Notes/Domino v 11.3
Installation & getting started guide
TANDBERG IBM Lotus Notes/Domino v 11.3 - Installation & getting started guide
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Table of figures.................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
How to use this document ....................................................................................................................... 5
Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 6
Server operating system .......................................................................................................................... 6
Domino server ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Supported clients ..................................................................................................................................... 6
TMS requirements ................................................................................................................................... 6
Naming of systems in Domino/Lotus and TMS ................................................................. 7
System IDs in TMS .................................................................................................................................. 7
Adding systems to TMS after installation of the Notes/Domino integration ............................................ 7
Installation ........................................................................................................................... 8
Copying the required files to the Domino Server (Version 6.x) ............................................................... 8
Copying the required files to the Domino Server (Version 7.0 and 8.0) .................................................. 9
Copying the required files to the Domino Server (Version 8.5) ............................................................. 10
Updating the java.policy file ................................................................................................................... 11
Editing the notes.ini file .......................................................................................................................... 11
Restarting the Domino Service .............................................................................................................. 12
Signing the templates ............................................................................................................................ 12
Creating the TMS Resource Reservation Database ............................................................................. 13
Creating a Service Account on the Domino Server ............................................................................... 15
Creating a service account on the TMS Server..................................................................................... 17
Adjusting the web permissions on the TMS Server .............................................................................. 18
Enable secure communication (Optional) ............................................................................................. 18
Enabling agents in Resource Database (Notes V6.5, V7.0, and V8.0) ................................................. 19
Enabling agents in Resource Database (Notes/Domino V8.5) ............................................................. 21
Configuring the TMS settings of the Resource Database ..................................................................... 24
Configuring the Domino Rooms for TMS Systems ............................................................................... 25
Starting the Synchronizer ...................................................................................................................... 26
Updating the Mail Template for Notes Users ........................................................................................ 26
Upgrading ...........................................................................................................................28
Upgrading from V11.2 to V11.3 ............................................................................................................. 28
Stopping the Domino Server ................................................................................................................. 28
Copying the required files to the Domino Server................................................................................... 28
Restarting the Domino Service .............................................................................................................. 29
Signing the templates ............................................................................................................................ 29
Replacing the Resource Template ........................................................................................................ 29
Replacing the Mail template for the users ............................................................................................. 29
Enabling agents in Resource Database ................................................................................................ 30
Starting the Synchronizer ...................................................................................................................... 30
Post installation setup .......................................................................................................31
Calendar options in the TANDBERG mail template .............................................................................. 31
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Installation verification ......................................................................................................33
Testing meetings from Lotus to TMS .................................................................................................... 33
Process overview for meetings created in Lotus ................................................................................... 33
Testing meetings from TMS to Lotus .................................................................................................... 35
Process overview for meetings created in TMS .................................................................................... 35
Frequently asked questions about booking using the Lotus integration package .......36
Appendix A - Technical description of the IBM Lotus Notes integration package ........38
Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 38
Synchronizing changes from TMS ........................................................................................................ 38
Synchronizing changes to TMS ............................................................................................................. 38
Communication between TMS and Domino .......................................................................................... 39
Appendix B - Modifying an existing Mail template to include the TANDBERG Advanced
button functionality ...................................................................................................40
APPENDIX C - Troubleshooting ........................................................................................42
Understanding log files .......................................................................................................................... 42
Changing log level ................................................................................................................................. 42
TMS Admin view is not available ........................................................................................................... 43
