SilentKnight VisorAlarm Manager User Manual

VisorALARM-Manager Application Quick Guide.
(Ver. 1.3)
Dm 380-I. V:3.0
1. Installation Requirements
1.1. PC
Pentium III processor or higher.
Minimum RAM memory: 128 Mbytes
Operating system: Windows XP
Free hard disk space: 40 Mbytes
Minimum screen resolution: 1024x768, 256 colors.
Ethernet 10/100BT network card.
1.2. VisorALARM
Check that the VisorALARM firmware release is or higher.
2. Executing VisorALARM-Manager and connecting to a VisorALARM
Before executing the VisorALARM-Manager application, you need IP connectivity between the PC and VisorALARM (the steps required to achieve connectivity are described in the VisorALARM-Manager Quick Setup Guide.) The initial application screen is as follows:
, Windows 2000TM.
Figure 1
Enter the IP address for the VisorALARM you wish to access on this screen. Once the connection is established, you need to authenticate with the VisorALARM:
VisorALARM Manager – Quick Guide
Doc. DM380-I
Rev. 3.0
Figure 2
Enter the user and device password in the above screen. Once authentication has completed, the application main screen appears.
Figure 3
VisorALARM Manager – Quick Guide
Doc. DM380-I
Rev. 3.0
3. Reading the VisorALARM Configuration
To get or refresh the actual device configuration, click on the “Read configuration device” button. This is shown in the following figure.
Figure 4
The first time that the VisorALARM Manager connects to the device this is done automatically.
4. Modifying the VisorALARM general parameters
The “General Parameters” tab shown in Fig 3 shows the VisorALARM parameters. To modify any of these, change the value for the required parameter and then click on the “Update” button (see Fig 3) to save the change in the VisorALARM. If you want to change various parameters at the same time, click on the “Update” button once you have executed all the changes. When the updating process has finished the program will ask you to restart the VisorALARM device. Press “OK” to restart the equipment so the new parameter values take effect.
Figure 5
Parameter Description
IP Address IP Address of the VisorALARM receiver in the Central Station
IP Mask IP Mask of the VisorALARM receiver in the Central Station
Gateway Gateway for Internet Access in the Central Station LAN Type of VisorALARM A receiver can be Main, Backup or Maintenance. Communication Port This is the UDP Port where the mIP/IPDACT devices will
NTP Server IP Address IP Address for a Network Time Protocol Server Maintenance receiver
password Sync Port This is the port used between Main and Backup receivers to
Main Receiver IP Address In a Backup receiver this will set up the IP Address of its Main
send the registration, supervision and alarm data packets
Encryption password used by mIP/IPDACT device when sending data packets to a Maintenance Receiver
synchronize configurations
VisorALARM Manager – Quick Guide
Doc. DM380-I
Rev. 3.0
Printer: Line Speed Baud rate for the Serial Printer connected to WAN2/PRN Printer: Data bits Number of data bits for the Serial Printer connected to
Printer: Stop bits Number of stop bits for the Serial Printer connected to
Printer: Flow Control Specifies if the communications with the Serial Printer require
Internet Link: Monitoring address
Internet Link: Frequency Number of seconds between two polls from the receiver to
Enable monitor events Enables/Disables monitoring events in the receiver Serial Port: Line Speed Baud rate for the Serial Port where automation software is
Serial Port: Data bits Number of data bits for the Serial Port where automation
Serial Port: Stop bits Number of stop bits for the Serial Port where automation
Serial Port: Flow Control Specifies if the communications with the Serial Port where
Serial Port: Receiver Type Emulated receiver, the currently supported emulation types
Serial Port: Receiver Identifier Number for this receiver in the automation software Serial Port: Line Identifier Number for the unique line of this receiver in the automation
Serial Port: Link Test Timer Specifies the time interval that the receiver waits between
Serial Port: Enable ACK/NACK
Serial Port: ACK Char ACK char used for the Acknowledgement when using
Serial Port: Header Char Header char used for start of frames when using Radionics
Serial Port:: Termination Char Termination char used to end the frames when using
Serial Port: NACK Char NACK char used for the Negative acknowledgements when
User The user name for management purposes. This is always
Password Password for the manager UD authentication User and Password to be used for access to the remote UD
Hardware Flow Control IP Address for a server in Internet used to check that the
receiver has Internet Access
the Monitoring Address.
software is connected
software is connected
automation software is connected require Hardware Flow Control
are Ademco 685, Surgard MLR2000, Surgard DLR2 and Radionics 6500.
polls to the automation software through the serial port. For the Ademco 685 emulation specifies if the VisorALARM
receiver must wait for acknowledgments when a signal is sent to the automation software through the serial port.
Radionics 6500 emulation
6500 emulation
Radionics 6500 emulation
using Radionics 6500 emulation
VisorALARM Manager – Quick Guide
Doc. DM380-I
Rev. 3.0
+ 8 hidden pages