation of all field instruments under a single user interface. Instrument-specific databases (EDD), like those required for SIMATIC PDM, are not necessary.
As a result of this development, four adjust­ment media are available for VEGA Profibus sensors:
- adjustment with the PC and the adjustment
program VVO (VEGA Visual Operating) as stand-alone tool, on the segment coupler or directly on the sensor.
- adjustment with the detachable adjustment
module MINICOM in the sensor
- adjustment with the SIMATIC PDM adjust-
ment program (requires EDD instrument databases) from the control room
- adjustment with the manufacturer-inde-
pendent user interface PACTwareTM on the sensor, from the control room or on the segment coupler.
VEGASON 54P … 56P 7
Product description
Adjustment with the adjustment pro­gram VVO - VEGA Visual Operating
The setup and adjustment of the ultrasonic sensors is generally done on the PC with the adjustment program VEGA Visual Operating (VVO) under Windows®. The program leads quickly through adjustment and parameter setting by means of pictures, graphics and process visualisations.
The adjustment program VVO must be avail­able in version 2.70 or higher.
The VEGA adjustment software VVO (VEGA Visual Operating) operates either as a subprogram of the host program PACTware acc. to the FDT concept (Field Device Tool) or as an independent adjustment program on any PC, engineering station or process con­trol computer.
The adjustment program recognises the sensor type
Visualised input of a vessel linearisation curve in the adjustment program VVO
VEGA’s adjustment program VVO can ac­cess the adjustment options of VEGA sen­sors in their entirety and, if necessary, can update the complete sensor software. For communication with Profibus sensors, the adjustment program either requires a Profibus-Master-Class2 interface card or the interface adapter VEGACONNECT 3. The PC with the Profibus interface card can be connected directly to any point on the DP bus with the standard RS 485 Profibus cable. In conjunction with the adapter VEGACONNECT, the PC can be connected directly to the sensor. VEGACONNECT com­municates via a small plug directly with the respective sensor. The adjustment and parameter data can be
saved at any time on the PC with the adjust­ment software and can be protected by passwords. If necessary, the adjustments can be transferred quickly to other sensors. In practice, the adjustment program VVO is often installed as a tool on an engineering station or an operating station. VVO then accesses all VEGA sensors directly over the bus via the Profibus interface card (e.g. from Softing) as Master Class 2, from the DP level to the PA level (via segment coupler) right down to the individual sensor. Beside the instrument master file (GSD), with which a sensor is logged into the Profibus system, the majority of all Profibus sensors requires for adjustment, beside the specific adjustment software, also a so-called EDD (Electronic Device Description) for each sensor, in order to access and adjust the sensor from the bus levels. This is not the case with VVO. The adjustment software VVO can communicate at any time with all VEGA sensors without the help of a special database. Of course, all other non-Profibus VEGA sensors can be adjusted with the adjustment software as well (4 … 20 mA sensors or VBUS sensors). With VEGA sen­sors, it is not necessary to go looking for the latest EDD. This is the essential requirement for a manufacturer-independent adjustment program, like PACTwareTM, anticipated by many users, see following pages.
8 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Product description
Adr. 21
Adr. 22
Adr. 23
Master-Class 1
Adr. 1
Adr. 24
Adr. 10
Adr. 25 … 56
Profibus DP interface card as Master-Class 2 (e.g. Softing)
Adr. 58
Adr. 57
Segment coupler
(max. 32 participants)
Adr. 60
Adr. 59
Adr. 26
Adr. 25
Adr. 27
Adr. 28
Adr. 29
Adjustment of the VEGASON ultrasonic sensors from process control via a Profibus interface card in the proc­ess control computer or in an additional PC. The adjustment software VEGA Visual Operating (VVO) accesses the sensors bidirectionally via the interface (interface card).
VEGASON 54P … 56P 9
Product description
Adjustment with adjustment module MINICOM
With the small (3.2 cm x 6.7 cm) 6-key ad­justment module with display, you carry out the adjustment in clear text dialogue. The adjustment module can be plugged into the ultrasonic sensor or into the optional, external indicating instrument.
Tank 1 m (d)
Detachable adjustment module MINICOM
The adjustment module can be easily re­moved to prevent unauthorised sensor ad­justment.
Tank 1 m (d)
Tank 1 m (d)
Adjustment with the SIMA TIC PDM adjustment program
To adjust all essential functions of the VEGA sensor with the adjustment station SIMATIC PDM from Siemens, a so-called EDD is re­quired. Without this EDD, only the basic func­tions such as min./max. wet adjustment or integration time can be adjusted with the PDM adjustment program. Further important adjustment functions, such as input of the measuring environment or false echo stor­age, are not available without EDD. After integration of the EDD files in the Simatic PDM adjustment software, all important adjustment functions are accessible. If it is not at hand, the obligatory GSD (instrument master file) as well as the EDD (Electronic Device De­scription) necessary for PDM can be downloaded from the VEGA homepage (
Adjustment with PACTware
PACTwareTM is a manufacturer-independent automation/configuration tool through which access to instruments of different manufac­turers (Krohne, Pepperl + Fuchs, VEGA, WIKA-, Bürkert…) is possible. The VEGA adjustment software VVO works as a subprogram/menu. PACTwareTM activates the required menu options for the sensor/instru­ment being accessed.
PACTwareTM looks different than VVO and is designed with a tree structure. Operating instructions for PACTwareTM can be found in the PACTware described in this operating instructions manual.
documentation. They are not
max. 2.5 m
Adjustment with detachable adjustment module. The adjustment module can be plugged into the ultrasonic sensor or into the external indicating instrument VEGADIS 50.
10 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Product description

