PXW-FSM/PXW-FSMK Advanced Handheld Super Camcorder
Beyond Definition

Since its introduction in 2014, the
FS7 has become one of the most
popular cameras in the production
world. We listened to our users to
create an advanced version of the
FS7 with technical, mechanical and
ergonomic enhancements to take your
production to even greater heights.
The original FS7 will remain in the
product line-up.
The FS7 II retains all of those features
which have made the FS7 a widely
used camera for documentary, run and
gun, unscripted TV, interview, event,
broadcast, web series and countless
other production applications. We
have just added advancements to
give our users more features and
ergonomic advances.
How did we improve on our bestselling FS7?
We listened.
Users will benefit from three key features we have added to the FS7 II:
Lever Lock Type E-Mount to secure your lenses
Electronic Variable ND Filter to control exposure
Ergonomic innovations to work faster, with greater confidence
And more...

Our users have asked for a lens mounting system that can carry
heavier cine and zoom lenses without additional support. Why can’t
it be more like a PL mount in its security and ease of lens changes?
Well, we developed a unique Lever Lock Type E-Mount.
Operation of the Lever Lock Type E-Mount is similar to PL mounts
commonly used on cine cameras. Simply place the lens into the
mount opening. No twisting of the lens is required. With your free
hand, rotate the locking ring counterclockwise until it clicks, telling
you that a secondary latch has locked the ring securely in order to
prevent any accidental disengagement. To remove a lens, release
the secondary latch, rotate the ring counterclockwise and then
remove the lens.
Our Lever Lock Type E-Mount holds the lens securely as you operate.
Sony’s new mount system securely locks E-Mount lenses to
the camera body and enables the use of larger, heavier
lenses without need for additional support.
This breakthrough is based on a clever combination
of advanced material science and ingenious engineering.
The Lever Lock Type E-Mount securely holds E-Mount
lenses and adapters to the camera body. In fact, it can hold,
unsupported lenses of similar weight as the larger F55
camcorder can.
The Lever Lock Type E-Mount works with native E-Mount
lenses as well as all adapters currently on the market.
FS7 II with B4 ENG zoom lens