Tascam DR-680 User Manual

Portable Multitrack Recorder
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous volta ge” w ithin the p rodu ct’s encl osure that may b e of suffi cien t magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
For U.S.A.
Th is eq uip men t has been tes ted a nd fo und to comply with the limits for a Class B digital de v i c e , pur s u an t to Pa r t 15 of th e FCC Rule s. T hese limits a re des igned to p ro vide re a s o n a b l e p r o t e c t io n ag a i n s t h a r m fu l interference in a residential installation. This equipment gen er ates, uses, and can radiate ra dio frequ enc y energy and, if n ot i nst alled and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interfere nce to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.
a) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
b) I n c re a s e the se p ar a t io n be tw e e n t h e
equipment and receiver.
c) Conn ect th e equi pment into an o utlet on
a ci rc uit diffe re nt from tha t to w hich the receiver is connected.
d) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
TV technician for help.
This appliance has a serial number located on the rear panel. Please record the model number and serial number and retain them for your records.
Model number
Serial number
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by TEAC CORPORATION for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
1 Read these instructions.
2 Keep these instructions.
3 Heed all warnings.
4 Follow all instructions.
5 Do not use this apparatus near water.
6 Clean only with dry cloth.
7 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
8 Do no t install ne a r a ny he a t sourc e s s u ch
as radiators, hea t reg isters, stoves, o r other appa ratus (incl uding amplifier s ) that produce heat.
9 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized
or grounding -type plug. A p olarize d plug has two bla des w ith o ne wi der th an the oth er. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third ground ing pron g. The wi de blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided pl ug d oes not fit into yo ur o utlet, con sult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10 Protect the power cord from being walked on
or pi nched pa rti cularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
Do not expose this apparatus to drips or splashes.
Do not place any objects filled with liquids, such as
vases, on the apparatus.
Do not install this apparatus in a confined space
such as a book case or similar unit.
The apparatus draws nominal non-operating power
from the AC outlet with its POWER or STANDBY/
ON switch not in the ON position.
The apparatus should be located close enough
to the AC outlet so that you can easily grasp the
power cord plug at any time.
The mains plug is used as the disconnect device,
the disconnect device shall remain readily operable.
If the product uses batteries (including a battery
pack or installed batt eries), they should not be
exposed to sunshine, fire or excessive heat.
CAUTION for products that use replaceable lithium
batteries: there is danger of explosion if a battery is
replaced with an incorrect type of battery. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Caution should be taken when using earphones or
headphones with the product because excessive
sound pressure (volume) from earphones or head­phones can cause hearing loss.
11 Only use attachments/accessories specified by
the manufacturer.
12 Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or
table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or
when unused for long periods of time.
14 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Servicing is re quired when the appar atus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus , the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
This product uses batteries. Misuse of batteries could cause a leak, rupture or other trouble. Always abide by the following precautions when using batteries.
Never recharge non-rechargeable batteries. The
batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire or injury.
When installing batteries, pay attention to the polar-
ity indications (plus/minus (+/–) orientation), and
install them correctly in the battery compartment as indicated. Putting them in backward could make the batteries rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
When you store or dispose of batteries, isolate their
terminals with insulating tape or similar to prevent them
from contacting other batteries or metallic objects.
When thro wing use d ba tteries away, follow t he
disposal instructions indicated on the batteries and
the local disposal laws.
Do not use batteries other than those specified.
Do not mix and use new and old batteries or differ-
ent types of batteries together. The batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
Do not carry or store batteries together with small
metal objects. The batteries could short, causing
leak, rupture or other trouble.
Do not heat or disassemble batteries. Do not put
them in fire or water. Batteries could rupture or leak,
causing fire, injury or stains around them.
If the battery fluid leaks, wipe away any fluid on
the battery case before inserting new batteries. If
the battery fluid gets in an eye, it could cause loss of eyesight. If fluid does enter an eye, wash it out thoroughly with clean water without rubbing the eye and then consult a doctor immediately. If the fluid gets on a person’s body or clothing, it could cause skin injuries or burns. If this should happen, wash it off with clean water and then consult a doctor immediately.
Remove the batt er ies if you do not plan to use
the unit for a long time. Batteries could rupture or
leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them. If the battery fluid leaks, wipe away any fluid on the battery compartment before inserting new batteries.


