DIGITAL SLR Super SteadyShot Inside
Stabilisation for EVERY Lens
he exclusive Super SteadyShot feature in the A100 adjusts the CCD position in real time to counteract hand and body movement. This lets you take
photos that are sharp and blur free even when shootin
freehand at slow shutter speeds. Unlike lens-based image stabilisation systems, the A100 has
uper SteadyShot built into the camera body itself. So no matter which A100 lens you choose you can enjoy shooting without worrying about blur from
amera movement and use lighter, more compact lenses
DIGITAL SLR Dual Anti-Dust System
Keeping dust off the CCD
hen using an SLR camera the internal mechanisms
and sensor are potentially exposed to dust particles
every time the lenses are chan
ncorporates two anti-dust measures that protect the
D – keeping spots and streaks off your images.
Firstly, the low-
ass filter in front of the CCD has
een treated with an Anti-Dust Coating (Indium Tin
xide) to minimise static charge build up, reducing
he attraction of dust. Secondly, whenever the A100
is turned on or off, the Anti-Dust Vibration function
automatically vibrates the CCD, rapidly shakin
ust particles that may have accumulate
ust specs can show up as marks on image
DIGITAL SLR Long-Life Battery Stamina
Always ready when you need it
Running out of power can bring a day of shooting to a premature end. With
he new Sony InfoLITHIUM Stamina Battery Pack, complemented by low
y consumption measures, you can shoot an amazing 750 shots from a
ingle charge. And thanks to the extended battery life, the A100 satisfies the
even the most professional of photographers, making it ideal for a
ong day of shooting, important events or trips away from home.
Approximate. Measurement based on CIPA standard
Without Super SteadyShot With Super SteadySho
D shifts to compensate for

DIGITAL SLR Bionz Engine
Enrich the power of every photo
The newly developed Sony Bionz Engine powers image processing for the A100 to ensure that all of the rich
olour and detail are as vivid as you remember. The sophisticated algorithm easily handles high-speed, high
uality processing to reduce unwanted image noise without degrading resolution or colour integrity. The Bionz
ngines’ rapid processing capabilities enables the A100 to perform unlimited continuous shooting, at 3 frames
per second as well as the real-time D-Ran
ptimizer. This engine also accurately controls colour saturation,
ontrast and white balance to produce sharp, vivid, yet natural images
DIGITAL SLR High-Speed Response
Ready when you are
Powered by the Sony Bionz Engine, the A100 is equipped with an unlimited
ontinuous burst mode that allows continuous advance shooting at up to
rames per second in JPEG 10MP Fine mode
Keep your finger pressed down
n the shutter release button and continue until the camera’s memory card is
ull. You can also capture a single burst of 6 consecutive frames when shooting
in RAW mode or 3 frames when shootin
Eye-Start system, meanwhile incorporates an infrared sensor just below the
yepiece to detect when the viewfinder is being used. It then automatically
ocus so you are ready to shoot immediately
hooting speed and total number of images recorded is dependent on memory card speed and capacity,
as we
DIGITAL SLR D-Range Optimizer
Find the perfect balance
The D-Range Optimizer function accurately adjusts exposure balance when shooting under high contrast lighting and colour conditions, such as with
backlighting. In Standard Mode, the D-Range Optimizer measures the brightness of the entire scene in real-time to determine the most appropriate
xposure balance. In Advanced Mode, the D-Range Optimizer analyses individual sub-sections of the image and adjusts the brightness of each area
individually to ensure your
hoto is as beautiful and balanced as the scene that inspired you
D-Range Optimizer turned of
D-Range Optimizer (Advanced Mode) activ
D-Range Optimizer (Standard Mode) activ
s continuous shooting on A