1.5 T ype survey

VEGASON 54 … 56 sensors are a newly developed generation of very compact ultra­sonic sensors for large measuring ranges. For shorter measuring ranges, VEGASON 51 … 53 sensors are used.
Thanks to the small housing dimensions and process fittings, the compact sensors are a very cost-effective solution for your level measurement applications. Swivelling holders enable quick orientation of the transducers to the liquid or solid surface. Because the sen­sor electronics and transducer can be sepa­rated, installation is very simple. It is possible to separate the sensor electronics up to 300 m from the transducer. As a result, the transducer can handle ambient temperatures up to 150°C (VEGASON 56).
General features
• Application in solids and liquids.
• Measuring range 0.8 m … 70 m.
• Ex-approved in Zone 10 (IEC) or Zone 11 (ATEX) classification mark EEx ia [ia] IIC T6 or Zone 20/21/22, VEGASON 56 also Zone 1.
• Integrated measured value display in the sensor or in the external indicating instru­ment which can be mounted up to 25 m away from the sensor.
Version A Version B Version C Version D
Version A Version B Version C Version D
Version A Version B Version C Version D
VEGASON 54P … 56P 11

1.6 Type code

Product description
K - Plastic housing PBT, M20 x 1.5 cable entry N - Plastic housing PBT, A - Aluminium housing, M20 x 1.5 cable entry
FEP - Version A, flange DN 200 (PP) FEA - Version A, flange DN 200 (Aluminium) FLP - Version A, flange 8" (PP) FLA - Version A, flange 8" (Aluminium) SAS - Version B, flange swivelling holder DN 50 SBS - Version B, flange swivelling holder DN 80 GAS - Version C, flange swivelling holder DN 50 GBS - Version C, flange swivelling holder DN 80 RGS - Thread G 1 A YYY - Other process fittings
X - without display A - with integrated display
X - without adjustment module MINICOM B - with adjustment module MINICOM (mounted)
A - 20 … 72 V DC; 20 … 250 V AC; 4 … 20 mA (four-wire) B - 20 … 72 V DC; 20 … 250 V AC; 4 … 20 mA, HART
(four-wire) E - Power supply via signal conditioning instrument G - Segment coupler for Profibus PA P - 90 … 250 V AC (only in USA) N - 20 … 36 V DC, 24 V AC (only in USA) Z - Supply via signal conditioning instrument (only in USA)
.X - without approval EXS.X - StEx Zone 10
K - Analogue 4 … 20 mA output signal (two-wire or
four-wire technology) V - Digital output signal (two-wire technology) P - Profibus
Type 54 - Measuring range 1.0 … 25 m Type 55 - Measuring range 0.8 … 45 m Type 56 - Measuring range 1.6 … 70 m
Measuring principle (SON for ultrasonic)
½" NPT cable entry
12 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Mounting and installation

