Snorkel warrants eachnew machine manufactured and sold by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a
periodofone(1)year fromdateofdeliveryto aCustomeror forone yearafter themachinehas beenplacedinfirstservicein a
Dealerrentalfleet, whichevercomes first.Anypart orpartswhich,upon examinationbythe SnorkelServiceDepartment,are
foundtobedefective, will be replaced or repaired, at the solediscretion of Snorkel, through its local Authorized Dealer at no
Snorkelfurther warrantsthestructuralcomponents; specifically, themainframechassis,turntable,booms and scissor arms,
of each newmachinemanufacturedby it to be free from defects in material and workmanship for an additional period of four
(4) years.Any such par t or parts which, upon examination by the Snorkel Ser vice Department, are found to be defective will
bereplaced orrepairedby Snorkelthroughits localAuthorizedDealeratno charge;however,anylabor chargesincurredas a
result of such replacement or repair will be the responsibility of the Customer or Dealer.
The Snorkel Service Department must be notified within forty-eight (48) hours of any possiblewarrantysituation during the
applicable warranty period. Personnel performing warranty repair or replacement must obtain specific approval by Snorkel
Service Department prior to performing any warranty repair or replacement.
Customer and Dealer shall not be entitled to the benefits of this warranty and Snorkel shall have no obligations hereunder
unless the “Pre-Delivery and Inspection Report” has been properly completed and returned to the Snorkel Service
Department within ten (10) days after delivery of the Snorkelproduct to Customer or Dealer’s rental fleet. Snorkel must be
notified, in writing, within ten (10) days, of any machine sold to a Customer from a Dealer’s rental fleet dur ing the warranty
At the direction of the Snorkel Service Department, any component par t(s) of Snorkel products to be replaced or repaired
underthiswarrantyprogram mustbereturnedfreightprepaid to the SnorkelService Department forinspection. All warranty
replacement parts will be shipped freight prepaid (standard ground) from the Snorkel Ser vice Department or from Snorkel’s
Vendor to Dealer or Customer.
Any replacement or service part made or sold by Snor kel is not subject to the preceding Limited Warranty beyond the
normal warranty period of the machine upon which the par t was installed.
1. Engines, motors, tires and batteries which are manufactured by suppliers to Snorkel, who furnish their own warranty.
Snorkelwill, however,to theextentpermitted,passthrough anysuch warrantyprotection totheCustomerorDealer.
2. AnySnorkelproduct whichhasbeenmodified oralteredoutsideSnorkel’sfactorywithout Snorkel’swritten approval,if
suchmodification or alteration,inthesolejudgmentofSnorkel’sEngineering and/or Service Departments, adversely
affects the stability, reliability or service life of the Snorkel product or any component thereof.
3. AnySnorkel productwhich hasbeensubject tomisuse, impropermaintenanceoraccident.“Misuse”includesbutisnot
limited to operation beyond the factory-rated load capacity and speeds. “Improper maintenance” includes but is not
limited to failure to follow the recommendations contained in the Snorkel Operation, Maintenance, Repair Parts
Manuals.Snorkelis not responsiblefor normal maintenance,serviceadjustmentsand replacements,includingbutnot
limited to hydraulic fluid, filters and lubrication.
4. Normalwearof anySnorkelcomponentpart(s).Normal wearofcomponent parts mayvarywith the typeapplicationor
type of environment in which the machine may be used;such as, but not limited to sandblasting applications.
5. Any Snorkel product that has come in direct contact with any chemical or abrasive material.
6. Incidental or consequential expenses, losses, or damages related to any part or equipment failure, including but not
limited to freight cost to transport the machine to a repair facility, downtime of the machine, lost time for workers, lost
orders, lost rental revenue, lost profits or increased cost.
This warrantyisexpresslyin lieu of all other warranties,representations or liabilities of Snorkel, either expressedorimplied,
unless otherwise amended in writing by Snorkel’s President, Vice President-Engineer ing, Vice President-Sales or Vice
The Customer shall make all warrantyclaims through its local AuthorizedDealer and should contact the Dealer from whom
the Snorkel product was purchased for warranty service. Or, if unable to contact the Dealer, contact the Snorkel Service
Department for further assistance.
If the platform, booms, or any other conductive part of a Snorkelift contacts a high-voltage electr ical
conductor, the result can be SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH for persons on or near the machine.