Battery Stamina
cameras and Handycams are portable
evices. As in any portable device, battery life
r stamina is critical. Strangely, battery stamina
ten overlooked when purchasing a camera
r Handycam. However, once the camera is
eing used, a buyer soon realises how important
attery life is to the usefulness of the camera – it
an greatly affect product satisfaction.
t’s often forgotten that the camera, not the
attery, is what dictates power consumption.
ony Handycams and Cyber-shot cameras
incorporate efficient processors, which enable
amazing battery stamina.
ll Sony Cyber-shot cameras incorporate Sony’s
Real Imaging Processor (RIMP), designed to
deliver the ultimate operatin
in exceptional battery life.
ll Sony Handycams and selected Cyber-shot
Digital Still cameras feature InfoLITHIUM
attery technology which accurately displays
he remaining battery life in minutes. Each
nfoLITHIUM battery features a microprocessor
at allows real-time communication between the
s accurate minute
ystem lets you rely on your battery display so
ou always know how much time you have left
o use your camera. Never guess again
ony Handycams also have a Display Battery
nfo button. This shows the battery status without
even having to switch the Handycam on.
attery Info Display on Handycams allows
ou to check battery charge without turning
ne of the most important parts of any camera (video or still) is the lens.
lmost all Sony cameras incorporate lenses from one of the world’s best
ens manufacturers – Carl Zeiss. These lenses minimise reflection and
ree light to pass into the camera. This results in
uperb, sharp images with excellent colour reproduction. These benefits are
particularly obvious in low-light conditions as are o
ome models also incorporate Carl Zeiss T* coating which reduces lens
lare (glare) by up to 82 percent. T* coated lenses are ideal in sunny
onditions and all but eliminate repeated ghost spots on images.

CYBER-SHOT Why More MegaPixels?
Having more MegaPixels increases the amount of detail that is captured. As a result more colour
nformation is recorded which improves colour accuracy and tonal gradation
Crop and Enlarge retaining Photo Quality
f you’d like to reframe your shot, crop and print out only part of your image or enlarge it at
otographic quality, it is important to have enough pixels to do this. More pixels allow this without
acrificing picture quality
mage retained after zooming and cropping
image after zooming and cropping part o
the picture
Clear Photo LCD Plus
lear Photo LCD Plus enhances the colour range and
increases the dynamic ran
e and contrast of the image
on-screen, allowing you to review your photo more
ccurately. Anti-glare processing makes sure reflected
ht does not interfere with the displayed image.
hotos in millions of pixels, but only see them in hundreds
f thousands on the LCD panel, the more accurate your LCD, the more
accurately you can judge your shot!
Deflection Panel
CYBER-SHOT Super Steady Shot
Selected Cyber-shot cameras include a Super SteadyShot
lens shi
t technology to stabilise your shot, keeping your
mages sharp and clear. Blurred images, which are most
apparent when using your camera indoors, in tricky
hting situations or when using the extreme end of your
oom are virtually eliminated with SuperSteady Shot.

CYBER-SHOT Real Imaging Processor – RIMP
ony’s exclusive image processing system intelligently enhances your shootin
experience in three important ways
High Speed Performance
Lightning fast start-up times, high speed image display, faster
urst shooting and shorter shutter lag times mean the camera
s ready to go when you are.
educes power consumption for longer shooting and viewing
time. Use your camera for longer
y digitally processing images, the Real Imaging Processor cuts
own on image noise, resulting in sharper, smoother and more
etailed pictures
Real Imaging
Processor chi
CYBER-SHOT High ISO Sensitivity
Low light conditions, such as when taking
ictures indoors – often require slower shutter
eeds for the correct exposure. This often
esults in blurry photos caused by movement of
e camera or the subject w
open. That’s why Sony’s new Cyber-shot ran
D’s (High ISO sensitivity)
hich allows faster shutter speeds to be used which greatly reduces the
ikelihood of blurry photos. Combine this with our state-of-the-art Clear Raw
oise Reduction which combats noise and you have an Anti-Blur system that
educes the occurrence of blurry photos, improves the overall brightness and
increases the effective range of the flash
igh ISO increases flash rang
igh ISO reduces motion blur
Histogram helps you determine whether your photo is correctly exposed, even when your LCD is in extreme sunlight, by reading the amount of light being
eceived by the camera, and converting this information into a graph. To achieve the best exposure, aim to have an even spread throughout the light range,
ith both highlights and dark areas represented. No more guesswork
Number of