1 – Introduction .........................................................7
Features .............................................................................7
Items included with the product ....................................7
Conventions used in this manual ...................................7
Intellectual property rights .............................................8
About SD cards .................................................................9
Precautions for use ............................................................9
Beware of condensation .................................................9
Cleaning the unit ..............................................................9
2 – Names and Functions of Parts...........10
Top panel .........................................................................10
Front panel .....................................................................11
Left side panel ...............................................................13
Right side panel .............................................................14
Bottom panel .................................................................15
Home Screen ..................................................................16
Menu structure ...............................................................17
Using menus ...................................................................18
Operation basics.............................................................18
Functions Screen ............................................................18
Repeat activation .............................................................19
Pre-record activation .......................................................19
Auto-record activation .....................................................19
Limiter activation .............................................................19
Low-cut filter activation ...................................................19
3 – Preparations .......................................................20
Powering the unit ...........................................................20
About the power supply...................................................20
Using AA batteries ..........................................................20
Using the AC adaptor ......................................................20
Turning the power on and putting the unit into
standby .........................................................................21
Turning the power on ......................................................21
Putting the unit into standby ...........................................21
Inserting and removing SD cards .................................21
Inserting an SD card .......................................................21
Ejecting an SD card ..........................................................21
Preparing an SD card for use ........................................22
Card write-protection ......................................................22
Setting the date and time .............................................22
Monitoring playback with the built-in speaker .........22
Connecting monitoring equipment .............................23
Adjusting the display contrast ...................................23
4 – Recording..............................................................24
Files and takes ................................................................24
Recording settings .........................................................24
Setting the recording file format ......................................24
Setting the sampling frequency .......................................24
Setting the file recording mode ........................................25
Stereo track recording settings .........................................25
Creation of new takes when restarting recording .............25
Setting the name given to recording takes .......................26
Editing the user take names .............................................26
Available recording time display .......................................26
Set the folder for saving takes .....................................27
Connecting other equipment .......................................27
Input settings ..................................................................27
Setting the input sources .................................................27
Phantom power ...............................................................27
Selecting the inputs for recording to tracks 5 and 6 .........28
Adjusting the input levels .............................................28
Recording a take ............................................................29
Recording a stereo mix..................................................30
Using the solo function .................................................30
Automatically starting and pausing recording
(auto-record function) ................................................30
Using the auto-record function ........................................30
Auto-record settings ........................................................31
Automatically cutting unnecessary silences when
recording (silent cut function) ..........................................31
Automatically adding marks at the position where
recording restarts ............................................................31
Starting a new take and continuing to record ...........32
Manually starting a new take during recording ................32
Automatically starting a new take during recording .........32
Using the limiter .............................................................32
Using the low-cut filter .................................................33
Turning the low-cut filter on and off ................................33
Setting the cut-off frequency of the low-cut filter .............33
Using marks ....................................................................33
Manually adding marks when recording and during
playback .........................................................................33
Moving to a mark ...........................................................33
Erasing marks ..................................................................34
Pre-recording ..................................................................34
Recording times ..............................................................35
5 – Take and folder operations
(BROWSE screen) ...........................................36
Navigating the BROWSE screen ...................................36
Icons on the BROWSE screen .......................................36
Take operations ..............................................................36
Folder operations ...........................................................37
6 – Playback .................................................................38
Playback ..........................................................................38
Starting playback .............................................................38
Stopping playback ...........................................................38
Pausing playback .............................................................38
Searching forward and backward .....................................38
Selecting a take for playback ...........................................38
Changing the playback position (scrubbing) .....................38
Mixing and outputting a multitrack recording ..........39
Using the internal mixer ...................................................39
Using the solo function ....................................................39
Playing a stereo track ....................................................39
Setting the playback area .............................................40
Selecting a folder for the playback area on the
BROWSE screen ...........................................................40
Setting the search speed ...............................................40
Repeat playback ............................................................. 41
7 – Connection with a computer .............42
Copying files to a computer .........................................42
Copying files from a computer .....................................42
Ending the connection with a computer ....................43
8 – Other Settings and Information
Display ................................................................... 44
Output settings ............................................................. 44
Analog output settings ................................................... 44
Digital output settings .................................................... 44
System settings ............................................................. 44
Power AUTO OFF settings ................................................45
Turning the backlight off automatically ............................45
Cascade settings .............................................................45
Setting the extent of the panel operation lock function ....45
Setting the battery type .................................................. 46
Initializing the unit .......................................................... 46
Viewing system information ............................................ 46
Reformatting SD cards ................................................. 46
Viewing card information .............................................47
9 – Messages ............................................................. 48
10 – Troubleshooting ..........................................50
11 – Specifications ................................................. 51
Recording media and formats ......................................51
Input and output ............................................................51
Analog audio input and output .......................................51
Digital audio input and output .........................................51
Control input and output .................................................51
Audio performance ........................................................52
Requirements for connected computers .....................52
Other specifications .......................................................52
Dimensions ......................................................................53
Block diagrams ...............................................................54

