TASCAM DR-44WL Users guide

4-track handheld recorder with Wi-Fi functionality
Multi-lingual menu: EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, RU, RC, JP
The D R-44WL revolutionises handhe ld re corders with its new Wi-Fi feature. A fre e app for iOS or Android dev ices provides control, file transfer, and audio stre aming to y our smartphone or tablet computer. Start recording while on stage or from anywhere in the room. Set trim levels, check m eters and control the transport. At the end of a performa nce, tra nsfer reco rdings to your smartphone and instantly upload them to S oundC loud or Faceboo k, or ev en e -m ail directly to fa ns.
The D R-44WL has a pair of high-qua lity stereo condenser microphones built fro m high-perform ance components a nd arranged in XY pattern. These mics can handle high sound pre ssure levels without distortion. Two locking XLR inputs for external mics or sources are also available .
With four inde pendent recording tracks, built-in mixer with rev erb effe ct plus a bounce fea ture, the DR-44WL offe rs the ability to create true m ultitrack re cordings. Or record two track s in different fo rmats (WA V/MP3) o r with different lev el settings.
Remote Wi-Fi operation eliminates handling noise
TASC A M has once again rev olutionize d handheld recording! The D R­44WL creates its o wn Wi-Fi ne twork , and a free dedicate d app can be use d for remote operation witho ut touching the unit. Since the Wi-Fi transmission range is about 20 metres, this fea ture can be used with the recorde r in places that are normally out of re ach. Not only does the app allow recording to be started a nd stopped, it can a lso be used to che ck and adjust input leve ls from a n iOS or Android device. Ev ery thing related to recording can be done by Wi-Fi.
In addition, audio ca n be checked by Wi-Fi after recording. The a udio quality can be check ed through he adphones connecte d to a smartphone. With ope ration capabilities and flex ibility that ex cee ds infrared rem otes – and reliability that a ppro ache s that of wired remotes – this handheld recorder allows fre edom of placem ent tha t fa r surpasse s that of pre vious mo de ls.
Starting with firmware version 2.0 it is also possible to connect v ia an ex isting router or acce ss point. Advantages a re that (1) y ou can use other we b se rvices like e -m ail or sha ring portals at the same time with your m obile dev ice, and (2) W i-Fi range thus contro l range m ight be la rger, depending on the router capa bilities. A dire ct conne ction, in contrast, is ideal whe n there is no Wi-Fi a vailable or you don't have permission to use it.
Note: C heck ing a udio via Wi-Fi is intended for use after recording.
C hoose which type of Wi-Fi connection to use: Simple direct connection (no router necessary) or conne ction via an existing Wi-Fi network (local router or acce ss point) Remote control using the free DR CONTROL app (iOS/Android) C heck re corded a udio using wireless playback
Built-in professional X-Y stereo mics enable high-quality audio recording
Two cardio id mic capsules a re arranged so that the ir diaphra gms ove rlap in the same a xis. This X-Y configura tion provides a true stereo image. The microphone capsules and input circuitry are designed to perform without distortion in e nv ironme nts with high sound pressure levels – such as liv e concerts and recording clo se to a sound source.
In addition, a newly-de signe d shock mo unt absorbs vibra tions effectively - even when mounted on a digital SLR came ra.
C ardioid condenser mics in an X -Y configur ation for impecca ble stereo reco rdings De signe d to handle high sound pressures of up to 132 dB Shock mount structure reduces physical noise Dual-leve l recording function helps avoid overloads
XLR/TRS input jacks for professional applications
The X LR/TRS e xternal input jacks can be used to record the outputs of a P A console or external mics while re cording with the built-in mics – recording four tracks (two stere o track s) simultaneo usly. Set the reco rder to capture four m ono, one stere o and two mono, or two stereo track s according to your recording needs. Since this unit can also prov ide +48V pha ntom power, users can a lso conne ct their fav orite condense r mics.
Moreo ver, this unit supports +4dBu input, which is ne cessary to interface with professiona l-lev el equipment
XLR /TRS inputs tha t support +4dBu and +48V Low noise realized through the use of a PGA a nd high-perform ance audio codec Four-tra ck recording is easy using the external inputs for mics or other devices
MTR mode can be used for serious music production
The D R-44WL is a lso a powerful too l for songwriters. By selecting MTR mode , the use r ca n use the DR-44WL as a multitrack recorde r to overdub one track at a time . W ith functionality that approache s that of a de dicated MTR , it is possible to produce studio-quality music files using just one D R-44WL. In addition, the re verb effect can be use d to swe eten re cordings.
MTR mode enables m usic production sim ilar to using a dedica ted multitrack re corder Reverb gives v ocal and instrumental performance s a ple asing sense of spa ce
Smartphone can be used with unit to send recorded files
The benefits of Wi-Fi are not limited to re cording. A udio file s can be transmitted via Wi-Fi to smartpho ne s and computers. Files can a lso be uploa de d to SoundC loud using a dedica ted applica tion. S oundC loud is tightly linke d with othe r social networking serv ices. For ex ample, if a re cording is shared to Face bo ok, it will appe ar on the use r's time line. By uploading a live recording im mediately a fter performa nce, audience members could listen to the concert again on their way home.
Note: A n Inte rnet conne ction is necessary to upload files to the Internet from a smartphone.