CYBER-SHOT MPEG Movie VX (Standard/Fine)
ll Cyber-shot models can record continuous MPEG movies with sound
up to the capacity of your Memory Stick. Quality settings can be selected
o suit different applications, from video for email to high-resolution, 30
rames per second, high-quality movies that will playback on a standard
V at full screen in near TV quality.
PEG Movie VX (Standard) 16.6 frames per second at 640 x 480 image size
PEG Movie VX (Fine) 30 frames per second (requires Memory Stick PRO Media) at 640 x 480 image siz
CYBER-SHOT Touchscreen
The Cyber-shot N2 and T50 feature touch-screen operation, which allows an
asy interface with the camera’s menu system. Just like on Sony Handycams,
this touch-screen technolo
reatly simplifies operation. Camera functions
and settings can easily be adjusted by touching pictures and words on the
yber-shot models with touch-screen also feature a ‘Free Spot AF’ function,
which allows you to
ocus on any object simply by touching it on the screen.
You can also playback / stop / forward / rewind movies easily by tracin
the screen when playing back.
Finally touch-screen Cyber-shot models include the ‘Paint’ feature, which
allows you to draw, write and trace onto your images using the supplied
us. It lets you get even more creative with your shots.
Take a photo of someone famous and have them autograph the photo on
e camera.
e the way you organise, remember
nd see your pictures. Simply by taking along the GPSCS1 with you
hen you are out taking pictures on your compatible Cyber-shot, Alpha or
andycam you w
e able to see exactly where the photo was taken using
satellite picture from Google Earth. By using the GPS Satellite navigation
osition the GPSCS1 records your movements as you
move from place to place taking pictures on your camera. You then simply
download your
hotos and also the GPS location data file from the GPSCS1
nd let the software synchronise these files. Using the date and time that the
picture was taken the exact location of the picture is determined. This position
s then displayed on either a street directory map or a satellite photograph or
combination of both. This is a must have accessory for travelling.
Note: The GPSCS1 works anywhere in the world so you can use it on your overseas holiday etc. and is
ompatible with all current Cyber-shot and Sony DSLR cameras
ybrid image of satellite photo and map

Polarisation Filter
polarisation filter can reduce reflections from glass and water surfaces. It can also increase the contrast of
lue sky or reduce colour overlap by cutting reflections when shooting under bright sunlight.
n extremely bright light your pictures may still be overexposed. Use a Neutral Density (ND) Filter to reduce the brightness level
ithout polarisation filter With the polarisation filte
tele-conversion lens lets you zoom in close to your subject. This is useful for taking photos of concerts or
porting events. It’s also good for filming people or animals in a natural settin
wide conversion lens allows you to fit more into your shot such as when you want to include more people
in the shot or get more of the background landscape captured.
Close-Up Lens
ll Cyber-shot camera models come equipped with macro mode for subjects close up. But there are limits
o the capabilities of extreme close-up shooting. Using a close-up lens you can be further away from your
ubject, getting up close without casting any shadows. Zooming is also possible with the close-up lens, an
ty with macro mode. Your pictures turn out exactly how you imagine
rdinary lens With a 1.7x len
With a 2.0x lens With a 2.6x lens

or those seeking the best possible picture
uality available in consumer camcorders.
Handycams record High Definition in
1080i onto MiniDV Ta
e which is an affordable
archival media while offering wide compatibility
with video editing so
For those who want to record Hi
nto HDD or DVD media with random chapter
nprecedented 1080i picture quality usin
or those seeking the ultimate in convenience
and compatibility – instant DVDs without the
or a computer or editing.
DVD Handycam can
straight from the Handycam, complete with
hapters, however editing can also be done in
amera or on the PC if desired
Sony offers Multi Format Recording on
DVD-R/-RW/+RW for all DVD Handycam
or those seeking longer recording times and
fast transferring to computer for editing or
ormat offers huge recording times and
the ability for high speed transfers of your footage
or those seeking to edit their movies on
Most consumer editing applications are built
around the MiniDV
ormat. This allows for full
lexibility if the user expects to be editing on
HANDYCAM Which Format Should I Choose?
Handycam offers excellent versatility for various applications. The following is a good rule of thumb for
which format suits what application and user
Instant Review
ith DVD Handycam you can play back your footage on your DVD player
without havin
to transfer your video to a computer first! Every time you start
a chapter is created on your
s makes it easy to play
ack your memories as you can instantly see and access your desired shots.
our chapters appear as visual thumbnails both in your camera and on your
DVD player*. So, like a Hollywood DVD, you can easily navigate through the
hapters for simple playback
o computer required. If you like to edit your home video recordings, you can
o this directly in the camera with
mode. You can delete unwanted footage, divide shots and create a ‘favourites’
playlist where you can arrange the order o
the chapters. However, if you
prefer to edit on your computer, the choice is yours
Share your special moments
rives. Share your DVDs with friends and family instantly without having to
spend countless hours trans
erring and editing your footage
When disc is finalised (DVD-RW in video mode onl