Be sure to allow for sag and sway in the wires and the work platform.
If a Snorkelift comes in contact with a live electrical conductor, the entire machine can be charged.
If that happens, you should remain on the machine and not contact any other structure or object within
reach. That includes the ground, adjacent buildings, poles, and any object not a part of the Snorkelift.
Such contact could make your body a conductor to the other object creating an electrical shock hazard
resulting in SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH.DO NOT attempt to enter or leave the Snorkelift until you are sure the electricity has been turned off.
If a Snorkelift is in contact with a live conductor, the platform operator MUST warn others on the ground
in the vicinity of the Snorkelift to STA Y AWAY from the machine, since their bodies can also form a
path for electricity to ground thus creating an electrical shock hazard with possible ELECTROCUTION
and DEATH.
DO NOT attempt to operate the Snorkelift ground controls when the platform, booms, or any other
conducting part of a Snorkelift is in contact with electrical wires or if there is an immediate danger of
such contact.
Regard all conductors as energized.
Personnel working on or near a Snorkelift must be continuously aware of electrical hazards,
recognizing that SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH can result if contact with an electrical wire does occur.
AB50J – 0163189page - i
Electrical Hazard
Minimum Safe Approach Distance
The Snorkelift is an all metal boom, NOT ELECTRICALLY INSULATED, aerial work platform.DO NOT
operate it near ELECTRICAL conductors.Regard all conductors as being energized. Use the table and
illustration below to determine safe clearance from electrical conductors. Table 1 and Figure 3 are
reprinted courtesy of Scaffold Industry Association, ANSI/SIA A92.5, page 23.
Table 1 - (M.S.A.D.)
Minimum Safe Approach Distance
to energized (exposed or insulated power lines)
Voltage rangeMinimum safe approach distance
(phase to phase)
0 to 300V
over 300v to 50kv
over 50kv to 200kv
over 200kv to 350kv
over 350kv to 500kv
over 500kv to 750kv
over 750kv to 1000kv
Avoid contact
Figure 3 - (M.S.A.D.)
Denotes prohibited zone
Danger: - Do not allow machine personnel or conductive
materials inside prohibited zone.
- Maintain M.S.A.D. from all energized lines and parts
as well as those shown.
- Assume all electrical parts and wires are energized
unless known otherwise.
page - iiAB50J – 0163189
- Diagrams shown are only for purposes of illustrating
M.S.A.D. work positions, not all work positions.
The most important chapter in this manual is
"Safety" chapter 1. Take time, now, to study it
closely.The information in chapter 1, might save
your life or prevent serious injur y.
The following three conventions are used
throughout this manual.
1. Danger sign
means: Attention! Become alert! Your safety is
2. Caution sign
means one of two things: (1) an action, about
to be performed, is potentially hazardous and
might result in minor personal injur y if not
done correctly, or (2) an action, about to be
performed, can harm the Snorkelift if not done
3. Note sign
Operation Rules
The following rules will help ensure the safety of
personnel and help prevent needless downtime
because of damaged equipment.
1. Only TRAINED and AUTHORIZED operators
shall be permitted to operate the equipment.
2. All manufacturer’s operating instructions and
safety rules and all employers’ safety rules
and all OSHA and other government safety
rules must be strictly adhered to.
3. Repairs and adjustments shall be made only
by QUALIFIED TRAINED maintenance
4. No modification shall be made to the
equipment without prior written consent of
the Snorkel Engineering Department.
5. You must make a pre-start inspection of the
Snorkelift at the beginning of each shift.A
malfunctioning machine must not be used.
6. You must make an inspection of the work
place to locate possible hazards before
operating the Snorkelift.
means: The information following is to assist
you in either the proper steps to take for an
action or as additional information concer ning
your present situation, but does not indicate a
dangerous condition to either you or the
Qualified Operators
The Snorkelift aerial platform has built in safety
features and has been factory tested for
compliance with Snorkel specifications and
industry standards.However, any personnel lifting
device can be potentially dangerous in the hands
of untrained or careless operators.
Training is essential and must be performed by a
QUALIFIED person. Become proficient in
knowledge and actual operation before using the
machine on the job. You must be TRAINED and
AUTHORIZED to perform and functions of the
Snorkelift. Operation of the Snorkelift must be
within the scope of the machine specifications.