2 Mounting and installation

2.1 Mounting

Version A
Sensors in version A (flange version) are supplied completely assembled and ready for operation. Immediately after mounting on the vessel and electrical connection, they are ready for operation.
Version B
Sensors in version B are supplied in two parts (transducer and sensor electronics). First of all, mount the transducer on the ves­sel or above the medium. There is a four-pole jack at the end of the transducer tube. The respective counterpart to the jack protrudes out of the lower side of the sensor electron­ics. Insert the plug of the sensor electronics (only possible in one position) into the jack of the transducer tube. Continue pushing the electronics housing onto the transducer tube, on which there is a wide and a narrow groove.
Groove for locking the headless screw
Mounting groove (must no longer be visible after mounting)
The wide groove is used for locking the headless screws. The narrow groove is an assembly mark. Move the electronics hous­ing farther down over the transducer tube until the mounting groove is no longer visible. Fasten the housing with the headless screws to the transducer tube. Use a 5 mm hexagon screwdriver (or Allen wrench).
VEGASON 54P … 56P 13
Mounting and installation
Ver sion C and D
The sensors in version C and D are supplied in three parts (transducer, sensor electronics and transducer cable). First mount the trans­ducer (see version B). There is a four-pole jack at the transducer tube end. A respective counterpart to the jack is provided in the connection cylinder of the transducer cable. Insert the connection cylinder plug into the jack of the transducer tube. S
Connection cylinder
Mounting bracket
Connection cylinder
Transducer cable
On the end of the transducer tube you find a wide and a narrow groove. The wide groove is used for locking the cylinder with the head­less screws. The narrow groove is the as­sembly mark.
Then push the connection cylinder onto the transducer tube (with a slight swivelling mo­tion) until the assembly mark is no longer visible.
When the assembly mark is covered by the cylinder, fasten the cylinder with the two headless screws. Use a 5 mm hexagon screwdriver (or Allen wrench).
Now mount the sensor electronics at the requested location. The sensor electronics is fastened to a mounting bracket so that it can be mounted on a plain surface or on a wall. Make sure that the sensor electronics is mounted in such a way that there is enough space above the electronics to open the cover.
Now insert the plug at the other end of the transducer cable into the jack on the elec­tronics housing.
Avoid bending the transducer cable too sharply when laying it out. This is a special cable which could otherwise be damaged.
In addition, make sure that the cable cannot be damaged during operation. A signal with a voltage of approx. 1 kV is transmitted (which could be a danger in Ex areas if the cable is damaged) via the shielded cable cores.
Groove for locking the headless screws
Mounting groove (must no longer be visible after mounting)
14 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Mounting and installation