ony DVD Handycams offer you a wide choice of formats. Choose from DVD-R, DVD-RW or DVD+RW
epending on which format best suits your needs. Enjoy the flexibility of recording up to 120 minutes
LP mode) on a double-sided disc or up to 60 minutes (LP mode) on a single-sided disc
esigned for single use. Perfect for
pecial events, as its write-once
ty ensures that
your footage cannot be
8cm DVD-RW (1.4GB/2.8GB)
n-camera editing when recordin
in VR mode. Creates a DVD menu
when recording in video mode.
Rewriteable u
o finalise the disc. A DVD
menu is created upon finalising.
Rewriteable u
ll Sony Handycams (except HDRFX1 and
feature an LCD Touch Screen for
easy on-screen menu navigation. Reliable,
accurate, and desi
ony’s Touch Screen system does away
ith confusing buttons and dials on your
Handycam and
rovides an intuitive way to
dditionally, the Spot Focus and Spot Metering
unctions, exclusive to Touch Screen, add
exceptional image control and flexibility to
our videos, even with entry-level models.
ot focus allows you to focus simply just by touching the LCD scree
HANDYCAM HDV (High-Definition Video)
ony HDV Handycams capture video at 1080i
i = interlaced) lines of resolution. This is the
ital broadcasts in Australia.
ith the rapid adoption of HD digital TV, it’s
nly natural that we want to capture our most
ous memories in the same HD quality.
he additional detail and clarity that HDV
1080i produces is simply amazin
MiniDV tapes while still maintaining the same
times as the MiniDV format. This is
chieved by using MPEG-2 compression – the
ame compression technology used for HD digital
er bit rate is
sed to produce exceptional quality, for example,
typical Hollywood DVD uses approximately
s while HDV records at 25Mb/s.
VCHD is a new Camcorder format developed specifically to deliver
h Definition Video onto one of the new generation of
non-linear media such as DVD and HDD. AV
HD utilizes the
H.264 Advanced Video Codec which is extremel
efficient thus
enabling incredibly sharp high resolution images at very low data
ates. With widely pledged support from other major consumer
lectronics Brands and Software Companies the AVCHD format
ill undoubtedly become an important key technology
High Definition AVCHD DVD discs such as those created in the new
HDRUX1 Handycam can be played in supporting Blu-ray players
PLAYSTATION®3, a suitable DVD equipped PC with the
upplied AVCHD player software installed or in the camera itself
sing HDMI or component connections to the TV.
dditionally, Standard Definition recording can be selected allowing
or the creation of standard DVD discs for playback in DVD players.
For HDRUX1 that records to DVD media a new double layer 8cm
DVD Disc (DVD+R DL) has been developed which virtually doubles
e available recording time

HANDYCAM Smooth Slow Record
Smooth Slow Record allows you to record fast action scenes and play them back smoothly in slow
motion. It can be used to analyze a golf swing or tennis stroke. Three seconds of footage is recorded
at a Hi
her (100fps) frame rate and then played back over 12 seconds at normal speed (25fps).
The net result is that the motion is slowed down to quarter speed without any o
would usually occur. You can even decide to record the
seconds of footage after it has occurred so
ou never miss that ‘one off’ event.
HANDYCAM Dual Record
This Function allows simultaneous recording of still pictures
while recording video. This means that if you are shooting video
ootage you can take a high resolution still image at the same
me without interrupting your video recording. Dual Recordin
is made possible due to the inherent characteristics of CMOS
sensors coupled with a newly developed advanced imaging
processor w
HANDYCAM HDD Smart Protection System
All Sony HDD Handycams have a unique HDD protection system to protect the Hard Drive and
prevent data loss. A mechanically-floating
hock Absorber is built in to protect the HDD from physical
ars and a 3G Gravity Sensor detects a fall or bump taking place and removes the HDD write head
rom the platter to stop any physical contact that may occur. Finally, a Video Stream Buffer enables
video to continue recordin
even during a fall or bump. While the HDD head is removed from writing,
ormation is stored in buffer memory and is written to the disc once the fall or bump has
eased and the HDD has returned to normal operation
hile recording video a high res still
amera shows
floating mechanical
Transferring video footage from your HDD
asier. Simply Connect the HDD Handycam
uter* with the supplied USB2.0
able and then simply push the DVD Burn
utton. The camera and software does the rest.
e is downloaded from the HDD Handycam
to your computer at extremely fast speeds (up to
15x Real Time
and the software then creates a
DVD from that foota
e. If there is more footage
that can fit on one disc, then as man
omplimentary to this is the Easy PC Backu
eature which intelligently downloads and stores
on your computers HDD only video footage that
ou have not already downloaded. For example, if
ou have already downloaded 5 hours of footage
and not deleted it off your HDD
andycam) and then you record an extra 1 hour
of footage today, then the easy P
ont re-download those original 5 hours again
hour of recording you have done.
* Computer must be equipped

