DVX-100 – XA-118 – XAV-7W Connections
Parts List
XAV-7W complete
DVX-100 Changer
XA-118 Adapter
RC-91 UniLink/RCA cable set
Video RCA Cable
RM-X120 Remote (DVX-100)
Not Used
DVX-100 RM-X130 Display
DVX-100 remote IR eye
DVX-100 RF modulator box
XA-114 (Supplied with the XAV-7W)
The XAV-7W IR remote eye acts as a
receiver for the DVX-100's remote
(RM-X120). The IR eye supplied with
the DVX-100 can be used, but when
plugged into the XA-118, it
disables the transmission of IR
commands from the RM-X120,
through the remote eye of the
XAV-7W, to the DVX-100.
When using the DVX-100 with
any other head unit, the supplied
IR remote eye must be used. No
other head unit-based IR remote eye
can transmit commands to the DVX-100.
The DVX-100 front video output is only active when the green wire
connects to a parking brake ground trigger, and the parking brake is set.
Front Video Output
DVX-100 Connection Panel