1 – Introduction

Thank you very much for purchasing a TASCAM DR-680 Portable Multitrack Recorder. Please read this manual thoroughly before using the unit so that you understand correct operating procedures and can use its functions fully. We hope that you enjoy using this unit for many years.
Please keep this manual so that you can read it at any time. A digital copy of this manual can also be downloaded from our website (http://www.tascam. com/)


8-track recording with a resolution of up to 24-bit, • 96 kHz (6 analog inputs with stereo mix, or 6 analog inputs with digital stereo input)
2-track recording resolution of up to 24-bit, 192 • kHz
Recording/playback media: SD/SDHC cards (Class • 4 or faster)
Recording/playback formats: BWF, WAV, MP3•
Recording up to 4 tracks in MP3 format simultane-• ously possible
Sampling frequencies: 44.1, 48, 96 and 192 kHz •
Quantization rates: 16-bit, 24-bit •
MP3 files can be recorded at resolutions of • 96/128/192/320 kbps
6 balanced mic/line inputs (1–4 are XLR/TRS • combo jacks and 5–6 are TRS jacks)
Mic inputs can provide +48V phantom power•
Limiters on each input can automatically adjust • their levels appropriately if input levels are too high
Low-cut filters on each input are useful for reducing • low-frequency noise
6 unbalanced line outputs (RCA pin jacks)•
S/PDIF and AES/EBU digital input and output • (coaxial)
Cascade function allows the transport of multiple • DR-680 units to be controlled by a single master unit
Pre-record function allows up to 2 seconds of input • before the start of recording to be captured
Auto-record function allows the unit to start • recording automatically when it detects a set sound input level
Mark function allows movement to specific • playback positions
Key lock function can be used to prevent misop-• eration
Repeat playback function •
Mixer for monitoring with level and pan controls•
User can start a new take at any time without inter-• rupting recording
Take names can be based on a word set by the user • or the date
500-mW monaural output speaker built-in •
50-mW + 50-mW headphones output •
Operates on power from 8 AA batteries or an AC • adaptor (PS-1225L)
LCD with 128 x 64 pixel resolution and a backlight•
USB2.0 port •
USB cable included •

Items included with the product

The DR-680 package contains the following items.
Take care when opening the package not to damage the items. Keep the package materials for transportation in the future.
Please contact the store where you purchased this unit if any of these items are missing or have been damaged during transportation.
Main unit• .................................................................1
AC adaptor (TASCAM PS-1225L)• .........................1
USB cable (1.5 m)• ................................................... 1
Shoulder strap• .......................................................... 1
Warranty card• ..........................................................1
Owner’s manual (this document)• ............................1

Conventions used in this manual

The following conventions are used in this manual.
“SD memory card” is sometimes abbreviated as • “SD card.”
When we refer to a key or connector or control on • the DR-680, the typeface looks like this: MENU.
When we show messages, for example, that appear • on the screen, the typeface looks like this:
1 – Introduction
Additional information is introduced in the styles • below when needed:
We give hints and tips on using the DR-680 when you see this icon.
A note provides additional explanations for special situations.
A caution shows that you may lose data (recordings) if you do not follow the instructions.

Intellectual property rights

TASCAM is a trademark of TEAC Corporation, • registered in the U.S. and other countries.
SDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.•
Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, • and Windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Apple, Macintosh, iMac, Mac OS and Mac OS X • are trademarks of Apple Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed • from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
Supply of this product does not convey a license nor imply any right to distribute MPEG Layer-3 compliant content created with this product in revenue-generating broadcast systems (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or other distribution channels), streaming applications (via Internet, intranets and/or other networks), other content distribution systems (pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications and the like) or on physical media (compact discs, digital versatile discs, semiconductor chips, hard drives, memory cards and the like). An independent license for such use is required. For details, please visit http://mp3licensing.com.
Other company names, product names and logos • in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Any data, including, but not limited to infor­mation, described herein are intended only as illus­trations of such data and/or information and not as
TEAC Corporation disclaims any warranty that any use of such data and/or information shall be free from infringement of any third party’s intel­lectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such data and/or information.
This product is designed to help you record and reproduce sound works to which you own the copyright, or where you have obtained permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor. Unless you own the copyright, or have obtained the appropriate permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor, your unauthorized recording, reproduction or distribution thereof may result in severe criminal penalties under copyright laws and international copyright treaties. If you are uncertain about your rights, contact your legal advisor. Under no circumstances will TEAC Corporation be responsible for the conse­quences of any illegal copying performed using the recorder.

