Network RX Station
Simple, robust and affordable live-streaming solution for broadcasting
Sony’s Network RX Station, the PWS-110RX1A, accept live video and audio directly from a vast array of supported camcorders
and adapters via single or dual link connection using cellular, Wi-Fi or wired networks. The Network RX Station delivers
uncommonly high-quality HD streams.
Cost efficient live streaming of 108 0i and 720p over cellular, Wi-Fi or
wired Ethernet
Stable live streaming with Sony’s unique Quality of Ser vice (QoS)
technology and dual-link support*
Direct streaming from a wide range of XDCAM camcorders, adapter
and mobile phones
Allow remote access of proxy media through supported camcorders
or adapter and execute file transfer
Applications Example:
News coverage
Shooting on-Location Broadcast Stations
Wireless adapter CBK-WA100 or
compatible camcorder
Sony’s unique QoS technology enables stable live streaming. It can be
used in a variety of situations where breaking news is required, such as
news broadcast, live events, and emergency response.
Output up to two live streams of SDI for downstream systems such
as a switcher or an ingest server. Multiple PWS-110RX1A units can be
connected together to allow additional camcorders connections and
SDI outputs, all while using single user interface.
Sony's Proprietary QoS Technology
Network packet loss during streaming can degrade image
quality, causing image freezing and disrupt the audio. Sony’s
Quality of Service (QoS) technology like real-time automatic
repeat request (ARQ), adaptive rate control (ARC) and
forward error correction (FEC) maintain signal integrity.
Dual Link Support*
Utilizing 2 mobile networks, supported camcorders and CBKWA 10 0/ 10 1 wireless adapter s can send dynamically load-balanced
live streaming packets to a PWS-110RX1A receiver. CBK-DL1, USB
adapter enables camcorders with single USB interface to divide
into two USB slots.
*2 Require paid license PWSL-RXDL series to activate feature of receiving QoS live
str eaming from camcorders/adapter s with two aggregated cellular connections
Network RX Station
Setting (Connection Control Manager)
Direct Streaming
Supported camcorders use a cellular/Wi-Fi dongle or CBKNA1 Ethernet adapter, and non-supported devices can use the
CBK-WA 10 0 and CBK-WA 10 1 adapters along with a cellular/
Wi-Fi dongle or CBK-NA1 Ethernet adapter. XDC AM pocket,
mobile application f or both iOS and Android is available f or
sending QoS live streaming from your mobile phones.*
*1 Require paid license PWSL-XPT series to activate feature of receiving QoS live
str eaming from XDCAM pocket mobile application
Cost Efficient Streaming of 1080i and 720p
The unit receives connections from up to 3 0 Sony suppor ted
camcorders and adapters via cellular, Wi-Fi or wired Ethernet
networks in a variety of broadcast f ormats, including 10 80i and
7 2 0p. The system can handle live streams, each from 0.5 - 12Mbps.
Remote File Transfer
The PWS-110RX1A allows a user to remotely access proxy media
within a supported camcorders or adapter. The remote operator
then has the ability to execute a file transf er from the camcorder s
or adapter to an FTP server or cloud service of their choice.
HEVC Streaming
New H.265/HEVC transmission mode* brings customer better
pic ture qualit y in lower bitr ate than liv e streaming in conv entional
H.26 4/AVC mode.
*3 Require paid license PWSL-RXAD series to activate advanced network features
(HEVC QoS live streaming and Intercom features) with PXW-Z280 and PXW-Z190

Power requirement
Power consumption
Operating temperature 5 °C to 35 °C
Storage temperature –20 °C to +6 0 °C
Mass 9.8 k g
USB Super Speed USB (USB 3.0) Type A x 6
HDMI OUT Type A x 1 HDMI Ver. 1.4a
SDI 1 to 4 BNC x 4
100V to 240V AC
23 5W (Standby power consumption: 3W
or lower)
440 x 43.6 x 507 mm
(width / height / depth)
RJ-4 5 x 2
1000BASE-T, 100BASE-TX
USB3.0 x 2 (front panel)
USB3.0 x 4 (rear panel)
Related Products Optional Accessories
PW SK-10 1
Optional Power Unit
CBK-WA100 / WA101
Wireless Adapter
USB Adapter (for camcorder)
Content Browser Mobile
Smar t Phone Applicat ion
(Monthly License) (Annual License)
Dual Link License (per camcorder)
(Monthly License) (Annual License)
Advanced Camera License (per camcorder)
(Monthly License) (Annual License)
XDCAM Pocket License (per server)
SYSTEM Indicator
AC Power (Optional)
LAN x 2 HDMI Connector
Hardwar e Option
Rack Mount
Sof tware Option
*1 Download a vailable from Google Play and App Store
(Monthly License) (Annual License)
Dual Link License (per server)
(Monthly License) (Annual License)
Advanced Camera License (per server)
AC Power
Compatible Products
Camcorder s with Built-in Wireless Module
XDCAM Memor y Camcorder
-X 180
PXW-Z450 (at tached with
CBK-DL 1 USB adap ter )
©2020 Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without
written permission is prohibited.
Features, design, and specifications are subject to change without notice. The values for mass and
dimension are approximate.
“SONY” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
Google Play is trademark of Google Inc. App Store is service mark of Apple Inc. All other trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
PXW-Z750* / PXW-Z450
PXW-X500* / PXW-X400* /
PXW-Z280 / PXW-X200 /
PXW-Z190* / PXW
PXW-Z150 / PXW-Z90 /
PX W-X 7 0
*2 Require optional USB adapter CBK-DL1 for dual link support *3 Require paid license CBKZ-SLNW1 *4 CBK-WA101 wireless adapter is compatible with PXW-X 3 2 0 only
Distributed by
YBP00914-062020-M-V1 Printed in Hong Kong
Camcorders compatible with C BK-WA1 0 0 / C B K-WA1 01
XDCAM Memor y Camcorder
PX W-X 3 20* / FS 7 II
Por table Memor y Recorder
Prof essional Disc Camcorder
PDW-850 (attached with
CBK-WA100 wireless adapt er)