Before operation of the Snorkelift you must read
and understand the operating instructions in this
manual as well as the decals, warnings, and
instructions on the machine itself.
DO NOT operate this equipment unless you
are TRAINED and AUTHORIZED and have
read and thoroughly understand all of the
information given in this Operator’s Manual
and on all DANGER and CAUTION signs on
the machine. Misuse of this machine can
Every person who maintains, inspects, tests, or
repairs these machines, and every person
supervising any of these functions, MUST be
properly trained.
This Operator’s Manual provides a daily
inspection procedure that will help you keep your
Snorkelift in good operating condition. DO NOT
perform other maintenance unless you are a
TRAINED mechanic, QUALIFIED to work on the
Snorkelift. Call QUALIFIED maintenance
personnel if you find problems or malfunctions.
DO NOT modify this machine without written
approval from the Engineering Department of
AB50J – 0163189page - iii
Responsibilities of Parties
It is imperative that all owners and users of the
Snorkelift read, understand, and conform to all
applicable regulations. Ultimate compliance to
OSHA regulations is the responsibility of the
employer using the equipment.
ANSI Standard A92.5 identifies requirements of
all parties who might be involved with
Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms.
A reprint of the “Manual of Responsibilities for
Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors and
Lessees of ANSI/SIA A92.5-1992 Boom
Supported Elevating Work Platforms” is available
from Snorkel dealers or from the factory upon
Copies are also available from:
Scaffold Industry Association
20335 Ventura Blvd. Suite 310
Woodland Hills, CA 91364-2471 USA
OSHA, ANSI and CSA Standards
The Snorkelift is a boom-supported elevating
work platform built to conform to the following
OSHA Paragraph1910.67 Title 29, C.F.R.
Vehicle-Mounted Elevating and Rotating
Work Platforms - Labor.
OSHA Paragraph1926.556 Title 29, C.F.R.
Aerial Lifts - Construction.
ANSI Standard A92.5-1992
Boom-Supported Elevating Work Platforms.
The use of optional equipment is discussed in the
“Options” chapter 11.
The options you will find discussed there are:
1. AC generator.
2. Air line to platform.
3. Motion warning alarms.
4. Battery (extra).
5. Cold weather start kit.
6. Dual fuel.
7. Operator horn.
8. Flashing lights.
9. Platform work lights.
10. LPS rating.
11. Sandblast protection kit.
12. Spark arrestor.
13. Platform swinging gate.
14. Optional tires.
15. Tow kit.
16. 4-wheel drive functions.
CSA Standard CAN 3-B354.4-M82
Boom-type Elevating Work Platforms.
California Proposition 65 Warning
The state of California requires that all equipment
used within its boundaries shall have the
following warnings noted in the Operator’s
page - ivAB50J – 0163189
Additional Information
For additional information contact your local
dealer or Snorkel at:
Snorkel Inter national, Inc.
P.O.Box 1160
St. Joseph, MO 64502-1160 USA
The following safety information is vitally
important for safe operation of the AB50J. Failure
to follow these instructions can result in personal
injury or DEATH.
Pre-Start Inspection
At the start of each work shift, the AB50J shall be
given a visual inspection and function test. See
the “Daily Inspection and Maintenance” chapter
7, in this manual for a list of items to inspect and
1. Safety
When moving the platform, check the clearance
around the AB50J to avoid contact with
structures or other hazards. Always look in the
direction of motion.
Keep ground personnel from under the platform
when the platform is raised.
Secure all accessories, containers, tools, and
other materials in the platform to prevent them
from accidentally falling or being kicked off the
DO NOT engage in any form of “horseplay”or
“stunt driving” while operating the AB50J.
DO NOT operate the AB50J unless you are
trained and authorized, understand the
operation characteristics of the AB50J, and
have inspected and tested all functions to be
sure they are in proper working order.
Work Place Inspection and Practices
Do not use the AB50J as a ground for welding.
Ground to the work piece.
Before the AB50J is used, and dur ing use, check
the area in which the AB50J is to be used for
possible hazards such as, but not limited to:
1. Drop-offs or holes.
2. Side slopes.
3. Bumps and floor obstructions.
4. Debris.
5. Overhead obstructions and electrical
6. Hazardous locations.
7. Inadequate surface and support to withstand
all load forces imposed by the aerial platform
in all operating configurations.
