Vega Q700 Owner's Manual

Wireless Intercom System
Owner’s Manual
(revision 3.41 - August 1, 2001)
Q700 2
Quick Setup
Some info about reading the detail section found later in the manual (indexing this sec­tion would be helpful!)
Quick Setup Procedure
1. Attach the two wire whip antennas to the BNC connectors on the back panel of the MS-700 master station.
2. Install the power cord and plug it into the AC source. Turn on the MS-700 with the front panel power switch.
3. Insert fresh batteries into the BP-700 bodypacks and turn them "on" via the power switch on the main volume control. The power indicator near this control should illuminate briefly.
4. Plug a compatible headset into each BP-700.
5. Make certain that the operating frequency ranges of the MS-700 and BP-700 match. If there is any question, look at the frequency labels on the bottom of the MS-700 and inside the battery compartment of the BP-700’s.
6. Verify that the frequency ranges and specific frequencies programmed into the MS-700 and BP-700’s are those authorized for the location. If you are not certain that the currently-programmed frequencies are correct, verify each of them using the procedure on page 7.
7. Move the BP-700 beltpacks at least 6 feet (2 M) away from the MS-700 and separate them from each other by at least 10 inches (40 cm). Momentarily depress the “A” pushbutton.
8. Observe the "RF" LED's on the receiver section of the front panel of the MS-700. The LED corresponding to each active BP-700 should be illuminated. If not, recheck that the BP-700 is turned on and that the frequencies are correct.
9. In turn, momentarily depress the "B" and "C" pushbuttons on each BP-700. The corresponding receiver "mode" LED's on the MS-700 should illuminate red for pushbutton "B", green for "C" and orange for “D”.
10. Depress the "on" pushbutton on the front panel of the MS-700 for each active receiver channel. The adjacent LED should illuminate to indicate that the channel is selected.
11. Speak into the headset microphone for each BP-700 while alternately pressing and releasing pushbutton "A" on the unit. You should be able to hear your voice in the headset earpiece in one position or the other. If not, the headset microphone type may be set incorrectly. See page 8 for programming a BP-700 for dynamic or electret microphones.
Note: Whether audio is present
when the pushbutton is pressed or when it is released depends upon the programmed operating mode of the BP-700. See page 8 for details.
Q700 3
Quick Setup (continued)
12. While speaking into each of the BP-700 headset mics, select the corresponding monitor "
switch on the MS-700 front panel. Observe the bar-graph LED's on the left side of the MS-700 front panel. The "-2" LED should illuminate often on voice peaks, but the "+3" LED should illuminate only rarely.
13. If necessary, adjust the microphone gain for the BP-700 via the screwdriver adjustment access hole on the side of the unit closest to the "D" pushbutton. This is the top adjustment to the right of the XLR connector and to the left of the "D" pushbutton.
14. If applicable, connect the wired intercom system to the rear panel of the MS-700. Two intercom channels can be accommodated at the same time. For standard Clear-Com intercom lines, connect line one to the IC1/IC2 XLR connector, and line two to the IC2 connector. For "TW" and RTS systems, both channels are on the same connector, which should be plugged into "IC1/IC2".
15. Select "Clear-Com" on the rear panel (Clear-Com – TW/RTS pushbutton "in") for standard Clear-Com lines, or "TW/RTS" for Clear-Com two-wire or RTS intercom lines (pushbutton "out").
16. On the MS-700 front panel, select one or both intercom channels via the "on" pushbuttons in the intercom area on the panel. The incoming signal can be monitored by selecting the appropriate monitor "
pushbutton and observing the bar-graph LED's as described above.
17. Adjust the intercom input and output levels for the intercom lines as necessary with the front panel "in" and "out" trimmers. If the "null" control requires adjustment, see page 14 “Operational Features.”
18. If applicable, connect balanced line-level program audio or IFB audio to the "PROG" XLR connector on the MS-700 rear panel. Monitor and adjust level with the corresponding controls on the front panel of the unit.
Tx mic gain adjustment
Rx squelch
Q700 4
Table of Contents
Quick Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
MS-700 Controls and Indicators . . . . . .5
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Programming System Frequencies . . . . .7
via Front Panel Controls . . . . . . . . . . .7
via QPK-1 Kit and Software . . . . . . . .8
Programming Beltpack Frequencies . . . .9
Locking the MS-700 Control Panel . . . .9
Changing the Software Password . . . . . .9
Programming Beltpack Mode . . . . . . . .10
via Panel/Pushbuttons . . . . . . . . . . .10
via QPK-1 Kit and Software . . . . . . .12
Beltpack Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Battery Information . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Installing Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
System Operation and Features . . . . . .14
System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Operational Features . . . . . . . . . . . .14
BP-700 Headset Compatibility . . . . .15
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
A word to Vega Users
In selecting a Vega intercom system, you are assured of the highest quality and performance. Vega has been the leader in wireless intercom systems for well over a decade. This experience insures you of a Vega Intercom System of quality, performance and reliability.