About SD cards

This unit uses SD cards for recording and playback.
A list of SD cards that have been tested with this unit can be found on the TASCAM web site (www.tascam. com).
this unit could result in the unit not functioning properly.

Precautions for use

SD cards are delicate media. In order to avoid damaging a card or the card slot, please take the following precautions when handling them.
Do not leave in extremely hot or cold places.•
Do not leave them in extremely humid places. •
Do not let them get wet. •
Do not put things on top of them or twist them. •
Do not hit them. •
1 – Introduction

Beware of condensation

If the unit is moved from a cold to a warm place, or used after a sudden temperature change, there is a danger of condensation; vapor in the air could condense on the internal mechanism, making correct operation impossible. To prevent this, or if this occurs, let the unit sit for one or two hours at the new room temperature before using.

Cleaning the unit

Use a dry soft cloth to wipe the unit clean. Do not clean the unit with a chemically treated cloth or substances such as benzene, thinner and alcohol because they might cause damage to the surface of the

2 – Names and Functions of Parts

Top panel

1 Built-in monaural speaker
Use this built-in speaker for monitoring. Use the PHONES knob to adjust the volume. When headphones are connected, no sound is output from this speaker.
2 INPUT switches
Use these to set the inputs to LINE or MIC.
3 HOLD switch
Slide this in the direction of the arrow to disable the STA NDBY/ON button to prevent the power from accidentally being cut.
4 MIC GAIN switches
Use these to adjust the gain of the mic inputs.
5 STANDBY/ON button
Press this to switch the unit power between ON and
6 PHANTOM switches
Use these to turn phantom power ON or OFF for input pairs 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6.
Press to select whether the stereo track or the multi­track (6-track) is played back.
8 MENU key
Press this key when the Home Screen is open to open the
Press this key when the return to the previous menu level.
9 DATA wheel
Use this to select items and change values on various settings screens.
When the Home Screen is open, use the DATA wheel to move the playback position in the take.
0 ENTER key
Use this to confirm selections, advance to the next level in a menu and respond “YES” to confirmation pop-up messages on various settings screens.
screen is open to
2 – Names and Functions of Parts
q / (cursor) keys
Use these on various settings screens to move the cursor left and right.
On the
down levels.
Use key to respond “NO” to confirmation pop-up messages on various settings screens or to cancel the current operation.
w Â/Ô key
Press this key during playback or when stopped in the middle of a take to return to the beginning of the current take.
Press when stopped at the beginning of the take to skip to the beginning of the previous take.
Press and hold to search backwards.
Press this key while pressing the MARK key on the front panel to move to the previous mark.
screen, use these to move up and