It is impossible to book resources after a LNI upgrade ......................................................................... 44
Server connection problems .................................................................................................................. 44
Expired SSL certificates ........................................................................................................................ 45
Switch from HTTPS to HTTP:................................................................................................................ 45
License agreement .............................................................................................................47
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Table of figures
Figure 1: The TMSEventCatcher.dll ........................................................................................................ 9
Figure 2: An updated java.policy file ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: An updated notes.ini file ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4: The Files tab, with the two TANDBERG templates highlighted ............................................. 13
Figure 5: Adding the user Id of the user completing the installation to the Full Access Administrators
field ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 6: Creating a new database ....................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: The People > Register… item from the right pane ................................................................ 16
Figure 8: The Register Person page ..................................................................................................... 17
Figure 9: Creating a new user group having the Booking permission .................................................. 18
Figure 10: Listing the agents in Domino Designer 7.0 .......................................................................... 20
Figure 11: Configuring the run-time of the Scheduled Synchronizer agent .......................................... 21
Figure 12: Listing the Agents of the database ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 13: Configuring the run-time of the Scheduled Synchronizer agent .......................................... 23
Figure 14: The Agent Schedule window ................................................................................................ 23
Figure 15: Checking the Admin and Create Resource check boxes .................................................... 24
Figure 16: The TMS admin document ................................................................................................... 25
Figure 17: The Video Conference Advanced Options button ................................................................ 31
Figure 18: The Video Conference Advanced Options window .............................................................. 32
Figure 19: The Video Conference Resources database. ...................................................................... 42
Figure 20: Changing the log level .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 21: Adding an Admin role ........................................................................................................... 44
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This document describes the TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration installation process. This is an optional add-on component to TANDBERG Management Suite (TMS), which gives users the ability to schedule video conferences, book meeting rooms and invite participants using their Lotus Notes client. Using the integration package, the video conferencing systems are registered in a resource database on the Domino server, allowing end users to view their availability when making bookings.
The integration uses software components installed on the Lotus Domino server, therefore client machines do not need to be modified. This gives system administrators a centrally deployed solution, simplifying maintenance.
See http://www.lotus.com for more information about Lotus Domino and Lotus Notes.
How to use this document
The installation procedure for the TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration package depends on the version of Lotus Notes/Domino that you use. Therefore, some of the subsections in this document have notes like ―This section is only applicable if running version 8.5 of Notes/Domino‖. Steps in subsections without such notes apply to all versions of Notes/Domino, and must be performed regardless of the version number of your Notes/Domino installation.
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Server operating system
Windows 2000 Server SP3 with Internet Explorer 5.5 or later Windows 2003 Server with Internet Explorer 6.0 or later Windows 2008 Server with Internet Explorer 7.0 or later
Domino server
Domino Server running version v6.5.1, v6.5.1IF1, v6.5.2, v7.0, v8.0, v8.0.1 or v8.5.x Completing the installation requires:
Access to Lotus Notes, Administrator, and Designer clients. Ability to copy and move files to the Domino Server. Access to the Domino Server to modify local files. An account with full Administrator Access on the Domino Server. An account with permissions to create and edit users, create and sign databases, and the ability
to edit the Server Configuration Document.
Supported clients
Tested on TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration version 11.2:
Notes client v6.5.1 Notes client v6.5.3
Tested on TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration version 11.3:
Notes client v7.0 Notes client v8.0 and v8.0.1 Notes client v8.5
Other minor versions within these major versions of Notes and Domino may be compatible, but the versions above are the versions tested for compatibility by TANDBERG.
TMS requirements
The TANDBERG Domino/Lotus Notes integration package requires a separate TANDBERG Management Suite server running TMS v11.5 or later for full functionality. The integration package will work with TANDBERG Management Suite from version 9.0, but for repeating meetings to work, TMS v11.5 or later is required.
Before installing the TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration package, you must add the Application Integration Package option key. Contact your TANDBERG reseller to purchase this option key. For documentation about how to install license keys in TMS, see the Support > Documentation section of www.tandberg.com.
Naming of systems in Domino/Lotus and TMS
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Naming of systems in Domino/Lotus and TMS
The name of a system in TMS is only a label, therefore they can be changed without doing any Lotus resource re-configuration. However, for consistency and ease of maintenance, TANDBERG recommends that all installations have consistent names in both Lotus and the TMS web interface.
System IDs in TMS
When defining resource accounts in Domino, you link them to TMS systems using the system ID of the TMS system. To maintain the integration links, the ID of a TMS system must not change otherwise the Domino resource will have to be updated manually.
System IDs must stay consistent for an existing TMS system. In TMS, a system’s IDs will not change unless a system is completely purged from the database. Therefore, it is important not to purge and re-add a system to TMS unless absolutely necessary. Doing so will make the system appear as a completely different system in TMS, along with a new system ID. If a system’s ID changes and the system is also represented in Lotus, you must update the ID listed for that system in the Lotus Resource database.