Dual-format recording function a llows simultane ous re cording of both WA V and MP3 files Share audio files from SoundC loud to other social ne twork ing services Transfe r file s to computers wirelessly
Multiple automatic features allow simplified operation
Even though the DR-44WL is a professional reco rding de vice, it also has num erous autom atic functions that m ake capturing high-quality recordings e asy for anyone. In addition to a utoma tic re cording functions, the unit also has functions that simplify file manageme nt. Use rs can create high-qua lity recordings without complica ted ope rations.
Automatic level optimization functions (pe ak reduction and limiter) Automatic tra ck incrementation functions (new file cre ation) can be set according to the application Automatic recording function that starts re cording when a prese t audio input leve l is detected Automatic mark function that a dds ma rks according to set conditions Automatic division function that divide s file s at pre-s et marks (V 1.10)
Over- lev e l pe a k s ca n be m a rked auto matica lly
The P eak Mark function automa tica lly places a m ark two seconds before a detected peak (PEAK LED ) during recording, which is useful for post-recording confirmation. When there are no problem s found after confirmation, the mark can be deleted. In the B WF format (in the same way as with other types of marks) the peak m ark can be utilize d in corresponding DAWs. To avoid multiple mark s for the same ov erload e vent, ne w ma rks are only set 10 seconds a fter the prev ious pe ak mark.
Other convenient features
Rec ording settings and GPS info rmation can b e s a v e d with BWF file s
The X RI (eXtended Recor ding Informa tion) fea ture, that can be used with BWF format recordings, stores the recording settings after each recording and allows the use r to identify the recorder as well as the settings used for a certain recording. In addition, a sm artphone’s G PS information can be e mbe dded while connected to the recorde r via Wi-Fi and using the D R C ONTROL app. Storing GPS da ta is useful when working in multiple locations, e .g. when mak ing outdoor sound-ga thering recordings. X RI info rmation can be display ed on the main unit, on the D R C ONTROL app or on othe r XRI-compa tible m odels and a pplications.
Protection for im portant files
The P rotect function prev ents important re corded files from be ing mistakenly de leted by operating the main unit. Protection can be switched on or off for each reco rding file indiv idually.
Liste n to a re co rding o f a Hamm ond B- 3 with Le slie 147
Here ’s a re c ording (link to s oundc loud.co m ) of a Ham mond B -3 with Leslie 147 playe d by the fam ous Japanese
organ play er Kiy omi Otaka.
Tha nk s to the DR-44WL’s sensitive built-in mics, you can hear the cha racteric warm sound of the orga n with details like movem ents of the drawbars and the tone-whe el.
Features at a glance
Key fe ature s
Suppo rted WA V recording formats: 44.1/48/96 kHz, 16/24 bits, WAV/BWF form at Suppo rted MP3 recording forma t: 44.1/48 k Hz, 32–320 kbit/s MP3 Two recording mode s:
Norma l recording mode (up to 4 track s) fo r sim ple reco rding
Professional MTR mode for music crea tion Wi-Fi conne ction supports monitoring, transport control, level contro l, file tra nsfer and m ore Easy Wi-Fi direct connection with A ndroid/iOS or through a n ex isting router o r acce ss point De dicated Wi-Fi file transfer applica tion fo r Windows/Mac available Improv ed internal clock – ideal for filmma king
Reco rding ha rdware
Unidirectional (cardioid) condenser microphones in X -Y configuration C an handle high sound pressure lev els up to 132 dB SPL De dicated shock mount system to eliminate handling noise XLR /TRS ana logue inputs com patible with +4 dBu line lev el signals 48V phantom power for condenser micro phones Improv ed microphone pre amps for higher-quality a udio C irrus Logic A D /D A codec for low-no ise, high-performance a udio reco rding and low po we r consumption Reco rding media: SD/SDHC /SD X C card (up to 128GB SDXC card)
Reco rding functions
QUIC K menu button sho ws conve nie nt features for various re cording situations Dual re cording with different le vel settings or in different form ats Four-po sition low-cut filter (40/80/120/220 Hz) M-S de code function for ex ternal M-S microphone Peak-reduc tion function automatically sets the optimal le vel when pe aks are detected in music re cordings Limiter function for ove rload protection Auto-recording function to automatically start recording base d on input level Pre-recording function that can record up to 2 se conds prior to actual record start Se lf-timer re cording function Mark function (manual or autom atic by pe ak or by time)
Input dela y function for a djusting distance/time delay diffe rences between exte rnal mic a nd internal mic Punch in/out function in MTR mode Bounce function in MTR mo de Information on the recording se ttings used and the current G PS position deriv ed from a connected smartphone can be em bedded in B WF files
Playback functions
Va riable Speed Audition (VSA) is ideal for practice and arrangeme nt (50–150% change o f speed) Key changing function with fine -tuning (±6 halftones) I-O loop play back function – ide al fo r re he arsal Resume function re tains the last stop position when power is turned back on Audio files created on computer can be pla yed back (only in formats compa tible with this product) Built-in monaural speaker (300 mW)
Editing functions
Divide function (m anua l or autom atic by markers) Files and empty folders ca n be dele ted Track div ision function cre ates ne w file s during recording (ma nual or autom atic by time or by lev el) Mixdown function for 4-track recording
Othe r features
Reverb effect for acoustic instrume nts and vo cals Automatic powe r-sa ving function that prevents unnece ssary use of battery power C hroma tic tuner and m etronome for re hearsal) File name forma t can be set to use a user-defined word or date Long-time operation of over 16 hours using the internal ba tteries Stere o-mini hea dphones/line output with 20 mW output power per channel 128×128 graphic LC D with back light Scre w hole for tripod a ttachment USB 2.0 high-speed file transfer to/fro m computer
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