Steinberg Houston Operation Manual

Operation Manual
Operation Manual by Ludvig Carlson Quality Control: C.Bachmann, H. Bischoff, S. Pfeifer, C. Schomburg
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not rep­resent a commitment on the part of Steinberg Media Technologies AG. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media except as specifically allowed in the License Agreement. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Steinberg Media Technologies AG.
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© Steinberg Media Technologies AG, 2003 All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
5 Basic Mixing
45 Other Functions
6 6
8 9 10 10
About this Chapter Selecting which channels to control Using the Faders Mute and Solo Using the Select buttons A note about automation
11 Using the Function
Matrix and Control Strip
12 12 17
18 19 21 23 25 26 27 29 31 32 34 35 37 39
About this Chapter Basic Procedures About the Symbols used in this chapter Selected Channel : EQs Selected Channel : Aux Selected Channel : Inserts Selected Channel : Dynamics Selected Channel : Routing Selected Channel : Pan Fader Set : EQs Fader Set : Routing Fader Set : Pan Fader Set : FX Sends Global : Send Masters Global : Send Effects Global : Master Effects Global : Instruments
46 46 46 47 48 48 48
About this Chapter Song Functions Edit Functions Working with Windows Functions Mode Cursor Mode Data Mode
49 Index
41 Transport Control 42
42 43
About this Chapter The Transport Controls Working with Locators and Cue Points
4 Table of Contents
Basic Mixing
About this Chapter
This chapter describes how to work with the faders and the rows of buttons directly above these on the panel (Solo, Mute and Select), and how to select which channels are affected by the fader settings.
Selecting which channels to control
Houston’s fader section controls eight different channels in the host application (plus the master level, which has its own fader). You select which eight channels to control with the buttons directly to the right of the Master fader.
Press this to select a pre-defined “fader set” in the host application. In Cubase VST, this is a Mixer View, as set up with the View pop-up menu in the VST Channel Mixer. This allows you to control a combination of different channel types with the faders. After pressing the Sets button, you enter the number of the desired set with the Number Pad (use the 10’s button for two-digit numbers). The set/Mixer View is selected in the host application, and the faders are assigned to control the first eight channels of the set.
Press this to assign the faders to control the first eight regular audio channels in the host application.
Press this to assign the faders to control the first eight ReWire channels or VST Instrument channels (depending on the installed ReWire devices and activated VST Instruments).
Press this to assign the faders to control the first eight Group channels in the host application.
Press this to assign the faders to control the first eight Output Bus channels.
1 – 6 Basic Mixing
After pressing one of the buttons above, the faders are assigned to the first eight channels of the selected set or channel type. To switch to the next eight channels, press the 8  button.
Selects the previous eight channels.
For example, if the faders currently control audio channels 1-8, press­ing the 8  button will assign them to audio channels 9-16. To go back to the previous eight channels, press the  8 button.
If you hold down Shift and press the  8  buttons, the fader assign­ment will shift in steps of one channel instead.
Let’s say the faders currently control audio channels 9-16. If you hold Shift and press
8, the faders will shift one step to the left and control audio channels 8-15.
Controlling the MIDI Track Mixer in Cubase VST
Houston can also be used for mixing MIDI Tracks, i.e. remote control­ling the MIDI Track Mixer. However, this mode is entered from with the program:
Locate the Houston Remote Status window in Cubase VST.
This is the small floating window that appeared when you first selected Houston as your remote device.
Selects the next eight channels.
Pull down the pop-up menu and select the “CTM” option.
Houston will now control the faders (level), pan, mute and solo in the MIDI Track Mixer.
You use the  8  buttons to switch between sets of eight MIDI Tracks to control, in the usual manner.
To go back to another mode (e.g. Sets or audio channels), either use the pop-up menu in the Houston Remote Status window or use the buttons next to the Master fader as usual.
Basic Mixing 1 – 7
Using the Faders
Houston’s faders are used for hands-on level control and mixing, and allow precise adjustments of the corresponding channel levels in the host application. Since the faders are motorized, they will move to re­flect any level automation you have created in your Songs. The faders will also move when you select a new set of eight channels to control, instantly jumping to reflect the current levels of the eight channels.
The faders are also touch sensitive, which means that as soon as you move a fader manually, the motors are “overridden”.
In other words, if you have automated level changes, you can grab a fader at any time, overriding the automation - just as you can click and hold a moving fader on screen with the mouse.
Even though Houston’s motorized faders are very quiet, there may be situations when you want absolute silence - e.g. when mixing an ex­tremely soft and subtle piece of music. If that is the case, you can dis­able the motors by clicking the Motors button to the left of the faders.
When you are finished, click the Motors button again so that it lights up. The fader mo­tors are enabled again, and the faders will instantly move to reflect the current levels.
Turning the motors off does not affect the automation in the host appli­cation - all automation data is played back as usual in your Song.
1 – 8 Basic Mixing
Mute and Solo
The two rows of buttons directly above the faders allow you to Mute or Solo channels. The following rules apply:
You can Mute or Solo several channels at the same time.
As soon as one or more channels are Soloed, the Solo Defeat button will light up.
Pressing this button will turn off Solo for all Soloed channels.
As soon as one or more channels are Muted, the Mute Defeat button will light up.
Pressing this button will Un-Mute all Muted channels (provided that no channel is Soloed).
The Mute and Solo buttons always show the status of the current set of eight channels!
This means that if you Mute a channel and then select another set of eight channels for fader control, the Mute indicator will go dark. However, the Mute Defeat button will still be lit, indicating that one or more channels are Muted.
