Service Bulletin
Incorrect Battery Label
As an operational improvement, the capacity of the QN-011BP battery was increased from 1200mAh to 1350mAh
earlier this year. The labelling, however, on the first lots of the improved batteries was not changed. As a result,
confusion may arise about the correct battery capacity.
A manufacturing number is stamped on the bottom side of the battery which consists of three digits: year, month,
and lot number.
• All the batteries with 1200mAh capacity have a lot number below 63A.
• All the batteries with 1350mAh capacity, but incorrectly labelled 1200mAh, have a lot number ranging from 63A
to 69A.
• All the batteries with 1350mAh capacity and correct label have a lot number higher than 69A.
Correct label stickers can be obtained through the usual marketing channels.
Ref. No.
CM-DX1000, QN-011BP
Sony Customer Relations & Service Europe
European Technical Support
Technologielaan 7
B - 1840 Londerzeel
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