Adding systems to TMS after installation of the Notes/Domino integration
After completing the TMS Integration with Lotus, the requirements for adding new systems to TMS change slightly. When adding systems to TMS, it is important to add them to Lotus before the systems are made available for booking in TMS. This can be done by setting Allow booking to No for a system in TMS until it also has been added to Lotus. If a system is booked in TMS before it has been added to Lotus, the meetings booked prior to the system being created in Lotus will not replicate over to the Lotus calendars.
Note: This requirement only applies after the TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration package has been installed, and for systems you intend to make available for booking in Lotus.
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Complete the following steps to do a first-time installation and configuration of the TANDBERG Lotus Notes/Domino integration package with the TANDBERG Management Suite.
The term ―Domino directory‖ is used throughout this document. The location of this directory is user
configurable during installation, and can for example be C:\Lotus\Domino\. The integration files are included as part of the NotesIntegration.zip file found in the Setupfiles folder
on your TMS Installation Media. The archive includes three zip files targeted for version 6.x, 7.0/8.0, and 8.5 of Notes/Domino:
LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV85.zip for version 8.5 of Notes LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV70.zip for version 7.0 and 8.0 of Notes LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV6x.zip for any version of Notes V6.x that the integration supports.
User Account Control (UAC)
TANDBERG recommends that this setting is on for increased Domino server security. An administrator can go to Control Panel > User Accounts and click ―Turn User Account Control on or off‖ to turn the feature on.
Copying the required files to the Domino Server (Version 6.x)
Note: This section is only applicable if you are running version 6.x of Notes/Domino.
1. Copy the LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV6x.zip file to your Domino Server and extract it to a temporary folder. If you are using FTP to copy files use binary mode.
2. Extract the Javafiles.zip file to a temporary directory on the Domino server: a. Copy TMSConference.jar (in the bin directory of the Javafiles.zip file) to the jvm\lib\ext
subdirectory of the Domino directory. The lib directory of the Javafiles.zip contains three zip files:
i. axis_1_3.zip (contains the Apache axis binaries) ii. jaxp_1_3.zip (contains the jaxp binaries) iii. lib.zip
b. Install jaxp_1_3 either by extracting the binaries from the jaxp_1_3.zip file, or by downloading
it from the site provided in the Requirements chapter.
Domino ships with an old version of JSR 206 (Java API for XML processing). Jaxp_1_3 is a newer version of JSR 206 that is needed to run the Notes integration. It is important that the jaxp_1_3 files are loaded, and not the old one. This can be done in one of two ways:
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Figure 1: The TMSEventCatcher.dll
a. Copy the contents of jaxp_1_3.zip into jvm\lib\ext as described below, and delete the
XML4j.jar file from the Domino directory.
- OR - Copy the contents of jaxp_1_3.zip into the Domino directory, then add dom.jar;jaxp­api.jar;sax.jar;xalan.jar;xercesImpl.jar to the JavaUserClasses of notes.ini (for example JavaUserClasses= dom.jar;jaxp-api.jar;sax.jar;xalan.jar;xercesImpl.jar).
b. Install axis by extracting the binaries from the provided zip (axis_1_3.zip) file (and copy the
binaries into the jvm\lib\ext directory of the Domino directory, or by downloading those from the sites provided in the Requirements section.
c. Install the binary in the lib.zip file by copying it to the jvm\lib\ext directory of the Domino
3. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied .jar files. Right-click on the copied .jar files and select Properties. Go to the Security tab, and make sure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at least Read access.
For Windows 7, Vista and 2008 users: If User Account Control is active on the Domino
server, right click the .jar files and click unblock.
4. Copy the template files tmsresrc60.ntf and tmsmail6.ntf to the Domino Data directory.
5. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied template files by right-clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, make sure Read-only is cleared. Go to the Security tab, and make sure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has full access to these files.
6. Copy the extracted TMSEventCatcher.dll file into your Domino Program Folder.
7. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied TMSEventCatcher.dll file by right-cl icking on it and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, make sure Read-only is cleared. Go to the Security tab, and make sure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at least Read access.