Front panel

e /¯ key
Press this key during playback or when stopped to skip to the beginning of the next take.
Press and hold to search forward.
Press this key while pressing the MARK key on the front panel to move to the next mark.
r STOP key
Press to stop recording and playback and locate the transport to the beginning of the current take.
Press to end recording standby.
Press this key while pressing the MARK key on the front panel to erase the current mark.
Press when stopped or paused to start playback.
Press during playback to pause at that position.
y PHONES jack and knob
Use this standard stereo phone jack to connect headphones. Use the PHONES knob to adjust the headphones and speaker output level.
u Display
This shows a variety of information related to the operation of the unit.
Press when any screen other than the Home Screen is open to return to the Home Screen.
Press when the Home Screen is open to open the Functions Screen.
Press to switch the counter display mode.
Turn the VALUE knob on the front panel while pressing this key to adjust the display contrast.
p MARK key
Press during playback or recording to add a mark at that time.
Press the Â/Ô key on the top panel while pressing this key to move to the previous mark.
Press the ¯/ key on the top panel while pressing this key to move to the next mark.
Press the STOP key on the top panel while pressing this key to erase the current mark.
2 – Names and Functions of Parts
a MIX PAN key
Press to open the the
settings screen is open to close it and
settings screen. Press when
return to the Home Screen.
s VALUE knob
Use this to change the value of the selected item on the
settings screens.
On the Functions Screen, use this to select function items, and press the knob to turn each function item ON or OFF.
Turn this knob while pressing the DISPL AY key on the front panel to adjust the display contrast.
d PAUSE key and indicator
Press when stopped or recording to start recording standby. The indicator lights when in recording standby.
Press when in recording standby to stop recording standby.
The PAUSE key on the front panel functions only when recording. Use the PLAY/PAUSE key on the top of the unit to pause playback.
k MIX (LOCK) key
On the
settings screen, press to select the
stereo track.
Press when in recording standby to arm/disarm the stereo track for recording.
During recording or when in recording standby, press and hold this key to enable monitoring of the stereo mix or the digital input signal
On the Home screen, press and hold this key to lock key operation of the panel. When locked, key operations of the top and/or front panels are disabled, preventing misoperation.
This function can be set to lock the key operations on both the top and front panels or either panel.
f REC key and indicator
Press when stopped or in recording standby to start recording. The indicator lights when recording or in recording standby.
Press this key when recording to end the current take and continue recording a new take without pause.
g REC TRIM key
Press to open the input
When the input
settings screen.
settings screen is open, press
to close it and open the Home Screen.
Press to open the
Press when the
settings screen.
settings screen is open to
close it and return to the Home Screen.
j1–6 keys
Use these to select tracks on the
settings screens.
Press when in recording standby to arm/disarm that track for recording.
On the Functions Screen, press to turn the selected function ON or OFF for that track.
Press and hold to enable/disable solo monitoring of that track.

Left side panel

These are balanced analog XLR/TRS combo jacks for microphone and line level inputs (1: GND 2: HOT 3: COLD, Tip: HOT Ring: COLD Sleeve: GND).
These are balanced analog TRS jacks for micro­phone and line level inputs (Tip: HOT Ring: COLD Sleeve: GND).
2 – Names and Functions of Parts
Confirm that phantom power is OFF before connecting
a line level device to a MIC/LINE INPUTS jack. If you
connect a line level device while phantom power is being supplied, that device and this unit could be damaged.
When using a condenser microphone, before
connecting to and disconnecting from a MIC/LINE
INPUTS jack, confirm that the phantom power for that jack is OFF. If you connect or disconnect a mic while phantom power is being supplied, that mic and this unit could be damaged.
Do not connect an unbalanced dynamic mic to an XLR
connector when phantom power is being supplied.
Doing so could damage that mic and this unit.
2 – Names and Functions of Parts

Right side panel

These RCA pin jacks are unbalanced analog output jacks. During the playback of multitrack files, the sound previously recorded on each track is output from these jacks.
During recording, the sound recorded to each track is output from these jacks.
During the playback of the multi-track, according to the unit setting, the stereo signal mixed by the internal mixer can be output from output jacks 1/2, 3/4 or 5/6.
During the playback of a stereo track, the sound of the stereo track is output through output jacks 1 and 2.
This is a digital input jack. The signal input through this jack can be recorded to tracks 5 and 6 or the stereo track. The unit automatically determines whether the input signal is S/PDIF (IEC60958-3) or AES3-2003/IEC60958-4 (AES/ EBU), which are both supported.
Transmission occurs at double speed when the sampling frequency is 96 kHz and at quad speed when 192 kHz.
When linking two of these units using the cascade function, connect the DIGITAL/SYNC OUT jack of the other DR-680 to this jack.
The stereo signal mixed by the internal mixer is output from this jack.
According to the unit setting, the signal is output in S/PDIF (IEC60958-3) or AES3-2003/IEC60958-4 (AES/EBU) format.
Transmission occurs at double speed when the sampling frequency is 96 kHz and at quad speed when 192 kHz.
When linking two of these units using the cascade function, connect the DIGITAL/SYNC IN jack of the other DR-680 to this jack.
v DC IN 12V jack
Connect the included AC adaptor (PS-1225L), which matches the power specifications of this unit.
b SD card slot/USB port cover
n Cord holder
Secure the cord of the included AC adaptor (PS-1225L) with this holder to prevent the plug from being disconnected accidentally.
m Kensington security slot
, SD card slot
Insert SD cards here.
. USB port
Connect this unit with a computer using a USB2.0 cable. The computer will recognize this unit as a mass storage device. No driver software is necessary.
Audio files can be transferred between an SD card in this unit and a computer by the USB connection.