Without CMOS technology
o vertical line smearing (CM
he Sony Handycam range is taking advantage of the growing
opularity of widescreen TVs. Most Handycams include a Wide
elect feature that let you switch between 16:9 (wide) and 4:3
ecordings with the touch of a button, and include widescreen LCD
creens that allow accurate full-screen review of 16:9 footage.
Handycams with a 1 Megapixel
ensor or greater record footage
in widescreen,
iving you a wider angle of view to fit more into
h-quality widescreen recordings are ideal for playback on
MOS (complimentary metal oxide semiconductor) sensors are used in place of
he CCD (charge coupled device) in some models, and have unique properties
hat enable high picture quality, precise colour reproduction and finer tonal
gradation. Fast transfer, increased sensitivity to light, lower power consumption
as well as a wide dynamic ran
e and smear-free images are key advantages of
ith CMOS Technology (CMOS)
roved tonal gradations gives
Smear-free imaging
Wide dynamic range
HANDYCAM Easy Button
ometimes using the many menu functions and features of your Handycam can
be confusing, especially if you’re new to digital video cameras. With the touch
a button, you can turn your Handycam into Easy Mode. The letters on the
creen double in size, making the on-screen display easier to see and the advance
menu system is replaced with basic functions so that all you need to do is record!
his is great for families with different experience levels – anyone can use a
ony Handycam!

HANDYCAM Instant Surround-Sound Movies
The in-built surround-sound microphon
elected DVD, HDD and Hi Definition
andycams can record Dolby
udio instantly within the camera, with no
need for a computer, additional microphone
r encoding. The 4 Ch surround-sound
microphone captures stereo sound from the front and the rear, and
ncodes it within the camera to Dolby Digital 5.1ch audio. It records
the ambience o
the environment and gives
a more lifelike sound to home movies
Additionally, any narration from the camera operator comes from
ehind the scene, where it should be – not drowning out the action
The camera also includes a surround-sound monitor, so audio
irection and registration can be identified visually.
HANDYCAM Bluetooth Remote Mic
istance wireless sound recording from your
ect. With a range of up to 30 meters you
an now record dialogue and sound that would
therwise be too quiet or completely unheard.
The microphone (attached to your sub
ect by a
supplied neck strap, armband or clip
nal to the receiver (attached to the
active interface shoe on the Handycam) usin
Bluetooth technology. The excellent sound quality
and lon
range capabilities is due to the use of
an Advanced Audio Distribution Profile
times a second to
avoid in
HANDYCAM LCD Zoom / Record
Zoom and Record on your LCD Frame
Did you know that you can zoom in/out as well as stop and start
your recordin
s using buttons located on the LCD frame of your
This is especially useful when you shoot from low or
high angles as you don’t need to struggle with buttons that can
eel awkward to use. By using the buttons located on
the LCD frame you also help to stabilise your camera, makin
video recordings smooth and steady
onvenient zoom and record
buttons on the L
ent access