2.2 General installation instructions

Measuring range
version, the instrument flange (version A). Please note the information on the reference
Beside other criteria, you select your instru­ment according to the required measuring range. The reference plane for the min. and
planes in chapter "7.4 Dimensions". The max. filling depends on the required min. distance and the mounting location.
max. distance to the liquid or solids is the transducer end, or for instruments in flange
Reference plane
min. distance
1.0 m
100 %
0 %
Min. distance, max. measuring range, span and reference plane
0 %
max. meas. range
max. meas. distance 25 m (type 54), 45 m (type 55), 70 m (type 56)
min. distance 0.8 m
100 %
Reference plane
min. distance 1.4 m
100 %
0 %
Beam angle and false echoes
At greater distance, the energy of the ultra­sonic impulses distributes over a large area,
The ultrasonic impulses are focused by the transducers. The impulses leave the trans­ducer in a conical form similar to the beam pattern of a spotlight. The beam angle is 4°
thus causing weaker echoes from obstruct­ing surfaces. The interfering signals are therefore less critical than those at close range.
(VEGASON 54), 5° (VEGASON 55) and 6° (VEGASON 56) at -3 dB emitted power. Any object, e.g. tubes or struts inside this emission cone will cause a large false echo. Especially within the first few meters of the
If possible, orient the sensor axis perpen­dicularly to the product surface and avoid vessel installations (e.g. pipes and struts) within the 100 % area of the emission cone.
emission cone, pipes, struts, or other installa­tions can interfere with the measurement. At a distance of 6 m, the false echo of a strut has an amplitude nine times greater than at a distance of 18 m.
VEGASON 54P … 56P 15
The following illustration of the ultrasonic beams is simplified and represents only the main beam - a number of additional weaker beams exists.
0 m
Meas. distance
Mounting and installation
0 m
Emitted power
50 %
100 %
Emitted power
25 m
Meas. distance
45 m
0 m
50 %
Emitted power
100 %
Emitted power
Meas. distance
50 %
Emitted power
100 %
Emitted power
70 m
Therefore, in practical application, the trans­ducer has to be oriented so that the lowest possible false echo signal strength is achieved. Only giving attention to the size of the useful echo is usually not adequate under difficult measuring conditions. In most cases, a low false echo level enables the sensor to reliably pick up the useful echo. With the adjustment software VVO on the PC, you can view the echo image (see manual VVO "Sen­sor optimisation".
16 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Mounting and installation

2.3 Measurement of liquids

Flat vessel top
On flat vessels, mounting is usually done on a very short DIN socket piece. The lower side of the flange is the reference plane. The transducer should protrude out of the flange pipe.
< 100 mm
VEGASON 55 in flange version on short DIN socket piece
< 400 mm
Reference plane
Min. distance Type 54: 1 m Type 55: 0.8 m
Reference plane
A mounting location directly on the vessel top is ideal. A round opening in the vessel top is sufficient to fasten the sensor with the flange or version B and C with the swivelling holder.
Reference plane
Min. meas. distance
1.8 m
Swivelling holder
Min. meas. dis-
tance 1.4 m
Reference plane
Flange version and swivelling holder on flat vessel top
It is also possible to mount version C sensors in a 1" thread.
Min. distance
1.8 m
< 60 mm
Reference plane
VEGASON 56 in flange version on short DIN socket piece
Mounting of the transducer in a 1" thread
VEGASON 54P … 56P 17
Dished tank top
On dished tank tops, please do not mount the instrument in the centre or close to the vessel wall, but approx. ½ vessel radius from the centre. Dished tank ends can act as paraboloidal reflectors. If the transducer is placed in the focal point of the parabolic tank, the ultrasonic sensor receives amplified false echoes. The transducer should be mounted outside the focal point. Parabolically amplified echoes can be thereby avoided.
Mounting and installation
Reference plane
< 100 mm
½ vessel radius
VEGASON 54 on dished tank top; applies also to VEGASON 55
< 400 mm
/2 vessel radius
VEGASON 56 on dished tank top
Reference plane
Open vessels
On open vessels, the sensors can be readily installed on extended mounting brackets. Mount the low-weight sensor onto such a bracket and ensure a sufficient distance from the vessel wall.
Reference plane
Min. meas.
Min. meas. distance
Reference plane
Open vessel
18 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Mounting and installation
Pump shaft
Narrow, uneven shafts, wells and vessel openings with very rough walls and shoul­ders make ultrasonic measurements ex­tremely difficult due to strong false echoes. This problem can be overcome by using an extended socket piece or a complete meas­uring tube (see chapter "2.5 Socket exten­sion").
see "2.5 Socket extensions"
Socket piece
Shaft pump
Measuring tube socket or measuring tube in a shaft
250 mm
Shaft pump
Measuring tube
min. distance
Meas. range