8. Wind and weather conditions.
9. Presence of unauthorized persons.
10. Other possible unsafe conditions.
Before using the aerial platform in any hazardous
(classified) location, make certain it is approved
and of the type required by ANSI/NFP A 505 for
use in that particular location.
DO NOT permit riders on the machine anyplace
other than on the platform.
Remove all loose objects stored in or on the
machine, par ticularly in the platform. Remove all
objects which do not belong in or on the machine.
When other moving equipment is in the area,
take special precautions to comply with local
regulations regarding warnings.
Never steady the platform by positioning it
against another platform.
DO NOT operate an AB50J that is not functioning
properly, or has been damaged, until the machine
has been repaired by a qualified maintenance
DO NOT operate an AB50J that does not have all
its decals and placards attached and legible.
Drive the machine with care and at speeds
compatible with conditions. Use extra caution
when driving over rough ground, on slopes, and
when turning.
Know and understand the job site traffic flow
patterns and obey the flagmen, road signs, and
Watch for bystanders and never allow anyone to
be under, or to reach through, the machine and
its equipment while operating.
Use the recommended transport device when
loading the machine.
A recommended safety practice is to have
personnel that are trained in the operation of the
emergency controls working in the immediate
area of the AB50J to assist the platform operator
in the event of an emergency.
AB50J – 0163189page 1 - 1
1. Safety
The AB50J is an all metal boom,
NON-INSULATED, aerial work platform. DO NOT
operate it near ELECTRICAL conductors.Regard
all conductors as being energized.
DO NOT operate outside during a thunderstorm.
Tipover and Falling Hazards
DO NOT operate the AB50J from a position on
trucks, trailers, railway cars, floating vessels,
scaffolds, or similar equipment unless the
application is approved in writing by Snorkel.
If the platform or elevating assembly becomes
caught, snagged, or otherwise prevented from
normal motion by an adjacent structure or other
obstacles such that control reversal does not free
the platform, remove all personnel from the
platform before attempts are made to free the
platform using ground controls.
It is best not to transfer from the platform to
another structure or from the structure to the
platform, unless that is the safest way to do the
job.Judge each situation separately taking the
work environment into account. If it is necessary
to transfer from the platform to another structure
the following guidelines apply:
1. Where possible, place the work platform over
a roof or walking structure to do the transfer.
2. Transfer your anchorage from one structure
to another before you step across.
3. Remember, you might be departing the work
platform to a structure where
4. Use the platform entrance, do not climb over
the guard rails.
All platform occupants MUST wear a fall restraint
device connected to a lanyard anchor point.
DO NOT exceed the unrestricted platform
capacity as indicated on the capacity placard at
the entrance to the platform.
DO NOT raise the boom if the AB50J is on soft
ground.Operate the boom only on a firm surface
capable of withstanding all load forces imposed
by the aerial platform in all operating conditions.
Do Not carry loads that extend beyond the
platform guardrails without prior written consent
from Snorkel.
is required.
personal fall
Raise the platform only when the AB50J is on
level ground.
Maintain a firm footing on the platform floor.
Climbing on the guardrails is prohibited.
DO NOT use ladders, planks, or other devices to
extend or increase your work position from the
DO NOT jerk the controls. Move the controls
slowly and deliberately to avoid jerky and erratic
operation.Always stop the controls in the neutral,
off, position before going in the opposite
DO NOT use the boom for any purpose other
than to position personnel, their tools, and
DO NOT use the AB50J as a crane, hoist, or
DO NOT operate the AB50J in winds, or wind
gusts, of 28 mph (45 km/h) or more.
DO NOT add anything to the AB50J that will
increase the wind loading (banners, flags, etc.).
Always look in the direction of travel.Avoid
overhead obstructions.
Never cover the floor grating or otherwise
obstruct your view below.
Make sure the area below the platform is free of
personnel before lowering.
General Safety Precautions
Personnel Precautions
If you encounter any suspected malfunction of
the aerial platform, or any hazard or potentially
unsafe condition relating to capacity, intended
use, or safe operation, cease operation and seek
assistance from management.
Operator General Precautions
Make sure that all protective guards, cowlings,
and doors are in place and secure.
Be sure the guardrail system, including the gate,
is in place and secure.