uper SteadyShot Inside for in-body image stabilisatio
ual Anti-Dust System with Anti-Static Coating and Anti-Dust Vibration Mechanis
0.8 Mega Pixel APS-C Sensor (10.2 Mega Pixel effective
ontinuous Shooting at 3 frames per second and unlimited JPEG Capture†
✔ Long Life Battery Stamina (approx. 750 shots
ionz Engine for powerful image processing
8-70mm DT¤ Zoom Len
10.8 Mega Pixel APS-C sized CCD
ony and Konica Minolta DYNAX /
• Super SteadyShot Inside for In-Body
mage sta
• Dual Anti-Dust System with
nti-Static Coating and Anti-Dust
• Unlimited Continuous Shootin
• Bionz Engine for powerful image
• D-Range Optimizer for exposure analysis
Scene Selector (Portrait, Landscape,
acro, Sports, Evening, Night View,
• Long-Life Battery Stamina (approx.
50 shots by CIPA measurement)
uilt-in Flash (GN12 – in metres
Sensor 23.6 x 15.8mm (APS-C size)
nterlace scan CCD with primary
Mega Pixels
ISO Sensitivity: Auto, 100, 200, 400,
System : CCD-shift mechanis
ompensation : Approx. 2EV – 3.5EV
ecrease in critical shutter speed (varies
ccording to conditions and lens used
D Display : 2.5” Clear Photo LCD
lus TFT display
ixels : 230,00
Enlarged zoomed view : Large (12x),
ype : Fixed eye-level (Roof Mirror
agnification 0.83x (with 50mm lens
iopter control : -2.5 – +1.
attery performance : 750 shots
ecorded (approx. CIPA measurement)
ower Display : 5 level bar grap
ontinuous shooting rate (depending
n media write speed and capacity) :
ontinuous shooting limit (depending
n media write speed and capacity):
JPEG : unlimited, RAW : 6 frames,
Self-timer : 10 sec., 2 sec
olour Mode : Standard, Vivid, Portrait,
ortrait, Monochrome, Adobe RGB
ile Formats: JPEG, RAW, RAW+JPE
Number of recorded pixels: L (10MP):
3,872 x 2,592; M (5.6MP): 2,896 x
936; S (2.5MP): 1,920 x 1,28
olour modes: sRGB, Adobe RG
-Range Optimiser: Advanced /
ecording Media : Memory Stick Duo,
emory Stick PRO Duo (Memory Stick
uo adaptor for Compact Flash slot
ompact Flash (Type
I and II
lash modes : Automatic, Fill flash,
ed-eye reduction pre-flash, Rear Sync
lash, Wireless*, High-speed sync*,
low sync (with AE lock on) *Requires
Guide no. GN 12 (in meters at ISO 100
lash compensation : +/- 2EV
(1/3 EV increments)
Settings : Automatic, Preset (Daylight,
Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten light,
luorescent light, Flash), manual colour
emperature setting in 100°K steps
(2500 – 9900°K) with 19-step Magenta
reen compensation, Custom se
ocus modes : Auto Focus (AF Automatic
One-Shot AF, Continuous AF
irect Manual Focus), Manual Focus
ocus area selection: Wide Area, 9-Point
ocus Area Selection, Spot AF Area
Sensitivity range: EV0 – EV18,
F illuminator via inbuilt flas
Exposure modes : Program AE (Auto-
ode / P-Mode), Aperture-Priority AE
A-Mode), Shutter-Priority AE (S-Mode),
cene selector : Portrait, Landscape,
acro, Sports, Evening, Night,
etering type : Direct TTL metering
(40- se
ment honeycomb-pattern
metering, center-weighted metering,
spot meterin
etering range : EV1 – EV20
(EV4 – EV20 with spot metering),
ISO 100 equivalent with F1.4 len
Speed range : 1/4000 sec. to
lash sync speed : 1/160 sec. (1/125
sec. with Super SteadyShot on
Interface : USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
mass storage mode / PTP mode
ompatible : OS Microsoft Windows Me
000 Professional / XP Home Edition
XP Professional, Macintosh Mac OS X
ideo output : NTSC / PAL selectabl
rinting : Exif Print, Print Image Matchin
imensions (WxHxDmm) Approx.
Weight Approx. 545g (not includin
18-70mm DT Lens (SAL1870
Battery Charger BC-VM10
o Lithium Battery NPFM55H
houlder strap with eyepiece cap
nd Remote Commander cli
MS Duo Adapter for CF Slot
Body ca
e Data Converter SR Ver.1.1 /
icture Motion Browser Ver.1.1
Dependent on memory card write speed and capacit
be used on APS format DSLR Camera
Also available as Body only (DLSRA100B) $1499.00 *
Also available as Twin Lens Kit (DSLRA100WB) $1999.00 * :
SRP is manufacturer’s suggested retail price only and is inclusive of GST. Prices effective as of 1st October 2006. Prices subject to change without notice