Basic Mixing 1 – 9
Using the Select buttons
The top row of buttons above the faders are the Select buttons. These are used for selecting a single channel for detailed settings (Selected Channel mode - see page 13).
Only one channel at a time can be selected.
When you Solo a channel, it is automatically selected as well.
If you select a channel and then select another set of eight channels for fader control, the Select button will go dark.
This is because the channel is still selected, but it’s not shown in the current fader set.
A note about automation
The Write and Read buttons to the left of the faders control the status of the Write and Read buttons in the host application’s mixer, allowing remote control of mixer automation. The Automation Mode button be­low is reserved for future use.
1 – 10 Basic Mixing
Using the Function Matrix and
Control Strip
About this Chapter
This chapter describes how to use the Function Matrix and Control Strip to access all VST settings in the host application; EQ, effect sends, ef­fect and VST Instrument parameters and so on. It also contains descrip­tions of the available parameter pages, as shown in Houston’s display.
Basic Procedures
Selecting a Parameter Group in the Function Matrix
To be able to view the settings of a parameter in the display and edit the values with the dials, you need to select the corresponding param­eter group. This is done by pressing one of the buttons in the Function Matrix.
About the three modes
Houston operates in one of three modes: Selected Channel, Fader Set or Global. Which mode is used depends on which parameter group is selected in the Function Matrix, as indicated to the left of the Function Matrix buttons. For example, clicking the FX Send 1 button in the Function Matrix puts Houston in Fader set mode.
The functionality of the three modes is described on the following pages.
2 – 12 Using the Function Matrix and Control Strip
Selected Channel mode
This mode gives you access to up to eight different parameters at the same time, for a single, selected channel. You can think of this as working with a single, vertical channel strip on a mixer desk, having ac­cess to pan, EQ, sends, etc. for a single channel.
When you have selected a parameter group in this mode, the display shows the following information:
The upper row shows the names of the available parameters. Each parameter can be controlled with the corresponding dial. In this example, the dial P1 would control the “Freq1” parameter, P2 would control “Gain1” and so on.
The name of the selected parameter group.
You select which channel to edit in Selected Channel mode by press-
The selected channel.
This indicates which page is shown, and how many pages there are in the selected parameter group. In this example, the display shows page 1 out of 2 pages.
ing one of the eight Select buttons below the display.
See page 10.
Using the Function Matrix and Control Strip 2 – 13
Fader Set mode
In this mode, you can view and edit a single parameter for eight differ­ent channels (the current Fader Set). You can think of this as working with a horizontal segment of a mixer desk, e.g. the pan controls for eight consecutive channels.
The name of the selected parameter group.
The lower row shows the names of the eight channels in the current Fader Set. You can control the selected parameter for each one of the eight channels by using the corre­sponding dial. In this example, the dial P1 would control the EQ1 Gain parameter for the channel “Ch1”, P2 would control the same parameter for the channel “Ch2” and so on.
You select which set of eight channels to edit by using the buttons to
The parameter available for editing.
This indicates which page is shown, and how many pages there are in the selected parameter group. In this example, the display shows page 1 out of 5 pages.
the right of the Master fader, as described on page 6.
Global mode
This is where you make global settings, i.e. settings that are not re­lated to the individual channels. Examples include parameter settings for the Send Effects, Master Effects and VST Instruments.
2 – 14 Using the Function Matrix and Control Strip
The contents of the display depend on which parameter group is se­lected. In this example, the “Instruments” group is selected, and the display shows settings for one of the active VST Instruments:
The upper row shows the names of the available parameters. As you can see, there are only four parameters shown, allowing longer parameter name. Each parameter can be controlled with any of the two dials above it. In this example, the “Octave” parameter would be controlled with the P1 or P2 dial, “Semitone” would be controlled with P3 or P4 and so on.
The name of the selected pa­rameter sub-group. See
page 16 for an explanation of
parameter sub-groups.
The name of the VST Instrument.
This indicates which page is shown, and how many pages there are in the selected parameter group. In this example, the display shows page 2 out of 8 pages.
Using the Control Strip
When you have selected a parameter group (or parameter sub-group – see below), you need to go to the page containing the desired pa­rameter. This is done by pressing the Page up/down buttons next to the display.
Holding down the Shift button and pressing Page Up or Page Down
takes you to the first or last available page.
Once the parameter is shown in the display, you adjust its value by moving the corresponding dial.
When you move the dial, the display will switch to show the parameter
values instead of the parameter names.
After you have moved a dial, the display will keep the values shown for a short while before switching back to parameter names.
Using the Function Matrix and Control Strip 2 – 15
To view the parameter values without making any changes, click the
More button (to the right of the Page buttons).
This makes the display switch to showing parameter values. Click the More button again to go back to parameter names.
The parameter values are also indicated by the LED rings around the
About Parameter Sub-Groups
Most of the settings are structured in the following way: A parameter group (accessed by pressing a button in the Function Matrix) contains one or several pages, each holding one or several parameters.
However, in the case of Send Effects, Master Effects, Instruments (Glo­bal mode), Inserts and Dynamics (Selected Channel mode), there is one more hierarchical level, called a parameter sub-group. For example, the parameters for Master Effects are structured in the following way:
The “Master Effects” parameter group contains four sub-groups - one for each Master Effect slot in the program. Each sub-group contains a number of pages which contain a number of parameters (both numbers depending on the activated effects).
To select another parameter sub-group, go to the first page of the cur-
rent sub-group and use the P1 dial.
The figure below shows the first page of the first parameter sub-group in the Master Effects group.
This indicates Master Effect slot 1. Use the P1 dial to select another parameter sub-group (i.e. another Master Effect slot).
2 – 16 Using the Function Matrix and Control Strip
+ 35 hidden pages