For Windows 7, Vista and 2008 users: If User
Account Control is active on the Domino server, right click the TMSEventCatcher.dll file and click unblock (see Figure1: The TMSEventCatcher.dll).
Copying the required files to the Domino Server (Version 7.0 and 8.0)
Note: This section is only applicable if you are running version 7.0 or 8.0 of Lotus Notes.
1. Copy the LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV70.zip file to your Domino Server and extract it to a temporary folder. If using FTP, make sure that binary mode is used.
2. Extract the LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV70\Javafiles.zip file to a temporary directory on the Domino server.
a. Copy TMSConference.jar (found in the bin directory of the Javafiles.zip file) to the jvm\lib\ext
directory of the Domino directory
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b. Note: If some or all of the files are already present, do not overwrite the existing files. Copy
the files in the lib directory in the extracted Javafiles.zip archive to the jvm\lib\ext directory of the Domino directory.
3. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied .jar files. Right-click on the copied .jar files and select Properties. Go to the Security tab, and make sure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at least Read access.
For Windows 7, Vista and 2008 users: If User Account Control is active on the Domino
server, right click the .jar files and click unblock.
4. Copy the extracted template files, tmsresrc7.ntf and tmsmail7.ntf to your Domino Data directory1.
5. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied template files by right-clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, make sure Read-only is cleared. Go to the Security tab, and make sure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has full access to these files.
6. Copy the extracted TMSEventCatcher.dll file into your Domino Program Folder.
7. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied TMSEventCatcher.dll file by right-clicking on it and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, make sure Read-only is cleared. Go to the Security tab and make sure the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at least Read access.
For Windows 7, Vista and 2008 users: If User Account Control is active on the Domino
server, right click the TMSEventCatcher.dll file and click unblock (see Figure1: The TMSEventCatcher.dll).
Copying the required files to the Domino Server (Version 8.5)
Note: This section is only applicable if running version 8.5 of Notes/Domino.
1. Copy the LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV85.zip file to your Domino server and extract the files to a temporary folder. If using FTP, use binary mode.
2. Extract the LotusNotesIntegrationForNotesV85\Javafiles.zip file to a temporary directory on the Domino server.
a. Copy TMSConference.jar (found in the bin directory of the Javafiles.zip file) to the jvm\lib\ext
directory of the Domino directory.
b. Note: Do not overwrite existing files. Copy the files in the lib directory in the Javafiles.zip
archive to the \jvm\lib\ext subdirectory of the Domino directory.
3. Verify that the copied .jar files have proper file security permissions by right clicking on them and selecting Properties. Go to the Security tab and make sure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at least Read access to these files.
4. Copy the extracted template files, tmsresrc8.ntf and tmsmail85.ntf to your Domino Data directory.
5. Verify the proper file security permissions on the copied template files by right-clicking on them and selecting Properties. In the Properties dialog, make sure the Read-only checkbox is cleared. Go to the Security tab. Make sure that the Windows user that the Domino processes run under (called System user) has full access to these files.
6. Copy the extractedTMSEventCatcher.dll file into your Domino directory.
7. Verify that TMSEventCatcher.dll has proper file security permissions. Right-click on it and select Properties. In the Properties dialog, make sure Read-only is cleared. Go to the Security tab
The mail template is a modified Notes 7 template. The mail template is also supported in Notes 8. (See
http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21264690 for additional information.)
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and ensure that the Windows user (System user) that the Domino processes run under has at least Read access to this file.
Updating the java.policy file
This section and onward is applicable for all versions of Notes/Domino.
The java.policy file must be updated to allow the TMS integration package to use web services. The java.policy file is by default found in the jvm\lib\security folder of your Domino directory.
Update the policy file by opening it in a text editor and adding the following line inside an existing grant statement (See Figure 2: An updated java.policy file):
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "write";
Save and close the java.policy file.