Care shall be taken to prevent rope, electrical
cords, and hoses, etc., from becoming entangled
in the aerial platform.
page 1 - 2AB50J – 0163189
1. Safety
Mounting and Dismounting Precautions
Use three points of support when getting on or off
the platform (two hands and one foot or a similar
set of points). Keep the platform clean.
DO NOT jump off the machine.
DO NOT dismount while the machine is in
Starting and Stopping Precautions
DO NOT start until all personnel are clearly away
from the machine.
Before leaving the operator’s station, place the
machine in the stowed position.
When leaving the machine parked or unattended,
remove the starter key from the Master KeySwitch, set the Battery switch to OFF, then lock
the Battery switch.
Operating Precautions
DO NOT modify the AB50J in any way.
When parts or components are replaced, they
shall be identical or equivalent to or iginal Snorkel
parts or components.
DO NOT override any of the safety features of the
Limit travel speeds according to conditions. Take
into account: grade, surface, congestion, visibility,
side slope, location of personnel, and other
Operator Maintenance Precautions
Use extreme caution when removing radiator
caps.Park the machine and let it cool down
before opening a pressurized compartment.
DO NOT use your hand to search for hydraulic
oil leaks. High pressure hydraulic oil can easily
cut and penetrate your skin — a very serious
injury that requires immediate attention by a
medical specialist trained in that type of injury.
Use a piece of cardboard or wood to search
for hydraulic oil leaks.
DO NOT attempt repairs unless you are
trained.Refer to manuals and experienced
repair personnel for help.
Fuel Handling Precautions
DO NOT smoke or permit open flames while
fueling or near fueling operations.
Never remove the fuel cap or refuel a gasoline
engine while the engine is running or hot. Never
allow fuel to spill on hot machine components.
Maintain control of the fuel filler nozzle when
filling the tank.
DO NOT fill the fuel tank to capacity.Allow room
for expansion.
Clean up spilled fuel immediately.
Tighten the fuel tank cap securely. If the fuel cap
is lost, replace it with an approved cap from
Snorkel. Use of a non-approved cap without
proper venting may result in pressurization of the
Never use fuel for cleaning purposes.
For diesel engines, use the correct fuel grade for
the operating season.
Safety Placards and Decals
There are several safety placards and decals on
the AB50J. Their locations and descriptions are
shown in this section. Take time to study them.
Be sure that all the safety placards and decals
on the AB50J are legible.Clean or replace
them if you cannot read the words or see the
pictures.Clean with soap & water and a soft
cloth. Do not use solvents.
You MUST replace a placard or decal if it is
damaged, missing, or cannot be read. If it is
on a part that is replaced, make sure a new
decal or placard is installed on the replaced
part. See your Snorkel dealer for new decals
and placards.
Refer to Placards and Decals in the “Daily
Inspection and Maintenance” chapter 7, for
part numbers, location, and required quantities
of all placards and decals.
AB50J – 0163189page 1 - 3
1. Safety
Safety Placards and Decals Location
(Tow option only)
(Tow option only)
page 1 - 4AB50J – 0163189
1. Safety
(Tow option only)
(LPG option only)
AB50J – 0163189page 1 - 5
1. Safety
page 1 - 6AB50J – 0163189
1. Safety
AB50J – 0163189page 1 - 7
Safety Device Information
For emergency operation controls and procedures,
see the “Emergency Operation” chapter 9.
The devices listed in this chapter are safety
They are on the AB50J to increase safety in the
work place for both the operator and other people
near the AB50J.
DO NOT by pass, disable, modify, or ignore
any of these devices.Check them carefully at
the start of each work shift to see that they are
in working order (see “Daily Inspection and
Maintenance” chapter 7). If any is found to be
defective, remove the AB50J from service
immediately until a qualified service technician
can make repairs.
2. Safety Devices
the other is located on the platform control box.
The buzzers are connected in parallel, they both
emit the same pattern of sound at the same time.
The tilt alarm is also located on the platform
control box.
The different alarm sound patterns these three
devices make are shown in the table immediately
below and discussed below the table.
There are two buzzers on the AB50J. One is
located on the ground control box,
Engine start-up
Low oil pressure
Alternator not charging
Axle unlocked
Tilt alarm
Optional alarms:
All motion
Descending boom
Drive motion
Start-Up Alarm
When the Master Key Switch or Anti-Restart
switch is turned ON, just prior to starting, the
buzzers emit a loud continuous tone to alert
others in the area that the AB50J is about to
start. The tone will continue until the AB50J starts
or the switch is turned OFF.