2.4 Measurement of solids

Flange mounting
For containers with solids, as with applica­tions for liquids, the instrument can be mounted on a short DIN socket piece. The transducer end should protrude out of the socket so that it does not interfere with ultra­sonic signals. The swivelling holder enables not only correct orientation to the product surface but also minimisation of possible false echoes.
Different filling conditions often lead to a vary­ing product surface orientation. This causes the useful echo to vary in quality. For this reason, the transducer should be mounted in such a way that, even in an empty vessel, the false echo intensity remains as low as possi­ble. You can view the echo curve on the PC with the adjustment program VVO.
Reference plane
Min. distance
Very good measuring results can be attained with a measuring tube in continuous narrow shafts, see illustration. The applied measur­ing tube must have smooth walls inside (e.g. PE sewage pipe) and a diameter 200 mm. This arrangement works well as long as the inside of the measuring tube collects no dirt or buildup (cleaning necessary). You might want to consider using hydrostatic pressure transmitters or capacitive measuring probes. The measuring tube should either be never immersed in the medium, or always im­mersed, making the measurement take place exclusively in the tube.
VEGASON 54P … 56P 19
VEGASON 54C with adapter flange on a DN 200 vessel flange
Mounting and installation
Mounting boss
Reference plane
Min. distance
VEGASON 56 in 1" mounting boss.
The socket axis should be oriented to the product surface. More suitable is the use of a swivelling holder version (type B, C), as described on previous pages.
Material heaps

2.5 Socket extensions

Ultrasonic sensors require a min. distance to the liquid or solid. Take the min. distance into account in your planning. In some situations, it is possible to reach the required min. dis­tance, and hence the desired filling height with a socket extension. However, the socket piece increases the noise level of the ultra­sonic signal at the extension outlet and can interfere with the measurement. Only use a socket extension if all other possibilities have to be excluded. Carry out the extension as shown in the following illustration.
Socket extensions for liquids
Chamfer and deburr the socket carefully and make sure that it has a smooth inner surface. The socket should not protrude into the measured product, in case buildup can form on the socket through dirt or product residues.
For non-adhesive measured products, a socket extension in the form of a measuring tube can be permanently submerged in the product. The ultrasonic measurement is then made exclusively in the measuring tube and works very well without interference from other vessel installations (see "Pump shaft").
Large material heaps are usually measured with several instruments, which can be mounted on e.g. traverse cranes. If material cones form, we recommend orienting the sensors to the solid surface.
Socket piece should not be immersed into adhesive products (figure: VEGASON 54)
Transducer on traverse crane above a material heap
20 VEGASON 54P … 56P
Mounting and installation
The socket diameter should be as large and the socket length as small as possible. To minimise false echoes, make sure that the socket outlet is burr-free.
Typ e 5 4
Socket extensions not immersed into the medium
Typ e 5 5
Max. socket length in relation to socket diameter
ø in mm L in mm
Type 54 Type 55 Type 56
200 400 – – –– 250 500 500 500 300 –– –– 600

2.6 False echoes

The mounting location of the ultrasonic sensor must be selected such that no installations or inflowing material are in the path of the ultra­sonic impulses. The following examples and instructions show the most frequent measur­ing problems and how to avoid them.
Vessel protrusions
Vessel forms with flat protrusions can, due to their strong false echoes, adversely effect the measurement. Shields above these flat protrusions scatter the false echoes and guarantee a reliable measurement.
Correct Incorrect
Socket extension in solids
For solids, use a conical socket extension with a taper of at least 15° … 20°.
Vessel protrusions (slope)
Intake pipes, e.g. for the mixing of materials, with a flat surface directed towards the sen­sor should be covered with a sloping shield. The shield will scatter the false echo.
Correct Incorrect
15˚ 15˚
Socket extension in solids
Vessel protrusions (intake pipe)
VEGASON 54P … 56P 21
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