Figure 2: An updated java.policy file
Editing the notes.ini file
The notes.ini file is by default found in the Domino directory. Open the notes.ini file in a text editor and add the lines shown in Figure 3: An updated notes.ini file to the top of the file:
TMSResourceDatabaseName=Video Conference Resources
It is important that only one instance of each of these statements exists in the notes.ini file. If one of these lines already exists in the notes.ini file, you must modify the existing line to include these values.
For the TMSResourcesDatabaseName variable, the name must match the name you intend to give the resource reservation database to be used for video conferencing rooms. This database will be
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created in a later step. TANDBERG recommends using the name Video Conference Resources as shown in Figure 3: An updated notes.ini file.
Save and close the notes.ini file.
Figure 3: An updated notes.ini file
Restarting the Domino Service
Restart the Domino Service to apply the changes made either by using the restart server command in the Domino console, or by restarting the Lotus Domino Service in the Services Console found at Start
> Administrative Tools > Services.
Signing the templates
The new template files must be signed with an appropriate ID from your organization. Domino security requires that new mail agents run on the home server (mail server) of the signer.
Because the templates include new mail agents, the ID that signs the templates must have a mailbox located on the server where you are installing the integration package.
It is recommended you create a utility account on the Domino Server for the purpose of signing the
―new mail‖ agents. Alternatively, you can configure Domino to ignore this security requirement for mail
agents running on the server. Note this will affect all ―new mail‖ agents running on the server. To disable this security check, modify the notes.ini file by adding the option AMgr_DisableMailLookup = 1.
Note: If you ignore this recommended action new mail agents are unable to run.
To sign the templates
1. Open Domino Administrator and select the server that you copied the template files to.
2. Go to the Files tab and select the data folder. In the Show me: drop-down list change the view to Templates Only. Highlight the two TANDBERG templates (see Figure 4: The Files tab, with the two TANDBERG templates highlighted) TMS Resource Reservations and TMS Mail (X2).
Depending on the version of Notes, this will be 6 for V6.x of Notes, and 7 for V7.0 and V8.0 of Notes,
and 8.5 for V8.5 of Notes.
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Figure 4: The Files tab, with the two TANDBERG templates highlighted
3. Right-click on the templates and select Sign… a. Choose Active User’s ID to sign using the current user’s ID. b. Make sure that the user has sufficient permissions to sign templates and that the user has a
mailbox on this Domino server.
4. Select the All design documents radio button.
5. Click OK. The status bar shows the number of databases processed and the number errors if any occurred. See the Domino Server logs for additional information if any errors occur. You will get a Cross Certificate Warning if /TANDBERG is not recognized as a trusted organization. This should be handled according to your organization policies.
Creating the TMS Resource Reservation Database
Open Domino Administrator and select the server hosting the installation files. Go to the Administration menu and select Full Access Administration.
If you cannot get full access, permissions can be granted to the server: go to the Configuration tab for the server and select Current Server Document. In the Security tab modify the Full Access
Administrators field (see Figure 5: Adding the user Id of the user completing the installation to the Full Access Administrators field). Add the user ID of the user completing the installation and save
and close the server document. (You may have to close and reopen your Administrator session to update your permissions.)
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Figure 5: Adding the user Id of the user completing the installation to the Full Access Administrators field
1. Once you have Full Access Administration successfully checked without any errors, open File Menu > Application3 > New…
2. In the Specify New Database Name and Location section, select the server that the integration package is being installed on.
3. Set the Title field to the value that you specified in the TMSResourceDatabaseName variable in the notes.ini file (Video Conference Resources, if you followed the recommendation in this document).
4. In the Specify Template for New Application4 section (see Figure 6: Creating a new database): a. Select the server that the integration package is being installed on. b. Select the Show advanced templates check box. c. The template list updates. Select the TMS Resource Reservations template. d. Click OK to create the database. The Notes status bar shows progress updates.
In Notes V6.x this menu item is called Database
In Notes V6.x this menu item is called Database
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Figure 6: Creating a new database
Creating a Service Account on the Domino Server
This account will act as the owner of the video resources. Make this account a normal (restricted) user.
1. Open the server in Domino Administrator, for example by using File > Open Server…
2. Under People & Groups, Select the People item and select Register… from the right pane (see Figure 7: The People > Register… item from the right pane).
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