5 sec.
AB50J – 0163189page 2 - 1
2. Safety Devices
Engine Shut-Off Alarm
The engine shut-off alarm comes on when the
engine is overheating or the oil pressure is low.
When the alarm sounds you should immediately
lower the platform completely down then turn the
engine off until the condition that caused the
alarm has been corrected.See “Automatic
Shut-Offs and Circuit Breakers” chapter 5 for
more information.
If the engine has automatically shut off, and
will not restart, go to the “Emergency
Operation” chapter 9, and use emergency
operation procedures to lower the platform.
Alternator Not Charging Alarm
DO NOT continue to operate the AB50J while
the alternator alarm sounds. Without charging
current, the battery will discharge to the point
it cannot operate Emergency Power.
Axle Unlocked Alarm
The front axle of the AB50J pivots so that all four
wheels remain on the ground when the machine
is driven with the main boom elevated less than
5° and the riser booms down. This improves
traction for 4-wheel drive machines and reduces
the ground pressure for all machines while they
are driven between work sites.
The main boom (more than 5°) and/or riser
booms should only be raised when the AB50J is
on a smooth level surface.When the main boom
is raised more than 5° or the riser booms are
raised slightly the front axle is automatically
forced to lock into position parallel to the rear axle
so that the bottoms of all four tires are in the
same plane. This maximizes stability of the
chassis while the booms are up.
If the engine alternator quits (usually because of
a broken fan belt), a continuous tone alarm will
automatically sound. The alarm warns you that
the battery is discharging.
Check the alternator drive belt to see if it is
broken or loose before you try to restart the
engine.If the engine will not restart, refer the
problem to a qualified service technician.
If the front axle is not locked parallel to the rear
axle when the main boom is raised more than 5°
or riser booms are raised, the TIP OVER
HAZARD light will come on and the “axle
unlocked”alarm will sound.
DO NOT raise the main boom or riser booms
while the “axle unlocked” alarm is sounding.
When the alarm sounds you should
IMMEDIATELY lower the booms completely
down.Drive to a slightly different position, then
raise the booms again. If the alarm comes on
again, take the machine out of service
immediately and refer the problem to a
qualified service technician.
page 2 - 2AB50J – 0163189
Tilt Alarm
The tilt alarm warns the AB50J operator that the
AB50J is over 5° out of level.If the tilt continues
to increase, the AB50J will eventually tip over.
To prevent Death or Serious Injury, when you
hear the loud two toned (high-low-high-low...)
alarm, immediately retract and lower the
platform. When the platform is completely
down, determine and correct the cause of the
tilt before raising the platform again.
All Motion Alarm
The optional all motion alarm emits a loud
beeping sound anytime a platform moving switch
is used or anytime the DRIVE/STEER controller
is used. The alarm alerts people near the AB50J
that some part of the AB50J is moving.
Descending Boom Alarm
The optional descending boom alarm emits a
loud beeping sound anytime the jib boom, main
boom, or riser booms come DOWN. The alarm
also sounds when the tip boom RETRACTS.The
alarm alerts people near the AB50J that a boom
is lowering.
2. Safety Devices
Other Safety Devices
The battery in the AB50J is a safety device
because it powers the emergency operating
circuits.If the platform is aloft and the engine
dies, battery power is the only way to lower the
platform, there is no manual bleed down
procedure.Thus, battery maintenance is very
important. The battery should always be kept at
full charge and the battery terminals kept free of
Drive Motion Alarm
The optional drive motion alarm emits a loud
beeping sound anytime the Drive/Steer controller
is in FORWARD or REVERSE. This alarm alerts
people on the ground that the AB50J is traveling
along the ground.
If an optional extra battery is installed, at rear of
turntable, it too is a safety device.The extra
battery is not connected to the standard battery.
The batteries alternate use: only one battery is
connected to the electrical system at a time. Each
time the starter motor is activated the battery
used changes.
AB50J – 0163189page 2 - 3
2. Safety Devices
Emergency Stop Switches
At Ground Control Box
Press the large red Emergency Stop switch in,
at any time, under any conditions, and the entire
machine stops, the engine turns off, the brakes
automatically set, and nothing moves.