Verify the number of boxes shown “as shipped” and that all have been received in good condition. Unpack your equipment, saving all cartons for storage or reshipping. If, for any reason, you do not find the equipment to be completely satisfactory, please immediately contact your Vega dealer or the Vega factory.
Should service ever be required, remember your authorized Vega service dealer knows your equipment best. they have the training and test equipment necessary to restore your equipment to its’ peak performance.
And of course, please feel free to contact either your authorized Vega dealer or the Vega factory for information or assistance at any time.
Q700 5
MS-700 Controls and Indicators
Summary: This section gives a brief overview of the controls and indicators of the MS-700 as found on the front and rear control panels.
Front Panel Controls and Connectors
Monitor Volume Control
– Adjusts the volume of the headset monitor output. Used for aural monitoring of the output for: internal receivers, intercom input, program audio input, or transmitter audio signal as selected by one of the 10 monitor ("
") pushbuttons. Any combination of
these ten "
" button functions can be simultaneously monitored. If additional MS-700’s are connected via the rear panel ‘monitor cascade’ (“
” and “
”), any combination of the ten monitor
") button functions on any or all of
the MS-700’s can be monitored.
Monitor Output
– Stereo 1/4" (6.35 mm) headset jack. Use only with stereo-wired headsets (25 ohm minimum impedance per side); connection of mono-wired headsets will short one side of the audio and cause distortion.
Monitor Bar-graph
– Five segment LED bar-graph display, dB scaled, designated +3 dB (overload), -2 dB (normal peak), -7 dB (high normal), -12 dB (normal), -24 dB (active, low).
Receivers Controls and Indicators
(identical for all six)
– Indicates that the associated receiver channel is receiving a valid RF signal, including the tone squelch/data subcarrier.
• When off (when RF LED is on) indicates that the associated BP­700 beltpack is sending the "mode A" command (see below).
• When red, indicates that the associated BP-700 beltpack is sending the "mode B" command.
• When green, indicates that the associated BP-700 beltpack is sending the "mode C" command.
• When orange, indicates that the associated BP-700 beltpack is sending the "mode D" command.
– When illuminated, indicates that the battery in the associated beltpack is low. When this indicator first illuminates, approximately 30 minutes of useful battery life remains.
- When selected (as indicated by the associated LED), enables the receiver audio and routes it to the other audio circuitry in the MS-700.
– When selected (as indicated by the associated LED), routes a sample of the receiver audio to the monitor amplifier and bar-graph. The audio may be monitored whether on not it is selected (ON).
LVL Control
– Trims the level from the receiver channel to accommodate soft or loud speakers. Limited adjustment range.
SQ Control
– Adjusts the signal level squelch circuitry in the associated receiver. Clockwise rotation will set the receiver such that a stronger signal is required to open the squelch gate in the receiver. The squelch adjust control does not affect the tone coded squelch function.
IC Controls and Indicators
(identical for two intercom interfaces)
– Indicates that the associated intercom line is powered. For Clear-Com lines, the LED's are independent and show status for each line individually. For the TW mode, both LED's will illuminate if the two­wire line has power on channel 2.
– Enables the associated intercom channel in the same manner as for the receiver channels.
– Operates in the same manner
as the receiver monitor (“
”) switches.
IN Control
– Trims the audio level coming
from the wired intercom system (when ON).
OUT Control
– Trims the audio level from
the MS-700 to the wired intercom system
NULL Control
– For Clear-Com and TW intercom interfaces, adjusts the different line impedances to control the sidetone level.
– Enables the monitor function for the incoming program or IFB audio.
– Adjusts the level of incoming
program/IFB audio.
– Monitors the audio input to the master station transmitter main audio channel.
Frequency Programming Controls
(Behind front panel door,
see detail drawing)
Function Select Switch
– Selects the transmitter or receiver to be programmed, as follows:
• Position "0" – Accepts external programming input via the 2.5 mm connector.
• Position "1" – Programs receiver #1 frequency.
• Positions "2" through 6" – Programs receiver #2 through #6 respectively.
• Position "7" – Programs the master station transmitter frequency.
• Position "8" – With beltpack connected via 2.5mm connector, programs the beltpack receiver frequency.
• Position "9" – With beltpack connected, programs the beltpack transmit frequency.
+ 11 hidden pages