Bottom panel

2 – Names and Functions of Parts
/ Hook for the shoulder strap
Attach the included shoulder strap here.
! Stand
Use this stand to raise the front of the unit when operating it on a flat surface.
@ Battery compartment cover
# Battery compartment
Install batteries (8 AA) for powering the unit in this compartment. (See “Using AA batteries” on page
2 – Names and Functions of Parts

Home Screen

1 Take name
When stopped or during playback, the name of the currently loaded take is shown.
When recording or in recording standby, the name of the take being recorded is shown.
Up to 11 characters are shown. Longer names are scrolled.
2 Recorder operation status
The operation status of the recorder is shown with one of the following icons.
: Stopped
: Playing back
: Paused
: Searching forward
: Searching backwards
: Recording
: Recording standby
: Skip forward
: Skip backward
3 Repeat icon
When the repeat function is ON, the repeat icon appears.
4 Power supply status
When operating on battery power, a battery icon appears.
Depending on the amount of remaining battery power, a number of bars appear ( , or ).
When the battery charge is very low, the last bar disappears, the icon blinks, and the unit’s power will soon change to standby.
When using the included AC adaptor (PS-1225L), the icon appears.
Even before the batteries lose their charge, a “Battery Low” warning pop-up message might appear if you try to start recording or conduct another operation that requires considerable power.
5 Level meters
These show the levels of tracks 1–6 and the stereo track.
When recording, if stereo track recording is ON and the stereo track recording source is set to DIGITAL IN, the stereo track meters become the DIGITAL IN input level meters.
During playback of a multitrack file, the playback levels of each track are shown.
When recording, the recording levels of each track are shown.
When recording, if a signal is distorted at the input stage, the area beneath its meter is highlighted.
If a recording level exceeds 2.0 dB below the maximum level, a mark appears at the top of its meter, indicating an overload.
Ch2: Signal is distorted at the input stage
Ch4: Recording level exceeds 2.0dB less than the
maximum level.
During stereo track playback, the meters for tracks 1 and 2 function as the L and R meters.
When a track is armed for recording, “º” appears beneath its meter.
When a track is soloed, “ ” appears beneath its meter.
If a track is both armed for recording and soloed, only “ ” appears beneath its meter.
6 Time (hours: minutes: seconds)
During playback, the elapsed playback time of the take is shown.
Press the DIS PLAY key on the front panel to show the remaining time of the take as a negative number.
When recording, the elapsed recording time of the take is shown.
2 – Names and Functions of Parts
Press the DIS PLAY key on the front panel to show the remaining available recording time for the take.
7 Playback position
This bar shows the current playback position during playback or the amount of remaining time available for recording during recording. As recording or playback progresses, the bar darkens from the left.
8 Mark information
The mark number and the total number of marks in the current take are shown.
During playback, the number of the mark that is before and closest to the current position is shown.
When recording, the last added mark number is shown.
9 File type indicator
When stopped or during playback, the file type of the currently loaded take is shown.
When recording or in recording standby, the file type of the take being recorded is shown.
: MP3
r Quantization/bit-rate indicator
When stopped or during playback, the quanti­zation/bit-rate of the currently loaded take is shown.
When recording or in recording standby, the quantization/bit-rate of the take being recorded is shown.
When the take being recorded or played is an MP3, its bit rate is shown.
: 16-bit
: 24-bit
: 96 kbps (48 kbps)
: 128 kbps (64 kbps)
: 192 kbps (96 kbps)
: 320 kbps (160 kbps)
The bit rate in parentheses is for when recording a monaural take.

Menu structure

0 Sampling frequency indicator
When stopped or during playback, the sampling frequency of the currently loaded take is shown.
When recording or in recording standby, the sampling frequency of the take being recorded is shown.
: 44.1 kHz
: 48 kHz
: 96 kHz
: 192 kHz
q LOCK indicator
When the lock function for the front panel and/ or top panel keys is ON, the indicator appears.
w STEREO indicator
When a stereo track is being played, the indicator appears. During stereo track playback, the meters for tracks 1 and 2 function as the L and R meters.
e SOLO indicator
When a track has been soloed, the indicator appears. An icon appears beneath the meter of the currently soloed track.
Press the MENU key on the top panel to open the
screen. The menu items are as follows.
This screen cannot be accessed during recording or when in recording standby.
Menu item Contents Pages
Work with takes and folders 36
Make recording settings 24
Make auto-recording settings
Make low cut filter settings 33
Make input and output settings
Make playback settings 40, 41
Manage the SD card 46
Make system settings 44
Set the date and time 22
27, 44
+ 39 hidden pages