At Platform Control Box
Press the large red Emergency Stop switch
down (off) and the entire machine stops, the
engine turns off, the brakes automatically set,
and nothing moves.
This switch must be pulled to its up (on) position
to control the AB50J from the platform.
Flashing Lights
This switch must be pulled out (on) for anything
on the AB50J to work.
The ground control box is designed to override
the platform control box.
If the platform control box Emergency Stop
switch is down (off) the ground control box can
still be used to start and operate the AB50J.
The optional flashing lights alert people that the
AB50J is present. The lights flash at about one
flash per second any time the Battery,
Emergency Stop (at the ground), and Master
Key Switch are all ON.
There is no ON/OFF switch for the flashing lights.
page 2 - 4AB50J – 0163189
2. Safety Devices
Foam Filled Tires
Optional foam filled tires eliminate the possibility
of air leaks or blowouts which might cause a
tipover. Foam filled tires are therefore a safety
Inspect them at the start of each work shift
according to the procedures in the “Daily
Inspection and Maintenance” chapter 7.
The foam filled tire shown here, shows signs of
damage and therefore is not acceptable for
Platform Foot Switch
Lanyard Anchor Points
All personnel on the platform shall attach their fall
restraint lanyards to one of the lanyard anchor
❑ Platform Guardrails
The guardrails help protect you from falling off the
platform. Be sure the guardrails are properly
installed and that the gravity gate or swinging
gate is in place.
The platform foot switch prevents the platform
from moving if something accidentally pushes
one of the platform moving controls on the
platform control box.To make the platform move
you must step on the foot switch at the same time
you use a platform moving control.
AB50J – 0163189page 2 - 5
2. Safety Devices
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt
The ground fault circuit interrupt (GFCI) is located
near the platform control box.
The GFCI protects against short circuits to
ground.When there is a short to ground the GFCI
shuts off power to the electrical outlets.
To use the outlet, connect the power input
connector, at the rear of the turntable, to a source
of 125 V AC, 15 A electrical power.
Platform Gravity Gate
The platform gravity gate is the place in the
platform guardrail system where you should enter
and leave the platform.
If the AB50J has the optional AC Generator,
plug the power input connector into the
generator.Then, set the AC Generator switch,
on the platform control box, to ON.
See “electrical Outlet at the Platform” in the
“Operation” chapter 8, for more information
about how to use the GFCI.
Raise the gate and step under it onto the
Once you have entered the platform and
attached your fall restraint lanyard to an
anchor point, check to see that the gravity
gate has fallen back into place.
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Ground Operation Switch
The Ground Operation switch prevents the
platform from moving if something accidentally
pushes one of the platform moving switches at
the ground control box. To make the platform
move you must push and hold the GroundOperation switch up at the same time you use a
platform moving switch.
2. Safety Devices
Level Sensor
The level sensor, located behind the ground
control box, detects how far out of level the
turntable is.
If the turntable gets over 5° out of level and the
booms are raised, the level sensor activates the
tilt alarm.
Platform Swinging Gate
Operator Horn
The optional operator Horn is used primarily to
get the attention of people on the ground when
you are wor king aloft. For the horn to work the
Battery switch must be ON and the following
switches, on the ground control box, must be set
as indicated:
The optional platform swinging gate is designed
to automatically close after you enter or leave the
platform. It helps prevent people from falling off
the platform.
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2. Safety Devices
Platform Work Lights
The optional platform work lights are located on
top the platform guardrail. For the lights to work,
the Battery switch must be ON and the following
switches, on the ground control box, must be set
as indicated:
Tipover Hazard Light
This light will come on when the front axle should
be locked but is not. The axle unlocked alarm will
sound when this light is on. When this light
comes on you should immediately completely
lower the booms.
Drive to a slightly different position then raise the
booms again. If the alarm comes on, take the
machine out of service IMMEDIATELY and refer
the problem to a qualified service technician. For
more information about the axle lock, see “Axle
Unlocked Alarm” at the star t of this chapter.
The toggle switch on the back of a light turns it on.
Incandescent lights draw three amperes (35
watts) each. Halogen lights draw four amperes
(50 watts) each.
If you wor k with the lights turned on and the
engine turned off, the battery can discharge to
the point it will not start the engine nor run the
Emergency Power hydraulic pump.
If you cannot leave the engine running while
the lights are on, start and run the engine at
least 15 minutes in each hour to keep the
battery charged.
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